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After a few days of running in, the prison in the Demon Suppression Tower has become quite harmonious, full of a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

In the square in front of the prison, a group of people were walking back and forth.

"Hurry up and make a fire to cook."

"I've also written my love letter."

"Eating grilled rice tonight?"


"Bamboo tube?"

"We have them all, bamboo tubes, and river demons making rice."

"That's great. I've never had such delicious food before I came here."

There is a bonfire party in front of you, with barbecue grills, barbecue nets, crow hair brushes, and river monster skin blowers.

They are cooking.

Thanks to Su Yuniang's soothing social attributes, these lower-class women who had only studied for a few years were influenced by her.

Furthermore, they are very "free" now.

They are not prisoners, but more than two thousand jailers. The change of status will make them feel relaxed.

And where are the prisoners in the prison?

Those two talisman masters.

The four internal organs realm is a very high realm.

So they had a sense of immediacy that I was imprisoning a strong person to prevent him from escaping.

Therefore, I became a manager and my enthusiasm for learning was very high.

Coupled with his status as a follower of the Wu Sheng Cult, he quickly integrated into the Wu Sheng Cult group and had abundant spiritual rice food every day.

Even at the foot of the mountain, daily bonfire dinners were held.

When Ning Zheng returned home, there was only a note left on the table, asking Ning Zheng to come to the prison for a big meal.

He was speechless on the spot!

The two of them were building a prison and were so busy that their feet never touched the ground.

After Ning Zheng arrived at the prison, she quickly entered a bonfire party, sat down to eat, and was surrounded by a lively and cheerful atmosphere.

"This is***?"

"Well, it's said to be made by the embroidery lady on the mountain. Try it on and see."

"So lovely."

"Pretty, right?"

"It just breaks holes easily."

"what about this?"

"It's called high heels."

Many women gathered around the huge burning bonfire, dressed in beautiful costumes, dancing, singing and dancing.

Su Yuniang is teaching them to become Wujian anchors and collect the wool of that group of blacksmiths.

Ning Zheng had no objection to this.

Those blacksmiths earn so much money, so naturally they have to spend it in the villa to support the prison, which is very good.

Ning Zheng looked at them practicing dancing in the distance, and found it pleasing to the eye.

He is such a good person.

The followers of Wu Sheng Cult are all so well-raised.

At this moment.

The bonfires on the mountain and the bonfires at the foot of the mountain echo each other from a distance, and it really feels like magpie bridges looking at each other.

——The bonfires on both sides are lucky leeks.

Although the blacksmiths on the mountain were also eating in front of the campfire, they could not see clearly down the mountain with their telescopes.

Because this prison is covered by a huge circular high wall, peeping is prohibited and privacy is well protected.

Su Yuniang's calculations were very loud.

How can I make money in the future if I peek at you dancing practice?

I just want the blacksmith in your villa to take out the money and ask the sisters to go out and dance a song for you during dinner.

"The food they cook is so yin-yin-y that ordinary people probably can't stand it."

After Ning Zheng had eaten a full meal, she felt that her craftsmanship was not bad. She lay on a wooden chair, lit a bonfire, and watched the dance in the distance. A group of warblers and swallows were singing and dancing happily.

He suddenly felt that it would be nice to change the eating environment occasionally.

Prison will be one of his places to eat.

"Tomorrow, I guess I can go into the city and have a look."

A hint of complexity arose in his heart, he came to this world tomorrow

He was somewhat looking forward to it


I have no plans to go to Pyeongchang Castle.

Because this small local town has been engaged in internal fighting for the past few months without stopping.

In addition, Guipu, the mole, made a wave of his own.

I guess there isn't anything good left in the city.

The city of Xinyi Prefecture was the trading center of a thousand cities on this land. He planned to see if there was an auction and buy some good things.

He has two goals for this trip:

1. Meat field.

2. Certain treasures and spiritual roots that speed up the accumulation of knowledge.

In this case, the blacksmiths can make iron research faster.

Otherwise, no matter how talented a person is, it will probably take several years to advance to the advanced level of blacksmith.

Even if this increase in the speed of knowledge accumulation has some side effects.

For example, enlightenment, the old man seizing the house, and the dove occupying the magpie's nest are all completely acceptable.

This kind of plot often appears in Li Youzhu's storybooks.

The protagonist accepts the inheritance and quickly becomes a master of a certain profession. These adventures should also exist in reality.

He was thinking about some things that were not there, and watching the hot dance, he felt a different mood.

Pingzu Paper House.

Oil lamps flickered in the cold and silent house.

Li Youzhu walked out of the door and looked at the prison bonfire. The group of women dancing, shining with the sweat and glory of the dancers, fell into deep thought.

"My daughter"

"The Villa hasn't been so lively for a long time."

He sighed deeply and returned to the room.

After a while, I moved out a chair and looked at the swaying fire in the distance again.

Early next morning.

Ning Zheng woke up at home, feeling refreshed, which was a good sign for a long trip. She checked the time on the game forum, which was seven o'clock.

This world originally had time counting.

The alternation of the sun and the moon is very obvious and you can tell the time of the day.

But now that there is no sun and moon, it is a little difficult to recognize time. At the very least, it has caused trouble to the people at the bottom.

Fortunately for Ning Zheng, he can check the time on the forum.

And took a look at their forum last night.

"Boss City Guard Target: The little boy's fusion reaction is in progress, and the surface-to-surface long-range missile program is officially launched"

"How many little boys and followers of the Wusheng Cult are there to be half-awakened? 》

"On the Plot of Xinyi Zhoucheng: Can we finally go and play with the Sword Fairy?" 》

"The real goal of entering the city: to purchase resources from the villa, not to make contact with the sword fairy in the middle of the whirlpool"

Ning Zheng looked around the forums and found that their information was basically irrelevant.

The only interesting thing is a post.

"Leek Cai Rong: Brothers, something big has happened"

The post reads:

"The old steward said that the blacksmith would explore the road and make sure it's safe, so he's going to go into the city to buy things."

"How can you not take pictures when you enter the city?"

"When I was purchasing before, I asked the blacksmith to jointly buy a projection screen. This is a magic weapon that can take pictures. I actually used it and asked Ember to take it out to take pictures."

"As we all know, traveling frogs take photos during their travels and bring them back to their owners."

"The travel photos are officially online. This depends on the planning team and hiring more artists to do some CG photos."

"Don't ask why you didn't buy a video ball, just record it. That thing is the same as a communication device. It costs one thousand dharma. I can't afford it. I can only take a photo."

"I'm going to develop a medium-grade spiritual root, a mutated painting card, and a camera software. I'll be able to reflect the picture on the painting card. It will be very exciting and break the high-end market. Let's start with me!"

"This mutated painting card can probably be used as a tablet to create a comic series."

They clearly know.

It is impossible for the player body to open the map.

Only embers can go.

from their perspective

, this is essentially a game about managing a villa, with a very small map.

Each area they visited before was a small independent copy.

If it is a plot involving a large city or a super large sand table, the production team simply does not make such a large map and can only let the embers escape.

There is nothing outside the air wall.

Now take a CG of the adventure photos and bring them back to the owner. It is already a standard travel frog!

Ning Zheng spent about an hour reading the forum and eating, which was exactly eight o'clock.

The blacksmith just came online.

He stood up, put on his coat, and went up to the villa.

At the entrance of the villa, a group of people were already waiting.

There were even banners hanging.

[Congratulations to send the old steward into the city to help you achieve victory. 】

This damn ritual.

Well done, don't do it again next time.

Without any pause, Ning Zheng sent the group of eight people to the teleportation array and looked down at the luck value:

[Current luck value: 1900]

It's up 50 points.

This small number is not a chance, but today's trip is going smoothly.

Ning Zheng thinks this is normal.

How could there be so many accidents?

There may be millions of people coming in and out of Xinyizhou City every day, but something happens if I go there?

It's the most unreasonable thing to happen.

To be on the safe side, Ning Zheng let them go first.


"The reconnaissance team is officially dispatched!"

A group of people officially stepped into it.

According to the coordinate information left by the sword fairy, it was successfully teleported to the temporary teleportation array on the other side.

My eyes were in a trance.

Several people appeared in a deep mountain snowfield, surrounded by a vast expanse of white.

This teleportation array was obviously a backup plan left by Jian Xin to escape. If there was an accident in the city, he could retreat directly from here.

"Where is the direction?" Dian Dian asked.

"Let's go to a higher place to confirm first."

Erya obviously has experience in wild escape.

She had escaped from Pingchang City with the refugee wave before.

After encountering black shops, robbers, monsters, bullies, and all kinds of things along the way, he finally escaped to the Sword Forging Villa in the mountains.

During that escape, there were many talented people from various professions, including many experienced wilderness monster hunters.

Erya followed along and learned a lot of experience. Her knowledge was not weaker than that of veterans of the Five Body Realm.

And the higher level of the four internal organs?

Feel sorry.

They really may not have the rich knowledge of the wilderness in the Five Body Realm.

After all, there are very few casual cultivators who can enter the Four Zang realms, and the children of the family do not need to take risks at low levels.

For example, Shi Youyou and others could not even build a house, let alone survive in the wilderness.

People only officially go out alone after breaking through the four zang realms. At that time, they are no longer in the category of survival, and they fly at low altitude in the wild.


Today's material collection adventure teams actually have Erya providing tactical experience.


How can they do it with this group of blacksmiths who have high ambitions but low abilities and talk nonsense?

They are all good boys in the city.

I really have no experience in surviving in the wild. I don't know the direction or how to identify the footprints of monsters.

"Go that way!"

"Protect Erya."

"Move faster."

Soon, under the leadership of Erya, the group of them walked through the snow.

Fortunately, they are all tricky and will not be tiring.

They quickly climbed to the top of this several-thousand-meter-high snow peak. Just as they climbed the mountain, they discovered an extremely shocking scene.

"Look, what is that?" Dian Di suddenly screamed loudly.

Everyone looked up and saw a huge wall tens of thousands of meters high.

A barrier that seemed to block out the sky and sun stood in front of us, penetrating into the sky.

The thousands of meters of snow-capped mountains below them were like an ant's bag, so short that they were inconspicuous.

That mythical wall gives people an incredible sense of shock, as if mountains far exceeding Mount Everest are stacked together, giving people a strong sense of suffocation like a myth.

Dusk enveloped the huge wall, and history was threading its way through the tombstones to form a corridor.

It was one of the walls built by the greatest beings in human history.

In a trance, everyone was infected by a vast and thick spirit.

The majestic figures on the wall seem to be in front of me. The earth-shattering sword shadows, knife marks, their spirits, tears, sorrows and joys are now rippling with the long river of time, buried in the dust of the old year, and disappearing in the rain. .

"This endless stretch of the Great Wall is the history of the human race!!"

This scene was so real and shocking that almost everyone was so excited that they shouted——

We have found the wall of sighs of human history!

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