This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 59: What I saw in Xinyizhou City

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Ning Zheng's original goal was to come here to participate in the auction and purchase some things.

After all, he still has more than two million French dollars in hand, ready to spend it.

But now, standing in the middle of the street, he didn't know what to do.

Don't know where to go to the auction.

Is there an auction for this ancient city?

Can you auction something that belongs to your own era?

Not just archeology, why not buy ancient cultural relics from tourist attractions?

The kind that can only be used as souvenirs.

Although the words were unpleasant, Ning Zheng, who had always been very assertive, now felt like a primitive person entering the high-tech modern society, standing on the street feeling at a loss.

"I am really primitive and backward. I came from a small mountain village and have never seen a big city." Ning Zheng sighed in her heart, hesitated for a moment, and quickly calmed down.

It’s okay if you are not unique.

Everyone looks like this when they come in, and people live in a mixed atmosphere.

No wonder the breath, skills, and flesh must be shielded, because in this case, the living people will not know which one is the guile, and the guile will not know which one is the living person.

We will shield your breath for free and you will be able to live in peace.

"Just take a walk and take a look, why stress your nerves?"

Ning Zheng quickly figured it out and started shopping all the way, looking around with the mentality of traveling and admiring ancient history and historical sites.

I have to say that big cities are still prosperous.

The more he visited, the more this atmosphere made Ning Zheng sigh. The atmosphere of the government really shocked Ning Zheng.

He even saw a sign standing at the door of a huge teahouse in the corner:

[New humans and monster mounts are not allowed to enter]

Ning Zheng: ""

Good guy.

I felt that the bookstore owner was arrogant before, but now I feel arrogant. In their time, they looked down on "mortals" who had no spiritual roots.

"In my previous life, I could only read history through movies."

"And here, you are directly traveling through history and entering a living movie."

This is an immersive education.

He walked for a while and suddenly saw a restaurant. He thought about it and entered it.

I discovered that you can exchange French money in the corner at the entrance of the restaurant.

Is this a foreign country, a channel for currency exchange?

I don’t know how much kickback I got.

Ning Zheng stepped forward to communicate, and the other party took it for granted and pointed to the sign above her head.

It's about one hundred and five French coins exchanged for one hundred spiritual stones.

Ning Zheng guessed that the five magic coins were a kickback. Normally, 100 magic coins = 100 spiritual stones.

After exchanging one hundred francs, Ning Zheng chose a large private room, sat down and looked at the menu, ordered a few dishes, and calculated the amount, which was about 80 spirit stones.

When the blacksmiths behind him saw this scene, they suddenly cheered.

"I see, eighty francs, this meal is so expensive."

"The old steward is very generous and treats us to a feast."

Ning Zheng ignored them, but looked at the food that was served and sniffed it.

Logically speaking, most of this is trickery.

But there is no yin in the dishes they cook, and it is probably an unexpectedly advanced method.

You can tell at a glance that the tourism industry is very developed, and all these ghosts are well fed and drunk.

Is it possible for a poor man to come to Xinyizhou City?

Ning Zheng smiled in her heart and let the few people eat the food. He also tasted a few bites, then rewarded them with five spiritual stones, and asked the waiter to inquire about the general situation in the city.

"Sir, I have received many foreign guests like you."

"If you want to buy something, you usually go to a large auction. Just go east. There are a lot of goods there, very complete."

"We have to go west for our accommodation. After walking for a while, we saw an inn. The delicious charcoal-grilled fish at that hotel is praised by all the guests who come to our place."

"Going south from the brothel, I hope you like Xiao Qu'er,

If you want special services, there is a small alley behind the brothel called Yi Shu Tan. "

Ning Zheng heard the waiter speak fluently and knew that he had repeated it countless times.

With a thought in his mind, he asked: "Wouldn't anyone be killed in that alley?"

If people follow a different path, something will happen.

"What kind of lives could be lost?" The waiter laughed and said, "Those are all shops run by outsiders, and we don't have the money to enter."

Ning Zheng understood.

It's an unscrupulous brothel opened by living people themselves, here to make money, and they also provide living people.

In this tourist area, other families are also hungry.

The prices in this place are high at first glance.

Ning Zheng was thinking, and suddenly thought of something: "Can we rent this shop?"

"That's definitely possible."

The waiter's eyes lit up, "It can be rented or sold. A good location on the street will cost you ten thousand spiritual stones a year. If you live in a small alley, you will get a few thousand spiritual stones a year. How about I introduce it to you?"

Ning Zheng did the math.

Ten thousand spiritual stones a year, the price is no different from that in Pingchang City.

But it seems that it cannot be calculated like this.

The price is right for the central area of ​​Pyeongchang City.

But the so-called "historic tourist attraction" here is too big.

The flow of people was scattered, and Ning Zheng felt that she didn't meet many living people, the flow of customers was not high, and she couldn't make any money.

"Sir, you want to rent a shop?" The waiter smiled brightly.

"Just ask." Ning Zheng thought it would be good if she could open a shop, but she slowly researched this and said, "Is there any secret place nearby that is fun?"

"Of course there is."

The waiter smiled and said, "Recently, a group of monsters have emerged from the Lingshi Mine. Many monks from the Fifth Body Realm from many families are preparing to encircle and suppress them. I heard that the big families from the Four Zang Realm are also personally taking charge."

The waiter in the shop talked about all kinds of interesting things, as if everything was really alive.

Ning Zheng listened with great interest.

Although this is history, the weirdness here is really like living people, taking risks, going into secret realms, exploring, and fighting.

In the area that he entered, families at the level of the Four Zang Realms were considered a force, and it was estimated that the truly powerful cemetery area was not here.

But it's normal.

There really aren't that many monks in the Three Yuan Realm.

Pingchang City is a big local city, and the ancestors of various families in the Three Yuan Realm are there. There are great monks everywhere.

Ning Zheng ate and drank enough, and exchanged some spiritual stones at the front desk.

After taking a look at the bill, I saw that 1,000 spiritual stones cost 1,050 French money, and there was an extra 50 French money exchange fee. I cursed in my heart that I was cheating my money.

After traveling to a big city, I spent a lot of money without doing anything, but I still have to spend it. Saving money affects the progress of exploration. When I am away from home, I have to spend money to save time.

Next, the target was determined, and Ning Zheng went to the so-called auction.

When I arrived at my destination, I inquired with a beauty in white costume at the front desk and found out that the auction was held every three days.

It's not yet time to open it, but it is also a huge store selling many things.

There are a dazzling array of resources.

It is different from the ancient "souvenirs" outside.

Here, the products of this Immortal Era are mainly sold, and resources ranging from the Five Body Realm to the Three Yuan Realm are available.

There are meat fields and various monster materials.

Magical weapons, elixirs, spells, and even Ning Zheng saw the words "Five Body Realm Perfect Money Boy" on the list, 25,000 magic money.

"Good guy, the previous quotation was 30,000. The Pingchang City Merchant Alliance probably purchased it from here. Are you going to take that much kickback from me?"

Ning Zheng just glanced at the report and was speechless.

Five thousand francs.

I really thought I was printing money.

He continued to read and found that all kinds of products in Pingchang City were basically available here, and the prices were much cheaper.

Ning Zheng looks

I guessed it instantly after finishing it.

Here is the upstream wholesaler of Pingchang City Merchant Alliance.

If the guess is correct.

He had entered the historical wall in the outer circle of Xinyi City. After passing through this tomb area, the real living area was found inside.

However, this outer ancient tomb area, the super large red building, can also sell various commodities and complete most of the purchasing supply and demand.

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