This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 58: Historical Wall Painting, Immortal Epic

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In Xinyizhou City, Ning Zheng looked at the clothes, costumes and pedestrians on the ancient streets.

Suddenly there was an inexplicable strong sense of dissonance.

This seems to be a small town.

The monks who occasionally passed by had storage bags hanging on them. The style and structure of the instruments were quite classical, even old.

And the currency they traded was not legal money.

But pieces of translucent jade?

It felt like I had traveled to another country and experienced the exotic customs.

"Even though the place is far away and the customs are different, this currency is..." Ning Zheng frowned and glanced down.

[Today’s luck value: 1900]

Still nothing happened.

Facts have proven that it is safe to bring your own tricks.

Pingchang City allows monks to bring in tricks, and is very tolerant, as long as they don't hurt anyone.

There's no reason why it can't work in a bigger city here.

In this era, immortal reading flourished, hundreds of schools of thought contended, and they were extremely tolerant.

Ning Zheng told Dian Di and the others not to act rashly, and to walk on the street and listen attentively.

He listened for a while and finally realized that the stone they were talking about was something called a spiritual stone.

The transaction currency here is not legal money?

Spiritual stone?

Ning Zheng had a question mark on her face.


Di Yan and the others did not dare to say a word.

He looked around carefully, his eyes widened, and secretly took pictures.

They are like country people, they have never left home since they were born in the villa.

In the past, the most prosperous camp was just a small camp where demon cultivators robbed tombs. Everyone exchanged things for things. Compared with the lively city streets in front of us, that camp was simply dregs.

This is for them.

This is

Beautiful women, old men, scholars, monster mounts, beast-eared girls and other creatures that occasionally passed by made them dumbfounded.

They were suddenly extremely excited.

He started to hold his head high, showed a cold and kind smile, pretended to be human, and even made human-like giggles from time to time.

——You can't embarrass the old manager and pretend to be an ordinary cold passerby.

They were a little nervous, but fortunately the human acting skills that had been welcoming guests at the villa came in handy.

Dizzy whispered:

"This is so busy. When I get back, I will break the news. It will definitely become popular."

A blacksmith next to him also said:

"What do you know? This is just a corner. How big is the entire area? I can't even think about it. There are at least tens of billions of people here, and the settings are far beyond Blue Star. It's normal."

"That beauty over there is so beautiful, suck it, suck it."

"I have one hundred francs worth of all my belongings in my hand. I'm going to prepare some things from the roadside stalls and buy them back as souvenirs."

The last time I went to the tomb, the group of blacksmiths who moved bricks became rich instantly.

Although the core area was not excavated and most of the buildings were made of bricks and tiles, they still made hundreds of francs per capita.

Other blacksmiths who did not enter the ancient tomb dungeon also made a lot of money by taking on daily tasks in the villa to help with cleaning and sorting.

Of course, many people took out loans to buy a living and start a life of poverty again.

"How about that candied haws?"

"No, let's take a sneak peek at the medicinal herb area to see if we can get any new miscellaneous spiritual roots."

A group of people were whispering, their eyes shining, and they looked extremely vulgar.

Ning Zheng too

He hesitated.

He chose a place he was familiar with and walked into a bookstore on the roadside.

In the bookstore.

An old man in gray robe sat on a chair, smoking a pipe in his hand.

There are a dazzling array of secret books on cultivating immortals on the bookshelf.

Ning Zheng observed it carefully.

The books are divided into five shelves, including gold, wood and water.

There are five common types: , fire and earth.

"Can I take a look?" Ning Zheng said.

"Of course. This is just an introduction. The follow-up techniques are still in my hands." The old man glanced at the other person and continued to smoke his pipe boredly.

Ning Zheng hesitated for a moment, then casually opened a book called Xiao Yun Yu Jue with water attribute spiritual roots.

It seems to be an introductory method for low-grade spiritual roots, which can be used by spiritual farmers for farming and spreading clouds and rain.

Behind him, the blacksmiths were chattering.

"How can this place sell exercises without the spiritual roots to match them?"

"I guess you will receive the spiritual root at the counter after purchasing it."

"But there are no potted plants on the counter."

"That's right, I heard that those who sell exercises and spiritual roots are all selling green potted plants."

"How can the martial arts have any matching spiritual roots?"

The old man frowned, as if he heard the whispers of Dian Di and the others, and showed a look of disgust:

"Are you the group of guys from the next continent who call themselves the New Humans?"

New humanity?

Ning Zheng frowned.

"Hmph, let's go. You're not welcome here. We don't have the skills you need." The stall owner waved his hands with a look of disgust on his face, "Mortals without spiritual roots also want to plant spiritual roots the day after tomorrow and try to practice cultivation. Bah! "

Ning Zheng didn't say anything, bowed and left directly.

New humans refer to those of us who are born without spiritual roots.

That in turn means:

Old humans were born with spiritual roots?

This subverted Ning Zheng's world view during this period.


He looked at the surrounding shops and looked up at the sky of Xinyizhou City.

He felt the sense of disobedience was even greater.

Xinyizhou City has a vast land and abundant resources. It contains not only monsters and half-blood humans, but also certain minority races. It is normal for them to be born with spiritual roots.


They are a minority of people who are born with spiritual roots. Why should they look down on people who are born without spiritual roots?

Very strange.

Nowadays, people who are born without spiritual roots are the mainstream.


They are human beings who do not belong to this era, living in the super prehistoric Immortal Era before the three flowers bloomed on the top.

Is there a large tomb inside the city gate that I entered?

Have you entered a certain period of ancient history?

Or rather

Entered a certain royal cemetery in super ancient times.

The three ancestors of my family were buried in paper houses.

The more powerful city guards were buried in a prison area.

As for the more advanced existence, the burial, why can't it be a city?

Qin Shihuang regarded mercury as the rivers and seas. Why can't this place be a land of mountains and rivers?

Shops, houses, pedestrians, farmers, wealthy businessmen?

The city he saw was a scene from some super ancient history. It was buried in an area from a certain ancient era. The ancient tombs naturally had corresponding customs and customs.


How could it be possible to open a door to a tomb and allow people to enter at will?

Isn’t this harmful?

Xinyi Prefecture City is one of the nine royal cities in Kyushu and a human race fortress.

How could they deceive people when their cards are so big? Where to put your face?

There can't be any trap.

Even if it is really a tomb, when used as a city gate, it must ensure the safety of those who enter the city.


Is there a possibility.

This Xinyi Prefecture city was full of people and weird people from the beginning?

"So, when you come in and see this scene, it is very normal for outsiders?"

Ning Zheng kept reasoning, thinking, and looking at the surrounding environment.

"Right now, this is the time period where this ultra-ancient tomb is located."

"At least hundreds of thousands of years ago, an immortal with spiritual roots was born

The era of humanity. "

Ning Zheng suddenly showed a look of shock.


Looking at it this way, each city gate corresponds to a super ancient sage from a certain period!

Every time you enter a city gate, you will see a piece of the history of saints and sages sorted according to the timeline.

"As expected of a royal city, what a great gesture!"

"Enter each city gate in order, and you can watch the entire human history all the way and read a vast living mythological history book!"

"Communicate with the ancient sages of the past."

"Conversation with pilgrims from the past."

"Witness their glory, their cries of pilgrimage, and the joys and sorrows of their lives, and expose their truth to future generations without tampering with history books or hiding the truth."

"This is a wordless monument to history."

"Everything in the past is for future generations to comment on."

Ning Zheng was shocked.

How grand!

How heroic!

What an earth-shattering act this is.

Here is a truly huge red building and cemetery!

It is different from those holy places, private tombs of big families and sects.

The cemetery here is free and open to the public, giving the poor people in the world a chance to discuss with the ancient sages!

Ning Zheng looked at the circle around her and took a deep breath:

"Where I am is the corridor of history!"

"Let the living look upon the old world."

"Build a paradise for the dead."

"And this city gate is entered from, who knows which ancient mythological era? Not using magical money, but using so-called spiritual stones?"

"And people in this era are born with spiritual roots?"

Ning Zheng had some guesses in her trance.

French money may be the official currency made by the saint himself after the founding of the People's Republic of China, extracting copper from Shoushan Mountain and refining it with money boys.


Where did the spiritual stones from the previous era go?

Where have those human beings with spiritual roots gone? Why have they disappeared in today's era?

A burning curiosity arose in his heart.

The grandeur of history always arouses the desire to explore.

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