This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 64 Victim: Who stole my magic weapon?

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The maid was shocked.

She recalled the eight juniors the other party brought yesterday.

Because of the isolation of the breath, they could not tell whether it was a human or a treacherous person, and their initial guess was that it was a living person.

After all, who would bring eight tricksters to the market?

They are all young heroes from the Dai clan.

However, several of the young women's chests were indeed too exaggerated.


The maid was very smart and reacted immediately.

In the prosperous age of reading, arty nature and the love of beauty prevailed, and many men and women liked to dress up.

That heavy look may have been transformed by some special means.

However, in these transformation methods, did the young lady detect the aura of some old friends?

"It's the flesh-and-blood transformation of Xue Lihua." The young lady sighed.

The maid was horrified: "Didn't their family originally run a meatfield colosseum? They transformed scarecrows and fought on the meatfield, allowing the audience to bet on them as the main killer. How come they changed their profession now?"

The span of this industry is too big.

He was originally a slave owner and now he is practicing medicine?

Isn't Xue Lihua a bit overqualified for such a thing?

"Who knows."

The young lady sighed, "They have lost their family property, and when they go outside, they have already lost their fortune."

Unexpectedly, those old friends who disappeared were once so good at fighting, but they were reduced to that kind of situation.

The family can only use this medical skill to survive and make money.

In her eyes, those heavy women should all be customers who received services from a certain medical clinic.

She let out a long sigh, feeling a bit sad.

"Rise and fall are alternating. Nothing in this world can last forever."

The maid looked at the ordinary young lady and said, "How about next time I ask where the hospital where the surgery is located is, and you want to try it too? You can also meet an old friend by the way."

"Begging for a beating."

The young lady lowered her head and looked down at her own horse, then looked at the exaggerated outlines of the group of people she recalled, and became furious on the spot.


Xuelihua can perfectly transform the direction of meridians and biological structure. As long as the technique is correct, there will be no side effects.

It's like he grew up naturally.

Their family's three major systems, Meatfield Expansion, Flesh Puppet, and Flesh Overlord, are essentially the transformation and advancement of individual creatures.

They are a family of demon cultivators who transform flesh and blood creatures.

If you switch to medical services, you will have great potential!

That medical center

Well, that's kind of interesting.

Medical clinic.

The medical fairy put her hands on her hips and said proudly: "You embers, when you went to the city yesterday, did you have a high rate of return?"

"It's a bit high indeed."

"Many handsome guys and beauties are looking at us. The attraction is 100%."

"Especially those passers-by, they are still whispering, guessing whether we are cow demon ladies or a special ethnic group somewhere."

"Hey, what a detail, even passers-by can interact with each other."

"Isn't that right? I guess the production team designed the trigger dialogue for passers-by based on our characteristics."

The female ember babies were very happy.

"You laughed so hard, you sucked all their eyeballs away." The medical fairy was very happy, "Sure enough, NPCs also have a lot of facial control."

after all.

The latest group of eight Ember adventure teams led by Dazzle include both men and women.

Several of the hairpin babies maintained their pre-life logic and even continued to seek medical fairies for consumption, physical transformation, and maintenance.

This makes the medical fairy even more happy!

You earn money from living people, and you also earn money from dead people.

Of course, the transformation of the dead is more exaggerated, after all, they don’t have to go to the toilet.

Food next door

God also thinks it is easy to make money from dead people.

They ate while alive and they ate logically after death.

The more embers the villa has in the future, the more guests will eat in its canteen.

Not only can he cut the blacksmith, but he can also cut their baby's catering consumption.

On the contrary, the faces of the people in Lingnong District were not very good-looking.

Because Ember Babies can’t boost their economy and can’t buy spiritual roots for them.

Suddenly, Yan Yan next to him said, "Medical Fairy, your medical skills will probably have a lot of potential in the city."

"What do you want to express?" The medical fairy is not stupid.

Ember Eyes said: "There are inns and teahouses over there. How about we convince the old steward to open a grocery store there and sell weapons? You can occasionally go there and work as a doctor to treat customers."

He paused and said, "If you open a business there, it must be popular."

When the medical fairy heard this, her eyes brightened.

Dizzy had been shouting about opening a shop before, but she didn't care.

Because what does selling weapons have to do with her?

But now that I think about it, if the other party is selling weapons, it’s not impossible to free up some space and set up a stall for myself.

This is definitely a new sales and gameplay.

"I think it's feasible." The medical fairy said, "The fact that they have such a high return rate means they can do business. I'll go check it out occasionally, and I guess there will be some customers coming."

My eyes were dazzled and my heart was filled with joy.

Successfully win over one.

If you open a shop, the blacksmith shop will basically agree.

Only the Hairpin Lady and the Embroidery Lady are left, and they need to be persuaded.

Only Ling Nong is the most difficult to pull.

Lingnong's blood-living flowers and soul-living flowers are the foundation of the villa, and the old steward is absolutely not allowed to take them away.

Everyone also started discussing.

"The shop earns 10,000 dharma per year, and it will definitely not make a loss."

"Let's see if the old manager is willing. If not, we will pay for it ourselves and join the joint venture!" "Ten thousand French dollars, this would have to drain everyone's savings in the villa to get it, right? 「

"It depends on whether those krypton guys are funding the shops."

"Recently, the kryptonians have run out of money to collect. It's so funny. It's already 130 yuan a piece of French money. What a rich man."

"It's all my fault that you didn't work hard to move the bricks. The boss can't even spend money if he wants to."

They were discussing various ways to play on the new map, moving bricks and forging iron. Occasionally, some of them who were bored would just pick up their binoculars and look at the prison next door.

It's just surrounded by walls and most of the prison area is hidden from view.

Soon, just as they were laughing and joking around at noon, Ning Zheng also appeared at the entrance of the villa with the batch of 100,000 dharma money purchased.

"Old steward."

"You're back, welcome back."

"Please come in quickly."

They quickly lined up.

Liaicairong pushed aside the crowd and invited Ning Zheng to come into the steward's room.

Ning Zheng directly kept the goods and said, "I hope to pile up a relatively powerful mid-level blacksmith first."

"I know this."

Jiucairong replied in a deep voice: "I will make this money well spent!"

Referring to the previous model of the Zhang family blacksmith, a chief commanded a group of people to work together for forging.

Even the magic craftsman can only create a magic weapon with a team of his own.

The blacksmith shop belongs to the model of one super player and multiple players.

Liancairong analyzed:

"Currently, I will choose the sword Jiujiu. This person has only been in the industry for just over two months. He has already mastered the three body skills and is close to the level of a middle-grade blacksmith."

"If you get various inheritances and memories, you will definitely become an intermediate blacksmith, and you may even become a high-level blacksmith."

Intermediate level, corresponding to the four viscera realms.

High level, corresponding to the three-dimensional realm.

The previous Zhang family blacksmith was a high-level blacksmith.

This is already one of the peak levels of blacksmiths in Pingchang City.

Ning Zheng nodded, "You can customize the selling prices of these invitation cards yourself."

"Please don't worry, sir."

Liancairong said respectfully.

Ning Zheng still didn't stay too long. She had done everything she should do and left directly.

While going down the mountain, Ning Zheng was thinking about a question.

"Assistant Xiao Ai, can you block memory?"

"After all, if they take them back to their original world and suddenly have a lot of inherited memories, something might happen."

Originally, although they were surprised by how realistic the game was, they still didn't doubt that it was a real different world.

Because their scope of activities is only the mountain villa.

As well as local small maps of the ancestor’s paper house, ancient tombs, etc.

Nowadays, there are many simulation VR games of this type out there. At most, people think that they sacrifice the huge scope of the game sandbox world and focus on rendering small maps.

And the huge world outside?

Even if Ember told them, they just thought it was a data text adventure and did not think the outside world was real.

But now, implanting memories is a bit too magical.

"Xiao Ai, this function is not currently available."

Assistant Xiao Ai began to answer.

Ning Zheng sighed, she shouldn't have asked Xiao Ai, an artificially retarded person.

What exactly are you looking forward to?

When I get rich, I will give Xiao Ai, this weapon spirit, a serious upgrade.

To solve this problem now, we have to rely on luck.


The luck gambling table appeared in the back of my mind.

Ning Zheng said softly: "The memory of the knowledge passed down by the blacksmiths when they returned to their own world is blurred."

Ning Zheng saw several options.

[1. The prehistoric magic weapon, Phoenix Bird Corolla, is a burial object from the tomb of an ancient queen. It can interfere with the memory of strong people in the second phase within the range, and has a luck value of 500,000. 】

[2. The mirage of monsters and resentful souls can enslave slaves and create hallucinations, with a luck value of 300,000. 】

[7. The high-level magic weapon Ecstasy Bell, comes from a certain powerful monk in the Three-Element Realm. It has its own magical power of consciousness suggestion. It requires luck value: 30,000 luck value]

The corner of Ning Zheng's mouth twitched.

It's probably useful against enemies.

A bit overkill.

I guess it can be used not only by blacksmiths, but also by outsiders.

But the hot eyes are still hot, and I can't afford it.

Even the smallest high-level magic weapon, corresponding to the monk realm of the Three Yuan Realm, only has a luck value of 30,000.

If it had been before, he wouldn't have been able to bear it.

But with the current five-day luck value, it is not impossible to upgrade this function.

"I originally wanted to save money, but I didn't expect to spend it again."

Ning Zheng sighed and moved upwards!

Click! -

30,000 luck value

This time, the delivery was prompt.

In an instant, something seemed to burst from the void.

Ning Zheng saw a bell hanging in front of the door of a certain being in a high-end-looking spaceship.

Wow! ~

Suddenly a crack appeared, and it was sucked away by the space vortex, accidentally drifting endlessly.

A certain being stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a voice of shock and anger came vaguely, "What kind of tomb is this? The turbulence in the space is so serious. It seems that we need to evacuate as soon as possible."

"What bad luck." The faint voice disappeared in the void.


Something falls in front of my eyes.

"How lucky."

"While sitting at home eating, magic weapons fall from the sky."

Ning Zheng picked up the bell and felt it.

It is estimated that there is some kind of special function, and it was posted to the server, but the server was slowly absorbed.

It seems to have one more function.

Sure enough, this server is some kind of mysterious magic weapon that can absorb accessories and continuously improve it.

Ning Zheng discovered it.

Basically, those in turbulent areas with unstable space are the easiest to start with.

Because he could only send him something with the help of turbulent space flow with great luck.

This is a huge amount of money.

These 30,000 luck values ​​trigger the corresponding spatial turbulence intensity based on the strength of the opponent.

Otherwise, if the opponent is in a normal area and has an estimated 300,000 luck points, he will not be able to grab anything from the opponent.

Ning Zheng seemed to understand how to use [Opportunity from Heaven]:

"These monks who are taking risks in the turbulence of space will basically be my targets!"

However, he seems to have discovered a way to get stuck.

The Queen's Ancient Tomb and the Phantom Beast's Resentful Soul are definitely in a certain area of ​​turbulent space.

This is a location feature that is barely located by chance.

Unfortunately, Ning Zheng is too weak, and this information is useless to him now.

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