This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 69 The Appearance of the Intermediate Blacksmith

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At this time, the big guys in the forum are discussing experience books.

The gameplay is very interesting.

Even Shao Chai Kun, God of Cookery, Aunt Xian, Su Yuniang and others also showed up to give their own opinions and started discussions among themselves.

It can be imagined that the experience book will be a big consumer of the villa in the future, a bottomless pit of krypton gold.

Moreover, they cannot yet make their own experience books.

Because the level of the folks they captured was too low, the senior folks would not be captured by them at all.

Someone complained:

"Plan, let those big families release their ancestral turmoil and catch us."

"It's no fun to catch some low-level babies in the world all day long."

"That's it, let's open up the gameplay. It's super fun at first glance. It's a pet catching game for Pokemon."

"That's right, there are all kinds of professional experience books flying around the world. It's really hard to catch them."

"Woooo! I want to arrest Mr. Zhang!"

"Old Zhang will die with his eyes closed.jpg"

An emoticon picture was sent directly. In the picture, Mr. Zhang was staring at the sky with his eyes wide open, slumped on the snow in the campfire and looking at the sky. Only a group of blacksmiths were left pointing around him.

"Boss Niu Pi, you made the picture so quickly. I stole this picture."

"It's already mine."

Ning Zheng also silently followed the crowd and stole a bunch of emoticons.

Ning Zheng also complained in her heart:

I also want them to release the ancestors and catch these fellow villagers flying around the world for you.

But they didn't listen to my "plan". If I stole from their ancestor, they would probably beat me to death.

In any case, the experience books are monopolized by others, and they can only pay for them.

But as a business game, this group of capitalist blacksmiths would feel more uncomfortable watching others make their own money than eating the meat fields under their dormitories.

But no one could think of a solution for a while.

You have to buy experience books after all.

However, as a group of scheming keyboard analysts, they frantically speculated on the subsequent plot and even analyzed the stages of the experience book.

1. The stage of purchasing experience books in large quantities.

The blacksmiths, spiritual farmers, and alchemists of this period were too weak and had not yet completed the primitive accumulation of technology. They could only rely on experience books for rapid growth.

2. Start the career mentor stage.

At this time, among the blacksmiths and other professionals, several little masters appeared.

These masters can change their careers, plant Yin Zhicao and middle-grade Yin Spirit Roots, and start a career as a professional mentor.

They call this spiritual root the "teacher" spiritual root.

Use implanted memories to increase experience for blacksmiths.

This side effect is not inferior to asking gods, but it is obviously a more economical model, better than selling experience books and making money for outsiders.

At this stage, the villa must have passed the accumulation period, and a large number of skill guilds will appear in the villa.

Like some online games, blacksmiths can enter it to learn skills.

Moreover, they will classify skills and even label them with skill icons to standardize professional knowledge.

"At this time, we no longer need to buy experience books from outside, because we have already opened our own path."

“We can no longer learn from others because we are on an unprecedented path.”

"Entering this stage, professional mentors appear, and the [Skill Learning] game is updated."

"We perfected it step by step to what we wanted, which is kind of cool^_^"

"You said that top professionals such as Dao Jiujiu, Wu Mujiang, and Medical Fairy are all mentors of [life skills learning]. In the future, they may also be able to provide mentors of [combat skill learning], right?"

"Don't tell me yet, it's really possible!"

"Indeed, if the cultivation experience of the Five Body Realm is taught to us, wouldn't it mean that we are capable of cultivating again and can practice extremely fast?"

"No, [Arrow Mastery] [Swordsmanship Mastery] [Swordsmanship Mastery] are also skills, right?"

"According to what you said, combat skills can be learned. Maybe in the future, we can also get the magic spiritual root that kills people and increases our cultivation level, and starts the mode of killing monsters and upgrading."

"Holy shit, a business game, a transformation, battle and upgrade game, is that possible?"

"Everything is possible, okay? I've known this game before. The gameplay is free and the possibilities are endless."

"The murderous upgrading spiritual root must be a heavenly spiritual root, right? At least a high-grade spiritual root? I hope that group of spiritual farmers will start to develop this murderous spiritual root now. Be more knowledgeable and give me some strength. Don't force me to kneel down and beg. you."

Everyone was noisy, and the more they talked, the more distorted they were. It was almost as if their minds were spinning.

Mu Mujiang also showed up and said: "A bunch of lunatics, we spiritual farmers have just emerged, we are not that far away yet, you want to eat shit!"

Auntie Xian: "I suggest that you spiritual farmers also start using experience books."

Mu Majiang: "Well, I'll prepare it for use tomorrow. There was a rat knife Jiujiu experimenting with today. He almost collapsed. This time we have to be ready."

The shrimp catcher: "Shaochai Kun, come to us tomorrow. If the truth about our villa is discovered, prepare to help us tell the story on the mountain and below."

Shao Chai Kun: "Hey, hey, do you finally know how powerful my Green Tea Kun is? Collect money! I will charge performance fees severely, and I will also bring corpse-colored mushrooms from the canteen and put them in the wine to make him dizzy, making it easier to deceive. ."

What a beast.

Everyone looked at these people, going further and further down the line of immorality. The group of Cannian instructors who were communicating about how to commit fraud were speechless.

Especially Shaochai Kun, you have already embarked on your own career path.

It is conceivable that the remnant souls and fellow villagers who prayed to the gods were all deceived by them.

Medical Fairy: "By the way, yesterday, you cried whenever you asked."

Shao Chai Kun: "I used some kind of spicy-eye-searing plant similar to garlic, hidden in the sleeves."

Medical Fairy: "It's a waste of food. I suggest you modify your bladder. Sad and bitter tears flow from the corners of your eyes\\(^o^)/~"

Shao Chaikun: "Ahhh!~ You are poisonous, you are taking revenge maliciously, it disgusts me [○`Д○]"

Medical Fairy: "No, from now on, if Shao Chai Kun has diabetes, you can wake him up with your sweet tears."

Shao Chai Kun: "Ugh~"

Everyone laughed out loud when they saw this scene.

The painting style of the villa is unique and it has to be you, the medical fairy.

Recently, the Medical Fairy and Shao Chai Kun were at each other's throats, bickering wildly and tripping each other up, which was also a sight to behold.

However, they complained, and they were quite looking forward to it.

I heard that recently, the knife from the blacksmith shop and the medical fairy from the medical center were planning to recruit people from all over the place to raise funds to open a shop and medical center in Xinyi Prefecture city.

If the medical clinic is opened, I wonder if the guests will take the bait and fall into the trap?

If the city was full of beauties with bladders, then the picture would be a bit of a surprise

the next day.

After Daojiujiu got up, he felt dizzy and lay in his dormitory for a long time without getting up, sorting out the skills and experiences he had received.

Relatively scattered and chaotic.

But it is understandable that he is a remnant soul and his memory is incomplete.

If it was really that complete, I wouldn't have been deceived by the acting skills of those animals last night.

"I'm so dizzy and uncomfortable."

Daojiujiu lay on the bed, as if he was suffering from a serious fever. It was not until noon that he slowly got up and staggered out.

This experience book also has great stamina.

"How is the situation?" Liaicairong asked curiously: "Is this game so real?"

"Well, a lot of foundations have been completed." Dao Jiujiu thought about it carefully, "When forging, it feels more tactile."


Liancairong sneered:

"How can I not have the feel? I have inherited part of my forging experience. I have been a veteran for thousands of years. I have five thousand dharma coins and haven't learned anything. I'm really at a loss."

"But the benefits are not big." Dao Jiujiu shook his head, "The basics are there, but many technologies are different from ours. We still need to develop them."

"Then work hard." Liao Cairong agreed.

We really have to study our own path in the villa.

As for inheriting the incomplete memory of traditional blacksmiths, will you follow the path of traditional blacksmiths in the future? Forged with monster materials?

Their villa didn't even think about it.

The traditional path is too tangled, it’s so tangled, big guys are gathering here, there’s no room for them to stand, so we have to find another way.

They are still thinking about going their own way, preparing for a big plot where they go to Beijing to meet the saints, talk to the world's masters, and make them confused.

Before Lian Cai Rong left, he suddenly said: "How about you take a second middle-grade experience book? This should have a deeper foundation. I can borrow another one, and it will be fine."

Dao Jiujiu pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "Wait for me to digest it."

Liao Cairong left regretfully.

In the following afternoon, a few more people couldn't help but get low-level experience books, and the villa welcomed a few more "new guests".

But because of their experience, they all had no danger and did not expose their identities as navy soldiers.

Successfully muddle through and get the other party's recognition.

Now, the two major spiritual roots of Blood Lihua and Soul Lihua in the villa are being cultivated, because they got a batch of spiritual plant liquid from the Shi family, which is barely enough for the moment.

The blacksmith's technology also ushered in innovation.

Everything is developing prosperously.

But all this is based on Ning Zheng's crazy throwing of coins. Unfortunately, the magic money in his hand is no longer enough for one million.

And now Dao Jiujiu has begun to become a middle-grade blacksmith.

This means you need to forge mid-level magic weapons to practice your skills.

A middle-grade spiritual root costs several hundred mana. With this crazy practice, the middle-grade blacksmith has begun to burn huge amounts of money.

Raising a high-level profession requires the efforts of the entire family to cultivate it.

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