This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 72: 3 days, detonating the neighborhood market

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After making up her mind, Ning Zheng ran to the auction next door.

I went to Shopkeeper Lu to purchase some simple basic store equipment, cashier instruments and the like, as well as a special formation to isolate the entry and exit of specific living people.

And returned to the villa to announce the matter.

Everyone was surprised and extremely happy.

The old steward's actions must have been too fast.

Resolute and resolute, I absolutely love this boss.

"I'm going to set up shop."

"I am coming too."

"Oh my god, let me do it."

A group of living blacksmiths couldn't be happier.

Ning Zheng ignored them and ordered the eager medical fairy and Su Yuniang.

The medical fairy is going to set up a medical clinic over there and see if it works.

As for Su Yuniang, Ning Zheng took a fancy to her social attributes.

Definitely an excellent salesperson!

Moreover, it was an ancient tomb, which required her interpersonal skills to explore the local information.

Maybe, we can bring back a few ancestors from ancient times?

It was an alternative large red building.

It makes no sense to bring some "oiran" home.

It is still possible to not drag away the ancient historical sages - the tomb owners, the founding heroes who followed the saints, but also drag away some secondary figures.

In short, the first sales port of our villa, a weapons store, is officially online.

Ning Zheng herself was also very happy.

Lia Cairong said: "Watch the old steward off!"


In the prison at the foot of the mountain, a huge phantom condensed instantly, and there was no explosion.

It has obviously been successfully condensed, but it is still lacking in power.

Ning Zheng looked up and tried to control it, and found that she could still control her huge shadow.

Probably the level of entering the Three Yuan Realm for the first time.

Ning Zheng frowned slightly, "It's not solid enough. The fusion process is quite wasteful, but it's enough. Killing another foster father Qizu will definitely increase the combat power."

But this situation is already very good.

After waiting for a few more days and perfecting some details, we can probably start fighting the city and defending the boss.

After praising Lia Cairong and asking him to work harder at the villa, Ning Zheng took Su Yuniang and the medical fairy away.


This side of the teleportation array.

He used magic to block their five senses and led them through a few streets until they came to the inside of the shop before letting them open their eyes.


Huan Liancairong was placing chairs and said with a smile:

"This will be our new map and shop. We will receive the saints and saints here. Don't bully the poor and down-and-out boys to do their business!"

"So cool."

The medical fairy looked around and was very happy: "Is this the map outside the villa? I will open a new branch of the villa medical center here in the future?"

Su Yuniang tried to get out of the shop, but found that she couldn't. She looked at Liaicairong, Yanhua, and Erya and said, "Can you three leave this shop?"

"Of course you can." He was confused.

Su Yuniang nodded.

The structure of this shop is the same as that of a villa.

For them players it's a local map, for Embers they can go out and have adventures.

They can walk everywhere in this city, and there are NPCs everywhere.

There are countless times more NPCs in these places than in the villages under the villa.

Of course, what's more interesting is:

They can sit at the door and look at the street outside. The animated background of the street is also very interesting.

The sky, streets, vendors, old men carrying poles, young ladies passing by, monks, beggars


Su Yuniang stood directly at the door, holding a loudspeaker and shouting at the dynamic background outside the street:

"Sisters, it's a good start. Free physical examinations and free body shaping here. Sisters who want it, come quickly!"

On the street, everyone turned their heads in confusion.

If it were an ordinary person, they would have been embarrassed and closed the door by now.

But Su Yuniang was shouting: "Discount, come in quickly and get a free portion of river demon meat!"

Seeing that everyone was so frightened that they ran away, and the street was instantly deserted. The medical fairy complained: "Is this useful? The maps outside the shop are all empty walls, and the passers-by are all fake."

Su Yuniang: "You don't understand. They create a dynamic background of the street in front of the door, which is obviously to let us attract customers from a distance."

you are great.

Ning Zheng took a few glances and left the shop silently.

He looked at this ancient street and the blue sky. No matter what, Xinyizhou City has taken root.

Shop interior.

After greeting her for a while, the people passing by still backed away, obviously unable to bear the enthusiasm of Su Yuniang's greeting at the door.

"They probably think I'm a bitch! Someone has to be the first to eat the crab before they dare to come in."

Su Yuniang thought about it and looked outside, sitting on a small bench: "According to the world view, we should be in a very ancient era."

The world of Linmen is an ancient world.

Reminds them of a certain movie, The Truman Show .

The mourners here don’t know that they are a movie, they are living on a stage and replaying the plot repeatedly.

The medical fairy said: "Well, in ancient times, only those who were born with spiritual roots were qualified to practice. There were special monks who tested the qualifications of children after birth."

"Mortals are only qualified to practice martial arts and die of old age for a hundred years."

"Life is born unequal. Immortals are very discriminatory towards mortals."

"But at a certain period, a group of mortals appeared and developed a method to open spiritual roots so that mortals can also practice."

"So, the immortal cultivators began to discriminate against the group of mortals who held weeds on their heads and pretended to be spiritual roots."

"We are now in an era of discrimination."

They continue to analyze the worldview.

This is easy to understand.

They can't go out. As long as they let the three Liaicairong place adventurous babies, go out to shops and inquire about information, they can get information about this huge city.

"This new map is so interesting."

Su Yuniang's eyes lit up. She looked at the vast city outside and felt that there were many ways to play.

Even, I don’t know if it’s possible to fix the bug and crash this ancient historical city.


The maid said: "That shop has opened. I heard that the magic weapons haven't been put on the shelves yet. They are now offering free treatment, but no one goes there."

Shopkeeper Lu sat on the front desk and frowned: "Is it Xue Lihua?"

"Well, that should be the case." The maid nodded, "I felt the pure breath of blood from the female doctor sitting at the door!"

Shopkeeper Lu sighed:

"As expected, they are trying to return to Xinyi Prefecture City, but they have fallen into this world outside. It would be best not to come back. If they switch to medicine, how can they develop in just a hundred years of wandering outside? degree?"

"Especially the fact that they're making such a big splash now might raise some eyebrows among the Aboriginal people."

The maid looked solemn.

There are living people holding auctions here, and there are also dead people who follow the logic of their lives and open shops and auctions here.

And the dead people here look down on mortals without spiritual roots.

He believes that ordinary people are not worthy of cultivation and are cheap.

They will launch commercial competition and even suppress each other's shops.

Even themselves, the divisional leaders of the Merchant Alliance Auction, keep their tail between their legs and try to keep a low profile.

The main business of the auction is the living traveler business.

But the other party was so grand.

Shouting to the street, doing business that is full of dead people?

Those ancient humans were the most hostile to them.

Moreover, there are limits to the consumption of dead people.

The Scale Gate area is one of the areas where the natives at this historical stage are the most unfriendly to living people.

She was assigned to this area and was also excluded.

In a teahouse.

Several monks in ancient robes were drinking tea.

"Those mortals who have no spiritual roots, just stick a weed in their head and think they can practice. Are they planning to earn our spiritual stones?"

At this time, several figures were discussing in secret.

"Hmph, medical skills? What medical skills?"

"Listen to the introduction, is it the legendary Yang Linggen that is chosen one in a billion?"

"Hmph, it's just a man-made special spiritual root."

"I heard that the scholar in the next state called on people all over the world to open their spiritual roots and started a trend. I didn't expect it to actually spread to us."

"Give them some color."

The natural spiritual roots of their monks are basically the Five Elements spiritual roots.

There are very few naturally occurring alien spiritual roots.

Yin, Yang, Thunder, and Ice can be said to be geniuses with extraordinary talents.

But now, those so-called new human monks who cultivate spiritual roots can easily choose rare spiritual roots with yin and yang attributes, easily breaking the traditional inertia?

"The city will not accept this group of strange shops."

"We don't even need to step in."

the next day.

In a private room inside the teahouse.

"Isn't their business closed down yet?" a deep voice asked.

Another voice sounded strange:

"It's not that fast. Yesterday, they sent three people to wander around the streets. They were very enthusiastic. When they met the three of them, they surrounded each other and praised each other. They seemed to have made friends with many people. They helped the neighbors pour water and fertilize. , farming, planting rice.”

"Moreover, they are very good at making friends, and they also tell their miserable stories to gain sympathy and form a so-called empathetic environment."

"Oh? Are they so good at human nature?"

"Well, I followed him secretly and heard no less than ten versions of the story. Regarding the beggar, he said that he was once a beggar. He started with a bowl and finally conquered an area."

"To women, tell them how their husbands cheated on them before, how disgusting they are, and teach them how to train their husbands, and some green tea quotes."

"As for the parents, we sit down and have family affairs. He usually teaches how to educate his son, such as not spanking for three days, going to the house and uncovering the tiles, and spanking with kisses, scolding, and love. His son's success is all a result of spanking."

Everyone fell into silence.

The voice sneered: "As expected of a mud-legged man, he was born a mortal and did despicable things."

Because a voice was a little surprised: "They do have some tricks. Do they think this can solve our rejection of them?"

"Do they have business?"

"Still no, just chatting here and there."

"That's good."

The third day.

In the teahouse.

"How was it today?"

"Today, because they went around helping people, they angered a few young monks, and they rushed into the shop to find trouble."

"Haha, what happens next?"

"Afterwards, they all came out laughing. The men laughed with them, while the women were attracted to each other. They looked like sisters, and their figures were much plumper."



"Those women actually became the first customers?"

"The weight on their chests was amazing."

"What's the point?"

"have no idea."

The fourth day.

"How about it? Did the people we sent today succeed? They deliberately disgusted their store and made them take the initiative to beat the customers."

The shops are protected and they cannot actively seek trouble.

But if a shop attacks a customer, it is not protected.

"It was not successful, but we also gained something. We finally know why those people who went to provoke them left with a smile, because they would praise you when they met, and the five of them would praise you together, including your figure, appearance, family, and cultivation. "Character"

"No matter how we attack them, they always smile and praise us."

After saying these words, everyone present finally took a breath of cold air.

Who are these people?


Shopkeeper Lu looked at the reports from the past few days with an expression of disbelief.

She covered her head: "It means that today, many monks have come to them for surgery, and even some female monks have maintained their logic and taken risks. Have their battles become stronger during the expedition?"

The maid said: "I probably know something about the rice flower nutrient solution they make, which is specially used for trickery to increase combat effectiveness."

Shopkeeper Lu understood immediately.

The other party has developed a special product that ghosts can eat, so they are well prepared.

Their customer targets were not living people from the beginning, but were prepared to make money from the dead in the tomb.

"Now, are there many people in their medical clinic?" Shopkeeper Lu asked.

"Well, there are quite a lot of people. It is said that we have to make a reservation." The maid cautiously said, "Even a few notorious conspirators nearby also came and queued up today out of curiosity."

"Okay, make an appointment for me." Shopkeeper Lu said.

The maid's eyes lit up, "Are you finally ready to relax?"

"Let's go." Shopkeeper Lu said helplessly, "Let me see how the Xue Lihua family is doing now."

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