This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 65: Choose the great filial piety of the family and the country, and give up the small filia

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Steward's room.

Jiucairong put out all the invitation cards and began to study the detailed information of this magic weapon.

Please give me a divine card.

The memory fragments and remnant souls of others are generally not used by normal monks.

Because it is easy to affect a person's memory and forget who I am.

This world pays attention to: What does it mean to know who I am and forget myself?

It means you have inner demons and are no longer pure.

Not only can his cultivation level be no longer breakthrough, but also his professional level can no longer be improved.

Basically, after using it, it will completely cut off a person's way forward!

But any genius who has ideals and is truly powerful would not use such a thing to end his or her future.

What belongs to others is never your own.

Only people who are desperate and whose skills have not improved for many years will choose to use it and give it a try.

at this time.

"These turbid vessels are so high-end!" Dao Jiujiu next to him said with sharp eyes.

They are also studying turbidity.

Unfortunately, his skills are poor and he only knows how to use his head to trap fellow villagers in the world.

Jiucairong looked at the information on the purchase list:

"500 mana, a low-level professional memory invitation card, is equivalent to what we call a low-level experience book."

"He himself is the remnant soul of a mid-level professional memory. Due to the diminishing effect, you may only get the incomplete memory of a low-level professional."

Don’t think that 500 mana is expensive and you can only get low-level professional memories.

But he originally came from an intermediate profession and was a veteran who could forge the four internal organs realm.

Thinking about it this way, isn't the 500 French money worth it?

"Smile, there is no killing without buying and selling."

Su Yuniang said speechlessly:

"For every low-level experience book, a mid-level professional dies, and his soul fragments are bought for 500 mana."

This world is indeed dark and strange.

Not only are the embers being bought and sold, but also the turbid air.

"Of course, that's not what he said."

Lee Cai Rong said: "A dead soul is divided into two parts, the residual consciousness of the soul - the turbid air, and the soul body - the embers. The most valuable thing is the embers."

"After all, a mid-level professional has a small chance of producing embers when he dies."

"But the turbidity of his remaining soul will definitely lead to death."

Embers are the main commodity.

These turbid thoughts are like the by-products of death.

Worth the money, but not much.

Because of these broken souls, the side effects are huge and can lead to schizophrenia.

Of course, there are some monks who practice the art of summoning the gods, who specialize in tracking down those who are about to die, capturing their remaining souls into divine cards, and selling them as merchandise.

This is the origin of the invitation card.

I heard that some families, when an elder in their family died, took the initiative to invite these monks to sell his [Vulgar Qi Residual Soul].

The [Ember Body] left behind was respectfully invited to the paper house in the ancestral tomb, and even a few maids were purchased to serve it.


Auntie Xian said: "It would be too filial to leave behind the empty body of the ancestor's soul and sell the ancestor's true consciousness of death!

After they finished complaining, they finally understood why the folks from heaven and earth they had drummed into their heads were so rubbish.

It turns out that when the truly powerful villagers die, they are basically sold directly to the family's "rag collector".

This is called "waste utilization"!

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a heinous crime to let one's ancestors become fellow villagers in the world, wandering around and influencing young scholars to have three flowers?

It will also increase the concentration of turbid air between heaven and earth and accelerate the red sun!

Therefore, with the sentiment of sacrificing the small self to fulfill the greater self, it is only a just act to sell the residual thoughts and turmoil of the ancestors!

This is called choosing national filial piety

, giving up family filial piety.

What kind of sacrificial spirit is this?


They only know now.

When an ancestor dies, there is a probability of dropping: Embers, and the equipment that must be dropped: Turbid Qi Cannian.

And there are probably many people vying for the god-inviting cards created by these high-level ancestors.

For example, after the death of a divine craftsman, there is his broken inheritance and his life.

The value of it is no weaker than a magic weapon!

After all, if the inheritance is successful, some insights will be gained.

You may be a new divine craftsman in the future. Even a false divine craftsman is what most people only dream of.

No wonder what they are buying now are low-level God-seeking cards.

Because high-level memory fragments are precious resources, it is estimated that only auctions will release such precious resources.

Just like magic weapons, they are scarce resources.

In [Viewing Perspective], a group of people are also watching the steward's room:

"Hahahaha, what a departure!"

"I have to say that putting aside the emotional factors, this is more cost-effective. After all, how much resources does it cost to cultivate an ancestor? Supporting the fallen souls and turbid energy for hundreds or even thousands of years is also a huge benefit! It is given to A legacy for future generations!"

"Yes, if we don't recycle it, the indirect loss of the family's legal money is estimated to be at least several million. How will the family develop in the future?"

"That rag collector over there, come quickly, my ancestor is dying, my ancestor is a peddler! What? Not dead yet? Anyway, it's almost done. Wait until I pull out his oxygen tube!"

"The cowhide upstairs gives me a sense of the picture right away."

"Let me just say, this world view cannot be thought up without a decade of mental illness."

"It's not bad, I can justify myself."

"And it has nothing to do with the lower level. You have to be a mid-level professional at least to be valuable. Low-level ones are not worthy of being included in the God-Inviting Card."

"Niu Niu Niu! All kinds of logic are self-consistent, perfectly showing us a world of cultivating immortals with unique customs and extremely real life."

"So, the truly powerful Ancestor's turbid energy has been sold, so I'm going to use the Poké Ball in his head to capture it. Why are the fellow villagers so rubbish?"

"Bah! My ancestor can't even let me go."

"Let go of that ancestor and let me do it."

"This is very unfilial. How can you sell your ancestor with your own hands? I have to do it now? I suggest that it be Yi Zu who sells it."

Countless people were discussing it, which directly exploded the comment area.

This world is weird, scary, evil, and worthy of being dark.

But think about it carefully.

This dirty concept of fathers and fellow villagers has long been reflected in various details.

1. They

2. They use their heads to strike iron and attract the invasion of the turbid energy from heaven and earth.

Now that these events are connected, suddenly the veil is completely lifted, the truth is revealed, and it corresponds to the various small details before.

Inexplicably, there is a strong feeling of decryption.

"The world view has been opened up once again."

Dao Jiujiu lit a cigarette.

At this time, Aunt Xian suddenly said: "What if the ancestor refuses?"

"Refuse to sell? That means our ancestors are unfilial!!"

Su Yuniang stood up, full of fighting spirit, and said in Ning Qiaoqiao's tone:

"The fire of civilization is passed down. When the ancestors die, they turn into spring mud to protect the flowers. When a whale falls, all things are born. I bless you, the descendant, so that you can grow up."

"And when you grow up, you should use the same method to bless your descendants. The embers will protect your home, and the remaining soul will be turned into a god card to give people the possibility of inheritance."

"In this way, we can pass on the fire and grow stronger from generation to generation."

Su Yuniang continued to express her views:

"In addition, this is also a good thing. Not only does the family prosper, but you are also enshrined in the tomb by future generations and will be remembered for generations. You can also rise from the coffin and live a good life.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh.

The more I understand this

In this world, the more I feel that this world's world view is too perfect.

Weird, bizarre.

But all aspects are complementary to each other.

They should not use the worldview of their previous lives and traditional folk customs such as laying waste to their graves to measure this world.

This is a world where the living and the dead coexist.

After discussing the invitation cards for a while, they were ready to start selling them.

The [low-level experience books] they talked about include twenty books for each of the five professions: spiritual farmer, alchemist, blacksmith, clothing maker, and jewelry.

Each copy cost 500 francs, so 100 copies already cost 50,000 francs.

[Intermediate Experience Book], there are only two main professions: blacksmith and spiritual farmer.

Each copy cost 5,000 dharma money, and each profession purchased five copies, for a total of 50,000 dharma money.

Intermediate career books are intended to be used by one person.

If a person uses a few more intermediate-level experience books, he may not be able to advance to a high-level one, but his proficiency will definitely skyrocket.

As for the side effects of using too much?

It's okay, they're not afraid of insanity.

Ning Zheng was determined to create a high-level blacksmith. No matter how difficult it was, she wanted to be a very powerful and experienced mid-level blacksmith.

I want to prop up the facade of the villa!

Soon, Jiucairong left the experience book in the bookstore for sale.

A group of blacksmiths were stunned.

"So expensive? 700 francs?"

"I heard that this is still a 20% discount. It will increase in the future. I have already taken out a new professional loan."

"So expensive? Is this because of inflation? How many bricks do we have to move?"

"What do you think? A monk is a bottomless pit. The cost is only 500 mana. Plus the loss of the teleportation array, taking you 200 more is really not too much."

"That's right, I heard that one from Zhang Huaping costs 1,000 francs, which is quite expensive."

Many of them had red eyes.

It’s expensive, but it’s worth it!

Nowadays, most of the sand sculpture blacksmiths are half-empty, they are the most powerful with one mouth.

Buy an experience book, and if you become a genuine low-level blacksmith and inherit the inheritance of a certain undead, you will make money very quickly in the future.

The most exaggerated thing is that it can also lower the professional threshold of the villa.

Before, everyone specialized in one profession.

In the future, as long as you have money, the blacksmith next door can also try to get a professional certificate to become a low-level spiritual farmer, and the spiritual farmer can also become a low-level blacksmith.

However, Dao Chiujiu asked everyone in the crowd to calm down: "Wake up, the effect may not be as great as imagined."


With this sudden interruption, everyone felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured on them.

Daojiujiu said:

"They are magic weapons made from monster materials, and ours are magic weapons made from spiritual roots. The specific processes are different."

"Their technology can only be used as a reference. We have to open up our own path."

When everyone heard it, they thought it made sense.

This is not a kryptonian who can become a forging master by buying professional books like crazy.

Because they are on a new path, they can only learn from the experience and technology of other peers.

They appeal to their conscience.

You don't just have to buy an experience book to become a master, you also have to learn integration. Doesn't this limit the kryptonians and give them the possibility of being surpassed by civilian players?

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