This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 76 Sage? Catch him back and work hard for me!

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Ning Zheng took back her stolen storage bag and glanced at the thief:

"Little girl, are you too hungry to eat? You can't steal things for the rest of your life."

Although I don’t know who the other party is.

Since the other party wants to act, I naturally accompany him to act.

After all, these people have lived for too long and are used to being on top. They probably like to go to the bottom to experience life and practice themselves.

Now play beggar.

How much does this taste like?

He probably beat her, scolded her, and abused her.

She just enjoys life and likes the role-playing feeling of being bullied.

"Let me treat you to a bowl of noodles."

Ning Zheng showed a gentle look, "What's your name?"

"I want you to take care of it." The girl glared angrily, but her stomach suddenly growled.


Is it also a life experience?

"That's all, I have too much money today and no place to spend it." Ning Zheng took her to sit down at a nearby roadside stall and ordered two bowls of beef noodles from the grandmother on the roadside.

Soon, the hot noodles were served.


The little girl seemed to have been hungry for a long time. She was about to hold the noodles in front of her face, her eyes were gleaming, as if she had been hungry for three days and three nights.

Ning Zheng secretly thought, this guy looks really good!

If it weren't for the problem with her luck, this guy could crush her to death. Ning Zheng would even think that she was a real beggar.

"You can't eat it."

Ning Zheng stretched out her hand and opened the bowl: "Be polite, treat your benefactor, you are not allowed to tell me, what is your name?"

She started to grab the noodles. Ning Zheng kept moving the noodles. After a while, she couldn't get it. She slammed the table and was very angry:

"Give it to me, give it to me quickly. If I steal other people's things, they will treat me to food, but you still want to hold me hostage?"

Ning Zheng understood immediately.

She specifically keeps an eye on those out-of-town tourists stealing.

Those scholars, the eldest lady will naturally not embarrass her.

Because the children of these wealthy families were afraid of being tested by someone, so they were naturally respectful.

Ning Zheng was not used to him. She had seen many people licking dogs, so she learned to do the same and naturally lost herself to the public.

Impress yourself.

It doesn’t matter whether the impression is a good impression or a bad impression.

She continued to grab the bowl several times, but failed to catch it, and then she subdued and replied: "People call me Xiaogao."

"Eat it." Ning Zheng put down the noodles, "You will be rewarded if you obey."


Xiao Gao quickly grabbed the noodle bowl and ate several mouthfuls, as if he was the reincarnation of a starving ghost.

Ning Zheng also gained an appetite after seeing this, and took several bites of noodles herself.

Not to mention, it tastes really good.

It has to be said that the Guidu here are relatively wealthy and well fed.

The body of the vacuole is also filled with fresh flesh and blood.

The meat here is probably brought back from outside to supply the operation of the entire tomb city.

After eating enough, coupled with the isolation of breath, unable to feel the smell of living people, coupled with some kind of calming and cunning method.

So the spooks here basically won't go crazy and run wild.

"Don't be picky about food. Don't just eat beef for beef noodles." Ning Zheng glanced at her and told her, "Eat more vegetables."

"I want you to take care of it."

This girl showed up and deliberately picked out the vegetables and noodles one by one and ate only the meat.

"You can't be such a picky eater with such a little temper. You remind me of my sister." Ning Zheng directly pinched her mouth and poured vegetables and noodles into it.


The little girl struggled hard, but to no avail.


Ning Zheng pinched her mouth and poured it into her mouth crazily, making her scream and the soup gushed out crazily.

Ning Zheng felt a little happy.

Since I like to pretend, I also pretend not to know. Anyway, I couldn't have known.

Even if you are a famous ancient sage in history, you still have to give me a hard time chewing noodles today.

Of course he knows that Gui is a meat-eater and enjoys all kinds of meat.

Forcing oneself to eat vegetables is equivalent to forcing a lion to eat tomatoes.

The noodles, vegetables and various products purchased in this city are actually just decorations. They are not needed physically, but they are only logically thought to be needed.

It's like still feeling like you need to go to the bathroom.

"That's right. Children should be obedient and eat more vegetables."

Ning Zheng put down the soup bowl with a smile on her face.

Xiao Gao calmed down for a while, came back to his senses, and looked at Ning Zheng in horror.

Why is this person different from ordinary tourists?

So perverted.

"Keep eating, aren't you full yet?" Ning Zheng ordered a few more bowls of noodles with a gentle smile.

"I want to make you poor." Xiao Gao sneered angrily in his heart, and his anger turned into appetite. He quickly ate two or three bowls and stacked them on the table.

"It doesn't matter how much you eat, you have to finish all the vegetables." Ning Zheng ordered.

Xiao Gao endured the nausea and ate noodles crazily, trying to eat the other person alive.

"one more bowl."

"one more bowl."

She ate several bowls, and it turned out that it was just an illusion. Like those foreign tourists, she was convinced immediately.

Ning Zheng ignored her and started thinking in her heart.

Little Cake Gang?

This guy formed a pickpocket gang of little beggars and stole things everywhere?

It's quite fun to play.

But with his temperament, age, and status, I feel like he should be a relative buried with him.

Like the second generation of Tomb who died young.

After all, Ning Zheng felt that the owner of the tomb would most likely not dress up as a little girl and steal things in such a vulgar way.

After all, he is a great sage who promoted civilization in history.

As one of the nine official tombs, there are many founding generals who participated in various famous historical battles.

Of course, it may be that Ning Zheng is narrow-minded.

These existences rely on the fact that no one knows about them, hide their identities, and let themselves go wildly.

Pretend to be young and steal things from living tourists everywhere.

Very cheap!

The probability is small, but not necessarily impossible.

And if there really was a stronger owner of the tomb, he would not be able to reveal his true identity if she discovered that he had discovered her.

If he found out that she was being so mean, he would definitely kill her and silence her.

I have to accompany her to continue acting.

Anyway, we can't spoil her, but we have to give her some stimulation and freshness.

After all, as the strategic analysis department of Blacksmith, the analysis is very accurate.

they think:

These people basically love role-playing for novelty. Their essence is to look for excitement and new things.

Ning Zheng also looked at the luck value and then tried to feed her something. Sure enough, she was not angry.

Maybe I can be a little more extreme.

Other scholars would not dare to do that.

First, I think she is just an ordinary person and will not pay too much attention.

Second, without Ning Zheng's level of luck observation, we don't know where the opponent's bottom line is.

They are just acting. If you play too excitingly, you will get completely angry and they will completely silence you.

Everyone's bottom line is different, which ordinary people simply cannot grasp.

But Ning Zheng is different. He can flexibly detect the opponent's bottom line and repeatedly test the edge of the bottom line.


While Ning Zheng was thinking about it, Xiao Gao was completely full, and seventy or eighty bowls were placed on the table, stacked into a hill.

Xiao Gao has a proud look on his face, as if he wants to eat you up.

"Boss" Ning Zheng smiled gently and asked the stall owner to pay the bill, which cost more than twenty spirit stones.

The cost made Ning Zheng's eyes twitch. It was really expensive to eat here.

"Very well done. Next time, please be more careful, you damn foreigner." Xiao Gao patted his belly, stood up and prepared to leave.

She has seen many such people.

Every foreign tourist is taken advantage of.

Not only did she think so, but the villagers and people in the entire town thought so.

Because these scholars and tourists dare not offend them.

I hope to behave well in front of the possible ancient sages, and no one dares to do anything to the villagers.

And everyone who comes here is basically a rich person.

The people of this city, over time, have engaged in various behaviors of robbing guests.

For example, for just a few bowls of common people's noodles, you dare to accept twenty spiritual stones.

Just like the person in front of me who was taken advantage of, he probably can only apologize and leave with a smile as usual.

But who would have thought that Ning Zheng grabbed her collar and put it on her shoulders: "Let's go, if you eat my noodles, you have to work for me."

"You?" Xiao Gao's face was full of shock.

Ning Zheng smiled faintly: "Are you a little dizzy now? Are your eyes a little hazy?"

Xiao Gao did feel a little dizzy and dizzy.


Human trafficking?

Weird uncle! !

"Despicable, despicable foreigner" she whined pitifully, dizzily, "Help, help"

"Little girl, didn't your parents tell you not to eat food given by strangers?"

Ning Zheng looked at the fainted Xiao Gao, picked her up and walked directly to the store.

Just bring some corpse-colored mushrooms with you.

Don’t you love to experience exciting gameplay?

Being a beggar and being kidnapped and trafficked is the normal plot of being a beggar, and it is probably an exciting experience.


If it weren't for the luck value as a real-time reference, Ning Zheng would never dare to engage in such a seemingly death-seeking action.

Ning Zheng knows.

Communicating outside and insinuating this beggar is too blunt and too easy to expose. On the contrary, it is a bad idea.

There is nothing more cost-effective than taking someone home directly.

Don't you like acting?

Then just act according to the role!

I took it back to the store in a daze, and it was nine-nine-six every day.

Work overtime hard for me! !

Last night, Blacksmith deepened his analysis in the forum:

These ancient sages were hiding and experiencing life when they had nothing to do. They were mostly free!

Take more classes, do more questions, take more risks and experience the life of the poor. If they are too tired to go to work every day, they will not have time to think about life, express various emotions, and find various leisure activities to do.

But it’s understandable.

Ning Zheng herself stayed in the villa all day, keeping company with those sand sculpture blacksmiths, and accepting their mental torture all day long, which was also very boring.

Now is the time to come out to relax and find some freshness.

The essence is the same.

At this time, Ning Zheng planned to reasonably meet the other party's requirements.

Like to recall the bitter and sweet?

Then, catch him back, move the bricks hard, dig the soil vigorously, and work hard to pick up the guests!

Work with the blacksmiths.

Ning Zheng picked up the man and strode down the street. She felt that this was a great harvest and was very happy:

"When you open the door, you will get a good harvest."

"The analysis of these blacksmith staff groups is indeed very useful."

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