This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 87: Improving Realm, Dialogue with Jiao Wuyu

The principle of possession is not complicated.

There is no need to transform Xiaogao. If the ember of the current owner of the manor enters his head, he will most likely be able to possess the body.

Transformation only reduces the difficulty of possession.

Ning Zheng calculated that his realm might be too low.

It is also troublesome to not be able to control this powerful existence.

"In order to increase the fault tolerance rate, I may have to improve my realm."

Ning Zheng sighed, "I have to try to break through to the Sanyuan realm!"

[Current luck value: 112425]

He originally wanted to save 200,000 luck points to upgrade the server.

But all kinds of troubles come one after another, can't I save money properly?

Four internal organs realm, one realm has 10,000 luck points.

To improve to the four internal organs and realize internal organ circulation, only 40,000 luck points are needed.

But how much does it take to break through the next Sanyuan realm?

Is the remaining 70,000 luck points enough?

I don't know.

Let's improve first!

After taking a deep breath.

Ning Zheng glanced at the young blacksmiths who were busy in the mine cave of the mountain villa, and felt that he could not fall behind.

"It takes enough mana to break through the barrier."

"I have a special Yin attribute middle-grade spiritual rice, and I still lack middle-grade spiritual meat. I might as well go to Xinyizhou City to buy some."

"By the way, I'll complete the task entrusted by Li Youzhu."

He stood up, went up the mountain silently, walked into the teleportation array, and came to Xinyizhou City.

He went to an auction and bought some middle-grade spiritual meat with Shopkeeper Lu.

Perhaps because this corridor is full of ghosts, the demand for meat is huge, so the channels for spiritual meat supply are very sufficient.

The price of spiritual meat is a little less than what he expected, which is also a good thing.

After spending three thousand magic coins to buy middle-grade spiritual meat, Ning Zheng thought about it and felt that the meat might not be enough.

The mana required for the four internal organs is very huge, and he bought elixirs to replenish mana for breaking through the barrier.

The trinity of meat, rice, and elixir should be enough.

Then according to the address given by Li Youzhu, he came to a certain area and put down the ring.

Ning Zheng also tried the ring, but couldn't open it.

It was obviously for Jiao Wuyu.

Ning Zheng waited for half an hour, and then she saw Jiao Wuyu appear in person.

I don't know if it was through some mysterious communication method, or if someone was watching this place, but he appeared anyway.

This traitor really sneaked into Xinyizhou City, and he was very brave.

"It's you." Jiao Wuyu glanced at Ning Zheng, smiling.

"Hello, auntie."

Ning Zheng was very polite.

Jiao Wuyu smiled: "My daughter is doing well, right?"

"Well, she is very happy every day with her good sisters, and she has made many new friends. Every day is very fulfilling."

Ning Zheng replied.

How could it not be fulfilling.

Managing the prison every day, torturing two talisman masters, attending classes, and reading the love letter of the sand sculpture blacksmith, that's too happy.

"That's good."

Jiao Wuyu came back to his senses, looked at the ring, opened the special seal, and his consciousness dived into it.

"What a big gift."

Jiao Wuyu took a deep breath, and his expression changed drastically.

She seemed to have seen something incredible.

"So that's it, so that's it!"

Finally, she sighed deeply, her eyes flickering:

"A hundred years ago, all of us were deceived. It was not only a lie to Xu Huan, but also a cruel lie to all of us."


She seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but chuckle:

"If you tell Jian Xin about this, maybe he won't hunt me down, but may work with us to rescue the prisoners."

She calmed down for a while, and seemed very satisfied with the gift left by Li Youzhu, "Forget it, I'll forgive him for pretending to be dead this time."

"He is such a smart director, the stage has been set up for me, just waiting for the characters to appear."

She smiled faintly.

Ning Zheng was thoughtful.

Li Youzhu was indeed connected with Xu Huan and others a hundred years ago.

Ning Zheng now has reason to suspect:

It was he who helped Xu Huan "awaken" at that time, and then Xu Huan failed, so he directly blew up his family and ran away.

Dead, he still maintained his logic before death, and was crazy and demonic.

Helping people awaken after death, picking up girls after death Jiaolong Princess

This is really my life, I can only live after death.

It's so wild!

Jiao Wuyu is obviously preparing to save that group of prisoners.

After all, this is a natural anti-thief camp.

Releasing the prisoners in this prison will help them.

As Li Youzhu said, the outer circle will also be in chaos.

This prison will be in turmoil.

This is a factor that most people did not expect.

Nowadays, everyone is waiting to hide in the outer ring, like a Colosseum, watching the century-long battle in the inner ring in the distance.

Who knew that they would be dragged into the water?

If this news spreads, the group of people watching the excitement will inevitably flee!

However, Ning Zheng will take advantage of the turmoil in the prison to control the prisoner-Xiao Gao, mix into this group of prisoners, and get rid of the Fang family.

After all, the internal response in his own court should be dealt with, otherwise it always feels like a time bomb.

They are busy with theirs, and I am busy with mine.

"Walk with me."

Jiao Wuyu smiled and walked with Ning Zheng on this ancient street:

"Back then, many young geniuses from various forces came to discuss the Dao with Xu Huan."

"Jian Xin was one of them, and I am one of them too."

Ning Zheng seemed to be thinking about something.

I'm afraid that Li Youzhu, the "boy" who was in charge of the battle field, fell in love with the young lady at this time.

A middle-grade spiritual root family.

At that time, it was probably just one of the most ordinary families in the crowd.

It was just oral description, not personal experience.

It is impossible to understand Xu Huan's power that crushed an era.

It is even more impossible to appreciate the other party's personal charm.

But it is undeniable.

People like Xu Huan are the most common savior in various stories.

A hero who is determined to save the world, if placed in a chaotic world, can attract a group of followers with his personal charm and make achievements.

It is the most common in stories.

But it is the rarest in reality.

As for just appearing in the shop and only acting gentle and elegant?

At first, Li Youzhu was also ordinary, and he was an old shaman behind the scenes.

This is the world of scholars.

The more powerful a person is, the more introverted, modest, and unpretentious he is on weekdays.

Instead, they have brought the Chinese way of moderation and humility to the fullest.

The past grievances of their older generation were not something that Ning Zheng's generation of young people could easily get involved in.

He didn't want to pay attention to the dramatic changes in Xinyizhou City. He just wanted to grow up in peace, secretly train these little blacksmiths, make some money, cut some luck every day, and be a happy little landlord in the mountain villa.

If possible, take advantage of the time when they are fighting each other.

Attack the Fang family, and then secretly lead people to dig graves and dig up some good things.

This is called robbing the rich to help the poor.

Ning Zheng followed Jiao Wuyu all the way and gradually came to a vegetable market.

There were stalls selling meat and vegetables all around, as well as a snack street, with people coming and going in an endless stream.

"Let's sit here." Jiao Wuyu smiled and chose a stall, and ordered some meat and vegetables from the boss next to him.

Ning Zheng also sat down, and the surrounding noise was endless.

Many people were chatting and gossiping, among whom were many living travelers and scholars from all over the world who visited history.

Suddenly, the crowd crowded into a ball, as if something big happened at the entrance of the vegetable market.

Ning Zheng looked in the distance and saw a group of men in black official uniforms escorting a young scholar out.

The scholar had disheveled hair, was covered in wounds, and had a sign stuck behind his neck.

"Look, another person has been executed."

"This is a big show."

"Was this how prisoners were executed more than 100,000 years ago?"

"I've learned something new."


"I heard that those executed here are all awakened ancient human burial objects."

"It's just a bound earth spirit. After being killed once, it will be resurrected on the earth veins and return to normal logic to repeat its daily life."

"I heard that a hundred years ago, the most terrifying awakened existence was Xu Huan, the son of the Yuanchu Holy Land."

"So now it's under strict investigation."

A group of people were discussing, their eyes were overheated.

Ning Zheng felt it, and through the sense of crisis of luck, she felt that the realm of that person was very low, probably only the fourth organ realm.

But it may not be.

It may be the three yuan realm, but because of the torture, the combat power dropped sharply.

Weird awakening has nothing to do with realm.

All five realms can awaken.

On the contrary, some ancient sages can never awaken.

Because the more obsessions such sages have, the more difficult it is to complete.

For example, they were shrouded in the shadow of someone during their lifetime, and most of their obsessions were: overthrow the saints.

How do you let them complete their obsessions and awaken?


A swordsman slowly stood up, took out the sign, and raised the butcher knife: "Do you have anything else to say?"

The scholar roared:

"You all live in lies! This world has been a scam from the beginning! We are not wrong, we are not wrong."

"We are not your livestock! We are not the mines you raised."

He roared, his veins bulged, as if he wanted to use his life's strength to wake up the whole world:

"Old humans are also people."

He cried bitterly and roared shrilly, as if he wanted to shout out all his anger and fear in this way,

"Me! We are also living humans!!"

The people below laughed loudly.

"You don't even know you're dead."

"It's ridiculous. You died hundreds of thousands of years ago before history, but you still don't know it."

"You're just a suicide note that you left behind hundreds of thousands of years ago."

Many people were discussing.

There were also many young tourists in deep thought.

Three flowers bloomed, knowing that I am me is an eternal topic.

The awakened embers are indeed living people, and the other party is not wrong.

This prisoner is afraid of death.

But executing him is inevitable.

"Did you see it?" Jiao Wuyu smiled brightly, "Do you think there is a possibility that he is right, he is a real living person."

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