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If she hadn't read a wave of blacksmith's analysis posts last night, Ning Zheng wouldn't be so eager to give it a try.

The actual combat effect is very good.

Back at the shop, Ning Zheng put the person down directly.

"Pedestrians draw cards." Su Yuniang stared at the door, looking at the street outside.

At this time, when he saw the old steward carrying a little beggar over, he looked shocked.

What are you doing?

The old steward is indeed the boss of the demon cultivator, so fierce.

Is it imitating the Shi family next door to human trafficking?

The Shi family next door kidnapped and trafficked people, stealing from small tombs.

And our old steward is so awesome that he just stole someone else’s official tomb and packed it up and took it away?

Su Yuniang has a great imagination.

So for this scale gate, should we also start demolishing streets, fences, and directly move bricks?

The main goal is to prevent a thief from taking advantage and teach the owner of the tomb a lesson!

Ning Zheng put the person down and said:

"The little thief I met on the street ate my twenty spirit stones. She was considered a prostitute. She stayed in the shop doing odd jobs. When I make my money back, I can let her go free."

"After all, he is kind-hearted. You can't steal things for a lifetime, so why not bring them back and work hard and learn a trade."

The eyelids of the little beggar thrown on the ground moved calmly.

"The old steward is kind!"

Su Yuniang gave a thumbs up.

This little girl was skinny, wearing gray linen clothes, with scars all over her body, and a large piece of her face disfigured. She looked very ugly.

"Poor child, so disfigured."

Su Yuniang sighed and took her to the second floor of the shop to change clothes.

Ning Zheng didn't stay long. After looking at the shops for a while and finding no problems, she continued walking out and started shopping again.

He spent several more hours exploring the streets beyond, moving forward.

Get ready to continue discovering new characters.

At the very least, confirm your identity, gender, and location first.

"Well, I captured them one by one. The ancient sages all work in my shop."

"The founding general cooked vegetables, the ancient war god worked as a waiter, and the Xinyi king wiped the floor."

"The main thing is that if you pick it up, you will earn it."

Ning Zheng said it nicely.

But if he discovers a new unknown person, he plans to record it, but he will not bring it back to the shop to work!

After all, it was a coincidence that the little beggar was brought back, so it would not be against the law.

If it were a bookstore owner, a street vendor, or a waiter, it would be too abrupt to bring it back by force.

at the same time.

He brought them back to the shop one by one and collected them so accurately that everyone knew he had a problem.

Ning Zheng is not stupid.

"It's so simple. It's not as difficult as those scholars who walk around and act crazy and can't find anyone."

"Now that I've caught the hide-and-seek, I'm stunned and can't help but go home. Isn't it considered a good performance?"

Ning Zheng thought.

Probably because the relationship is good, you can climb this thread and have a backer in Xinyizhou City.

Now that we have a free ancestor here, no one dares to bully our family.

But what does it mean to have a good relationship?

Don't quite understand.

Anyway, people have been very lucky to pick it up. It depends on how the blacksmiths increase their favorability.

Ning Zheng walked around again, but didn't find it. Instead, she came to a crowded square.

In the center of the square, there is an old man with an immortal spirit, and next to him stands a gray stone tablet with a mysterious texture.

A group of children are lining up.

"Wang Xiao, fire-type miscellaneous spiritual roots."

"Li Wanqi, middle-grade water spirit root."

"Li Er, a mortal."

Following the test, many parents with their children had different expressions.

Some cried loudly, some were ecstatic, and some were desperate. They even beat and scolded their son who came back, saying he was disappointed.

Ning Zheng watched this scene silently: Is this the detection spiritual root from ancient times?

People in ancient times were born unequal.

At least this era is better. People without spiritual roots can grow spiritual roots, and at least they can still read.

But no matter which era, parents in every family also hope that their children will become successful and look forward to a fairy in the family.

The second floor of the shop.

Xiao Gao slowly woke up and looked around confusedly.

"You're awake, my name is Su Yuniang." Su Yuniang asked.

Xiao Gao looked at the eldest sister named Su Yuniang in front of her, her eyes exuding a clear stupidity, very simple.

You can tell at a glance that she's the kind of kind girl who's easy to fool.

I usually steal things specifically from these people. They are often overflowing with love and are easily fooled.

"Hello, my name is Xiao Gao." The little girl also smiled shyly, "Sister, where are you?"

That old steward was a bit scary, and he finally met someone who was easy to bully.

Su Yuniang smiled clearly and innocently:

"Well, your injuries are a bit serious. You have scars all over your body. You will live here for a while. My sister will take good care of you. You can just help us with some odd jobs."

Su Yuniang estimated that this free NPC could just be used to explore information from afar.

Work hard for yourself and collect intelligence and information from various places.

The earth-bound spirits here seem to have received special bonuses, and their range is relatively far, far beyond the garbage embers like Jiucairong.

"Okay." Little Pastry nodded.

"From now on, I will live in the store and be responsible for picking up customers and doing miscellaneous tasks." Su Yuniang smiled and took her downstairs to introduce the store's operations, members, and products.


The medical fairy smiled broadly and said with a wicked look on her face: "Sister, I can help you with the surgery. I will hollow out your brain and fill up your body to make it completely repaired."

"Is your brain hollowed out?" Xiao Gao seemed to remember something and felt a headache.

"You guys, this store of yours" Xiao Gao paused for a moment, "I think it's very interesting."

"Don't be scary." Su Yuniang smiled, "Our shop is a serious plastic surgery shop, and we can just repair your body."

"The little girl is so pitiful."

The medical fairy was also overflowing with love, and asked Dizzy and Ember Liucairong to go out and guard the door, while she took the people to the back to repair the body.

"Can this be repaired?" Su Yuniang asked curiously.

"I don't quite understand it, because she has no brain and is not a living person. The soul vacuole is shaped like a scar."

Medical fairies don't avoid people either, because trickery is automatically rationalized.

Su Yuniang asked: "So traditional plastic surgery methods cannot be used?"

The medical fairy nodded: "It can be repaired, but it is estimated that the flesh and blood will squirm again after a while and return to its current appearance. Moreover, scar repair is too superficial and will fall off if touched."

"Anyway, I'll give it a try and find a long-term solution."

The medical fairy showed a look of pity, "I don't know what kind of suffering you suffered during your lifetime. Little girl, where is your home? Who are your parents?"

"Everyone in my family died when they were fleeing the famine, and I was the only one." The little girl showed a very well-behaved look: "I have been begging with my friends, and I will go to the annual Immortal Meeting."

"Ask the Immortal Society?" Su Yuniang was curious.

"It's the immortal from the mountain who comes down to the earth to check whether the twelve-year-old child has spiritual roots." The little girl said.

Su Yuniang was stunned.

I thought this girl looked thirteen or fourteen years old, but she turned out to be only twelve?

The height and body shape of ancient humans were much stronger than those of modern humans?


Ning Zheng returned to the villa, went to the prison to eat, and then rested directly.

He looked at the forum and saw that development was being discussed everywhere.

And it has developed extremely rapidly, and it has begun to have the momentum of a second-tier small family in Pingchang City!

Because those second-tier small families basically have mid-level professionals.

The first is the blacksmith shop tile.

Because of accepting memories, several talented people have entered the ranks of mid-level blacksmiths in the past few days.

I'm still researching which mid-grade spiritual root to choose as a material.

There are so many middle-grade spiritual roots in the purchase list that it is impossible to look at them.

They planned to select ten of them, apply for purchase from the old steward, and then take them back to open the spiritual roots, forge the magic weapon, and see the effect.

These ten plants must be carefully selected.

I feel that the magical power in it and the magic weapon created are very useful.

The mid-level blacksmith has been worried about this for the past few days.

Ning Zheng saw this and nodded slightly:

"I estimate that after selecting the mid-grade spiritual roots, the first batch of mid-grade magic weapons will be released soon. I hope the store will sell better."

Intermediate spiritual farmers also appeared in Lingnong District.

But there is only one vomiting mason.

Moreover, he still had to read two intermediate experience books and borrow 10,000 French dollars at a sky-high price before he could barely advance.

After all, Lingnong District started late.

Judging from experience alone, his accumulation of knowledge is indeed not as good as Dao Jiu Jiu.

No matter what, there are still middle-level spiritual farmers who are doing their best to cultivate blood-living flowers and soul-living flowers, and research various industries.

On the other hand, in the alchemy room, because of the purchase of experience books, a low-level alchemist appeared and was refining some basic elixirs.

Ning Zheng didn't pay much attention to the alchemy room.

It is mainly the by-product of digesting spiritual farming occupation, and some accompanying spiritual grass and plants.

Ning Zheng did not think about selling the low-level elixirs she refined to give to the blacksmiths to take drugs to speed up her practice.


The main core now is the blacksmith shop and the spiritual farmer.

Now, everyone is chatting.

Dao Jiujiu: "The super large card pool is officially online. The shop is a card drawing area. As long as you trick people into it, you can draw cards. There is a small probability of drawing mythical cards, many ancient sages, and the legendary ancient holy king—— King of Xinyi.”

"The King of Xinyi was a fierce man during the founding period of the country. According to legend, he was a brother-in-law of the saint and had borders with other countries!"

Su Yuniang: "Hahaha, it's so fun. It's super fun to run a shop these days. Fighting for business and receiving guests are much better than working as an enchanter in the villa.

I have been squatting for a few days, observing which passers-by look like hidden bosses, visiting our store incognito and secretly observing.jpg. "

Lian Cairong: "That's not something you can observe. Those big guys are definitely hiding very deeply. Otherwise, how can we call it a private visit incognito?"

God of Cookery: "It's so funny. Just one ancient tomb in the Linmen area has a population of tens of millions, which is equivalent to the area of ​​a province on the earth. The probability of drawing a card for a population is one in a few thousand. It can't be that simple."

Everyone thinks so too.

The scholars here are very smart. When they come to the History Corridor, they all have to turn into detectives and look for people everywhere.

This is one in tens of millions, so difficult!

Besides, the big boss may not be in his tomb.

People may have gone to Central, the real living area where living people live, and it would be even harder to find them there for private visits.

Of course, people don’t necessarily have to role-play.

Isn't it nice to sleep at home when someone is too lazy to go out?

The probability is too low!

Therefore, it is more of a legend.

Shao Chai Kun: "Today, the old steward sent a little beggar. Do you think this person could be a hidden ancient sage?"

Mu Majiang: "You mean, the plan is to change the explosion rate of our card draw, and the SSR will be exploded when it comes up, and it will be stuffed into our house, isn't it?"

Shrimp catcher: "( ̄ii ̄;), this plan won't be obvious, right?"

Su Yuniang: "It's too much to change the data! But if this game is planned, help me, he has a criminal record!"

Everyone was talking and breathing rapidly.

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