This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 73 Shopkeeper Lu came to the door and was greatly surprised!

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There is a shop.

Very simple and unpretentious name.

In just four days, the entire "Youjian Shop" became popular in several nearby blocks.

Normally, a living shop wouldn't be that busy.

Because there are few living people, the living shops mainly receive foreign merchants who come to purchase goods, as well as traveling monks who cross the city wall.

99% of the places here are treacherous, and the only places that are so lively are those shops run by dead people.

Su Yuniang was registering the notebook at the front desk, while Liaicai Rong was dictating information about the surrounding map:

"There are three food shops on the east side street. The first one is called Yunlai Xiao shop. It is a family shop that sells meat. It is a husband and wife and a daughter. The daughter does not have a spiritual root. The couple secretly wants to open a spiritual root for their daughter, but they are afraid of being cheated. as a criminal”

Su Yuniang nodded and thought to herself: "They should have died with such a tangled mentality."

People living in the tide of the times can only drift with the tide.

The limitations of the times make them cautious about opening up their spiritual roots, fearing that the politically correct masses will be sent to the stakes and arrested for trial.

Liancairong continued:

"The second store is called Changfeng Restaurant. This one is larger."

Although the three embers of Jiucairong and others have taken root and become earth-bound spirits, they have a certain range of activities.

And the stronger the trick, the wider its range of activities.

For example, before, Li Youzhu stopped staying in his paper house and went to a downtown bookstore not far away to read.

The three tricks in front of me are the lowest level. Their range of activities is not very large and they can only briefly explore the surrounding environment.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Su Yuniang continued to record written files.

These adventurous babies go out, explore the text map, and take on text tasks, creating an entire super-large text adventure game.

I recorded the various customer NPCs and street information in this area. I estimate that there are a lot of hidden tasks among them.

And based on the character's personality, they can conduct a certain level of strategy to make the other party become a loyal customer of their store.

Even, let them continue to publicize, spread, and build the reputation of the store.


Just then, the door was pushed open.

Shopkeeper Lu stepped into the store and saw the medical fairy wearing a white coat, looking very elegant and professional.

"Hey, isn't this the shopkeeper from the next street?"

Huan Jiucairong was shocked and quickly stood up to greet us, "Are you planning to come and help our business?"

"Let me take a look and talk to one of your doctors."

Shopkeeper Lu looked at the medical fairy.

What the Medical Fairy bloomed was the traditional magic cultivator's spiritual root blood-living flower, which had a strong scent.

It seems that it is just the second body of the Five Body Realm.

It's a beginner level, but for a teenager, it's quite satisfactory.

After all, non-combat monks do not focus on improving their combat power, so they will naturally waste their training time.

"You want to talk to me?" The medical fairy was overjoyed.

Why are you looking for me with all kinds of hidden tasks?

I'm a little overwhelmed.

The sword fairy came to Beijing to meet the saint, and the shopkeeper next door whom I didn't know suddenly came to see me.

I love this game designer so much, it really shines wherever gold is.

"Follow me to the operating room at the back to have a look." The medical fairy quickly led her back.

"I'm coming too, I'm an assistant." Su Yuniang quickly followed.

Shopkeeper Lu saw that the other party did not refuse, so he let Su Yuniang go in with him.

at this time.

From the blacksmith's perspective, countless people were watching and speaking.

"I'm going, even the shopkeeper is here, and all kinds of NPC customers from the weapon shop are visiting. It's so fun."

"The plot is so rich."

"The local management game is a great way to play. This 70-square-meter indoor map can extend endless gameplay."

"I wonder what this person is here for? To collect rent?"

"In the future, in addition to the Sword-making Villa, there will be many places to watch."

Ning Zheng also observed shopkeeper Lu at home.

He thought it was right to throw two living blacksmiths over there.

In the few days since the opening, there have been two "camera" monitoring at all times, and I can follow up at the villa at all times.

This can be regarded as an information window for your own villa to understand the outside world!

After all, Ning Zheng knew before that her information was too closed and that she could only rely on a low-level casual cultivator, Zhang Huaping, to understand the world, which would be a big problem.

"Sir, are you going to do any surgery?"

The medical fairy smiled brightly and said, "Let me introduce to you the charging items of our medical clinic."

She certainly wasn't going to take out that bladder surgery.

Because players have to go offline, this operation has advantages.

The indigenous people live here and are not afraid of frequent urination or urgent urination.

If she wants to make money, she must not mess around.

It is the most traditional cosmetic surgery industry that has been certified by the earth market!

She is now completely copying the business model of the plastic surgery industry. In modern medical plastic surgery, the best solution is to fill it with your own fat, and she does the same here.

We even prepared various face-shaping templates to provide customers with a variety of face shapes.

Mainly a formal and professional one.

Of course, indigenous NPCs must be taken seriously.

She showed off her professional doctor's self-control and patiently introduced:

"Our surgery is absolutely natural and harmless, and will not affect your cultivation potential, whether it is changes in appearance or other parts."

"We don't have any silicone or carrier filling. The material we fill is your own fat, so there will be no rejection reaction. The source of this fat is also very safe: it is brain fat."

Shopkeeper Lu was a little confused: "Brain fat?"


The medical fairy is very professional, with a serious and serious expression:

"The main component of a person's brain is fat."

"The cerebral hemispheres of our monks are also composed of gray matter and white matter. Gray matter is protein, white matter is fat, and most of the brain is white matter fat."

"As long as you cultivate your first body, we can complete this operation."

"Suck the brain dry and transfer the fat to any part you want to fill, such as your face, buttocks, chest, waistline, and thighs. It's all natural and harmless."

Her voice was firm and powerful:

"Girls need to be beautiful to be confident. Only when they are kind to themselves can others like them."

"Appearance investment is one of the most important investments for female monks, especially for low-level monks."

She is indeed very good at selling medical beauty products.

"And, for us girls, a shrinking brain is just a temporary stupidity, but a perfect body is a lifelong thing."

She is eloquent and has a set of words and theories about plastic surgery.

"It doesn't matter if our brains shrink! Because our brains will grow back soon!"

"Men conquer the world by force, and we women conquer the world by conquering men."

"We call this surgical project"

She pointed to the set menu in her hand.

Shopkeeper Lu looked around and found four words: [Big breasts and no brains] set meal.


What a powerful word

Shopkeeper Lu was shocked, but nodded.

——The head is the safest.

Because there are many ordinary people who have achieved the first level of cultivation.

When they encounter something, such as danger in the water, they always put their heads into the water to look for danger.

Even when fishing, the first step is to bite the bait with your head.

Therefore, using the brain for transplantation and filling is a very reasonable technology, because the brain will regenerate and slowly grow back brain tissue.

Blood separation from flowers, separation of flesh and blood, and structural reorganization can perfectly form this technology.

Shopkeeper Lu began to appreciate the other party. With this set of words in hand, it was no wonder that so many strange customers came before.

They maintained their logic and naturally believed this.

It seems that Xue Lihua has some good medical skills.

Shopkeeper Lu smiled and said, "This is a set menu for living people. How did you make those tricks?"

"Dead people also have their own set meal."

The medical fairy is wearing a white coat, her legs are crossed in black stockings, and she pushes up her black-rimmed glasses, full of professional temptation:

"Even mortal corpses have beautifiers, so it's normal for the dead to love beauty."

"Of course, they are essentially vacuoles, so their transformation is much simpler."

"Just fill it with some random meat."

"Of course, we are definitely not competitive with such a simple thing. We mainly give out small gifts after performing surgeries."

She took out a bag of rice cereal:

"This is some kind of nutritious oral liquid that can be eaten, allowing them to explode with more power during battle."

"Is this some kind of rice cereal made from spiritual rice?"

Shopkeeper Lu could tell at a glance, "It's edible. It should be special Yin-type spiritual rice. Have you guys considered making wine? Or just opening a rice shop?"

"It's a pity to open a rice store. Simple rice can't be sold at a good price."

Su Yuniang next to her said:

"We want to make wine, and we are brewing a thousand-year-old wine, focusing on a high style. In a few days, we will be selling these rice pastes, which are the waste leftover from wine making."

Shopkeeper Lu was greatly shocked.

Do you reuse the leftover waste from brewing and give it to strangers as small gifts?

Although you are not picky about food, you are too wicked.

Shopkeeper Lu listened carefully. As an experienced businessman, she felt that this business could be done and the market prospects were broad.

Because these dead people maintain the logic of their lives, they naturally also love beauty.

This has been a pursuit throughout human history from ancient times to the present.

Beauty, fine wine, and the upcoming medium-grade magical instruments are all mixed but not messy. They should all be good products that have undergone targeted market research.

This shop has development potential.

"How are your elders doing?"

Shopkeeper Lu suddenly said.


The medical fairy was shocked and asked curiously: "Sir, do you know the adults in our family?"

Shopkeeper Lu smiled: "They returned to Xinyizhou City this time. Didn't they tell you the reason?"

The two men shook their heads.

Is it possible that the owner of the village and the old steward have some hidden plots that they haven’t told us?

"Yeah, I'm afraid you will be stressed."

Shopkeeper Lu explained:

"Before, your Colosseum was also at the Scale Gate, where both living and dead people were doing business. It was similar to your shop now."

"The Colosseum a hundred years ago was much bigger."

She had a reminiscence look on her face, as if she was remembering the scene back then.

"It's bigger than the auction section here. Let the businessmen passing by place bets, as well as the local spooks, and even let them enter the internal competition."

"Now, your family has made a comeback, returned to the Scale Sect, and started a business of living people and deceitful people."

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