This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 74 Xinyizhou City, Hide and Seek

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The medical fairy was shocked.

so coincidental?

Back then, our family's business was in Linmen?

As expected, the Villa and the old manager came prepared, not randomly.

They are returning to their old location to rebuild their family's glory!

This obviously triggered the main mission - to restore the glory of the Xue Lihua family.

Restore the heyday of the year, return to the homeland, and create the prestige of Xinyi Prefecture City.

The main theme is a thirty-year Hedong and a thirty-year Hexi. Don’t bully your family into being poor.

The medical fairy became interested and said, "Where is the Colosseum?"

"Not far, south, about a dozen streets away."

Shopkeeper Lu said: "The place is very big, but it is now in ruins. Because the price is too high, no one rents it, so it has always been abandoned."

Ning Zheng frowned slightly when she heard this.

The Colosseum, right at the Scale Gate?

So what a coincidence, I'm here again?

Ning Zheng thought for a while and soon realized that it was not a coincidence.

Because the Demon Cultivator family escaped from the Scale Gate back then, and the direction of escape from this city gate should be Pingchang City.

And what about Jian Xin?

He hurried from Pingchang City to Xinyi Prefecture City.

Therefore, when he came in from the direction of Pingchang City, it was also the location of the Scale Gate.

After figuring out it wasn't a coincidence.

Ning Zheng began to think about the pros and cons of returning to this area.

1. Advantages.

Inherit previous connections.

For example, shopkeeper Lu knew the Xue Lihua family.

But I don’t know whether this kind of connection is good or bad.

People are unpredictable, and you have no way of knowing whether the other person is kind or malicious.

2. Disadvantages.

Take over the previous enemy relationship.

How did their family get hit hard and driven out of Xinyizhou City before?

This is a doubtful point.

Of course, it shouldn't be specifically targeting the Xuelihua Demonic Cultivator family, but the probability of an unwarranted disaster is the highest!

Because too many aristocratic families suffered disaster a hundred years ago.

For example, the Shi family running away next door is inseparable from the Xue Lihua family.

Back then, Jiaolong Wuyu was seriously injured and escaped during this time period.

Jiao Wuyu came from the Jiaolong clan.

The dragon clan's lineage is a meritorious official who conquered the world together with the saint back then.

Divine beasts such as dragons, unicorns, phoenixes, and divine turtles have always maintained friendly relations with the human race.

And Jiao Wuyu was beaten like this

It is estimated that something big happened that year, and the Xue Lihua family was affected.

Ning Zheng planned to continue listening. Shopkeeper Lu should have the answer here.

And my little blacksmiths are all smart people. They must have guessed that this was a hidden mission branch and tried to make crazy excuses.

Just sit back and enjoy the results.

At this time, the medical fairy rolled her eyes and really began to try to explore the hidden plot: "That year"

"Back then, I had some contact with your family, and I got along well with the female friend who was in charge of managing the Meatfield Colosseum. Unfortunately, when she escaped, she had already died of serious injuries."

Shopkeeper Lu showed a regretful look: "She must have died after she left."

Meatfield, female friend?

It couldn't be the Tenth Ancestor, Sister Nutian, right?

Su Yuniang and the Medical Fairy looked at each other and unexpectedly triggered the hidden mission.

If you think about it carefully, it really fits the criteria.

The tenth ancestor is the last ancestor, so he can be regarded as having the right seniority.

And it makes sense that Sister Noutian, the Blood-living Flower Demon Cultivator of the Noutian branch, managed the Noutian Colosseum back then.


As soon as the four dazzled people entered, they made a bunch of scarecrows and started fighting.

Now that I think about it, isn’t this a scene from the Colosseum?

It is estimated that this person suffered from an occupational disease during his lifetime!

The medical fairy's eyes were filled with joy, she roughly described her appearance and temperament, and said, "Is it this ancestor?"

"It's her." Shopkeeper Lu looked surprised: "She turned into a trick?"


The medical fairy nodded.

"That's really a blessing among misfortunes." Shopkeeper Lu sighed.

The medical fairy said: "Another day, we will contact the family and send you a message."

This big boss is at the level of Yujie Nouta.

He is probably also a high-level Sanyuan Realm person.

And a living one!

But it couldn't be in the second-phase realm, otherwise he wouldn't be sent to watch the outside of the city wall and be responsible for the auction in an area.

Shopkeeper Lu sighed, "You have to hide your identity. If you come back this time, if you are too showy, some people may not like you."

"But don't be too nervous. As long as you don't deliberately show off, no one will pay attention."

Shopkeeper Lu said.

It was also because she had been responsible for managing this area all year round and dealing with the Xue Lihua family a hundred years ago that she could quickly feel the atmosphere.

Does anyone else remember the taste of a medium-grade spiritual root?

To put it bluntly.

In Xinyizhou City, families change too quickly. After declining and withdrawing from this city, they will be forgotten by everyone in a few years.

"Thank you for taking care of me." The medical fairy quickly handed over a few small gifts, including rice cereal.

Shopkeeper Lu glanced at the rice cereal and waved his hand, "I can't do anything to take care of him. I was sent here too."

"Is the scale gate bad?" Su Yuniang asked.

"The humans in this area still maintain the logic of life and are very repulsive to us."

Shopkeeper Lu smiled:

"There are actually very few living people here. If you go to other eras, you will find that there are far more living people than here."

"This is a large red building, and many scholars come here to admire the historical scenery, recite poems, and try to make a name for themselves."

"Even occasionally, someone will get the attention and favor of the ancient tomb sage, and that person's family will rise to the top in one step!"

This Xinyizhou city is mainly divided into three rings.

Outer Ring: Historical Cloister.

Central: People's living area, mountains and oceans, rivers and villages, small and medium-sized sects.

The previous Xue Lihua family, the Shi family, lived in this area, and opened a colosseum in the outer ring to make money from outside tourists and guile.

Inner ring: the central area, Xinyi Palace, Xinyi Academy, and even various holy places and the garrison of great religions.

Su Yuniang suddenly said: "The inner ring refers to the area in the city that these ancestors of the city wall cannot reach, right?"

"You are very smart." Shopkeeper Lu said with a smile: "Earth-binding spirits have a range of activities, and even these ancient saints are no exception."

Su Yuniang nodded.

Their three ancestors of the Paper Mansion, their limited range of activities was only at the foot of the villa, and they were not allowed to go to the Sword Making Villa.

This is a guarantee!

The ancestor must be placed outside for defense at a certain distance. If the ancestor goes crazy, he will not be able to enter the villa and attack his family.

Xinyizhou City must also be in this mode. The ancestor went crazy, and the range of the earth-binding spirit was unable to enter the inner ring of the city.

"But there's no need to worry."

Shopkeeper Lu smiled and said:

"Our city has specific methods. The ancient beings in each tomb will not go crazy. Normally, they are very safe."

Su Yuniang was thoughtful:

"So, the range of the Tomb Ancestor's movements is the outer ring and the middle ring. He can move and play at will. How about doing a private visit on an incognito server?"

Shopkeeper Lu laughed:

"Indeed, we almost never see those ancestors. They like to visit privately incognito and visit each other to drink tea."

"You must know that within the city wall, there is also the existence of the first Xinyi King, who built this city and opened up the world with the saints."

"From their perspective, they are not dead, but living in seclusion and living a leisurely life in paradise."

Everyone present was instantly enlightened and extremely shocked.

This tomb group is so luxurious!

In the tomb area here, not only the maids, vendors, and street pedestrians are funerary objects.

Even the living tourists and scholars who come here are entertainment facilities for the owner of the tomb!

The owner of the tomb is playing in this paradise. If he encounters something he is satisfied with, he will give some advice, which will make the scholars extremely happy and become famous as the "Red Mansion".


They can also enter the central part of the city.

That huge human living area, towns, and mountain villages visited privately incognito, played various roles, and had a great time.

Central, in a sense, is also part of their tomb entertainment facilities.

"The owner of the tomb paid a private visit incognito and played in various capacities."

Su Yuniang smiled and said: "Then you, maybe you are the hidden tomb owner in the Scale Gate area? Are you kidding us?"

"Don't talk nonsense outside."

Shopkeeper Lu was helpless, "I was assigned here to find the owner of the tomb and find its true identity."

"Can't you find it?" Su Yuniang was curious.

"Except for the more hospitable ones, I can't find anyone else."

Shopkeeper Lu said: "But these ancient beings have been bored for a long time and have made an agreement. If you find their true form, you will be given a small reward and even protect your family."

Su Yuniang was stunned.

Bless the family!

These ancient beings can completely be regarded as living people.

As backers, they support your family to develop in his tomb area and even in the city.

If the protection is not complete, it will accumulate over time and build up a large sect at the level of a holy land.

What an attractive reward is this?

Those big guys really know how to play, this is a huge hide-and-seek area.

——If you find me, you will be rewarded.

Countless people play here, showing off their grace and talents, trying to find an anonymous existence.

Ning Zheng was slightly surprised when she saw this.

No wonder Li Youzhu is also in this pattern.

If you have nothing to do, leave the ancient tomb and run next door to work as a bookstore owner, hiding your identity.

It turns out that the ancient sages here also played this trick!

Everyone is Li Youzhu.

There is a bookseller on the roadside in Baobuqi, who is disguised as an ancient sage, used to tease and test someone.

I can catch Li Youzhu hiding in a bookstore

But it may not be easy to catch these powerful people who hide their identities.

The water is very deep in this place!

Su Yuniang said: "You were sent to station here. With your official position, the family asked you to find the master of the Scale Sect?"

"The person you find may not necessarily be the owner of the Scale Sect."

Shopkeeper Lu smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Most of the time, they will not be in their own tombs, but will cross over to visit other people's tomb areas."

"For example, here, there is a greater chance of meeting the tomb owners of other tombs."

Ember Liucairong lowered his voice: "What about the royal tomb of King Xinyi? This is the first prize of hide-and-seek, right? That is a historical great who fought side by side with the saint."

"No one knows where that person's tomb is or where his true body is hiding." Shopkeeper Lu said he was unclear.

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