This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 81 The truth, the old god of the ancient dynasty

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"There's a problem, it's too problematic."

After Ning Zheng left, she kept thinking in her heart.

Ning Zheng was not as heartless as them, but felt that it was extremely inconsistent.

The ancient sages of this world were all so self-sacrificial for others in their tombs?

Endure the headache and dig for our descendants?

If all the ancient beings in the tomb were like this, it would be great!

The mineral veins scattered throughout Xinyi Continent were all provided by the ancient tomb sages in Xinyi Prefecture City?

Ning Zheng suddenly thought that she might have guessed wrong from the beginning.

She may not be faking it, maybe she really has a limited IQ!

I was really not very clear-headed, so I became a beggar and stole things. I was really hungry for a long time.

Why become stupid?

Because of side effects.

Ning Qiaoqiao is an example!

In the past, Ning Zheng stuffed bird poop into Ning Qiaoqiao's head.

She stopped being so fierce and became stupid.

Let’s refer to the Crow King boss again. When they fought against the Crow King before, they also used artificial physics to reduce their intelligence and cut off their heads to make the opponent brainless.

It is also a principle now.

He kept digging into her head, giving her a headache, and using crazy physics to suppress her intelligence.

"This is probably what Shopkeeper Lu said, that the city has a way to suppress the madness of the saints in the tomb?"

"It can not only benefit the common people, but also suppress their possibility of going crazy?"

Ning Zheng frowned secretly, feeling that she had discovered a terrible truth that ordinary people didn't know.

The imperial court’s secret to suppressing the tombs was to dig out their brains.

From a rational perspective, it kills two birds with one stone.

Continuously digging their brains will allow the ancient evil in these tombs to calm down and enter a period of weakness, allowing the younger generation to obtain huge resources.


From a perceptual point of view: Let the founding heroes and historical sages suffer this kind of torture all the time?

This is considered torture.

This doesn’t seem like the imperial court’s style!

Because the other party regards benevolence, righteousness, enlightenment, and educating the human race as the foundation of the country.

We have given a lot of benefits to the poor people!

What if it's just a superficial act, but the court is so dark behind the scenes?

Ning Zheng thought it was impossible.

If the court keeps doing this and practicing the ancient sages, even if it keeps hiding it from the world, it will be a time bomb after all!

After being discovered by the people of the world and treated like this after death, who will still be loyal to the imperial court and who will serve the country?

This is cutting off one's own foundation.

"Contradictory, too contradictory."

Ning Zheng took a deep breath:

"The imperial court will not secretly abuse retired ancient sages, and when they die, they are only semi-retired."

"It's like enjoying the pleasure in front of you and traveling around, it's like the benefits that an ancient sage should have!"

So, Xiao Gao, what happened?

Why was she abused?

She is probably not the only one who was abused!

After all, there are so many mineral veins in the entire Xinyi Continent, and it is estimated that there will be a victim for every mine mined!

No buying and selling, no harm!

Ning Zheng took a deep breath and kept thinking, when suddenly an inspiration flashed through her head.

Maybe I was wrong from the beginning.

Is there a possibility:

Xiao Gao, are you not those ancient sages enjoying welfare at all?

He determines that the other party is the owner of the tomb based on the degree of danger in his luck value.

There was a logic problem at the beginning.

The danger is not only the super-ancient tomb owner, but also the ancient criminals!

Xiao Gao, she is not an old human native played by some ancient tomb sage at all.

She is an ancient prehistoric aborigine and a felon.

"She is an old human, an old god, a very ancient being, imprisoned in a tomb and suffering!"

"Tortured daily and providing a vein of minerals for new humanity."

Ning Zheng took a deep breath and finally cleared her mind.

That makes sense.

In fact, this group of tombs not only housed the sages of ancient immortality, but also suppressed many prisoners from ancient times!

This is the largest ancient tomb of a super saint in Xinyi Continent.

It is also the largest super ancient prison in Xinyi Continent!

As for why not let the people know?

Does this need an explanation?

I'll tell you where the prison is?

This will only cause panic and attract some people with ulterior motives.

The owners of the tombs here, sages of all ages, are also responsible for suppressing the prisoners.

And those prisoners are actually harmless.

Due to years of torture, his brain is constantly digging and his growth is inhibited. His intelligence has been severely suppressed, and he has fallen to the same level as ordinary ancient villagers.

"They have been suppressed to the point where they are no different from ordinary villagers."

"Normally speaking, those scholars can't even tell the difference between ancient sages and sages. Who can tell the difference between criminals who are no different from ordinary people?"

"So, there is no need to explain this matter at all. We also suppressed a group of prisoners here. It would be bad if we did."

The corner of Ning Zheng's mouth twitched:

"However, unlike ordinary people, I directly found the true form of the old god, which is even harder to find than those tomb owners."


Ning Zheng felt helpless.

When I came up, I discovered the truth about the imperial tomb.

I really don’t know whether to say lucky or unfortunate.

He also found the suffering ancient criminal who belonged to his own mine.

Ning Zheng reorganized her thoughts and couldn't help but sigh at the horror of the imperial court.

There are definitely a lot of mineral veins in Xinyi Continent!

Every scattered mineral vein represents an ancient supreme being, an ancient powerful man, being tortured.

The old gods continuously provided this dynasty with a large amount of minerals, and they gathered together to form a prosperous dynasty!

If Ning Zheng's current guess is not wrong.

Those blacksmiths will never find out the true identity of this little cake.

On the contrary, those ancient enemy generals, ancient sect masters, and ancient saints were able to find each other.

It's a pity that Xiao Gao has been reduced to intelligence and can't even remember who he is.

After confirming this matter, Ning Zheng thought in her mind:

"I'm not the owner of the tomb, but my hook-up is in vain. There is no reward. It will not allow me to have another ancestor backing me in Xinyi Prefecture City."

"But I hooked up with the old god of the previous dynasty, so I guess the tomb owners won't care."

"They didn't think I could detect her abnormality. They thought I was treating her as an ordinary trickster who hired her to work."

"It's okay to keep her working. The blacksmiths can repair her brain and secretly nourish her, not to mention ignore it. Maybe it will be useful?"

He calculated.

Who can refuse the growth of their own mineral veins?

This may also be an opportunity.

Ning Zheng still believes in her unique luck ability.

During dinner, Ning Zheng relaxed and became leisurely again.

Because of the "Mountain God Favor" appearing in the mine, more people went to the mine.

And it's very talkative.

While digging, he kept talking nonsense:

"Little cake, little cake, I love you like a mouse loves rice."

"Let me help you clear your head."

"I'll put some spiritual liquid in, I don't know if it will make it less painful."? ? ?

Their heads were hit by a car?

Ning Zheng felt that they were getting more and more scary. Outsiders would think they were a group of lunatics talking to themselves.

They have become increasingly indescribable and irrational.

But Ning Zheng was used to it and could bear it.

According to this situation, the plan for the next period of time is already very clear.

Next, Ning Zheng only needs to continue to develop shops, research the guardian spirit of Xiaogaoshan God, and wait for the possible outbreak of the Xinyizhou War.

Just hide in the outer ring and watch the battle inside like a colosseum.

There is no danger at all.

Instead, Ning Zheng began to think:

"Xiao Gao is not a patron. Should I find another tomb owner to get close to? As a patron in the city?"

After all, there are people in the city who are easy to work with.

There are too many local snakes in Xinyizhou City. Without a backer, there is no sense of security.

But if you find a tomb owner, you won't encounter another ancient prisoner, right?

Ning Zheng had a toothache.

He originally thought that he was secretly cheating, and that other scholars would not be able to compare to him even if they found it in a hundred years.

But the result was not as good as I thought!

"This card pool is poisonous. It is mixed with poisonous cards. What you find may not be a sage, but a criminal."

Ning Zheng learned their way of speaking.

In the evening, while having dinner in the prison, Su Yuniang and Ning Qianqiao were leading the group to play, while Ning Zheng silently watched the dance.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in the distance.

Ning Zheng immediately understood that Li Youzhu had contacted him.

Ning Zheng glanced at Ning Qianqian and the two of them, and went quietly.

In the shadows, Li Youzhu turned around and got straight to the point as always:

"Xinyizhou City is about to be in chaos. If you can, find a way for me to send this ring to the outskirts of Xinyizhou City and place it at this address. It can help her mobilize some help."

Of course Ning Zheng knew who she was.

Jiao Wuyu.

And mobilizing some power to help?

Ning Zheng was a little surprised. In a battle of that level, Li Youzhu could help?

If that was the case, he hid it quite deeply.

Ning Zheng nodded: "I will try to ask the Pingchang City Merchant Alliance to help send it to that location. After all, with your power, I am responsible for managing some external commerce in the villa."

Li Youzhu said: "Within ten days, Xinyizhou City will be in chaos. Not only will the inner ring be fighting, there may also be trouble in the outer ring, so stay away."

Ning Zheng was stunned, so soon, Jiao Wuyu was about to start?

Something will happen in the outer ring, the area where the ancient ancestors were based?

Ning Zheng silently wrote down this information, but had no intention of retreating from the store.

When the blacksmiths die, they die.

Ning Zheng didn't care, and they themselves didn't care either.

It is estimated that before he vomited blood and died, he also wanted to lure customers who were fleeing everywhere and sell a few more bottles of wine.

But, how did Li Youzhu get the news about Jiao Wuyu?

Ning Zheng was puzzled, but there was no need for him to understand an existence of that level.

Ning Zheng thought for a while, "Can I ask something?"

"What's the matter?" Li Youzhu reached out and found a desk, chairs, and wine in front of him.

"Drink this." Ning Zheng took out a few bottles of newly brewed wine.

Li Youzhu took the wine, opened the bottle cap, smelled it, and said lightly: "Not bad, suitable for the dead to drink."

The two sat down and Ning Zheng said, "I want to know what happened a hundred years ago."

He is at Linmen, returning to his homeland.

Ning Zheng did not look at the abandoned area of ​​the Flesh and Blood Colosseum.

He is not really a member of the Xue Lihua family, and has no family glory. He is just afraid that the genocide that year will have an impact on him.

Li Youzhu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said, "If you insist on knowing, fine."

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