This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 60 Teleportation Array Big Purchase

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Ning Zheng took a deep breath and began to sit on a chair and look at the purchase list.

There are many tables placed throughout the hall.

There were also people sitting in twos and threes looking at the orders. Some of them were wearing novel clothes of this era.

There are men and women.

There are also a few seemingly middle-aged and stable middle-aged people, with a few young people behind them, who seem to be showing the younger generation to the world.

When the middle-aged man saw Ning Zheng, he walked over slowly and said apologetically, "Your Excellency, too.

"Feel sorry."

Ning Zheng took a few steps back and refused to talk.

The middle-aged man was stunned, smiled, and left with a few young monks behind him very wisely.

Ning Zheng didn't know whether it was a dead indigenous person pretending to be a dead person, or a living outsider monk who came in like him.

But he was in no mood for conversation.

If he guessed correctly.

Ancient times have been completely restored here, and it is a dangerous place in itself.

Of course, there were robberies, frauds, thefts and other behaviors of that era, so you should be careful.

He was a liar in life, and he will be a liar after death.

This is another super large red building!

The small red building in the local city is a legal killing area for Gui.

The oiran follows the rules and kills the scholars whose knowledge is not up to par. After passing the test of the Red Chamber, the scholars can become famous and win beautiful women.

The super-large red building here must also be a test. There must be rules. The trick can eat people legally and compliantly according to certain rules.

I'm afraid it's Jie Xiu's way of eating people.

There is nothing wrong with being wary of strangers.

You can't tell the difference between the dead and the living here, so it's necessary to be on guard against the dead and pretend to be alive.

Don't underestimate Jui's intelligence.

Look at Li Youzhu. Even after he died, he still knew how to pick up girls and deceive Princess Jiaolong.

Therefore, Ning Zheng would never despise any dead person.

"I don't want to be a meal on the plate, a snack in this cemetery."

Ning Zheng looked at the list carefully.

There are all kinds of things, but there are no magic weapons.

Visual inspection shows that such relatively rare high-end resources are only available in auctions that are held every three days.

I looked at the venue introduction again.

The auctions here are huge.

It is said that several large areas nearby [doors] are jointly auctioned and bidding.

As long as certain goods are auctioned, they can be sent to this street shop remotely through the teleportation array.


Not all the products here are displayed here.

Ning Zheng had to place the order in person before the goods would be delivered from the teleportation array.

His gaze was focused on various things.

Permanent Teleportation Array (Xinyizhou City): One million French coins can be placed in specific areas of the city to provide teleportation. It is prohibited to build private teleportation arrays outside the city. Violators will bear the consequences.

"Jian Xin secretly built a teleportation array outside the city, which is blatantly illegal."

Ning Zheng was speechless:

"But no one dares to care about him. He is one of the top fighters in the city. It's okay to guard and steal."

Ning Zheng also had a vested interest in stealing the teleportation array he built.

He suddenly hesitated.

Do you want to buy a permanent teleportation array of your own?

The Jianxin one must be for temporary use.

A normal permanent teleportation array costs 800,000 French dollars. If placed in this area, 200,000 French dollars is an additional cost.

It's expensive, but worth it.

In this Xinyizhou city, Ning Zheng walked around a few simple blocks and realized how terrible the strategic significance it brought.

The establishment of the teleportation array is equivalent to a direct train to the cemetery. You can discuss the path with the pilgrims here at any time and watch history!

This is a high quality cemetery.

I'm afraid not

There are too many private tombs that are weaker than those in great holy places and ancient religions, which shows the grandeur of the imperial court.

The knowledge benefits brought by direct access at any time are already very cheap!

200,000 extra French dollars.

It doesn't count as making money from you, it's government welfare.

Of course, welfare is welfare. If your family is too weak and becomes a snack here, then I'm sorry.

Crisis and opportunity coexist.

What's more, if you build this teleportation array, it will open up the passage between your home and Xinyizhou City. It can also transport goods and act as a local caravan.


The three major families in Pingchang City also joined forces to establish this permanent teleportation array in Xinyizhou City, forming the Pingchang City Merchant Alliance.

Otherwise, where would the supply and sale of goods in their city come from?

Most of the goods were shipped from Xinyizhou City!

The commercial core of a thousand local cities is not a lie.

Pingchang City was still fighting among themselves and closed the delivery array, which led Zhang Huaping to say: Their merchant alliance had closed the external goods exchange channel.

Otherwise, Ning Zheng's weapon blind boxes could still be sold in large quantities.

It is estimated that through the channels here, transactions are carried out with other cities and even the local Xinyizhou City family!


A normal family spends 1 million French dollars on a teleportation array. Whether they can get their money back is another matter.

The heavier things are transported and the stronger the monks are, the easier it is to shorten the life of the teleportation array.

Their Pingchang city is relatively far away from the state city, so the loss of one transmission is relatively large.


The merchant alliance in Pingchang City, unless it is very expensive and valuable light goods with extremely high profits, will not even be able to make back the cost of traveling back and forth.

Previously, the card blind boxes and the weapon blind boxes were all high-quality products. They were lightweight and high-priced. The cost of selling them was enough to withstand the loss of the formation.

It's a pity that selling things by yourself depends on the face of the Pingchang City Merchant Alliance.

There was an internal fight among the people, and they refused to do business if they said they wouldn't do it. They bullied me that the Sword Making Villa was outside the city, and they dared to give us a hard time.

"How about I build one myself and break the monopoly?"

Ning Zheng felt hot in her heart, "In this way, I will completely get rid of the control of the merchant alliance in Pingchang City."

To be honest, he had already taken advantage of the opportunity.

If you want a permanent teleportation array in Xinyizhou City, you have to walk here.

Teleporting to some nearby cities, step by step, climbing over mountains and ridges, and going through countless adventures before entering this city.

The Pingchang Merchant Alliance did the same thing at the beginning. I don’t know how many people died. They walked over mountains and ridges and traveled long distances. It was like the ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties of seeking scriptures in the West.

As for the Pingchang Merchant Alliance, after opening up the channel, can they help buy a teleportation array channel in Xinyi Prefecture City and put it at your home?

Do you think they are stupid?

I finally spent a lot of money to get through the line. I will help you get through one for free, help you buy a place in the teleportation array, and compete with yourself for business?

If you want, you can let a group of monks walk on foot to Xinyizhou City.


In front of him, Jian Xin helped him hike to Xinyizhou City for free, saving Ning Zheng a lot of extra expenses.

"can buy!"

Ning Zheng silently wrote it down.

Buy it and earn it.

But with this one million, I feel like this wave of bleeding is going to happen.

Even among the three major families in Pingchang City, a single family may not be able to come up with this amount of liquidity now.

It is estimated that they also took the lead among the three major families to build this transmission channel.

Now I am working on one by myself, which feels both painful and happy.

Ning Zheng continued to look at other products.

There are many things worth buying, but there are so many of them that it’s hard to see them all.

"Can I buy this product brochure?

? "Ning Zheng asked the front desk directly and decisively.

"One hundred francs, thank you."

The woman at the front desk smiled, accustomed to it.

Just a simple little magic tool for storing information.

One hundred French coins?

Ning Zheng cursed inwardly that he was trying to steal more money than himself, but he still paid a hundred francs.

He didn't stay long and decisively spent 1 million French dollars to apply for a teleportation array.

The procedure is very fast.

Ning Zheng quickly obtained a teleportation array and brought it to a huge open area behind the Merchant Alliance.

The teleportation formations here are arranged as neatly as floor tiles, and they are probably the passages for other families.

However, this is one of those areas.

Because it says [Scale Gate Teleportation Point: Area 137]

After going through a series of operations and authentications, Ning Zheng entered the newly purchased teleportation array and silently opened the information coordinates on her side.


Teleported back to the villa.

As soon as Yanhua, Erya and the others stepped out of the teleportation array, they ran towards the mountain gate and shouted enthusiastically to the people inside:

"It's so cool, you won't believe what we saw, a new map is opened, and a new purchase order is here!"

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