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Seeing that big wall, they suddenly fully understood what the walls of this world meant.

A long-lasting sense of epic and inheritance that spans eternity is condensed in this scene.

The high walls built by the sages of the past are arranged according to history and stretch continuously. Birth and death are the past, and death and rebirth are also the future.

"In this world, the sages are using history to build a long wall to protect the humans living in it."

They murmured softly.

Whether it is the protection of the Great Wall in a conceptual sense or the protection of the Great Wall in a practical sense.

At this moment, they deeply understood why it was now called the most powerful era in the history of immortality.

Looking at that city wall, all the doubts and puzzles in my heart were answered.

Because reading was a flourishing age, they had a strong scholarly spirit, and most of them had a chivalrous romance and a sense of saving the world in their hearts.

Culture is inherited.

Reading and educating people has allowed these scholars to become a torrent and compose the hymn of mankind in a different way.

And above the torrent of time, the supreme being who teaches the world to read, the current saint, is the source of this prosperous age of reading.

He built endless tombstones for the people of the world to protect the human race.

"It's such a shocking and profound mythical worldview. I decided to cure the saint's eyes."

Dazzled yelled, "At any cost, our villa must be like a couplet, with swords, guns, swords and halberds going forward!"

"Hahaha~ Brothers, we saw the city wall and we have to find a way to enter it."

Dizzy screamed to share her joy and couldn't help shouting.

ah! ! ! !

Surrounded by mountains, he was shouting to express his excitement.


Compared to the high wall, which is several times higher than Mount Everest, his shout was too small and disappeared without a trace along with the strong wind and snow.

The other blacksmiths, including Erya, were shocked by the spectacle in front of them.

This scene is destined to be unforgettable for a lifetime.

This is the core of the Thousand Cities of the Human Race in Xinyi Continent and the location of the Holy Land.


Take photos directly.

After taking several consecutive photos of the vast and spectacular city wall scenery, they determined their location, went down the mountain, and walked towards the giant wall.

They quickly returned to the horizon, planning to pass through these mountains according to their previous memories and route planning.

The mountains obscured the huge wall, making it invisible to them just now.

There is a feeling of being unable to see Mount Tai with a blind eye.

"What a big wall." Dian Dian said in a dry voice, "The small garbage wall in Pingchang City is just like playing house."

Erya murmured: "How big must the human settlement inside this wall be?"

A blacksmith next to him said:

"It's not surprising that humans are living in gathering places. They all live within walls. Towns, small villages, mountains, rivers, and farmland are divided into walls."

The group of them accelerated forward, quickly bypassed the mountains, and saw a huge city wall. As they continued walking, they saw a huge city gate.

It says [Scale Gate]

The whole city is huge.

But the city should have a lot of gates, maybe thousands or even tens of thousands of gates.

Because the small city of Pingchang is only the size of a real province on Earth, there are thousands of gates extending in all directions for people to enter and exit.


Most of the monks in Pingchang City have never been to a distant gathering area in their lives.

Just like the east side of a province, it is rare to go to the west side of the province.

Their entrance and the area they enter may be completely different from other areas, and it may even be impossible to see the Sword Fairy.

Because the Sword Fairy should be in the center of the ring area, and her structure is probably being studied by a group of big guys.

The place is too big.

"That city gate, right?"

Dizzy's voice was dry, "Don't cause any trouble. If you accidentally enter the tomb in the city wall, you will be in trouble."

"It can't be wrong."

Erya said: "Although I have never been here, the rules of Pingchang City must apply here. As long as it is a city gate, you can enter and exit, but the tomb will not open the door for people to enter and exit."

They walked quickly to the city gate.

I found that people were entering one after another. It was a lively market with people coming and going.

"Sir, can I come in?"

After thinking about it for a while, he planned to observe at the door and silently use the communication token to ask the old steward over there.

The two sides have been communicating.

Ning Zheng looked at the luck value. There was no problem, and she knew it was done.

after all.

There are very few people who are as stable as him.

Every time he entered a city gate, he would test it, for fear of something unexpected happening.


Ning Zheng didn't stop and walked directly through the teleportation array, surrounded by a vast expanse of snow-capped mountains.

He lowered his head and studied this permanent teleportation array.

"Good guy."

Ning Zheng looked at it for a while and said, "He is indeed a rich man. He will use the permanent one when he comes up."

The temporary teleportation array that their demon cultivators built by robbing tombs had a teleportation limit.

The presence that enters is too powerful, the items transferred are too many, and the quality is too high, the service life will be lost.

The temporary teleportation array guarding the tomb will probably be useless after another month.

And the permanent teleportation array in front of us, although it is called permanent, is actually just more upper limit.

Traveling in and out is almost permanent for ordinary people.

However, if the presence of time travel is too strong, it will still be damaged quickly with use.

"Jianxin, I guess I can only use the permanent teleportation array to get in and out. I guess the temporary teleportation array won't be able to accommodate him at all, and the teleportation channel will collapse."

Ning Zheng suddenly understood.

No wonder, they have to pass through the central teleportation array in the state city before they can enter the capital.

Because ordinary teleportation arrays simply cannot stand up to these big guys.

"Well, there is no loss in the permanent teleportation array if you lend it to me."

"It's just that I can't teleport back and forth frequently."

"Because Zhoucheng is too far away from me. The farther the distance, the greater the loss. Without this free teleportation array, I would not be willing to come here at all."

"It shouldn't hurt to use it secretly a few times right now."

"If you use it too much, Jian Xin will find out, and it will be embarrassing."

I sighed in my heart.

"Why am I trying to trick Jian Xin again? I really didn't mean to be a villain."

Ning Zheng began to fly at a low altitude and moved forward along the hillside.

He carefully looked at the luck value along the way. There was no change, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

As expected, I am not the kind of trouble-making protagonist in the storybook. Wherever I go, passers-by will say "What do you think?"

Jianxin is the one.

According to his character design, he has to be a villain who is crazy about swordsmanship.

Arriving at the destination soon, Ning Zheng saw a few dazzled people stopping at the door.

"Master Steward." His eyes lit up and he hurriedly stepped forward.

"Yeah." Ning Zheng nodded, looked at them a few times, and then looked at the pedestrians in the city.

I always feel that something is wrong with this door.

He thought for a while, but found nothing, so he still asked them to go into the city together.

There were two huge dragon statues at the door. He opened his eyes and looked at Ning Zheng and others, then closed them again.

Walking into the street, Ning Zheng immediately looked at the pedestrians on the road, and he immediately realized something was wrong.

Everyone's spiritual root attributes, life breath, and cultivation realm are blocked and hidden.

I can't tell the origin or origin at all.

"Is this a kind of protection?" Ning Zheng guessed with interest.

As long as you don't use your hands, you won't be able to feel the breath.

Everyone in the city is equal, princes, nobles, and poor people are almost the same when they meet.

As expected of a scholar, he is fastidious!

Free to read.

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