This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 91 Natural disaster and flood, no grass grows!

The power of the One Mind Realm is too strong.

Ning Zheng can now easily fire a rain of arrows, turning it into a rain curtain and an ocean.

A large amount of spiritual soul toxins are injected into the common people on this earth, splitting out one by one of his own soldiers.

He is experiencing his combat power in this realm in advance.

No, if he really enters this realm, he will only be stronger than what he sees now!

Crash! ! ~~

In the endless abyss, the streets were washed away, as if a world-shaking flood of destruction had hit large areas of blocks.

These soul bubble archers who stood up still maintained some incomplete logic:

"Run", "What is that", "Help", "I don't want to die"

In the panic shouts of these archers, there were strange movements, following the control of a certain master, and continued to shoot arrows.

Ning Zheng did not completely kill anyone.

He just hollowed out the bodies of the monks, splitting out a large number of soul bubbles, and let them fall.

After all, there was no grudge, so he would not kill them completely.

Let these young people who came to watch on the city wall have a good sleep, after all, why come to join in the fun.

And in the vast ocean of torrents, some mumblings are also following their obsessions in life and shouting.

"Don't shoot arrows with us, we won't shoot, there are people who will shoot."

"Then what should we do?"

Because of the heads from the core, they seemed more sober in the "co-pilot seat".

"Secretly rob those shops and restaurants submerged in the flood."

"Yes, and the monks' storage bags that fell to the ground and were submerged by the torrent."

In the shops soaked in black floods, there were several archers whispering on the streets.

"Hurry up and collect them."

"Should we pry the floor? This is so cool."

"Are you crazy? Stealing storage bags is not better than stealing floors? Who of those who come to the city wall is not a child of some background?"

"Zero yuan purchase, go, go, this is robbery repair!"

"Shops, merchants, the addiction of rummaging through boxes and cabinets has finally been solved!"

"The view is so dark, you can't see your hand in front of you. Is there no money to render this part of the map?"

"According to the setting, we are on the streets flooded by the dark torrent, and it is normal to be dark."

"That's right, you are all zero yuan purchases, what are you still complaining about? You have to steal more things in the dark."

"Wow, this guy actually hid the storage bag on the sole of his foot."

"What kind of new storage bag and insole is this? I have to learn from it."

Ning Zheng stood in the sky.

I vaguely saw some archers who had split up from me, going back and forth again and again, stuffing some storage bags and storage rings into my waist and hanging them on my waist.

After a while, under their transportation, Ning Zheng's waist was ding ding ding hanging a large piece.

"She's sensible, and she would steal and hang it on my waist."

He smiled with satisfaction.

"Even if I don't have magical powers, I have realized a trick, which is to make soldiers out of beans."

He took out the treasures from the storage bags on his waist, put them in a larger storage ring, and then threw the empty storage bags away.

No one noticed the theft.

How could I, a mysterious existence at the headmaster level, steal the things of these little monks?

It must be that after the war, some unscrupulous casual cultivators took the opportunity to steal them!

The streets soaked in the black torrent were too dark, and there were too many chaotic mumblings, whispers, and regretful voices, which completely covered up the communication and actions of these guys.

"They are indeed diligent and hardworking."

Ning Zheng was very satisfied.

If he collected them himself, he would not be able to do such details.

After all, these empty archers have no IQ and only instincts. He can't divide his mind to control so much, and he has to mix in some sensible archers.

At the moment, these people may not be good at fighting, but they are first-rate at stealing!

They even took off the monk's shoes and found their private money.


But this is down-to-earth.

My villa is short of money.

It is too short of money to develop a force.

Three million magic money to spend on a force is a waste of money.

Ning Zheng thought about whether to go to the auction of Lu Zhanggui for a tour.

After all, this situation is not to blame her as the person in charge.

But think about it, forget it.

After all, he has seen the auction.

All the goods are sent remotely from the teleportation array, and the auction itself has no inventory.

Ning Zheng continued to bend the bow and shoot arrows.

The flood arrow rain army is responsible for washing the ground, and he is responsible for bending the bow and shooting high-level monks and ancient sages in the tomb.


Bending the bow and shooting arrows.

This is war money, taking advantage of the fire to rob.

They fight theirs, the powerful can't get away, I roll my snowball

Most of the city wall area, countless people are speculating.

What is the origin of this person who created a rain of arrows all over the sky, turning into a rain curtain and a vast ocean as soon as he appeared?

When he first appeared, he was just an existence between the two-phase realm and the one-mind realm.

Many masters of the two-phase realm even felt that they could compete with him in person.

Because they intuitively felt that the other party was a weak person who had no Tao rhyme and no magical skills.

But now the wave is sweeping, and the other party is growing wildly, and has initially possessed the strong magic power that a true one-mind realm should have.

The crazy growth, the terrifying scene like a snowball, makes many people terrified!

"If it continues to sweep, his magic power will be incredible."

"This big devil, his magical power may not be top-notch when fighting alone, but he is too terrifying on the battlefield."

"Haha, he specifically targeted the ancestors and exhausted their magic power once, and chose the best time."

Many people sighed.

Jian Xin stopped three cult masters of the second phase in the distance. Seeing the surging torrent, he couldn't help but sigh:

"What is the origin of this devil? This battlefield full of cemeteries is too suitable for it, as if it was tailor-made for it."

Fang Xi, who was standing aside, looked at the Linmen and even the surrounding areas that were destroyed, including many of their family's industries and shops, and immediately said anxiously:

"I'm afraid it's the Wusheng Sect! When can the soul body give birth?"

Wusheng Sect.

This was everyone's first guess.

After all, the wronged souls of the Wusheng Sect after his death were indeed the breath and faith of the Wusheng Sect.

Could this be a headmaster-level figure of some evil way created by the Wusheng Sect using countless wronged souls of babies and women to practice?

The Wusheng Sect is living people giving birth.

Although it can also be carried out in battle, it is called "Tao Body Fetal Technique".

Let you force pregnancy, but those hostile monks will dig it out on the spot, which is just a disgusting evil technique.

But the appearance of Gui is unprecedented and has extremely rare strategic significance.

Even Jiao Wuyu, who was running around in the distance and secretly eating Gui, was shocked in the distance:

"When did the Wusheng Sect have such a person? It's true that every time there is trouble, all kinds of monsters and ghosts appear."

She is not a traitor, but a cooperative relationship.

Come here to eat Gui secretly and save Xu Huan by the way.

After all, it is a bit difficult for her to be alone. When she goes out, she can't do without a team.

Compared with guys she doesn't know, her former friends are her first choice.

She is the King of Gui and can eat Gui to grow.

These rooted Gui are like leeks. After eating, they will grow after a period of time.

For her, it is green and environmentally friendly, and it is a renewable resource, which allows her to quickly improve her realm, so the court will hunt down the King of Gui.

Therefore, this kind of existence grows too fast!

She is like a farmer. All the bound earth spirits on the earth veins are her rice, which she eats and grows.

They are born to be a disaster that disturbs the world, so the court wants to catch these awakened ghost kings.

Jiao Wuyu thought for a while and exhaled:

"Fortunately, I can increase my realm by eating ghosts, and he can only temporarily increase his combat power by killing ghosts. I am still stronger."

Although she said so, she was extremely vigilant.

This power, if in a suitable environment, is simply too terrifying!

The outer city wall.

In the restaurants, teahouses, and towers of ancient tombs.

There are countless local cities here. Scholars and monks who came to watch this battle are drinking tea and watching the mythical war in the long-range inner ring.

But now, their eyes have gradually shifted to the city wall.

Because there are things that attract their attention more.


"Where did it come from? Is it eroding the city wall?"

"What kind of natural disaster is this?"

Many of them stood up in shock, looking into the distance, and discussing it in various restaurants.

This is the city wall of Xinyizhou!

It is indestructible, a barrier of the continent, with thousands of ancient sacred statues stationed.

And the reason why the city wall is a city wall.

Because the enemy has no benefit from attacking the city wall.

Even if the city wall is blown up, it will repair itself again after a while, which can be called an eternal city wall.

But now.

A strange dragon ran over and ate the two-phase ancestors in the city wall alive, picking them out to eat.

There is also a powerful existence of the mysterious Wusheng Sect, attacking the city wall to increase its own.

This city wall has a side effect.

"Where did the one-mind state come from?" someone exclaimed.

"Yes! A strong man must have traces. It is impossible for a scholar to appear out of thin air. Knowing me is me is a training! Hiding and practicing in secret will not make you a master, let alone such a top existence."

"From other continents?"

"Probably not."

"Unheard of."

"We don't know the origin. Could it be an ancient taboo from the ancient tomb era, now awakened, resurrected and attacked the continent city?"

"That breath, that mumbling, is the smell of the Wusheng Sect. Where did they get such a master?"

Everyone was discussing it in the ancient history restaurant.

Many people with high skills and boldness even wanted to leave the city wall on their side and go to the city wall where the incident happened.

In the crystal projection coming from the other side.

A black shadow stood in the sky, and the other party was entangled with mumbling, like a demon descending to the world.

And the noise on his body was like a mental disorder, humming creepy ballads, fairy tales, and saying incomprehensible sentences.

"On the 18th day of the first lunar month, an auspicious day, sorghum is carried, and red clothes are carried. Every foot is a hatred, and it is cut in a hurry."

In the picture, a low voice came from the figure.

On that figure, there seemed to be a resentful bride, singing "囍", and various music, shouting, noisy and chaotic sounds, with a sense of horror.

It seemed that countless women of the Wusheng Sect who died with hatred and resentment were crying on it.

And among them there were lovely singing, laughing, and talking.

"What is this?"

"I can't understand it."

"It seems that there are countless resentments around it."

"Speaking of the incomprehensible voice, I just feel creepy."

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