This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 66 Grandpa Ring: What are you doing?

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Low-level profession book, sold for 700 mana.

The price of the mid-level professional book has not increased, it is still the original price of 5,000 mana.

It was obviously Liao Cairong who gave those experts certain preferential policies based on the wishes of the old manager.

Cost price, first promote the skills of top professionals.

Dao Jiujiu did not hesitate and directly selected an intermediate-level God-inviting card.

It contains product information:

[He was a high-level blacksmith during his lifetime, the first level of the four internal organs, with a lifespan of 3,210 years. He was good at forging sword-like instruments for fire and water monsters. 】

This high-level blacksmith who could forge weapons in the three-element realm barely entered the four-viscera realm during his lifetime.

It is estimated that he was forced to take drugs when the Five Body Realm was perfect. After that, the side effects broke out and he could no longer improve.

But it's reasonable.

The level of sub-professionals will not be too high, because they focus entirely on their own fields.

Of course, they lived longer than their contemporaries!

Because of their fighting profession, they will make crazy money to support them.

So what if their realm is low?

Give them viscera instruments and live to the 800-year limit of the Five-Body Realm and the 8,000-year limit of the Four-Zang Realm.

What kind of number is eight thousand years?

Even though the person in front of him who is more than 3,000 years old in the Four Zang Realm has lived longer than most of the great monks in the Three Yuan Realm.

Because those great monks in the Three Yuan Realm want to fight, fight, and take risks outside for their families.

How can one walk along the river without getting his shoes wet?

There are not many people who die of old age.

Even some unlucky super geniuses of the Three Yuan Realm monks may break through the Three Yuan Realm at the age of two or three hundred years, but they may not be able to live for 800 years.

It can't be compared to a mere monk who serves as a deputy in the Five Body Realm.

That's hilarious.

Therefore, it is very foolish to judge success or failure based on circumstances.

This world is not a game world. A high level of cultivation does not mean you are absolutely excellent and absolutely powerful.

"Boss, how do you choose the intermediate experience book?"

"Yes, you passed the lower level?"

People around him were confused.

Dao Jiujiu shook his head: "I think I am already a low-level blacksmith. I don't need to complete my skills. I can just start the middle-level work and save some money."

After all, according to current calculations.

Using the God-Inviting Card will cost you a lot, and you will become mentally confused later.

There is a high probability that a resurrection will be used up, so it is better to jump directly to the mid-level profession.

Besides, it’s five thousand French coins.

This is going to kill him!

He got it after taking out a loan.

Daojiujiu burned incense and made offerings, and then began to invite the gods.

In the distance, a group of blacksmiths were watching secretly.

I saw Dao Jiujiu's whole body trembling, as if he was possessed by something, and he felt like he was being possessed by fellow villagers when he was in bloom.

After all, they are essentially the same.

"Hahaha, I'm finally free!"

A bold and fiery voice came: "Junior, did you invite me to serve you? It's good to eat and drink. I can help you."

Because the opponent is highly skilled and has collected a relatively complete collection of turbid remnant souls, this remnant soul also has a relatively sound consciousness.

The other party seems to know what situation he is in and is being summoned.

He also realized that he was dead.

After all, he is the real remnant of his soul, not a bubble with logical flaws.

Moreover, this kind of remnant soul will gradually disappear. Therefore, after the general invitation card is made, its useful life will not exceed ten years.

Dao Jiujiu took a deep breath and found that his consciousness was not occupied.

I heard that the same is true for those fighting monks who invite gods, but they just ask their ancestors to possess them and give them great power.

If you don't absorb the memory, you won't forget who you are.

It is said that the techniques of inviting gods in some holy places are even more exaggerated, and their "gods" will not be exhausted.

They accumulated little by little and summoned the famous giant spirits, door gods, and heavenly generals in history, with extremely exaggerated combat power.

Of course, if you use it too much, it will be assimilated.

"Senior." Dao Jiujiu felt that his consciousness was a little blurry, and many scenes and forging proficiency were pouring in crazily.

"Call me Mr. Zhang, let me control your body, and I'll teach you how to forge."

"You are absorbing my memories. I won't live much longer. This life doesn't matter."

Mr. Zhang has a hot temper and is quite open-minded:

"I haven't hit iron for a long time, and I want to hit it before I die."

"Don't worry, you, don't worry about me controlling you, that brand will protect you."

Under normal circumstances, like an old man, he observes inside the body, but he can also let the other party control the body.

Dao Jiujiu also relaxed his mind and handed over control of his body.

Mr. Zhang laughed loudly and looked at a young blacksmith next to him: "Tell me where your blacksmith shop is."

The blacksmith pointed into the distance.

Boss Zhang stepped in, pushed open the door of the blacksmith shop, and suddenly fell into silence.

In the blacksmith shop.

A group of people were working feverishly on blacksmithing and forging, making a clanging sound.

Several enchanters were also watching, and the stove in the distance seemed to be queuing up for diving.


Golden sparks flew.

"Well done."


"Where are the tongs? Pick them up."

"While it's hot."

A group of people laughed and laughed. ? ? ?

Before Mr. Zhang died, he wanted to hit a hammer to enjoy himself, but his movement of picking up the hammer became sluggish at the door.

Did I hallucinate before I died?

very scary.

The blacksmiths in the blacksmith shop also noticed each other, and they all looked at each other. They thought something was wrong in their hearts, and they quickly showed friendly smiles with stiff and stupid smiles to express their friendship.

Facing the stares and smiles from all sides of the blacksmith shop, Mr. Zhang suddenly became even more frightened.

"Sir, you are on the wrong track."

At this time, Liaicai Rong hurried over, pointed to the abandoned summer blacksmith shop in the distance and said: "This is not a blacksmith shop, that is."

Mr. Zhang was silent, looking at the iron being forged inside, feeling that the other party was lying to him.

"You go out first."

Mr. Zhang was quickly pushed out of the door, and the door slammed behind him.

Then, the blacksmith in the blacksmith shop also received the news.

"Brothers, quickly pass through the secret passage and go to the old blacksmith shop next door."

"Yes, go to the blacksmith shop next door and pretend that we are normal people."

"Fortunately, the blacksmith shop is not abandoned. The Zhang family's blacksmith was working there before."

"That idiot just now, why did he just say that we are here? Can't he just make people wait?"

"It is, we are all seen."

"Everyone, go to the blacksmith shop next door and show some enthusiasm."

A group of them rushed down the underground passage and ran madly to the next door.

Mr. Zhang was delayed by Jiu Cairong and introduced the situation of the villa, the forging experience, the number of blacksmiths, and what they were good at.

While chatting, Lian Cairong saw a figure emerging from the manhole cover next to him. He made an OK gesture, and then he quickly took the other person to the old blacksmith shop next door.

"This is our real blacksmith shop."

Liaicairong just opened the door.

Heat rolled in.

A group of blacksmiths were working frantically, and the sound was in full swing.

It turned out to be the same group of people just now.

It's just that the few enchanters who were about to jump into the forge were jumping back and forth, as if they were just cheering and encouraging the blacksmith to work.

Mr. Zhang was stunned for a moment.

Is this group the same as the one I just saw? How did those dead people survive? But I saw them jumping into the forging furnace with my own eyes.

Could it be that I just saw it wrong? After all, the dead cannot be resurrected!

He was in a trance. He probably was a remnant soul and was on the verge of death. It was normal for him to have hallucinations.

"Senior, look, this is our magic weapon."

Liao Cairong interrupted his thoughts and asked, "Do you have any advice?"

Mr. Zhang looked at the painting card and then took a look at the process.

It is made from the powder of some kind of demonic beast whose identity can no longer be identified.

Mr. Zhang thought for a while and became interested: "You guys create a painting card, and I'll see if there is any improvement in your process."

The blacksmiths were also very enthusiastic and started a "Kuai Kua Group" siege. Several people took the lead in blacksmithing and asked the boss for advice.

It's rare to find a true master blacksmith, this is the old man with the ring.

Shouldn't this be coaxed?

They did not dare to ask for advice from the Zhang family blacksmith next door, and wanted to maintain the high style of the mysterious blacksmith.

But there is no fear of exposure here.

If they weren't afraid of scaring others, they would all want to show how they were enchanted.

"Well, you ask, what kind of monster material is this powder?" Lian Cairong said, "It is the navy we raise."

"It's not convenient to see the navy prototype. The main purpose is to teach us how to forge it with these materials."

Mr. Zhang nodded, looked at the painting card, and felt that this magic weapon still had merits.

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