This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 92 Invasion of the Fang Family

Soon, the scholars in the restaurant heard the second shocking news:

The person in Shanmen was suddenly hit by hundreds of arrows and exploded alive.

That was a person whose true appearance and identity they didn't know. Now that she was hit and killed, they knew that she was a woman.

Everyone silently remembered the identity and characteristics.

Prepare to wait for this person to be resurrected, so that it will be easier to play "hide and seek" in the future.

After a while.

The third news came:

The ancient sage in Xumen was also killed by 300 arrows, and 30 clones fell!

Everyone was stunned.

"Everyone, the city wall is no longer safe. Let's stay away from that area, or we will retreat directly!"

A young scholar was very insightful and walked out and said:

"Even the awakened Ghost King, Jiao Wuyu, can't do anything to the city wall. She eats the city wall, at most for cultivation, as a pill, and can't quickly increase her combat power in battle."

"The city wall can still stop the Ghost King!"

"But for this monster in front of him, the city wall is actually a helper to him!"

A large number of restaurants in Xinyizhou were silent, looking at each other.

Everyone's heart was turbulent. Perhaps after today, a historical precedent will be opened:

The city wall is no longer invincible.

The city wall that protects itself will become a means for the enemy to strengthen itself.

Such a peerless fierce man is simply beyond cognition!

Some people were completely uncalm and said tremblingly: "This is to tear down all the city walls and expose us in the wilderness!"

They hid in the huge circular city wall to prepare to watch the battle in the distance to ensure that they were worry-free.

But now, even the city walls are not safe. A city wall nemesis has appeared. He wants to chase all the way, like a snake, and eat everything madly.

In the end, if all the city walls are absorbed, I am afraid that a huge monster will be born.

Perhaps we really have to run farther away.

Everyone was shocked and terrified, and only had one thought:

"Where did this person come from?"

In just ten minutes, more than ten ancestors were destroyed one after another, and a big gap opened in the city wall.

This news, like a bomb, swept across the entire state capital in an instant.

Even many timid people were ready to start running away, leaving the city walls, running outside the wilderness, and coming back after the turmoil was over.

In the distance. Jian Xin also noticed this scene and frowned silently: "We must stop him. This is a very suitable battlefield for him." Fang Xi also looked heavy: "We can't let him snowball anymore, otherwise, in the entire Xinyi Continent, only the Xinyi King and the bandit leaders fighting in the inner ring can suppress him." Many knowledgeable people finally reacted and quickly organized sages and masters from all over the country to restore their physical strength. They also saw this existence. It is the magic power and level of the One Mind Realm, but in fact, the combat ability is very simple. It should be a specialized existence? The advantages and weaknesses are obvious! The strong in this world are difficult to kill. It takes thousands of moves for the One Mind Realm to kill the Two Phase Realm. But this monotonous One Mind Realm, if it can only shoot arrows, like a reckless man, should be a type that they can easily contain and play with. What a pity. The thieves on the opposite side tried their best to stop them:

"Stop them, don't let them ruin the big event!"

"Our friends from Wusheng Sect actually have such means!"

"The leader of Wusheng Sect did not take action, but only sent out a few elders. At first, we still had complaints, but we didn't expect that they would give us such a big surprise!"

"Stop them quickly, lest they ruin the big event of that headmaster-level existence!"

"Hahaha, it's better to be Wusheng!"

A series of manic voices came, blocking the way of Jian Xin and others.

They want to buy time for this existence.

Although they don't know what this existence is going to do, it must be a world-shaking event that cannot be stopped.

"Let them fight, I'll do mine."

Ning Zheng looked at the storage ring.

He met a fool and picked up a super-large storage ring from the other party, which could actually hold most of the goods.

It is estimated that it is also a valuable treasure in Xinyizhou City.

The money in these shops will not be put in the shops, but after a harvest, they actually took a lot of goods in a mess, as well as more than 800,000 cash spirit stones and more than 300,000 magic money.

Money is secondary.

People don’t put too much money in the shop, these goods are the most valuable!

The hands of the passers-by monks are also very generous, allowing Ning Zheng to make a lot of money.

Just these gains, this trip is worth it!

However, after Ning Zheng’s sneak attack, the existences in the city walls also reacted.

The surrounding one-heart realm basically ran away and hid.

Ning Zheng couldn’t do anything about them and couldn’t find anyone for a while after recovering his magic power in secret.

“When they recover their magic power, any one-heart realm monk who appears can be on par with me.”

Ning Zheng thought in his heart:

“My magic power is already stronger than most of the same realm, but I don’t have magical powers, moves, and combat experience”

Ning Zheng never boasted.

I can shoot arrows myself.

Those who don't have other tricks are too easy to be seen through and targeted.

Which of these ancient saints didn't gain fame through fighting in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood?

Let them recover to their full strength. With my strong mana, it would be good to resist one. If I can resist two, the other party must be in name only.

"The reaction is too fast."

Ning Zheng felt a little regretful.

"However, I don't have to kill them. I will continue to send troops to kill those weak ones."

"When my mana is stronger, they will not dare to provoke me easily."

"Besides, the wall where I am has been demolished by me. If I don't provoke the wall on their side, these earth-bound spirits can't come to provoke me."

"At most, the nearby wall can be besieged by a few earth-bound spirits. Those farther away can't come and besiege me."

"I can fight or retreat."

"It's time to do business."

Ning Zheng's eyes condensed.

He never forgot his promise to this existence to rescue his disciples.

Ning Zheng didn't care what bad things this headmaster did in prehistoric times.

Was he imprisoned because of different camp concepts, or something else.

Anyway, he rescued this prisoner, and she would be his own person in the future, no matter what she did before she died.

Ning Zheng asked the flood soldiers to continue to grow, shoot arrows, and develop, while the blacksmiths continued to rummage through the boxes.

"Where is Xu Huan?"

Ning Zheng was too lazy to talk nonsense, and spoke directly: "I'm here to save you."

The voice resounded around and kept echoing.

No response.

Ning Zheng frowned:

So alert?

But I do look a little scary and scary now.

Normal people would not be stupid enough to show up.

Xu Huan should be a bound earth spirit now.

He appeared in the scale gate area before, which means that he can only hide nearby.

"Go and kill the Fang family first."

"It's obvious that they are not good people. The demon cultivators are online and they are blackmailing me for wine money."

"They can rob me, why can't I rob them?"

He didn't want to claim justice.

—— I'm here to rob money!

Now I'm so poor, and I came to blackmail me before. Now I have a chance to not rob it back. What kind of grandson is he! ?

The flood rushed.

Let the blacksmith fish in it, and the land was stripped away by their family!

"Besides, the Fang family manages this Linmen area, and they just happen to know where the disciples of Yuanchu Holy Land have gone."

"I feel that these prisoners are most likely related to them."

Thinking of this, Ning Zheng soared into the air to find out the Fang family's base.

The various forces that secretly stared at Ning Zheng, and the scholars in the restaurants and teahouses in various places, were also surprised.

"In that direction, he went to the Fang family?"

"Staying here and continuing to cut the city wall is the best solution, or even entering the middle ring to help those masters besiege King Xinyi. At the very least, it is to help the battlefield of the second phase realm and besiege Jian Xin."

"Yeah, what is he going to the Fang family for? It is not reasonable and should not be done at this time when time is tight."

Even the rebels had some doubts.

They stopped Jian Xin so that this person could strengthen their strength.

But now that he has strengthened himself, he will not help them, but go to the Fang family?

Some doubts gradually grew:

Could it be that he is really not a rebel, not our hidden hand?

Fang family base

This is the middle ring area inside the scale gate.

It is located in the living area of ​​the living and occupies a large area.

The Fang family has a long history and owns more than 3,000 resource-rich fairy mountains, the people of countless towns under the mountains, and the spiritual farmers who are driven by their times to cultivate the spiritual fields.

As one of the second-tier families in Xinyizhou City, although there are no masters of the one-heart realm among the contemporary cultivators, there are many masters of the two-phase realm.

Not to mention that there is an ancient ancestor in the corridor.

As for the living one-heart realm ancestor?

A one-heart realm can live for at least more than 100,000 years. If one is born, the family must be a stable first-tier Zhoucheng family.

But how easy is this?

They have a fallen one-heart realm, which is already the glory of a family, and they are firmly squeezed into the second line.


Ning Zheng flew straight to the Fang family ancestral temple.

As soon as he landed, he saw a Fang family ancestor standing up.

"I am Fang Yun, may I ask what you are doing here?" The old man in a green ancient style robe walked out.

Because it was a living area, there was no aura shielding, Ning Zheng easily saw that this was a strange ancestor.

"Don't even dare to come out to receive a living person?"

Ning Zheng flicked his finger, and the Fang family ancestor screamed, and the soul virus quickly split his soul.

He was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he came up and beat them up first, asked them to hand over the people, and then left, fulfilling the wish of the Yuanchu headmaster.

Ning Zheng expanded the sensitivity of the toxin.

The intense pain and tearing on the soul is one of the greatest tortures.

"You" Fang Yun was in pain, and he had never been so angry.

He had never been bullied like this!

In normal Xinyizhou City, who dared to attack their family?

If it was a war period, the rebels who dared to attack the state city would be busy with real big things.

They would not attack their family either.

But in front of him

Is this one-hearted existence sick! !

If he doesn't do big things, doesn't race against time to help the battlefield, what is he doing in our family?

Although their family is not first-class, there is no living one-hearted sitting now.

But their ancestors were saints recorded in history books, and there was also a living Yi Xinjing tens of thousands of years ago.

They are a great family that existed since the founding of Xinyizhou City!

"I'm in the clouds below." The old man endured the severe pain and saluted with his fists, "May I ask why you came to my house?"

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