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The blacksmith was cheerful, carefree, happy and lively.

Ning Zheng's money is a bit insufficient!

But this shortcoming in blacksmith skills cannot be solved without remedying it.

Investment is necessary.

If the blacksmith has no skills, how can he open a sword-making villa?

Right now there are two money issues.

1. In the new commercial area, the ultra-long-range loss of the double-head transmission array.

2. Blacksmithing technology requires huge investment.

These two aspects were weighing on Ning Zheng's nerves, and she felt that if she was not careful, cash flow problems would easily occur.

He can be regarded as experiencing the pain of other families developing their power.

But behind every great monk, there must be a huge financial source to support his practice.

Cultivation is all about money!

"We have to see if we can take the opportunity to develop. The outer city is also a good channel."

"The villa will make some new magic weapons, find some buyers, and form a new supply and demand channel."

In Ning Zheng's opinion, the world will be unstable sooner or later.

Time waits for no one, you still have to develop urgently.

Furthermore, Ning Zheng's requirements are not high.

As long as the blacksmiths absorb knowledge and pool resources, they can first create a mid-level blacksmith or even a high-level blacksmith.

At least when the Sword Fairy goes to Beijing to contact the top management, she will be able to pass the information on her own side, so the possibility of her secrets being revealed will be reduced!

Just by sending messages through the air, there is room for maneuver.


Talk about technology?

Sorry, exclusive secrets, vague words, chicken talk.

These blacksmiths are the best at pretending to be cool like this!

They were still very raw before, occasionally showing flaws, but now they are pretending to be more and more skilled, playing various roles as Riddlers with their hands behind their backs, cold, deep, and crazy.

Our technology cannot be made public. At worst, we will make a new fusion ember weapon based on the request of your master craftsman and your Majesty's request.

In this way, the court is probably satisfied!

Is this method difficult?

He didn't think it was impossible.

Before, we were the forging spirits, and the blacksmith of the Zhang family next door forged the body of the weapon, dividing the labor and cooperating.

Now, it's just a repeat.

We forge the weapon spirit, leaving you to deal with it.

After all, we are not meeting in person. Many hidden existences also communicate through the air, and we are just one of them.

Coupled with a little bit of luck, nothing should happen

I now have 9,000 luck points in two days, and I feel that my luck is taking off every day.

If successful.

Mixing in the crowd of master craftsmen, you can be a leader. As long as you produce results, you can get in touch with the court.

It has become one of the thousand sword-making villas used by the royal family. Isn’t it too much?

There are a thousand of them in Kyushu.

Being involved in such a large project, it is not difficult to maintain an identity.

After obtaining official certification, you can take over business from royal family members, nobles and court officials.

If a person has a magic weapon or magic weapon in his hand, then it will take off.

Weapons, I can't make high-level weapons in a short time.

But the weapon spirit can.

For the body of the weapon, using the excuse that "there is no sacred gold, treasures and other materials", the quality is barely passable.

Let them buy it back, change the body themselves, and find someone to tailor it.

By taking orders through this official business channel, you will definitely get a lot of resources and quickly improve your level!

Moreover, his own magic weapons and divine weapons are used as spies throughout the world.

A rising secluded holy place in the world - Zhujian Villa, has just appeared.

Of course, this is just Ning Zheng's imagination.

The probability of success itself is not low, and with some good luck, it is not impossible to become a reality.

"Sword Fairy, I don't know what

Time to enter Beijing. "

"I guess they are waiting for someone, but they will definitely wait for a short time. Regardless of whether the person comes or not, they will probably come to Beijing in a few days after taking a rest."

"I have to get a batch of experience books before the [Magic Craftsmen Exchange Eye Treatment Gathering] in the capital."

"My buffer time is running out."

"I hope that something will happen to the Sword Fairy, and that Jiao Wuyu's group of rebels will work harder and help me delay a little longer."

Liaicai Rong happily placed a sign at the entrance of the villa.

The long-awaited update announcement is here again.

[Official announcement: This "Sword Forging Competition" will usher in a major update that will not be offline. The update log of version 0.6 is as follows. 】

[A new map will be opened soon: Xinyizhou City. 】

[After the Red Sun incident, the saint was attacked. The Sword Fairy was in Xinyi Prefecture City, preparing to go to Beijing to face the saint. And our cute little blacksmith also walked into Xinyi Prefecture City. What kind of sparks would be created? 】

[This major update also optimizes the following matters. 】

[1. Added new adventure placement maps: Xinyizhou City, the outer ring of the city wall, and the Scale Gate. 】

【2. Fixed a few bugs. 】

[3. Optimize several known issues. 】

[4. A new project has been added: Zhuangzhu missile launch plan. 】

【5. Add a new missile target: Tomb City Guard Boss. 】

[6. Open a new game mechanism: experience books. You can increase the experience of this profession by purchasing experience books. Side effects: high probability of being affected by the memories of fellow villagers and being in a trance, medium probability of split personality, small probability of sudden death on the spot. 】

【7. Add new teleportation array trade channels. 】

[8. Various professional skill tutors will be added soon, so stay tuned. 】

[9. New large-scale Red Mansion card pool: the ultra-ancient spiritual root era. 】

[10. The new hidden world view of Xianxia, ​​please explore it actively. 】

A group of blacksmiths were crowded and bustling in front of the bulletin board.

What they like most is to read game announcements, eat the "big cake" of planning, and study new plot previews of the game.

Although this pie was drawn by fake planner Liaicai Rong, it did not affect their excitement at all.

Ning Zheng went up the mountain, and Jiucairong handed over a purchasing catalog directly.

"Sir, please take a look."

Liaicairong patiently introduced it.

Ning Zheng nodded frequently. Although she had peeked at it yesterday, she still had to pretend

After listening, Ning Zheng said happily: "It's very good. Then, let's buy a batch of Invitation Cards first and see the effect."

The blacksmiths around were excited.

They knew that the old manager was super generous and never stingy with them.

Because he went there yesterday, Ning Zheng didn’t let anyone explore the way again, let alone take anyone with him.

He planned to go shopping and return quickly without stopping in the middle.

The ancient tomb is also a super large red building, and it will be dangerous to explore too much.

[Today’s luck value: 1850]

no problem.

Ning Zheng passed directly through the teleportation array, left the teleportation area skillfully, walked through several streets, and came to the auction.

The person in charge of the front desk is still the beautiful woman from yesterday.

She was not surprised to see Ning Zheng, and even knew that he would definitely come again.

Because after buying the purchase booklet, you basically go back to discuss the purchase with the family elders, and most of them will come back the next day.

"This is the purchase order." Ning Zheng handed it over.

The woman looked at it and said, "No problem, but I have to remind you."

"You tell me." Ning Zheng said politely.

We can't see clearly the cultivation and aura here, but he can be responsible for a branch in a small area. At the very least, he is a great monk in the Four Zang Realm or even the Three Yuan Realm.

In the world of immortality, judging people by their appearance is the most stupid thing.

Ning Zheng is an example. She still looks middle-aged and elderly.

dress up.

The woman smiled:

"The magic cards are mainly the knowledge and experience of some powerful people."

"Even if you purchase the memory remnants of high-level blacksmiths, their memories are fragmented, and the comprehensive level they can absorb is probably only at the mid-level level."

"This also tests willpower. If a person is not determined enough, it is easy to forget who he is and be blurred by the huge memory."

In fact, there are not many monks who buy the God-inviting Tablets here.

Some monks with secondary professions, when their inspiration is exhausted and unable to make progress, will try to use the memories of others to find inspiration.

What's more, there is also the matter of purchasing goods on behalf of others.

No matter how much they purchase in front of them, the other party will just buy them in bulk and sell them locally.

"For the blacksmith, alchemist, and spiritual farmer tablets, please wait a moment."

The woman took inventory and took out a picture album to write and draw. Soon the teleportation array behind her sent a bill of goods.

She smiled and warned again:

"When you enshrine these tablets, you must be kind to them. The less they resist, the better they can perform and the more memories they can receive when they are invited by God."

Ning Zheng nodded.

Like a tablet, enshrine it.

Isn’t that the case with those celestial beings and goddesses?

The art of praying to the gods is to pray to the gods and worship the gods. Only then will the gods be willing to assist you.

There are two types of magic spells: non-combat and combat.

Many of the fighting monks in Huazhou on the other side asked gods to take over their bodies and became powerful, fierce and violent to fight.

As for these magic cards, Ning Zheng knew that those blacksmiths had no problem identifying their father.

These tablets should be well enshrined.

Soon, Ning Zheng spent 100,000 French dollars, simply completed the process, said goodbye politely, and left the Chamber of Commerce without any delay.

The woman smiled and said meaningfully: "You are a cautious young man. Only in this way can you live a long life."

The little maid was counting the goods in the back and stuck her head out:

"Miss, that person doesn't spend much money. He just spent more than one million yuan to buy a teleportation array and one hundred thousand yuan to buy goods. He probably went back to the place to deliver goods. Why do you care about him?"

"Yes." The woman smiled and sighed, "The group of men and women he brought yesterday, some of them, felt a bit like old friends they were familiar with a hundred years ago."

"Where is the aura of my old friend?" the maid asked. The woman who came that day had a staggeringly exaggerated figure, as if she had been filled with water.

The young lady was silent for a moment, with a hint of blush on her face, and then she slowly whispered: "Chest."

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