This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 80: The Spiritual Pet of Sword Making Villa: Mountain God Cake!

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With a thought in her mind, the medical fairy took off the wig from Xiao Gao's head again, revealing her head full of scars again.

"What are you doing?" Su Yuniang was speechless, "It took a lot of effort to clean it up."

"You do not understand."

The medical fairy carefully observed every detail of the head.

Scars, dents, wounds, etc. can be viewed offline to create 3D pictures.

Compare their French copper mines and look at the various traces to see if they match!

"Sister, what do you want to do?"

Xiao Gao shivered a little.

——I seem to have really entered a black shop!

She touched my head so happily. Didn't this doctor sister want to open my head and dig out my brain?

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became.

I heard that some human traffickers are so perverted and twisted that they sell organs.

"Don't be afraid, I won't cut your waist."

The medical fairy stroked it and said softly: "It feels good, I'm just going to see if it's a good head."

"Then my head." Xiao Gao hesitated.

"It's a good head." The medical fairy gave a thumbs up, showing her big white teeth.

Xiao Gao became more and more frightened.

Su Yuniang didn't understand what she meant, she just greeted and continued to sell things, and distinguished guests came to the door one by one.

"Boss, a jar of wine."

"I want one too."

Su Yuniang kept greeting the guests.

Go back and ask them to open more shadow wine rice spiritual roots and produce more spiritual rice, which is in short supply.

What kind of weapons shop do they have here?

Just open a liquor store!

The money is coming in a hurry!

These local tyrants are really rich.

In the cycle of setting up stalls day after day, I don’t know how many wealthy scholars from the past have been gathered!

Because they were taken advantage of so much, they dared to sell a bowl of noodles for a spiritual stone.

How much have they earned over the years?

can not imagine!

They save money and don't use it, it's a waste.

Why not give it to us and we will help you promote market circulation and benefit society!

Su Yuniang felt happy.

Of course, mid-level weapons still have to be sold.

Medium grade weapons, sold to living people.

Liquor, sold to dead people.

We are the Sword-Forging Villa, so the main plot cannot be forgotten.


The medical fairy took care of several patients, pretended to take a nap, and posted online:

"Brothers, send me screenshots of the inside of the mine."

"Also, let's do a 3D model of Xiao Gao's head."

People on the forum don't know why.

But there are still some big guys who made it quickly.

The moment it was done, everyone was extremely surprised.

They had not carefully treated the walls of this copper mine cave before.

But some of the curvatures and the scars at the mine entrance are similar to Xiao Gao's crescent bag scars.


"It's outrageous."

"It's not really someone else's head, is it?"

"I'm not sure. I suggest you clean up the mine and roughly observe its outline."

"Hidden branch? The production team gave a big surprise!"

"You damn little blacksmiths are digging like this, no wonder their heads hurt."

It turns out that no one noticed this.

Because the shape of the mine wall is not dug too deep, who knows the overall outline of the deep burial?

But now, with the 3D modeling reference picture, comparing some small scratched areas, it is completely consistent.

Sword Making Villa.

"The original body of Shoushan's Copper is in Xinyizhou City and has arrived at our shop?"

"This plot direction is too awesome!"

After learning the news, Jiucairong was shocked and quickly issued a task to have people clean up the specific outline of the mine.

Early the next morning.

When Ning Zheng went up the mountain, Jiucairong hurriedly ran over and said, "Old steward, the mine has been dug out by us."

"I understand, take me to see it." Ning Zheng went up the mountain for this reason, and soon followed Liaicai Rong down to the mine.

The mine is no longer the same as when Ning Zheng was a mine slave. It is very neat, spacious, and equipped with lighting equipment.

Various auxiliary small mechanical tools, chains, gear rollers hang in the corner.

As the special mine elevator fell, Ning Zheng arrived at the bottom of the mine.

Several oil lamps hung on the walls.

They dug out the shape and rough outline of the mine.

"Because the French copper mine is renewable, we didn't dare to dig too much at once before, otherwise it would be completely exhausted. We are controlling production."

"But yesterday, we asked hundreds of blacksmiths to work together to dig along the edge of the pit and dig into the wall."

"We found that the mine wall is very hard, and we couldn't penetrate it with all the magic weapons we could use."

"We dug along the contours of the wall and used a brush to sweep away the dust, revealing various scratches on the wall, and discovered a surprising fact!"

"What facts?" Ning Zheng asked.

"Although we only dug a little bit, based on the overall outline, the outline of the mine wall that cannot be penetrated is really in the shape of a skull, very huge, and our villa is like a crown on the huge skull!"

"Our mine is entered through the crescent gap of Tianling Gai to dig out the French copper inside."

Ning Zheng nodded solemnly, showing a hint of understanding.

The copper of Shoushan is indeed like this.

The fallen body will naturally be similar to the fall of Pangu in the previous life, turning into mountains, mineral veins, and rivers.

After all, the monks in this world absorb too many resources!

Their bodies are immortal for a long time, and after they fall, they will surely feed the world back, and everything will come to life when a whale falls!

This is conservation of energy!

If all the great beings in history had stolen resources and energy and not returned them after death, the world would have been exhausted long ago!

It is said that Kuafu chased the sun and died of exhaustion. His hair turned into a forest of peach trees and his body turned into mountains.

If you change it to the world view of this mythical world.

Maybe he has great power, chasing the eyes of the saint, and then dies of exhaustion and turns into various mines.

However, there is obviously only one head here.

The head of the first body was turned into magic copper and had the ability to store magic power.

What about the other four bodies?

What about the four internal organs?

After the fall, what kind of mineral veins turned into and what areas were scattered?

Beside them, Liao Cairong, Dao Jiujiu and others, the more they thought about it, the more shocked their expressions became.

The mineral veins all over the place are like ancient relics!

Just like the lush ancient trees on the earth that were buried deep in the earth hundreds of millions of years ago, they accumulated over time and turned into coal mines for future generations to mine and use as energy.

Many mine bosses in Shanxi have become extremely rich from mining coal mines.

When you think about it, it's quite similar!

Isn't our owner of the village also a mine owner, digging "coal mines" formed by ancient trees, making him extremely rich?

The production team of this game should be inspired by those coal mine bosses!

They will learn from it.

Thinking again of the huge dharma form that Jian Xin transformed into before, everyone couldn't help but admire the high-level powerful people in this world more and more.

This is the gathering of thousands of great powers into one body!

When one person falls, there are endless mountains!

Ning Zheng also took a deep breath and thought to herself: "This is probably the head of that little cake."

I'm so lucky, I met him as soon as I came up!

Of course, it could also be that the other party has the instinct to approach me?

Because at that time, I was carrying this picture sign made of copper from the mining method with me, so I approached instinctively?

Ning Zheng fell into deep thought.

After leaving the mine, the sky was clear.

In the square in the distance, there is a group of people doing greening, planting fruit trees, and preparing to plant one on the sidewalks on both sides.

After all, the previous bare villa was a bit ugly without greenery.

Just making up for it now.

It is this dark fruit tree that is contaminated by the strange atmosphere of the tomb, which makes the villa become more and more eerie.

The blacksmiths are now processing the elixir plants collected from the city guard's tomb yesterday and are very happy.

There is no plan to attack the second tomb boss.

Because the income has not been fully digested, where will the plants be placed if a second tomb is opened?

There is no place to put it and it will break easily.

It's better to plant it in someone's cemetery first.

Next to him, Liaicai Rong couldn't help but said: "Sir, that little cake over there"

"Don't disclose this matter casually." Ning Zheng waved her hand, "Just treat it as normal."

After Ning Zheng leaves.

"Xiao Gao is definitely a fake name."

Auntie Xian analyzed:

"It sounds like her nickname, a pseudonym! Maybe her great real name can be found in history. I suggest you look through the history textbook."

But some people disagree.

Looking through history?

At present, we only know that the gender of the sages in the Xinyizhou area is female. The range is so wide, how can we find them?

If Xiao Gao has a hobby of dressing up as a woman, he probably still can’t tell the difference between male and female.

"What should we do about her headache?" Aunt Xian asked curiously.

"From now on, we have to be nicer to Xiao Gao."

Jiucairong sighed secretly in his heart, "We mine at the same time, so that Xiao Gao has regular headaches and is not so random."

"That's great for Xiao Gao. Thank you very much for being a capitalist." Shao Chaikun complained.

"You're welcome, this is what we should do!"

Lian Cairong looked upright, "Do you think it's possible that this is a development mechanism?"

"What do you mean?" Shao Chaikun asked.

"Xiao Gao, this little girl, is the kind of technology-adding page that is very common in management games. Adding points and upgrading her can expand [mineral output] and increase [mineral quality]."

"Xiao Gao is a humanoid skill tree."

"As long as we raise her well, treat her illness, give her medicine, and upgrade her to be energetic, wouldn't it be possible to produce a large amount of magic copper?"

Everyone's scalp was numb when they heard it.

What a show.

If we raise this one, will the quality of our French copper mines improve?

Not to mention, this kind of Tianxiu game setting is really what this dog planner can come up with!

After all, mining games do have upgrade settings for upgrading ore veins, small ore veins, medium ore veins, and large ore veins.

It is not unreasonable to upgrade the output of our villa's mineral veins in this way.


Thinking of this, they looked at each other with shock.

This game is also great.

Aren’t the human-shaped mineral veins and that little cake the mascot of our villa?

Can you grow a spiritual pet?

This is a mountain god from a villa, located in their small shop in Xinyizhou City!

As long as the little cakes are continuously cultivated, the villa will continue to increase its heritage, and even increase its altitude and expand its area!

Everyone thinks this design is extremely clever, a bit cool, and a bit refreshing.

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