This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 90 Arrows rain down on the other side of the Styx!

Sword-casting Villa, the copper mine cave.

The cave was dark, with flickering oil lamps on the wall.

A huge ember figure sat cross-legged.

In addition to the fusion of the two thousand maids, a blacksmith was also a ruthless man, cutting himself out of a shadow and merging in.


"Xinyizhou City, I saw the scene opposite Xiaogao."

"We seem to be able to talk? Just like the residual thoughts of the thousands of female prisoners?"

"The Mother of No Life, Supreme?"

"Can the other side hear it?"

"I don't know, maybe they can hear the instinctive residual thoughts of the maids, but not our voices?"

"Indeed, they have two thousand mixed residual thoughts, and we only have three hundred people here, so we can't shout out."

Ning Zheng flew into the sky, listening to a bunch of crazy mumbling on her body, a little speechless.

But she didn't stop it.

It was equivalent to letting them sit in the mine driving cab and watch a so-called CG movie from the perspective of this head.

Moreover, a group of people can help analyze the battle, and one more person is always good.

Ning Zheng was controlling Xiao Gao's body at this time, thinking in her mind.

She is the headmaster of the Yuanchu Holy Land.

One state of mind!

What kind of person is this?

An ancient headmaster of a holy land, commanding a large force, is a very strong and tyrannical existence even in the entire Jiuzhou today!

The prisoners in the tomb are probably the most outstanding ones in the group of serious criminals!

She has no brain.

Even the five limbs and four internal organs have been dismembered and taken to other places as mineral veins.

Dismemberment and suppression, there is no danger.

But it is estimated that those who suppressed her did not think of it.

She has no brain and cannot resist

Ning Zheng's magical power can split the soul bubble and take over the body, but it happens to be her brain, controlling her actions and helping her save people.



——Who is she going to save?

Ning Zheng quickly figured it out.

Her disciple Xu Huan, and other disciples in her memory picture.

She probably wants to take her disciples and escape?

After all, the historical corridor is a hell of eternal reincarnation for them!

Ning Zheng said calmly:

"I don't know if they are still alive, but I will try to find them. This is a deal."

"After the matter is done, you have to listen to me. If there is anything important in the future, don't resist my control."

The voice appeared low: "Okay, I swear on my heart of Taoism"

Ning Zheng thought.

This is a bloody deal!

Although she resisted, she could also forcibly seize her mine brain and control her body.

But resistance would strongly weaken Ning Zheng's control ability.

If they can cooperate, it would be perfect.

This is equivalent to a paper house ancestor!

There are probably not many ancestors at the level of a state of mind in this great sect!

This existence has no brain, and it is not a problem to be muddleheaded. No matter whether she escapes or takes root in the future, she can use the mine to enter her brain and control it remotely.

The voice became clearer again:

"You can't use my spiritual roots, magical powers, and skills. I'm afraid that you can't beat those old monsters who hide carefully if you have a realm."

In the same realm, spiritual roots, magical powers of cultivation, and combat experience are all decisive factors affecting combat effectiveness.

Ning Zheng, a fake who controls an empty shell, has no combat power at all and doesn't know how to use it.

"It's okay, I can rely on my spiritual roots." Ning Zheng said lightly.


Ning Zheng took a deep breath and recalculated his situation.

His own three-element realm combat power is only basic combat power.

Because of the rapid improvement, Ning Zheng did not have any supporting skills, spells, and magical powers.

That would require a lot of luck points to deduce.

For him.

It would be better to use the luck points to improve the realm than to study messy spells.

This is the most practical!

So what if I am a blank slate in the same realm?

I beat the low with the high, the adults beat the children, isn't it wonderful?

However, although it is a basic panel, after breaking through the three-element realm, Ning Zheng's basic toxins have evolved.

The split phantom clones can be actively merged.

It can also be regarded as a little progress.

"Now, I am the weakest one-mind state."

Ning Zheng gradually rose into the air, overlooking the entire city wall area, the towers, streets, alleys, pedestrians shouting wildly, and the major monks sitting on high buildings and towers watching the mythical battle in the distance.

He swept his eyes and finally landed on other tombs:

"But now, after launching an attack with all his strength, the ancient sages in the weak period in the tomb corridor should not be able to resist?"

He raised a smile.

Ning Zheng didn't care about the death of these ancestors.

The earth-binding spirits died and died, and they would be resurrected sooner or later.

These ancient sages who just happened to be out of mana, their combat power was only one tenth of what it was, and ordinary people would not attack them.

They are accumulating strength and preparing for the second wave of ultra-long-range volleys.

This is the normal battle mode of the city wall, clearing the mana at one time, accumulating it again, and then launching a full-strength attack.

They are periodic city wall turrets, launching attacks regularly.

This is the home advantage of Xinyizhou City!

For normal people, no one will mess with them even if they clear their mana.

But Ning Zheng is not normal.

Why don't I take advantage of the enemy's weakness and use these turrets to directly attack the enemy?

So what if he is an ancient sage.

Isn't Ning Zheng also an ancient master now?

As for his wicked behavior of frantically damaging the walls of Xinyizhou City and helping the rebels?

Then why don’t he just shoot the rebels together?

The main point is fairness!

First, he will snowball. After he becomes stronger, he can control the situation in any way.

Righteous or evil?

After he becomes stronger, he will re-examine it.

This is the best solution.

He must race against time in the shortest time possible to sneak attack more sages in the corridor, absorb more clones, and strengthen himself.

Otherwise, they will recover their mana and have the fighting power to avoid his arrows.

Even some ancestors in the state of one mind will react and besiege him, then his situation will be bad.

If the snowball rolls, he will be invincible.

If the snowball doesn’t roll, then he will be besieged and killed.

He is like a conspirator, taking advantage of the loss of both sides, madly sneak attacking those weak people, and then the fisherman will benefit and thrive.


Ning Zheng slowly floated into the air, drew his bow and shot an arrow. "My Wusheng Sect is sinister and despicable"

There was only a thunderous sound.

A shocking black rainbow light fell from the sky and landed above an ancient tomb.

The arrow actually crossed thousands of kilometers at an incredible speed and landed on the elegant young girl.

The young girl was an ancient sage. She did not think she had fallen, but thought she was in seclusion. She looked at the distance with worry, "These evil cults are so bold"


An arrow pierced her head.

"Who?" She was dizzy.

One arrow.

Two arrows.

Three arrows


The continuous arrows seemed to be pulled into a straight line, forming blood-colored flames and lightning, spanning the sky.

The ancient young girl in the second phase realm had not yet reacted, and in an instant, the shadow of the sub-body holding the bow exploded all over the ground.

"What is that?"

"That's the ancestor of the second phase realm!"

"Why did he die suddenly!"

The many monks watching the battle on the ground were at a loss.

"Come back." Ning Zheng's eyes were cold as she watched the phantoms return and strengthen her body. The already weak pseudo-one state of mind had its mana replenished a little, becoming much stronger and moving towards the real one state of mind. Ning Zheng bent her bow again. Swish! ! The terrifying force once again bombarded the distant ancestor. Swish! Swish! An empty shell of an ancestor died instantly. The second one, the third one, "One state of mind, there is still one state of mind." A two-phase cultivator shouted in disbelief, "What's the point of wasting time killing the resurrected walls here instead of participating in the battle?" "No, this one is very weak, I'm afraid it's a perfect two-phase state, barely a pseudo-one state of mind." Someone noticed it immediately. And a clan leader in the distance had already changed his face: "Not good, I'm afraid he's going to attack another one" Unfortunately, it was too late. Ning Zheng's chain of arrows shot and exploded an ancient sage in the one state of mind for the first time. The other party had not reacted yet, and it had already exploded. Puff!

A large number of phantoms fell from him.

This time, these phantoms did not return, but dispersed and began to sweep across the surrounding two-phase realm monks.

They stood up densely and began to attack others, bending their bows and shooting arrows, forming a preliminary army.

"Is this, the Mother of No Life?"

There was a dead silence in the entire outer battlefield base.

Many people looked at this scene in a daze. The mysterious phantom was surrounded by the evil and chaotic aura, and it was killing people. In an instant, it had flattened several ancient tombs around.

Everyone around looked up, and the rain of arrows seemed to be thick black rain, piercing the earth from the clouds in the sky.

The black rain sprinkled on them, causing them to suffer mental damage and weakening, and making everyone's soul slightly black. There was a black crocodile hovering in the depths of their souls, as if it was nurturing something.


Many people who were shot by arrows also slowly split into new phantoms, bending their bows and shooting arrows at the sky.

The rain of arrows was shot down, and the number of archers joining in increased, and the rain became heavier.



The arrows were dense as rain, sticky and pure black.


A thunderbolt passed by.

The light illuminated the scene in the rain, and people saw a scene that they would never forget.

"Stand up"

In the rain, the black figures that stood up shakily were gradually increasing, as if they were an army from the ancient battlefield of hell.

"Stand up from their bodies"

He whispered.

Above the sky, in the center of countless black rain, a figure appeared.

His black hair was like a raging flame, and his whole body was filled with a gloomy and dark coldness, as if it was the center of hell.

On his skin, there was an endless sad whisper, as if it was a body made of countless creatures.

"Greetings to Wusheng", "No life for all living beings", "Welcome to the Supreme Mother of Immortality", "The great river flows eastward, and the stars in the sky are in the Big Dipper." "My child, my child", "Shenbao, everyone says it's good", "Hold the sun and the moon and pick the stars"

Pain, resentment, excitement, as if a huge and complex figure mixed with the will of countless creatures was floating on His body.

He was as dark as a cold and dark deep pool.

Countless hands struggled to reach out from the river, and their wailing mixed into a huge torrent.

With a loud bang, the rain curtain surged.

The rain completely expanded, as if the sea was rushing, and the black waterfall fell from the sky, like a river pouring back.

The monks in the surrounding tombs all saw an unprecedented terrifying scene.

"Stand up!!"

Boom! !

The rain in the sky stopped abruptly, and the sky was clear.

At this moment, the rain stopped abruptly.

Because the rain in the sky turned into sea water on the ground, turning into an ocean, washing high-rise buildings, streets, shops, and monks struggling in the sea water, washing away their souls and splitting a new body.

The figure's long hair was like flying flames, standing in the sky, and his feet seemed to be the legendary Styx on the other side, drowning all living beings!

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