"What do you mean?" Ning Zheng looked at the prisoner being executed on the stage and asked in a low voice: "Is he a real living person?"

Jiao Wuyu said again: "If I say you are Yu Jin, do you believe it?"

Ning Zheng: ""

How can this couple have the same question.

Li Youzhu pointed at Yu Jin Su Yu Niang and said this in the bookstore.

"I don't believe it." Ning Zheng answered the same as Su Yu Niang, "I am a living person."

"You said you are not Yu Jin, how do you prove that you are not Yu Jin?" Jiao Wuyu smiled and asked the same question as Li Youzhu did back then.

Ning Zheng was silent.

Jiao Wuyu smiled and said, "Sometimes when I have nothing to do, I wonder if there is a possibility that I died again and became a ghost again?" "For example, half an hour ago, I was discovered by an ancient sage in a corridor tomb as soon as I entered the city, and I was beaten to death." "Or a day ago, I and those rebels conspired to attack this city in secret, and they robbed me." "Can I prove that I am still alive? No, a ghost cannot prove that he is still alive! They say that flowers will see me when they bloom, but at this moment, I don't know who I am." Jiao Wuyu said, "Do you agree with this truth?" "I agree." Ning Zheng said. "Everyone in the world says that flowers will see me when they bloom, but how do you know that this is my true self at this moment?" Jiao Wuyu sighed, "We can't even prove that we are really alive, how can we prove that this executed scholar must be a dead person?" Ning Zheng felt that Jiao Wuyu's bad taste was violated. After all, demon cultivators like to tease people. Ning Zheng looked at the beheaded scholar, who was obviously an ancient human from ancient history, with ancient spiritual roots.

Jiao Wuyu smiled softly, "You said, there is no possibility that one month ago, at the moment when the red sun erupted, all the people in our world died unknowingly."

"We have long been a kingdom of ghosts. No one knows that they are dead. We all live according to the previous logic."

"And these guys in front of them are resisting and hiding. They are the only living people in this world?"

"But we ghosts are laughing loudly below and despising him as the only living person?"

"Isn't this ironic?"

Ning Zheng was stunned for a moment.

At this moment, the beheaded scholar shouted:

"We are not your livestock!"

"We have never died. We are living people! We are real humans!"

The people around were still laughing.


The knife fell.

The scholar's head was chopped off, and his face was crying with reluctance.

There was a cheer and laughter around, and the onlookers began to leave gradually.

Ning Zheng's scalp suddenly felt numb, and she had goose bumps all over her body.

When the whole world was filled with dead people, who suddenly died suddenly, following the empty logic of their previous lives, would the only normal living people also become aliens in this world?

Jiao Wuyu suddenly laughed:

"I'm kidding you, we are all living people, you don't have to doubt that you are dead, this is just an assumption."

Ning Zheng was speechless.

Jiao Wuyu smiled heartily, paused, and emphasized:

"This is just our assumption about the future."

"If the one in the capital falls, it will become the greatest terror in the world."

"Maybe there will be a day when we will just watch the strange sun and evil moon of the strange god in the sky, and die silently and happily in an instant."

She stretched out her palm, pointed to the non-existent sun and moon in the sky, and made an "explosion" gesture:

"His sun and moon shine on the world, and we are all buried with him in an instant, but after we die, we are still eating and talking here, maintaining the logic of our previous lives, isn't it interesting?"

She said meaningfully.

Ning Zheng was silent.


Is this the goal of the rebels?

Are they trying to save the world?

They blinded the saint because they were afraid that after the saint fell, he would become the greatest terror in the world?

Even if the side effect is: the red sun accelerates.

Because at the moment of the saint's fall, if he still shines on the world, who can resist the unprecedented mythical and fierce eyes? It is estimated that there are not many.

Therefore, Sun and Moon must assassinate him.

Even if it costs more, so this is the reason why these rebels from all over the world secretly joined forces and paid a huge price to blind the saint's eyes.

But is this really the reason?


Not necessarily.

It can only be used as a reference possibility!

These high-ranking games are too amazing and unbelievable to ordinary people.

"Are we really dead?" Ning Zheng's voice was a little hoarse.

"Don't worry." Jiao Wuyu smiled: "After shooting the sun and the moon, some people in the gutter were very suspicious and suspected that the saint had died suddenly, which turned into a mythical evil, killing everyone in the world." "A large number of scholars were secretly summoned, and a lot of manpower and material resources were spent to establish more than 300 projects. Each project successfully proved that we are still alive with rigorous answers." Ning Zheng was suddenly speechless and choked for a moment, feeling a chill on his back. Prove that he is still alive. This is an absurd and funny proposition. But those rebels were all on high alert, full of awe, fear, and extreme rigor. Everything was because of the existence in the court. "What an interesting afternoon." Jiao Wuyu smiled, waved to Ning Zheng, turned around and disappeared in the crowd:

"The adults should do their own things, you just need to hide behind them."

"Remember to stay away, I don't want my daughter to be alone."

Ning Zheng glanced at the beheaded scholar, was silent for a moment, and turned away silently.

Jiao Wuyu's words were full of meaning.

But it is undeniable that they are very valuable for reference.

As expected of joining the anti-thief forces, there is a lot of information, but some hidden meanings need to be further guessed.

Ning Zheng looked up at the blue sky with floating clouds, and sighed:

"Sun, moon?"

How powerful you are in life, how terrifying you may be after death, and become the most terrifying ghost in the world.

If the entire Jiuzhou becomes a ghost country, a super-large tomb of the saint emperor, I am afraid that I will not be spared even if I hide in the villa.

Even living is a luxury.

I can't stand up, but someone must stand up.

"It's terrible to be helpless." Ning Zheng picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

"Boss, check out."

Back at the villa, Ning Zheng used the medium-grade spirit meat, elixir, and spirit rice he bought to start a retreat to reach a new realm.

[Qi Luck Value -10000]

The power flowed and slowly penetrated. Half an hour later, Ning Zheng slowly exhaled.

It's done.

The second organ is so simple.

He stretched his body and felt the realm.

"Tomorrow I will break through the next realm and adapt to it first."

Time just kept passing.

Three days passed quickly.

During these three days, the blacksmiths kept studying the mine and tried to let the embers of the owner of the villa that gathered every day enter the mine.

Adjust various adaptability, possession ability, and draw various rune inscriptions.

The whole villa worked overtime, hundreds of people worked together, and because of proper distribution, the work speed was very fast.

They also studied various small details and new mecha modes.

There is a shop. Su Yu Niang complained: "They are busy and happy over there."

"That's not bad." The Fairy Doctor laughed: "In the end, aren't they coming to our side to join the war?"

"Continue brewing wine." Su Yu Niang said: "Cooperate with Changfeng Restaurant to come up with a brewing formula first! After the war, we will rebuild and drink to relieve our sorrow. I guess our wine will be even more popular!"

At this time, Ning Zheng also reached the great perfection of the Four Organs Realm.

He took a deep breath and looked at the luck value required for the next realm.

[100,000 luck value]

Good guy.

Ning Zheng's mouth twitched, and it doubled tenfold.

But it's understandable.

The five bodies and four organs are of the same type, the flesh is of the ninth grade, and the three elements belong to the area of ​​the soul, which is a big division.

And the fewer the realms are, the greater the difference between the realms.

Essence, Qi, and God.

The gap between the three realms is very exaggerated.

"Now I have more than 80,000 luck points in my hand. After a few days, it will almost catch up with 100,000 and break through the three elements."

Ning Zheng commented silently and continued to practice.

He felt that after he broke through the Sanyuan realm, there would be a major qualitative change.


Five limbs and four organs, two breakthroughs, did not enhance his soul toxin ability at all.

Sanyuan is the realm of improving the soul. After the breakthrough, his soul toxin will definitely be greatly enhanced.

Ning Zheng is looking forward to it

Xinyizhou City.

Xinyi Academy.

A genius doctor sighed: "We have found a way. The soul can try to have twins. As long as we use a method similar to tattooing babies, and let pregnant women have children, there is a very small probability."

"The new Sun and Moon Plan must be accelerated."

"Do we have to do the Wusheng Sect's trick?" Another genius doctor looked heavy, "I don't think this is a good idea."

Tap tap tap.

A burst of rapid and abrupt footsteps suddenly came.

"I don't think it's a good idea either." The man pressed lightly, and the two divine doctors were suddenly knocked unconscious. He stretched out his hand and sucked it into his sleeve, "You two, come and pledge allegiance to our organization." "Enemy attack!" "Damn it!" "Hurry up!" "How did he sneak in?" In just an instant, the entire Xinyi Academy reacted, and voices came one after another, and huge auras surged everywhere. "One-Mind Realm" Jian Xin raised his head, revealing a trace of heaviness, "Seven of the headmaster-level beings have come." He never stepped out of that realm. He was only in the Great Perfection of the Second Phase Realm. It was already very powerful to reach this realm after thousands of years. Not many people in the entire history could reach the One-Mind Realm. Even in the three thousand ancient tombs, only a few hundred ancient sages entered that legendary level. This was not because they were not talented enough. It was limited by the times. In their barbaric era, they had just opened up a new three-flower system, and the path of cultivation was too simple. They studied and pioneered step by step. Even if they fell in the Three Yuan Realm or the Two Phase Realm, their role in promoting the system is still indelible.

If they lived in the mature era today, almost all the owners of the three thousand tombs would be able to enter the One Mind Realm.

Even the contemporary Xinyi King, the strongest existence in the entire Xinyi Continent, is only in the One Mind Realm.


The blood mist exploded quickly, and the entire huge Xinyi Academy collapsed.

Pieces of blood spread quickly, and the entire academy building seemed to be weathered, like ripples spreading, and quickly turned into powder.

The academy building with a history of more than 100,000 years became history.


"They actually dared to attack Zhoucheng!"

Most people in the entire inner ring had already retreated in advance. The monks who did not have time to retreat screamed loudly and flew away quickly, like a noisy wave.

No words at all.

The battle between the strong in reality broke out so abruptly.

A sea of ​​blood quickly spread out in the inner ring, and giant statues rose from the ground, their figures penetrated the sky, and thunder and clouds seemed to be their shawls.

Even people far away in the outer ring could clearly see the towering mythical figures that looked like mountains stacked.

"Here they come!"

"Sure enough!"

In the outer ring, countless people stared at this scene.

The corridor of the tomb where they were was like the audience of the circular Colosseum, who could see this scene without getting hurt.

It was an excellent viewing point.

There was a shop.

Yan Hua, Erya, Jiucai Rong and others quickly ran out to join in the fun: "Go and watch, I want to watch too."

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