This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 70 New map, 10 dungeon bosses!

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Ning Zheng is calculating the financial flow of the villa.

Most of the three million French money spent before was now spent.

One million, Xinyizhou City teleportation array.

Three hundred thousand, during the red day, buy equipment for various professions in the villa.

Three hundred thousand, maids and tomb materials purchased from other magic cultivator families.

Miscellaneous expenses:

The three ancestors of the paper house, as well as a few more paper houses, have stocked up for use, medium-grade spiritual plant liquid for research and development, and a large number of embers renewal talismans.

Forging blind boxes for picture cards and other auxiliary metals for blind boxes for weapons, five joint ventures established by the temporary teleportation array in the tomb

A series of messy things cost more than 400,000 yuan.


If we sell that batch of painting cards and blind boxes, we will probably have a cash flow of RMB 60,000 to RMB 70,000 in a few days.

Moreover, with reciprocal forging, these two weapons are like golden chickens that lay eggs, and the profit from each batch of weapons is an astonishing figure.

Now, there are two paths before Ning Zheng.

1. Stick to the rules and continue to forge low-grade magic weapons, painting cards, and weapon blind boxes.

2. Impact the mid-level market and develop new mid-level weapons.

However, the research and development of mid-grade weapons is a huge investment, and the rate of return is unknown!

A medium-grade magical instrument costs several thousand francs.

The raw material for forging a medium-grade magic weapon - a medium-grade spiritual root, costs several hundred magic coins. If it fails, it will be wasted.

You, a middle-grade blacksmith, need to practice your skills and research. You need hundreds of materials at one time and thousands of materials ten times. Can you afford it on your own?

Besides, this is just the loss in the blacksmith shop.

What about the spiritual root research and development of my mid-grade weapons?

This cannot be done with Soul Lihua. Blood Lihua’s family core spiritual root must be cultivated to create a new mid-grade spiritual root.

The spiritual farmer and the blacksmith shop both spend money and engage in research and development like crazy.

After careful calculation, for 1 million Dharma money, it is probably a bit difficult to see whether the finished product can be released for the villa’s new mid-level magic weapon!

He is now like some car companies that develop a new car and invest huge amounts of money, without knowing whether they will make a profit or a loss.

at the same time.

I also need to consider the market demand for this mid-grade magical weapon.

If the weapons developed are similar to dog-tail weapons with a small audience, the market will soon be saturated.

If a magic weapon like a painting card is developed, the market will be wide. Once it is developed, it will be sold as much as there is a market.

But can I really develop such a medium-grade magic weapon that has a huge market and will not be saturated?

Still choking!

"It's such a test of luck."

Ning Zheng sighed.

This weapon line is not only hugely popular, but also spending money on research and development is not something a small family can afford.

This bowl of rice is not for a family without foundation.

Ning Zheng thought about it and felt that high-level weapons were indispensable.

Research and development failed, summed up experience, continued to spend money, and this process cycle, this is how the family's heritage was slowly accumulated.

Every excellent blacksmith grew up in a sea of ​​money.

Then, the middle-grade spiritual plant liquid that cultivates middle-grade spiritual roots is the core of the development of his villa.


The 10,000 spiritual plant materials that the Shi family obtained from the tomb can still last for a while, and it is estimated that they can produce 20 or 30 medium-grade spiritual roots.

But it's obviously not enough.

The more this number the better for yourself.

In the previous Xinyizhou City, Ning Zheng had seen the price of the middle-grade spiritual root solution. After the boom, there were so many people opening spiritual roots that the price premium had reached 40%.

It is obviously not cost-effective to buy it from Xinyizhou City now.

You have to start from the tomb. Those infected spiritual plants are very cost-effective.

"First take down the city guard and get the next batch of spiritual plants."

Ning Zheng picked up the pen and drew circles on the paper.

"Looking at the research and development of their nuclear fusion reaction, they have been launching it every day recently. I guess it is getting better and better."

"Then, I'll contact the Shi family and find a few more bosses similar to Tomb City Guards."

"They are so good at buying the spiritual plants of the other party's tomb owners. It is estimated that there are many tombs like Chengshou, leaving a pile of seriously polluted spiritual plants to the owners."

They have been digging graves for many years, and there are definitely many such graves.

Ning Zheng wants these plants that have left serious pollution!

Attack the bosses one by one fiercely.

Ning Zheng took a deep breath, burned the paper she was using to organize her thoughts, and contacted the Shi family directly to make her requirements clear.

"What are you going to do? The family's brains are not normal lately?"

Shi Youxing was a little confused and couldn't help but complain: "Naolihua, has it affected the top brass of your family?"

Of the tombs they had dug, there was basically only one tomb owner and a batch of contaminated spiritual plants.

Of course, these old tombs are also treasures, and the owners of the tombs continue to plant them.

Every once in a while, they buy newly planted spiritual plants. The pollution is not that serious and they can still be used.

"This is our family's tomb mine."

"A group of tomb owner laborers help us generate income on a regular basis and grow plants to produce output."

Shi Youxing took a deep breath: "Your request is digging into the roots of our family."

Of course Ning Zheng knew this was too much.

Saying this by yourself is equivalent to someone saying that you want a copper mine.

"We want that batch of polluted old plants."

Ning Zheng said: "Bring a mobile teleportation array and place it there. We will be responsible for capturing the owner of the tomb, and then you can take the teleportation array away. There is no need for you to reveal the location of the tomb."

"That place still belongs to your family, which means we buy it at a low price and are responsible for collecting it ourselves."

Hearing this, Shi Youxing's tone became slightly better:

"But you have to know that those ancestors are not easy to mess with!"

"You can't kill them instantly. They will die together with Lingzhi. No one will leave their property to the robbers."

"I know, this is a difficult point." Ning Zheng nodded.

Therefore, those blacksmiths are still studying the fusion phantom, preparing to kill with one hit.

"Forget it. Anyway, if you give us enough money, it's not like we can't cooperate."

Shi Youxing said: "You are so short of spiritual plants. We can sell all the plants in our spiritual plant mine to you in the future."

"Then the relationship is good, we purchase output regularly." Ning Zheng nodded.

Shi Youxing thought for a while: "I also know some other tomb-robber families who also have contaminated spiritual plants. Do you want to do it?"

"Yes." Ning Zheng smiled and said, "I will also accept the contaminated ones, but the price must be reasonable."

"Then let me contact you!" Shi Youxing's eyes lit up, "This is a big business. If I buy it, I can make a profit by selling it to you."

Ning Zheng didn't think there was a problem.

Can't we just help others make some money?

The goods in Xinyizhou City are also transported by several people. I purchase them directly, and the price difference between the middlemen is less.

"By the way, this painting card has been selling very well recently."

Shi Youxing suddenly remembered something and became very interested:

"My side of Yueshan City has taken over a lot of other people's mother-and-child ring market. Why is your price so low? What kind of monster material are you using? Isn't it cost-effective?"

"This wave of ours will definitely help you open up the market, and our other families can also follow suit and enjoy some soup."

We use navy.

People's low-level monsters still need to be bred and cultivated before they can create magic weapons.

These are time costs and capital costs!

My miscellaneous spiritual roots are everywhere, and if I can bloom three flowers at will, the cost will naturally be much lower.

This is the price advantage of my low-level magic weapon.

Other similar low-level magic weapon products are simply incomparable.

However, mid-level magical weapons begin to require mid-level spiritual roots, which are about the same price as mid-level monster corpses, but there is no discount.

Therefore, the profit of medium-grade magical instruments is not high.

But whether you can make money in the high-end market is one thing. What matters more is your connections and reputation.

Hang up the Shi family's communication.

Ning Zheng planned to take a trip up the mountain to talk about the research and development of middle-grade magic weapons and the birth of new bosses in each region's dungeons.

The Shi family promised that they could provide more than ten abandoned tomb locations.

Equivalent to myself, I helped them win ten dungeon bosses.

Don’t they like to download copies?

I have always said that the game lacks a dungeon monster-killing mechanism. I am probably very happy this time!

Arriving halfway up the mountain, Ning Zheng saw eight more Ember babies, Yan Di and Er Ya, collecting materials.

Ning Zheng thought for a while and moved her eyes over.

"Sir." Dazzled, he ran over and rubbed his snow-covered palms, "I'm still building the cable car."

Ning Zheng smiled and said: "It's very hard, but our villa has to open up a terrace recently."

"Terraces?" Dizzy was surprised.


Ning Zheng said: "I hope you can find a suitable area to develop terraced fields to facilitate the subsequent planting of meat fields."



After this period of collecting and exploring, he naturally knew which terrain was most suitable for farming.

However, it will be very busy to cultivate this terraced field. It is estimated that fences, barbed wires, and greenhouses will need to be built. I heard that scarecrows will be planted in large-scale meat fields.

There is no scarecrow, even if there is a greenhouse to cover it, those smart birds and monsters will poke a hole and run in to steal food.

"Sir, I understand!"

A hairpin girl quickly answered happily.

She is obviously maintaining the memory of her life, and as a player, she is happy because she has received a hidden mission.

I even prepared to run up the mountain after a while and tell everyone the good news.

A large-scale meat farm can only be built by a powerful sect. It is expected that the food in the villa will be much richer in the future.

It is indeed a gourmet mountain resort.

After Ning Zheng narrated the general requirements, she sent Dian Di and the others away and hurried up the mountain.

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