This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 71 Purchase a shop and move into Zhoucheng

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Speaking of meat fields, it is also an expense.

Ning Zheng sighed inwardly and went straight up the mountain to the entrance of the villa. Everyone was still in front of the notice board, picking up daily tasks.

"Sir, you are here."

Soon, Lia Cairong came over as usual and led Ning Zheng to the steward's room.

Entering the steward's room, Ning Zheng briefly talked about the research and development plan for the middle-grade magical artifact of the requested villa.

"this is necessary."

Liao Cairong said: "If you have a middle-grade blacksmith, how can you not study middle-grade magic weapons?"

Ning Zheng nodded and introduced the Shi family's dungeon boss. They were immediately extremely excited.

Liao Cairong said: "We have defeated this city guard. As long as we capture his inventory perfectly, we will have a chance to attack the next one?"

"Of course."

Ning Zheng smiled and replied.

Are all the large and small copies opened?

Lia Cairong was ecstatic and said firmly:

"Sir, we have probably completed the fusion in the past few days. It probably won't take too long to deal a fatal blow to the city guard."

He paused and said cautiously: "By the way, we are going to jointly open a shop in the Linmen area of ​​Xinyi Prefecture City. What do you think?"

Ning Zheng frowned slightly, but she didn't feel that she was not doing her job properly.

After all, we can go hand in hand without interfering with each other.

Develop the shop first, and then the mid-grade magic weapon will be developed and can be sold in the shop.

It is impossible for Pingchang City to eat a medium-grade magic weapon on a large scale.

They have to be sold to Xinyizhou City and shipped to thousands of cities to achieve a massive market.

"Okay." Ning Zheng nodded.

"We are a little short of money recently" Liaicai Rong was a little embarrassed, "I heard that it costs 10,000 French dollars a year."

Ning Zheng didn't take it seriously: "No problem. Our villa can pay for it with public funds. Now you can go with me to Xinyi Prefecture City and rent a shop."


Liaicairong laughed out loud.

Good things finally happened to me, I have to go out for a walk

"I'm talking about your embers." After the old steward said that, Liao Cairong's face suddenly fell.

Soon, Jiucairong sent away the old steward and his own embers, and was thinking about the progress of the middle-grade magic weapon.

He called the others and asked what they thought.

"If you want stability, my suggestion is to upgrade to a medium-quality painting brand spiritual root."

Dao Jiujiu said directly: "We will definitely make a loss in making a medium-grade communication weapon."

"I think it will be a loss."

Su Yuniang said:

"The communication token we use is a medium-grade magic weapon. It is produced by the official. The price is as low as 1,000 magic coins. The official uses the earth veins to communicate, so this kind of communication can almost ignore the distance."

"With all the advantages, what should we compare with?"

Everyone nodded.

Communication tokens are officially endorsed, absolutely encrypted, and ignore distance.

It is the most advanced official anti-eavesdropping method. Do you think it is comparable to yours?

This thing is just like a piece of magic money, it is an officially endorsed infrastructure magic weapon.

They discussed the middle-grade magic weapon for a while, but couldn't explain why.

Finally they thought of looking at the purchasing brochure.

Buy a ready-made medium-grade spiritual root and bloom three flowers. If the forged magic weapon is effective, cultivate that spiritual root and create a magic weapon.

After settling the spiritual root matter.

Some people also began to discuss the village owner's nuclear fusion reaction, and even new matters about creating a dungeon.

Suddenly, the medical fairy said: "If the ember of the village owner is synthesized, is it possible for the ember of the village owner to be thrown into the forging furnace and made into an ember weapon?"

Everyone: ""

You not only want the village owner to produce ember babies, but also to put them into magic weapons?

But think about it this way.

The owner of the village is the legendary Tianlinggen, and his Yin attribute embers are probably very good.


The phantom of the village owner appears once a day and is built once a day. It is estimated that it may be successful.

Their eyes rolled and they were ecstatic.

The village owner’s ember weapon, the village owner will definitely be very satisfied with this gift we gave him!


Ning Zheng passed through the teleportation array and came to Xinyizhou City.

He was followed by Ember Liao Rong, Ember Dazzled, and Ember Erya, leaving the rest of the Ember adventure team in charge of building the terraces.

After all, after the store is taken down, it will definitely not be possible for only Liaicairong to be the shopkeeper.

You can’t recruit people outside, that would be a waste of money.

Just take away the eyes, Erya, this man and woman are just right to pick up customers, and they don’t need to pay.

After walking through several streets, Ning Zheng came to the auction house skillfully and explained her intention.

The same young lady was still at the front desk. Her eyes fell on Ning Zheng, and then on the bulging Erya behind her.

The simple Erya was deceived by the medical fairy, who was so evil that she didn't even let the dead go.

The woman looked at Erya.

Still the same smell of blood and flowers

Did their family really change careers after they left Xinyi Prefecture City?

"Are you coming to rent a shop?"

The woman smiled and took out a list, "Look, all the vacant shops are here."

"A store that's less expensive only costs 3,000 francs a year."

"The one in the downtown area costs 10,000 francs."

"And the highest-end one, which costs 15,000 francs a year, has security measures, so you don't have to worry about someone attacking your shop."

Ning Zheng thought for a while: "We get 15,000 francs."

It's best to have security.

Just three embers of Liucairong can't save the store.

Ning Zheng winked at Yu Yanliucairong and asked him to choose a store.

Jiucairong nodded, carefully observed the location of the shops, and quickly selected a shop located near the restaurant, which was about 70 square meters and had two floors in total.

"Let me take you to the store."

The young lady smiled and said, "My surname is Lu, and I am the manager of this auction."

"Shopkeeper Lu, how is the flow of people here?" Ning Zheng asked curiously.

"It's not bad. In fact, every portal is pretty much the same."

Shopkeeper Lu smiled and said: "Zhou City is the center of Xinyi Continent. It is surrounded by a thousand cities like stars. There are 3,000 ancient tombs of ancient sages in all directions. Each ancient tomb has the area of ​​an ordinary large city."

Ning Zheng nodded.

An ancient tomb covers an area equivalent to the entire city of Pingchang!

The city wall of Xinyizhou City is equivalent to the area of ​​3,000 Pingchang City surrounding it.

Based on this calculation, the total of a thousand local cities in Xinyi Prefecture City is not enough to fight one continent city!


Soon, Ning Zheng arrived at the shop.

Shopkeeper Lu opened the door. The shop was empty and had been gathering dust for a long time. It had probably not been rented out for decades.

"This place will be ready for use after some cleaning."

Shopkeeper Lu said kindly: "The aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley. As long as the food is good, there will be no loss no matter what. By the way, what are you going to sell?"

Ning Zheng replied: "Some mid-level magical instruments, as well as some low-level accessories, robes, etc., and maybe a medical clinic by the way."

It’s not surprising that his grocery store sells a mess.

Because a shop in a continental city may be shared by countless local families.

Shopkeeper Lu was not surprised, but his mind was moved when he heard about the medical clinic.

The Xuelihua family is also one of the families participating in the joint venture store?

"Medical clinic, I will come and take a look when I have time." Shopkeeper Lu said with a smile: "We are all neighbors from now on, so we should give you more medical discounts."

I'm afraid you won't even dare to ask for a discount.

Ning Zheng suddenly looked strange and didn't say much.

After sending shopkeeper Lu away, Ning Zheng asked Liaocairong and the others to clean up and help the three of them take root.

The place to take root can only be a shop and become the earth-binding spirit here.

Random rooting is illegal.

"Sir, we will tidy up the shop as soon as possible." Ember Liancairong said.

Ning Zheng nodded, "Our shop will not sell painting cards. Don't expose that we come from a villa outside Pingchang. From now on, we will only sell new middle-grade magic weapons and separate ourselves from the original us."

There is no need to worry about selling the painted cards, but just for the few sales outlets of the Shi family, there are some supplies that cannot be supplied.

There is no need to sell here.

The painting card has now marked our villa, making it easy to catch the real person.

However, the imperial court should know the approximate location of the teleportation array and the identity of our shop.

But people will not ruin their reputation.

Even the interests of the Holy Land and the big family would not allow them to make an exception, and the interests of their own mid-grade magic weapon would not be the same.

Unless it is revealed that he is a master craftsman who forges the Sword Fairy, there is a slight chance that that kind of interest will allow them to engage in internal affairs, because there are spies within the imperial court.

"I know, we sell middle-grade magic weapons here." Yu Hua Liancairong nodded.

"Do it well."

Ning Zheng was thinking about it at the same time, preparing to create a formation for the shop so that no one inside could get out.

In this way, the shop forms a small closed map, and you can take over the living blacksmith and take charge of the shop.

after all.

Just having Ember take care of it is not flexible enough after all.

Plus the Living Blacksmith has one huge advantage: viewing angles.

You can view this shop from the perspective of a living blacksmith at any time.

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