This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 86: Xiaogao Villa Mecha, joins the battle! (Additional chapters, please subscribe)

Ning Zheng opened the post to see the other party's ideas, it would be nice to learn from them.

The sixth body of the Night Cultivator:

"Jian Xin, Xu Huan, these NPCs appeared in the shops one after another, drank, and then left together. Their backs were very depressed in the sun. This is obviously a foreshadowing."

"This is emotional rendering. They said that things are not peaceful recently, and that a storm is coming. They will soon usher in their war and their story."

It's obvious.

This one can do reading comprehension.

He is trying to figure out the deep meaning of the production team more and more deeply, and he can't wait to disassemble every word.

"As little blacksmiths, can we only watch the war in the myth break out? Is Xinyi City in chaos?"

"The city is in chaos, why don't we take the opportunity to steal treasure chests? Buy for free, tear down the floor of the street, make a fortune? Loot other shops? Family?"

"If we don't make money from the war, we will lose money!"

"Also, what role does our baby Xiaogao play in it? How can we protect her?"

"Based on this dark world view, it is estimated that Daozi will come again soon."

"My suggestion is to eat less and work more, and speed up the progress of moving bricks like crazy, so as not to hit again The death ending is similar to the normal ending before: Ning Jiao Jiao cried and hugged her parents and cried bitterly. "

"Dear blacksmiths, you don't want to lose Xiao Gao, the mountain god pet of the villa, right?"

"Without her, the mineral vein growth technology tree of our villa will be broken!"

"Preliminary estimation, Xiao Gao's plot is just like the previous Pyeongchang City Red Mansion card pool plot. If it is not triggered, it will be skipped directly. Xiao Gao may leave us and be completely buried in history."

"If you don't help Xiao Gao and let it develop, the probability of a death ending may be very high!"

"Ye Ye Kuang Xiu Sixth Body is getting more and more mysterious.

However, from the perspective of game plot design, they agree with this analysis.

They like Xiao Gao, the NPC, very much, especially wearing their green hat villa crown, which is their spokesperson.

How can the villa group pet let her get into trouble?

"Since we have guessed the malicious intentions of the production team, how should we deal with it? What is the strategy?"

"Below, it is an analysis of the battle situation in the villa!"

"After several rounds of knives, I have grown up and guessed the solution to the battle of Xinyizhou City. The owner of the villa launched a ground-to-ground missile and entered Xinyizhou City."

"The owner of the villa launched a missile, first cut the Fang family, and the embers that exploded gathered and grew, and then cut Jian Xin and Jiao Wuyu, and swept across Xinyizhou City, which can be called invincible in the world!"

"Of course, you think this is too outrageous. The owner's embers are not very good. How can he beat these big guys? Let me tell you."

"This is a clever solution that you will never think of. I call it: Xiaogao brand mecha plan! Control Xiaogao and sweep across the world!"

"First, let me show you the picture. This is a screenshot of the latest mine."



In the mine, they dug along the outline of the head and had dug out the outline.

And in the picture, they saw that there were various tattoos and patterns on the wall of the mine.

Ye Ye Kuang Xiu Sixth Body:

"Did you see it? This is a tattoo on Xiao Gao's head made by the Fairy of Medicine to draw patterns along the scars for Xiao Gao's beauty treatment."

"But this tattoo actually appeared in this mine, which is simply shocking."

"This means that when we dig Xiao Gao's head, Xiao Gao's head over there will have a headache, and when Xiao Gao's head is tattooed over there, the corresponding texture will appear in the mine here."

"Our two sides are very deeply connected. Initial speculation is that it may be connected through the earth vein."

"After all, the embers bind the earth spirits, take root in the earth veins, and connect to the corpses in the distance. It is also reasonable, right?"

"The mineral regeneration of this vein is probably closely related to Xiao Gao. Maybe Xiao Gao died, and the vein will no longer grow."

Many people nodded.

When ordinary people see this, they only think that the person has a deep connection with the mine.

But extraordinary people see something deeper:

"So do you know what this means? We can most likely strengthen the body of the opposite Xiaogao by blessing Xiaogao's head and adding various buffs!"

"We can even control the body of the opposite Xiaogao by taking over Xiaogao's head."

"Xiaogao's head is now an empty shell, does it look like the driver's seat of a Gundam?"

"We let the huge embers of the owner of the manor enter the driver's seat of Xiaogao's huge head, can we control Xiaogao remotely?"

Everyone looked shocked.

This is simply outrageous!

But it is amazing and gives people a very reasonable feeling.

"I think there is a lot of potential! Now Xiaogao's head, please, enter an ember, what's wrong?"

"Xiaogao's head is a super-large ember weapon. What do you think will happen if we hit the embers of the owner of the manor into it?"

Everyone got goosebumps and was extremely horrified.


Now, isn't Xiaogao's head a rough embryo of a super-large magic weapon?

The main line of their Sword Casting Villa is casting and making weapons!

All the main lines of battle must be centered around making weapons to solve problems.

Why can't Xiaogao's head be hit?

It's a magic weapon, so it can be injected with weapon spirits. This makes sense!

Before, they forged the Sword Fairy and swept across Pingchang City.

Now, as long as they forge Xiaogao's magic weapon, they may be able to sweep across Xinyizhou City!

Ye Ye Kuang Xiu Sixth Body:

"My suggestion is that the entire villa should stop all work, start collectively going down to the mine, clean up the mine, and help the group of blacksmiths start casting magic tools."

"Because the mine is too big, in a short period of time, we will carve some inscriptions on the wall of the mine to absorb it locally."

"Let Xiaogao's head be easily invaded, absorb the elders and villagers between heaven and earth, and make it easier for Xiaogao to be possessed."

The words of Ye Ye Kuang Xiu's sixth body obviously set off the entire forum.

It's so exquisite.

I didn't expect that there was a magic copper mecha inside our villa!

It's still the driver's seat of the head.

If it is done, can't Xiaogao be remotely controlled to fight and fight for them in Xinyizhou City?

Xiaogao, this is a very mysterious existence!

This may indeed be a Tianxiu plot of a villa owner sweeping Xinyizhou City.

Ye Ye Kuang Xiu's sixth body is not bragging.

Besides, this is still the current plot.

What will happen in the future?

In the future, the blacksmith's own embers will be more and stronger, and he can also be the driver of the mine, enter the mine, and start the side story of riding a mecha.

Sitting in the villa, driving a mecha from a distance, isn't this fun?

This game is too amazing! !

This will be the largest and most valuable family magic weapon in their villa.

It's a perfect match.

The owner of the villa is born after fusion, and the fusion giant enters the huge driver's seat and starts to chop people.

So cool!


Ning Zheng's expression changed drastically several times.

It seems that it really works?

It's not that it can, but it is likely to succeed, and he can temporarily take over Xiaogao's body and control her body.

Will the Fang family, which he thinks is very difficult, have a chance to solve it?

There is even a chance to interfere in this battle?

At this time, they are already discussing the suspension of work and are very excited to prepare for Xiaogao's historical corridor plot.

"No matter what tragedy Xiaogao has to face, we must solve it as Xiaogao! Help it solve everything!"

"Resurrection, my Xiaogao!"

This group of little blacksmiths are very excited.

When Xiaogao fights, "Mother Wusheng" comes in person, which makes the whole Xinyizhou City open their eyes and see what natural disasters are!

What's so good about prying the floor of the tomb of the city guard boss? We are now prying the floor of the tomb of the ancient sages! This is exciting!

Ten days, we still have ten days. After all, we have the giant embers and the giant skull. If we work overtime, the mecha plan may still succeed in the experiment.

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