This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 68: Evaluation of the God-pleasing Event, the forum is abuzz

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Demon Town Tower Prison.

The night sky is filled with stars.

The wood-stacked bonfire was glowing with sparks, and the skewers were placed on top of it. The aroma was incomparably rich.

"Well, I finally sent away the one who invited the god."

Ning Zheng glanced at the bonfire on the mountain and continued to eat dinner in the bonfire at the bottom of the mountain.

That Mr. Zhang's time for praying to God must have run out.

After all, possessions are like this, and they are basically disposable.

An invitation card is still too expensive.

5,000 French money, which is equivalent to the purchase price of a four-viscera level weapon!

Weapons can always be used.

But this invitation card is one-time use and disappears after use. You can imagine how luxurious this thing is!

Ning Zheng spent a lot of money, but almost had an accident. If they hadn't made timely repairs and improved the compatibility with Qingshen Cannian, the money would have been lost.

Ning Zheng sighed.

This thing is really not something that ordinary people can use.

"Is this dance good?" At this time, Ning Qiaoqiao asked.

"It's not bad." Ning Zheng regained consciousness, smiled and said, "Our life has gotten better and better, and now we can even control the prison."

Su Yuniang also leaned over,

"It's not that our family is getting better, it's that every family in our village is getting better!"

"Every household is happy and reunited!"

After saying that, she stood up and shouted in front of the entire bonfire:

"We are just a small family in the villa, working together to build the big family of Rich Village."

"Since the new sisters here live here, they will be neighbors and relatives from now on. We will resist danger together and create a future together."

Her voice is full of sincerity and passion, carrying a beautiful vision and yearning for the future:

"Today is the first appearance of our women's song and dance troupe. We have just received a guest from the mountain and urgently invited us to perform for the first time."

"I was also given a sizeable appearance fee."

"We have three hundred sisters here. Now, after the dance, each one of them can receive a dharma coin!"

"Of course, don't be disappointed if your dancing skills are not up to standard. As you continue training, you will be allowed to join us in the next dance!"

A group of female prisoners below cheered and were extremely happy.

Obviously, he had never lived such a good life before he was alive, and this was the first time he experienced it after his death.

Dharma money is the currency used by monks who come and go. As ordinary people, it is almost difficult for them to earn it.

And today, for a simple dance, just give me a dharma coin?

This is quite incredible in their worldview.

I have to say that Su Yuniang is a person with leadership temperament. She is a sales leader who can attract a group of people unconsciously while standing and chatting in the crowd. She is very charming.

"However, it is with this kind of talent that it becomes extremely easy for me to manage the villa." Ning Zheng looked at Su Yuniang's smile and couldn't help but shake her head.

This group of blacksmiths are very different from the indigenous people.

It's fun for these weirdos to think that they are not dead and are playing games in a different world.


Only the dazzle is special.

Because he died just a few days into the game, so his cognition was very low when he was dazzled. At that time, he didn't even know the concept of embers.

He thought it was time travel.

The other blacksmiths who were born later thought they were still playing games.

It can only be said that different personalities, different ways of death, and different perceptions of Gui.

Ning Zheng saw them so happy and thought to herself:

"Our villages at the foot of the mountain will indeed continue to grow."

"Because the blacksmiths on the mountain will continue to draw cards, increase the population by a large amount, and continue to enrich the facilities at the foot of the mountain. This place will continue to expand and even become a strange country."

"And Sword Forging Villa will become the core of it, the real royal palace."

"Hopefully one day."

He smiled as he looked at the bonfire burning on the winter night.

People have to have dreams, right?

After eating, Ning Zheng returned home, sat cross-legged, and opened the forum leisurely.

Today's online forums are extremely lively and boiling.

They are all fighting against that group of animals, saying that they are too cheap for defrauding seniors like Mr. Zhang.

"Cry, cry, cry, Mr. Zhang, he died with hatred."

"Can you have some moral integrity? People are so kind to you."

"I can't feel the guilt anymore. I'm banging my head against the wall."

"Shao Chai Kun, he actually succeeded in cheating this time. Am I dreaming?"

"I don't think there is any problem. We were exposed only after our ancestor died. We already gave each other a good send-off."

There were too many people complaining, and this time the player's operation simply blinded everyone.

They even posted a few emoticons of women dressed as Shao Chaikun, with various coquettish gestures, condemning this little blacksmith who was on his way to becoming a drama star.

Ning Zheng just watched them frantically scrolling the screen for a few times, and then stopped watching. They always like to be surprised.

In their world view, they also need to talk about some etiquette and morals, and feel that they should not defraud others, but Ning Zheng feels that if they don't tell a wave of white lies, the other party will die with peace of mind. If the god does not agree with her, she will lose 5,000 dharma money.

In Ning Zheng's eyes.

This wave of operations is very qualified.

Ning Zheng can understand their thoughts.

It's just that he didn't expect it just like the player.

After the other party died, he still had a little consciousness. When he discovered the truth, he could only say that the first experience was not enough, and he still refused to settle down. He could only say that he did bad things with good intentions.

His eyes were set on some useful information.

Every night, Kuang cultivates the sixth body and performs steadily as before. Kuang looks at the screen from the sidelines and becomes the emperor of online analysis.

[New strategy: Guide to using the experience book. 】

"Recently, the game has launched a new feature: the experience book. I believe everyone has read it."

"This is actually a very early foreshadowing! The first three flowers bloomed for us, and our fellow villagers got pregnant and their memories were confused. We should have guessed that this kind of turbid memory confusion can also have a positive effect."

"Now, this positive effect comes from the experience provided by the fellow villagers!"

"It can only be said that the foreshadowing of the planning is too deep, too awesome, and too outrageous. If we had analyzed it earlier, we might not have guessed that this was the hint of the experience book."

"This strategy leader needs to reflect on himself. From now on, I will delve deeper into the foreshadowing of the plan, the hidden meaning, and dig out the hidden world view."

Ning Zheng couldn't help but nodded when she saw this.

This one made Ning Zheng very satisfied.

We just need more talents like this.

For planning analysis, reveal the hidden background and secret world view of this world.

Because they help explore and analyze the civilizational structure of the world, I, a little person hiding in the mountains with little knowledge, can also learn more about the world.

After all, the water here is very deep.

Cultivating the sixth body crazily every night:

"However, this time it does open up a new corner of the worldview, ember, turbidity, and their respective uses."

"Today, Dao Jiujiu used the mid-grade experience book, and the plot of Mr. Zhang that appeared in it was a small highlight. I will make a brief analysis here."

screenshot, screenshot, screenshot,

Screenshots were released like crazy.

Among them are the process of Mr. Zhang's blacksmithing, teaching people, and the process of the bonfire party.

"As we all know, there is a certain degree of compatibility in inviting gods. It is similar to the traditional folk customs on earth, such as summoning immortals, inviting magic, goddesses, and crazy dancing gods."

"Only a suitable spiritual medium carrier can easily invite God to come to you."

"It's actually similar here. Judging by how friendly this 'god' is to you as a carrier, those sand sculpture blacksmiths almost broke down before. Mr. Zhang saw how perverted they were, and the friendliness level was probably reduced to 0."

"But Mr. Zhang's AI intelligence is very smart, and he will hide it until the end, ready to leave and start another attack. If Shao Chaikun didn't show up on the spot, the fit would have collapsed, and the 5,000 mana money would have been wasted."

"If it had failed at that time, Daojiujiu would have cried to death. I didn't get anything out of this loan."

"So I hope some blacksmiths will take this as a warning and not be so impulsive. You have grown too well recently and have become too swollen. You have forgotten the spirit of Taoism!"

"The difficulty of this game is actually due to the AI ​​design. The production team used NPCs behind our backs to trick us, calculate against us, and increase the difficulty for us. We took reference from Shi Youyou before and crazily stole lessons from it. It's so shameless."

"Also, after the Dao Jiujiu incident, I hope everyone will pay attention. Every experience book in this game is actually a temporary copy. Guests can be invited to the villa for teaching."

"Of course, the setting of the experience book is also incredible. The alternative random guest master will probably add a lot of new gameplay to the villa."

"The specific harvest will depend on the inheritance of Dao Jiujiu tomorrow."

"Okay, that's it for this evaluation. Finally, I'll name Shao Chai Kun. It's too cool. You actually want to change the second body and the sixth body that you have cultivated? To replace my status of cultivating the sixth body every night. ?”

"I advise you, this veteran comrade who has been burning firewood for two and a half years, to take care of yourself and reflect on it, (へ╬)"

The evaluation ends here.

Just a classification summary.

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