This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 78: Go to war, defend the boss

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after all.

Planning this little cutie, I guess it’s really possible!

There are too many lessons learned from the past in planning.

When I was drawing cards with my spiritual roots before, I was mad at SSR in my face, for fear that if we missed it, we wouldn't be able to draw anything good.

In front of me, the old steward suddenly sent a beggar over.

It's very abrupt.

This plot comes out of nowhere.

The smart little blacksmiths thought for a while and instantly discovered the deeper meaning of the dog's plan.



"Planning cowhide!"

A group of people were typing furiously.

When Ning Zheng saw this, she also smiled happily.

They had been speculating in random ways before, and now they finally guessed it correctly.

Su Yuniang: "So, this little beggar is a boss? We should probably be more cautious and test it out carefully? To increase the favorability of the NPC?"

Liaicairong: "No, this kind of person should be very smart. She will be discovered deliberately and just live in peace. I believe our blacksmith's charisma will influence her."

Su Yuniang thought it made sense when she heard it: "I, a little killer who is obsessed with girls, can kill a little girl in a matter of minutes."

Medical Fairy: "No, since she plays the role of a little beggar, we will let her be a little beggar and let her work hard."

Everyone: "???"

Ning Zheng smiled happily.

Ning Zheng exited their discussion post and looked at their other post.

It contains data on nuclear fusion reactions.

Four days have passed since I opened the store, and my recent daily fusion experiments have all been successful!

And, through continuous integration and adjustment, it reached the divine realm.

Because many of these two thousand people are monks in the first and second bodies of the Five Body Realm.

Taken together, the soul strength of two thousand low-level monks is enough to rival the perfection of a divine soul.

However, the shadow exists for very little time.

After all, the current integration is not perfect.

Moreover, in addition to fusion nuclear fusion, they are also thinking about how to break the owner's ember into the magic weapon.

A group of blacksmiths discussed wildly.

"This village owner's weapon spirit is too big, like a small mountain! I guess it needs high-end precious sacred materials to carry it, otherwise it will be a huge magical copper, otherwise it won't fit in."

"The owner of the village turned into an ember weapon, so it probably won't be of much use, right?"

"That is, there is only one Yin attribute, and a single ember weapon is very rubbish! Ember weapons have been studied for a long time and are looked down upon by traditional blacksmiths. Only fusion ember weapons are of great use."

"Then how do you generate an ember of Yang attribute for the village owner to fuse?"

"It can't be done, unless the village owner dies, resurrects, and opens another ember of Yang Linggen, then the fusion can be achieved."

"That's right."

A group of people are discussing continuously.

Ning Zheng's eyes twitched as well.

They are so kind. They want to get me a divine sword that combines yin and yang?

But their analysis does make sense!

The fusion of Yin Spirit Root, Yang Spirit Root and Ember must be from the same source.

Unless you create an ember of Yang Spirit Root, you won't be able to fuse it and make your own Yin-Yang ember magic weapon.

But Ning Zheng didn't care about this either.

What’s the point of selling it after the owner of the village turned it into a magical weapon?

It's enough to sell the blacksmith's ember weapon

Early the next morning.

Today is the time for them to fight the boss city guard.

"It's time to welcome the owner of the village."

"Today is the village owner's first appearance."


After offering sacrifices and burning incense, Su Yuniang waved her long knife, slashed it with her hands, and quickly merged into the bubbles in the sky.


A huge figure emerged, very stable.

Ning Zheng tried to control it from the air and found that it was successful.

But there's a big problem.

It's not that it can't be controlled, but it's because it was not chopped by the same person, with a mixed and chaotic obsession.

In the body, there seemed to be countless people uttering strange and small murmurs such as "It's better than Wusheng", "Clover" and "Welcome Wusheng old mother".

Those female prisoners worshiped every day, and they were obviously infected with the split soul virus.

Ning Zheng felt something was wrong as she controlled her huge shadow clone.

"It's over. I go out wearing this shell. I really have to wear the vest of a certain cult."

The corners of his eyes twitched.

Pingchang City is the starting point, and another mysterious high-level figure of the Wusheng Sect is about to emerge! ?

Ning Zheng counted the months.

Pyeongchang City walked out of the Jiao Wuyu, walked out of the Sword Fairy, and now I walked out of myself?

Shouldn't this continue to attract Jian Xin and kill him again in Pingchang City?

What kind of monsters and monsters are coming out of this local city like crazy.

Having said that.

Ning Zheng definitely has no intention of giving up this great power.

I am only at the early stage of the Four Zang Realm, and it is already very good to be able to control a temporary clone that is a level higher than myself.

And as the prison population expands, this convergence of forces is just beginning to take off.

There was a crash.

Ning Zheng opened the teleportation array and headed to the opposite side of the tomb.

"We don't dare to show up at Pingchang City. We might as well go to the city guard and try our power."

After all, that living target was prepared for him.

However, you have to kill the opponent instantly when the enemy is at a loss, otherwise he will definitely destroy that planting area before dying.

Ning Zheng looked at the luck value:

[Today’s luck value: 3000 points]

In this situation where the gap is not big, I have a great chance of winning by calculating mentally but not intentionally.

The other party's spiritual root attributes and approximate abilities were pretty much known by the blacksmith before.

Wow! ~

"Life is always so calm."

Ning Zheng controlled the huge phantom and came to the opposite side of the teleportation array.

Surrounded by snow-capped mountains, an ancient tomb that was mostly hollowed out stood alone.

In the tomb.

Only a group of jailers were left wandering in place, shivering in the cold winter and curled up into a ball.

They won't be cold, but they think they will be.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Where's our prison? Why hasn't it been rebuilt yet?"

"You can't be a liar."

"I'm going to freeze to death."

While they were discussing, someone suddenly exclaimed.

Countless people looked up and saw an incredible scene.

I saw a layer of violently surging black shadow stepping forward. This black shadow was so big that it covered hundreds of meters, and there were all kinds of terrifying whispers in it.

“It is better to be born with suffering than to be born without life.”

“It is better to be born with suffering than to be born without life.”

Chanting together, piously and enthusiastically, affects people's minds.

The figure seemed to be surrounded by countless believers, and He stood in the sky, overlooking the tomb, with neither joy nor sorrow in his eyes.

"How brave!"

The city guard jumped up suddenly.

Li Ming stepped into the sky step by step and said angrily: "Who are you from the Wusheng Cult? I'm afraid you were the ones who robbed those previous disciples?"

"You can see my true identity at a glance, which is not bad at all."

Under the gaze of countless jailers, the shadow stretched out his hand, suddenly bent his bow and shot an arrow, and an invisible black arrow of energy was suddenly generated on the black bow.

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