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"No living arrow!"

With a murmur, the arrow shot out quickly.

The second one, the third one, the fourth one, hundreds of arrows were fired in an instant, like a volley of arrows.

The city guard held up his shield and stood in front of him.

However, amid the horrified expressions of everyone, the city guard was instantly attacked by arrow after arrow and quickly split apart.

The entire soul body seemed to be dismembered, and small phantoms of the city guard's soul quickly split into pieces.

This small phantom of the city guard was actually bending a bow and shooting arrows, and continued to attack the real city guard.


At this moment, the remaining guards, guards, and core disciples in the entire prison witnessed this incredible and shocking power with their own eyes.

"Chengshou, how could it be?"

"Wu Sheng! Not even the city guard"

"So strong."

"This is a monster."

Countless jailers murmured.

"This is a personal attack from the Wusheng Cult's top brass. Is there no one in our court?" someone murmured.

"Yes, the prison has been demolished for so long, why is there still no support?" someone asked in confusion.

Just when they were desperate, the bow-wielding shadows of the city guards also noticed them and quickly bent their bows and shot arrows.

Endless rain of arrows fell from the sky, like meteorites falling one after another, and the land they were on collapsed several meters.

In the lingering dust, several new phantoms holding bows climbed up on the jailer's corpse, and continued to shoot arrows at the city guard.

This is the terror of Ning Zheng’s magical power!

Ning Zheng is a master at the same level as Shen Yuan, and is almost invincible at the same level, let alone a person who died ten thousand years ago with solidified logic and much weaker strength?

Behind him, the group of death squad blacksmiths had quietly arrived through the teleportation array.

"The owner is so fierce!"

"Is this the output of the national server shooter!"

Countless blacksmiths witnessed these attacks and gasped.

Too brutal.

A flurry of arrows, crazy weakening, who can withstand this?

Without a tank to carry it, they were all so fierce, it was simply outrageous!

This is the power of Tianlinggen. It is worthy of being the top level saint of the great religion in the legend. Killing the same level is like killing a chicken.

"A small ancient city guard, nothing more than that!"

They moved quietly, sneaked into the planting area behind them, and started frantically digging and collecting one by one.

They were all scheming and digging wildly, and they were all extremely happy.

"How brave!" Li Ming became even more angry.

His subordinates died in an instant, and when he discovered the sneaky blacksmiths, he immediately fired a spell.


The bow and arrow in Ning Zheng's hand turned into a shield, blocking the planting area to prevent them from being attacked.

The remaining phantom archers that Li Ming had dropped continued to bend their bows and shoot arrows.

"Wu Sheng Cult, there are people like you?" Li Ming's face was as dark as water, knowing that he was already in danger.

Ning Zheng was too lazy to answer and just carried the attack, watching quietly as he was surrounded by other shadow archers and gradually disappeared and became weak.


In the end, Li Ming fell down and disappeared quietly.

"It's just average."

"Wait a month before resurrecting in the cemetery."

Ning Zheng looked at the time, looked down at the little blacksmith who was still gathering fruit trees, then took a leap, climbed over the mountains, and continued to explore into the distance.

His shadow does not exist for long. While it is still there, you can observe the surroundings and climb over the mountains in the form of a giant.

After walking for several minutes, I still didn't see any new scenery. It was just mountains, and then they gradually disappeared.

Ning Zheng returned to consciousness, slowly opened her eyes, and looked at her simple room.

"The time of existence is still a little short."

"If he knew what kind of magical power I had and didn't hit the first wave of arrows, it would be a lot more difficult."

He silently summed up his experience.

Sure enough, in a battle between strong men, intelligence is the most important thing

Coming back from this battle is a great harvest.

Liaicairong counted the harvest.

"Get rich."

"Lots of rewards."

Not counting the degree of contamination, there are more than 70 spiritual plants that are over ten thousand years old!

These can extract a batch of contaminated high-grade spiritual plant liquid, and they can try to cultivate contaminated high-grade spiritual roots.

This will have serious side effects and shorten their lifespan, but it doesn't matter, they are not afraid of death.

There are more than 500 polluted spiritual plants that are more than a thousand years old, and a large amount of medium-grade spiritual plant liquid can be extracted to meet the demand.

Most importantly, there are more than eighty fruit trees.

These smart peach trees are polluted.

But the Lingming peach in it can be used to make elixirs or eaten.

Although they are also contaminated, they are still not afraid of death.

"So handsome."

"We have new plants growing."

"You haven't seen how handsome the owner is."

"Invincible at the same level, okay?"

"You think, if we improve and develop this, can we fight the battle in Xinyizhou City?"

"I think it's okay. There are still ten days and a half."

"Well, continue to develop and fight Jianxin and Jiao Wuyu."

"Is this a camp option?"

Many people are discussing it heatedly.

The Zhuangzhu missile they worked so hard to cultivate won a big victory in the first round, which is really inspiring.

In fact, they are already thinking about beating the owner of the village to ashes!

By the time.

The phantom of the village master holds the ember weapon of the village master, which doubles his combat power.

Xinyizhou City, shops.

"Guest, this is our fine wine. It only costs fifty spirit stones per jar, or fifty dharma coins."

Liaicai Rong smiled.

But Yan Di and Er Ya kept going out to solicit customers.

After the wine went online, they made crazy money.

Because this yin-attributed spiritual rice wine is very suitable for the taste of the treacherous people.

Moreover, because the people here are accustomed to killing scholars, and a few bowls of ordinary noodles are worth several spiritual stones, the prices here are extremely high!

Over time, how rich are the local people who are crazy about ripping off customers? Now you can make money from them, sell spiritual wine for fifty francs, it will make you cry to death!

"That's outrageous."

Su Yuniang kept calculating the accounts:

"This game is outrageous! He has gone off the track, do you understand? Selling wine can make more money than blacksmithing. It costs more than ten francs. If you brew it casually, you can brag about the century-old shop and you can sell it for 50 francs!"

"It's not bad." The medical fairy pulled Xiao Gao out of the door, looking at her patchwork masterpiece with satisfaction.

In front of him is a beautiful little girl with fair skin, long hair shawl, and a delicate appearance that makes people feel pity for her.

As for some large scars, he did not choose to erase them. Instead, he was tattooed by the medical fairy, and the tattoos were engraved with very beautiful color patterns.

Xiao Gao is a bit naughty and careful.

But after getting along with him, they also discovered that he didn't seem very smart and was a bit clumsy.

Is this really a boss?

Not quite.

"Xiao Gao, do you feel uncomfortable in any way?" Su Yuniang asked, putting down her account book.

"Feel much better."

Xiao Gao said: "My head still hurts a little. It feels like something is digging into my head, but this is an old problem."

Su Yuniang complained: "Bah, it's all because the medical fairy gave you some kind of brain fat transplant. It scared you."

"However, now that your body is restored and beautiful, it's time to put on our beautiful and cute work clothes and help us with our work!"

Frequent headaches?

The medical fairy fell silent.

She personally repaired the other party's wounds all over his body. She always felt that there was an obvious crescent knife mark on Xiao Gao's head, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

Hidden plot, definitely some kind of hidden plot

Her intuition told her that some of the scars on Xiao Gao's body looked familiar.

She thought hard and suddenly remembered the short time she had spent as a young blacksmith before she was stationed at the hospital, taking on daily tasks in the mines.

When she was digging and moving bricks, she remembered that certain crescent marks on the wall of the French copper mine were exactly the same as the crescent gap on the little girl's head.

"The copper of the first mountain."

Looking at Xiao Gao's stupid head, an idea popped up in the medical fairy's mind: "Her head is in our villa."

"If that's the case, isn't this hidden plot a bit too outrageous?"

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