This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 75: Meeting the target on the road and losing luck

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Everyone listened to these experiences and watched the people coming and going outside the shop, and they couldn't help but feel yearning.

Because the passers-by passing by now may be the ancient sages in a certain tomb!

It is worthy of being the core of the entire continent.

The officially set historical secrets are so fun.

The Great Wall of Civilization built by history allows people to see history, adds interest, and makes people famous.

And it can also make the ancestors happy.

This is a win-win structure.

It can also arouse the fighting spirit of scholars and promote prosperity.

As expected of a government official, he knows how to play.

And everyone is becoming more and more happy.

I came here to open a shop and pick up customers!

After that, after our shop becomes famous, the customers may not only be those saints and saints, but also some ancient sages who hide their identities to buy things.

Even the most powerful ancient being in this city, King Xinyi, would come to their shop to hide his identity as a guest.

These NPC guests are so cool! ! !

The background design of this Xinyizhou City and the development limit of the shop map, they gave full marks to the game planning!

But now that their shop has just opened, it would be better to continue to find this neighbor and exchange information.

Su Yuniang's thoughts shifted, "By the way, I heard that Jian Xin and his party are preparing to go to Beijing?"

"I heard that he will be stationed in Xinyi Academy." Shopkeeper Lu replied: "It is said that he will arrive in Beijing in half a month or a month."

This matter has already spread throughout Xinyi Continent.

It is the hottest topic recently, how could she not know?

"In order to prevent long nights and many dreams, why don't you come to Beijing quickly?" Yu Huanliong said next to him.

He has begun to habitually discuss political affairs and discuss national affairs.

Shopkeeper Lu didn't care about this either.

After all, bondage is normal.

There is no literary prison in this world, as long as it is not anti-theft speech.

Paying attention to national affairs and the safety of the world is what scholars should do!

In this world, if a scholar does not discuss world affairs, everyone will look down on you!

And your insightful remarks and thoughts will make you famous, and even some big families will treat you as a corporal.

Nowadays, this kind of thing is not discussed in teahouses and taverns in Xinyizhou?

What happens next in research?

What is the cult going to do? Will it attack?

"It is said that they are waiting for someone, waiting for the last escort team to arrive and enter Beijing collectively."

Shopkeeper Lu also had his own opinions. Sitting at the auction was boring anyway, so he started to discuss with them:

"Of course, just waiting to enter Beijing in name may not be a trap, and in turn, it may seduce those cults to attack."

Shopkeeper Lu also made his own analysis: "Don't underestimate the imperial court, they probably want to catch the mole."

"Oh?" Su Yuniang said, "Aren't you in a hurry about the saint? You should race against time to get to Beijing."

"Although today's saints are old, they are not really dying and they do not have to go to Beijing, so they can race against time for treatment."

Shopkeeper Lu smiled mysteriously:

"They are a group of top people in various industries. They can still study in the Xinyi Academy. Why do they have to go to Beijing? They might as well set up an ambush here to seduce the enemy."

"It is said that many miraculous doctors and alchemy masters are already studying elixirs, and the miraculous craftsmen are also studying the structure of the Yin-Yang Rice Flower Sword."

"It is said to be a backup plan. If the saint's eyes cannot be cured in the short term, we will prepare to make them shine in Kyushu for a day and a month!"

"I heard that the people in Xinyi Academy have been in contact with the anonymous master craftsman behind him. He is very powerful and is communicating with the group of scholars through the air."

"Speaking of that anonymous person, he is also a hidden expert. It is said that not only is his forging skills extremely powerful, but his medical skills are also terrifying!"

Su Yuniang: ""

The rumors are not credible.

Let us speak from our own experience: Those master craftsmen did not contact us at all!

Nowadays, all kinds of true and false tensions, all kinds of rumors, and reasonable-sounding reasonings are flying all over the world.

The medical fairy was even more happy to hear this.

Shopkeeper Lu, the Sword Fairy’s true form is here!

I am the legendary Yin Yang Rice Flower Sword, the experimental subject studied by countless big guys deep in the city.

No one thought that I would be hiding in the outer ring and opening a shop and medical clinic, right?

This is called hiding in the city!

This game is simply not fun.

It is a perfect reproduction of the protagonists of those pretentious and cool novels. The protagonist opens a small shop that no one cares about outside the city, listening to the boss talk about his glorious deeds.

"Then if it was an obvious trap, would those people still attack?"

Su Yuniang was confused and felt that her godmother Jiao Wuyu was not that stupid:

"The city of Xinyi Prefecture is heavily defended. With so many ancestors in the tombs, who dares to come?"

"That's not necessarily the case."

Shopkeeper Lu shook his head and said: "The inner ring is too far. The ancestors are earth-bound spirits and cannot support us. The ancestors outside the city can only send out a few long-range attacks."

"So, if a fight breaks out, the inner ring is the weakest point, so they will inevitably sneak into the city secretly, and the two sides will fight in the inner ring."

Su Yuniang and others were right.

This left an obvious flaw: the inner ring's defenses were flawed.

Trying to catch those rebels.

But it's not that they were overconfident, Jian Xin and others in the city ruined themselves, that's another story.

This is a game between both sides!

The big guys have deep plans, you fish for me, I fish for you.

Shopkeeper Lu showed a knowing smile: "We hide in the tomb in the outer ring, which is the safest. We can also watch the excitement in the center of the inner ring."

"Does this look like the Colosseum? We sit in the outer auditorium and watch the battle in the inner circle."

"Like!" Su Yuniang said quickly.

Shopkeeper Lu chuckled: "This is a battle that is rare in a million years. Who is willing to miss it?"

"Even now, many people are rushing here, preparing to watch the inner ring area of ​​the city, where a mythical battle may break out!"

Everyone present looked full of admiration.

This sounds like a very interesting and wonderful drama performance.

Moreover, existences such as Sword Fairy, Jiao Wuyu, and Jian Xin will all participate in the show.

They may even have a chance to influence the situation.

For example, create a second Yin-Yang weapon.

For example, take out the embers of the village owner and launch surface-to-surface missiles at the village owner to kill everyone.

Many treacherous and treacherous ideas have popped up in their little minds.

This shopkeeper Lu is someone who likes to chat.

After chatting with some of their blacksmiths all afternoon, her businessman's communication skills quickly made her chat with everyone.

Before leaving, shopkeeper Lu also gave a reminder: "Those local shops that are sneaky may attack you, so be careful."

"You won't smash it directly, right?" asked Ember Liucairong.

"That's not the case." Shopkeeper Lu said, "We are protected by the merchant alliance. As long as we don't take the initiative and talk about you, they will not violently attack your shop."

"That's okay." Su Yuniang said, preparing to continue studying the store, "We will integrate into this period of history and fight them seriously."

"Coming here is not to experience the customs and customs of this era."

Early the next morning.

Ning Zheng got up early, brushed her teeth, had a meal, and then went up the mountain.

He was not going to the Zhujian Villa, but to Xinyizhou City to look at the shops and do some shopping.

After all, if the teleportation array is built, it would be a waste if it is not used.

He had no intention of sparing it. As a monk in the Four Zang Realm, he would not suffer much loss if he teleported it.

The main reason is that the wear and tear of weapon transmission is serious.


He entered the teleportation array, appeared in Xinyizhou City, and walked on the streets outside.

[Today’s luck value: 1850]

After taking a look that nothing was going on, he started shopping and playing.

After all, the villa is too boring, there are all those things going back and forth, why not come here to take a look.

Moreover, Ning Zheng is very interested in those ancient sages, as well as the aristocratic families, wealthy families, people, customs and customs here.

When you are away from home, it is better to gain a lot of experience.

You can even go to a restaurant to drink tea and appreciate the customs of this ancient era.

"Hide and seek?"

Ning Zheng sighed, he was very interested in this.

Others may not be able to catch it.

It's different myself.

Certain hidden existences can be captured through changes in luck.

Of course, he was just trying to find it.

If he found it, he didn't plan to go there himself, give the blacksmiths a task, and try to get closer.

"Of course, luck value is not everything."

Ning Zheng walked around the streets and occasionally bought something to try:

"At the beginning, I didn't discover Li Youzhu's true identity in his shop."

"Because to me, no matter whether he is a vicious or a stronger ancestor, the danger is always fatal, so I don't realize that he is an ancestor at all."

"Now, I can only meet a certain fatal native."

"As for whether he is the owner of a certain tomb, or whether he is a general, concubine, or wife buried with him, it is unknown."

Ning Zheng can only guarantee to reduce the upper limit.

There are three thousand ancient tomb corridors here, but that does not mean there are three thousand people.

In some graves, couples are buried together.

There are even a large number of concubines and even some tomb owners who will be buried with their loyal ministers and subordinates.

If you encounter a fatal NPC, it may not necessarily be the owner of the tomb, it may be a concubine, or the descendant of this sage.

"Looking at it this way, there should be a lot of them."

Ning Zheng took a deep breath and continued to wander when he was suddenly hit hard by a pedestrian.

Ning Zheng suddenly grabbed the hand of a dirty little beggar, squeezed it hard, and the stolen storage bag fell directly from her hand.

This beggar looked to be only thirteen or fourteen years old. His arms and face were covered with stab wounds, and his long hair was messy. He looked like a little girl.

"Let me go, let me go."

The beggar's disfigured face showed a cold look: "You hurt me, neighbors, who doesn't know my name? If you offend our little cake gang, I'll beat you to death."

In the cracks of the alley next to it, there were also a few beggars who deliberately showed fierce expressions and stared at Ning Zheng.

A bunch of kids, a gang of pickpockets?

[Today’s luck value: 1800]

[Today’s luck value: 1600]

Good guy, your luck is starting to decline.

I was really lucky, I met him when I came up.


This was obviously a very bad luck, and I only encountered it due to bad luck.

Ning Zheng sighed in her heart and fell into a contradictory theory about her luck for a moment, but she still let go of the little beggar's hand.

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