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time flies.

After forging for several hours, Mr. Zhang observed the forging of various weapons in the blacksmith shop, walking back and forth among the various small teams, occasionally giving instructions.

These painted signs and dog-tail weapons do have some skills.

But the workmanship is too rough.

It has the advantage of possessing the supernatural power of monster materials, otherwise it would simply not be able to compete with the fierce competition in the weapons business circle nowadays.

"Here, you should hit like this, one light and one hard."

"Rhythm, yes, match your breathing. Breathing is the most important thing."

"Every good blacksmith is a good drum master and a good musician."

"Forging an excellent weapon is like playing a beautiful piece of music that is extremely smooth!"

"You make too much messy noise, and you'll know it's not going to work as soon as you hear it."

Mr. Zhang kept giving advice and even went into battle himself.

It was as if the terrifying scene I had seen before was all an illusion.

Of course, even if he still has doubts in his heart, what can he do?

After being possessed by a god, his remaining soul dissipated rapidly, and it was estimated that he would burn out all his life in a few hours.

None of these things mattered.

At the end of his life, he just wanted to blacksmith well, become addicted to the craft, and teach others by the way, which would be a happy ending.

Time passed from noon to dusk, and the sky gradually darkened.

"Senior, what do you think of this painting sign?"

When it was time for dinner, Liaicairong couldn't help but come out.

Mr. Zhang put down the hammer in his hand, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and recalled the forging process of the painting card:

"Well, I can see that you are very good at summarizing the rules. You use a notebook to write down the information and data, and conduct the controlled experiments you mentioned. It is developing very quickly."

Before Mr. Zhang died, he was very amazed at the purity of these people.

They talk a lot about "upgrading", "transfer experience", and "win-win cooperation" and crazily promote their own technological development.

To know.

There are many tips and secrets in side trades like blacksmithing that are not easily taught to others.

Even the family blacksmith shop is divided into several lines, each forging separately, and the secrets are only passed down to one's direct descendants.

And these people seemed to be unsuspecting.

It is also this kind of forging mode that makes their research speed super fast.

At least, the two magical weapons on the low-level blacksmiths are already extremely solid. With their own help in smoothing out some small details and shortcomings, I believe they will be able to completely forge these two weapons after a few days of training.

At this time, Su Yuniang outside the door ran over:

"Senior, please come to our dinner party and we will see you off by the way."

Mr. Zhang was stunned for a moment and nodded: "In that case, let me have a dinner at the last minute!"


A group of people sat around the campfire, singing and dancing.

There was constant laughter and laughter.

Mr. Zhang stared blankly at the cheerful atmosphere of this scene and smiled with relief.

He actually thought it would be a pleasure to see this group of energetic blacksmiths before leaving.

"Sir, what do you think of us?" In the shining light of the fire, the God of Cookery served the food.

Mr. Zhang thought for a while and said, "Work hard, be diligent, be studious, and the most important thing is that your eyes are filled with dreams. These are the core elements for a team to succeed."

"Senior, you don't need to praise them so much, they will be proud." The medical fairy smiled sweetly.

"Bah, we are very strong, aren't we!" A blacksmith was furious: "We want to become the number one forging villa in the world! We will pave the way for mankind in the world!"

The medical fairy retorted: "You are so strong. I have been studying low-level magic weapons for so long, but they are still the same. I can only ask God."

Mr. Zhang just watched their exchange quietly, laughing and scolding.

In fact, he had already vaguely guessed the forging process of this picture card and what the "Navy Army" was.

It's people.

There is something very wrong with this villa.

According to common sense, even the high-level blacksmiths of the Zhang family couldn't tell the navy's heel. How could Mr. Zhang, a weaker blacksmith's remnant soul, be able to tell?

But he witnessed with his own eyes the group of "marine soldiers" hammering away at the blacksmith shop.

Just think about it.

You will understand that the water army is the two-legged sheep and living ginseng in the mouth of the demon cultivator.

But when he looked at this group of people laughing and laughing, he really couldn't relate to that horrible thing.

He felt that his memory was getting blurry. As he was dying, he suddenly asked: "Sailor, why on earth are you doing this?"

The expressions of the blacksmiths who were eating and bragging suddenly became stiff.

Sure enough, it was still guessed.

When the atmosphere was dull, Shao Chai Kun stood up and pointed down the mountain: "Have you seen the bonfire at the bottom of the mountain?"

Mr. Zhang looked around.

That's a huge wall.

A bonfire was lit, and a group of women looking at each other from a distance actually danced there with graceful and charming postures.

"That's our wife."

Shao Chai Kun tells a beautiful love story.

In this remote mountain village, a group of simple villagers have been living for hundreds of years, staying open at night and collecting money.

They study, practice, and defend the villa in the school on the mountain.

The woman at the foot of the mountain, on the other hand, takes the non-professional blacksmithing route. She is a special kind of painter who paints landscapes and sells them.

But one day, a strange disaster struck, and the flames of war surrounded the land, and miserable roars and roars could be heard endlessly.

When Shao Chai Kun said this, his face showed bitterness: "As you can see, they are already a bunch of tricksters."

"During that disaster, our soldiers in the villa failed to protect them well."

When Shao Chaikun said this, he burst into tears and cried loudly:

"Today, they are still watching from afar at the foot of the mountain."

"We are helpless and can only temporarily change jobs and become blacksmiths and use their bones to forge picture cards."

"We have only started to learn to forge the painted cards in the past two months, so that their bones can leave traces in this world."

"They love painting. Whenever I write on the picture cards they forged, I can think of them."

"In fact, in order to better forge their painting cards and let them leave traces in the world, we did not hesitate to spend 5,000 mana money to buy a god-inviting card and urgently learn how to forge memories."

"So, you're here"

Shao Chaikun's voice gradually became choked with sobs.

"Sorry, we really didn't mean to lie to you. We have never harmed anyone. We only harmed ourselves. We just want to keep our lover."

Mr. Zhang let go of his thoughts.

Indeed, they definitely did not take long to forge.

Because it can be seen from the calluses on their palms and conditioned reflexes that they are a new group of people.

Definitely less than half a year.

But now that I think about it, it might even be less than two months.

But with this level of memory in just two months, one can imagine how diligent and hardworking the other party is.

I'm afraid that every day, I have to work hard like this and endure boring.

Mr. Zhang looked at the dancing at the foot of the mountain. It was so beautiful and beautiful, and he felt a sense of sadness and beauty. He couldn't help but imagine what it would be like.

A group of blacksmiths are forging on the mountain, a group of women at the foot of the mountain are washing and cooking, waiting, and children are chasing, playing, reading, and walking.

Even now.

They still think about their husbands on the mountain, who dance for them every night, look at the scholars studying on the mountain from a distance, and maintain their daily routine.

This is a bunch of crazy people.

They repeated the dance during the daily bonfire party at the foot of the mountain.

——This is a suicide note written by them, and it is also a love letter.

Mr. Zhang looked at the dance at the foot of the mountain and sighed:

"That's all, that's all. I won't ask about this matter. I never thought it would be interesting to witness your stories before leaving."

He is actually very smart.

Pretend to respond, give random advice, fulfill your last wish before leaving, forge and forge, and have a lot of fun.

After that, he left this world and did not pass on the memory fragments to the person who asked the god.

Please God, what matters is the fit.

If you resist yourself, the other party will not get many forging fragments.

His original intention was not to help these vicious and twisted scum, demon cultivators.

But now, I blame them wrongly.

They are a group of infatuated men in the villa.

"Feel sorry."

Mr. Zhang apologized for uncovering the other party's scars.

"It's okay." Shao Chaikun shouted softly: "Ask me in this world, what is love? Can it be said to be a life-or-death commitment?"

"Today, we will rest after getting drunk." The mason made a bold toast.

"Then drink!"

Mr. Zhang didn't ask any more questions. Why bother worrying so much when he was dying?

He drank heavily and ate meat. He relaxed his mind and no longer hid some tips. He patiently taught and communicated with the blacksmiths.

The blacksmiths also talked about the past, the past when they were young.

"I remember back then, my lover and I were in love with each other."

"Unfortunately, there was a monster named He Crab that prevented my lover and I from having sex that day. To this day, even after we have been married for a long time, we are still not allowed to get close to each other."

"Bitterness is fate."

"Oh, River Crab, it's a monster unique to our place. It's so vicious."

Both parties got drunk, and the barriers were broken down by meals and small talk.

"A trumpet comes from the east, and a fool comes from the west~"

There was someone remotely singing impromptu songs, playing Allegro, singing and dancing, which was quite interesting.


The bonfire burned and the stars bloomed, warming people on the winter night.

The strong drink went into the throat, and under the firelight, the common human emotions brought the two sides closer.

There are also beautiful girls standing on high places, with cold and sad voices humming unknown local songs, telling their experiences and warming people's hearts on this warm winter night.

"Outside the pavilion, beside the ancient road, the green grass reaches the sky."

"The evening wind blows the willow flute and the sound of the willow flute fades, and the sun sets outside the mountains."

"At the end of the sky, at the corner of the earth, there are only a few close friends."

"A pot of turbid wine will extinguish all the joy. Don't sleep in the cold tonight."

Along with the melodious singing, Mr. Zhang's memory became hazier as he drank, and he remembered the past after a long absence.

Inexplicably, he remembered the love and hate he had with that girl when he was a boy, the dream he had while forging, and his high spirits until now, three thousand years later.

Looking at this group of young people, I feel inexplicably the same.

His memory gradually blurred, his cheeks turned red after drinking, and he completely disappeared. He said the last sentence in a daze:

"Don't be discouraged."

"This land is full of graves, and the separation and death of loved ones are common."

"It was fate that I witnessed your touching story before I died."


He fell in the snow and looked at the stars in the night sky, his memory gradually blurred.

I could vaguely see a pair of hands shaking dimly in front of my eyes, as if testing my vision, and there was a voice in my ears.

"Senior, can you hear me? Can you hear me?"

"I guess it's done."

"I was shocked. I thought the other party was going to resist and resist the inheritance of memory."

"Hehe, he really believed it."

"Go well, ancestor."

"It's easy to go, ancestor."

"This time, fortunately, we used our wits to make him let down his guard and tell a wave of white lies. Jiujiu should be able to accept more than 30% of the forged memory."

"At least you have passed level A?"

"Tch, haven't I prepared this story about the mountain and the mountain before? This is actually used. Success is always reserved for those who are prepared."

Mr. Zhang's voice became increasingly blurry and thin, like a devil's whisper, murmuring as he lay dying.

"Well, the sensational script was not used for Zhang Huaping, but it was used for this one, and it seems to have a good effect."

"Bah, is it the credit of your Shao Chai Kun? Is it the credit of my God of Cookery? If I hadn't put corpse-colored mushrooms in his wine, would he have been so easily distracted, sensationalized, and believed our lies?"


"Hey hey hey."

"Hee hee hee!"

Weird and terrifying laughter kept ringing through the villa.

After hearing these words, Mr. Zhang was completely furious. The strong mood swings made him feel dazed and sober.

Did I believe your lies?

——I was cheated?


What a bunch of thieves!

If he could pretend to be dead at this moment, he would definitely want this group of people to look good. Unfortunately, his consciousness only woke up for a moment and gradually disappeared.

He reacted completely.

This is an unknown family of demon cultivators in the mountains. They are insidious, cunning, good at deceiving, violent and cruel, with twisted psychology, forged from living people.

Mr. Zhang kept thinking about it, and there was only one strong thought left before he lost consciousness:

What kind of monsters are these?

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