This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 94 Wonderful Reasoning, Shocking Truth

At this time, many people also saw some clues.

This headmaster-level existence did not participate in the war, but attacked the Fang family. He wanted several second-phase prisoners?

This is too weird!

What is his goal?

And the Fang family, despite the risk of genocide, did not say anything, which is even weirder!

The Fang family must have a big secret.

Could it be that the secret of the Fang family will affect the entire battlefield?

In the mine.

A group of young blacksmiths sat with a huge ember of the owner of the manor.

They watched while replenishing the ember of the owner of the manor, and occasionally chopped themselves a few times.

The prison also entered the war mode.

Let those prisoners eat crazily to replenish their physical strength, and occasionally chopped them a few times to let them split some sub-bodies and replenish them in the mine on the mountain.

The scene of the Fang family in front of them puzzled a group of blacksmiths.

"This interactive movie obviously has a fork! Let us reason and decipher?"

Jiu Cairong thought about it.

Interactive movie games are mostly used to decipher and affect the development of the story.

For example, "Detroit: Become Human" is a representative work of interactive movie games.

In other words, we are now in Xiaogao's shoes, or the identity of the headmaster of the Yuanchu Holy Land, to save people, and some of their choices will affect the ending.

"First of all, it's the problem of the corridor. You have also discovered it, right?" someone said.

"Yes, who hasn't read the post of Ye Ye Kuang Xiu Sixth Body?" someone complained.

"I didn't read it." The God of Food raised his hand.

Shao Chai Kun said: "I said the conclusion, Xiaogao is a living person! This headmaster of the Yuanchu Holy Land may be an ancient living prisoner who has lived for more than 100,000 years! Not the ghost we thought at the beginning!"

The God of Food was shocked.

Shao Chai Kun repeated the content of the post.

According to the setting of this world, the essence of ghost is soul vacuole!

With only the soul left, how can the body still be alive?

How can the soul body and the corpse still have a close connection?

There is only one possibility.

Only if Xiaogao is a living person, the soul body and the flesh body are connected!

So, why is this ancient prisoner a living person?

According to their speculation:

This is the highest prison in Xinyizhou!

Here, the most vicious prisoners in ancient and modern times are imprisoned and suppressed.

Some are dead people, such as the common people of Guimin, some ancient monks, but there are some powerful living people mixed in!

Because only living people can form mines!

Of course, the wall formation of this corridor makes it difficult to distinguish between living and dead people.

It is not only to prevent these Guimin from attacking living travelers, but also to hide this group of living prisoners.

You can't distinguish the breath of these living prisoners!

After all.

If Guimin can also form mineral veins, there won't be so few mineral veins in Jiuzhou.

They came up with a reasonable answer:

Here are the living people captured in recent years, the serious criminals in recent years, and the ancient war criminals, who have become mineral veins to endure torture all the time, forever! The criminal law of the court actually hinted at the beginning: chariot, skinning, and brain digging

The above.

That's the hidden information they got.

Then, the answer is already obvious.

The headmaster Yuanchu is a living person, while her disciple Xu Huan and others are dead.

Because they have not reached the state of oneness, it is impossible to live that long. This is all distant history.

A living person lives here with a group of dead people.

Therefore, the headmaster Yuanchu, a living person, wants to save his disciples who have become ghosts. It can be said that he is deeply in love.

"Then, another question comes."

Aunt Xian said: "The Fang family is unwilling to hand over Xu Huan and others, and would rather risk the extinction of the clan. Why? They are just some prehistoric ghosts."

Everyone was puzzled.

Jiucai Rong said: "There is only one possibility. Handing over Xu Huan and others will immediately make them lose their reputation and expose some of their dirty deeds, or will Xu Huan and others lead to their extinction?"

Everyone heard it and felt that it made sense.

"But how could releasing Xu Huan lead to their extinction?" Jiucai Rong said, "Even their headmaster cannot destroy the Fang family, because under normal circumstances, if the headmaster comes to Xinyizhou City alone, he is just looking for death." "Now is a special war period. The rebels are united to contain them. In addition, they have a temporary brain, so they dare to come here to try. How can a saint Xu Huan destroy the Fang family?" Xian Xiaoyi's eyebrows moved: "Guardian, there is only one possibility to be able to destroy the Fang family, awakening! Is there a possibility that if Xu Huan is released, he will awaken and become the Gui King. They are afraid that this terrifying existence will be thinking about them, so they dare not let him go?" Everyone heard it. They felt that this guess was very likely. They had to resist the extinction of the clan. It can only be that once Xu Huan is released, he will awaken immediately. Only the Gui King makes them dare not let him go. Jiucai Rong touched his nose: "Speaking of Xu Huan, there is a problem from the beginning! How did Xu Huan awaken a hundred years ago? Shouldn't Xu Huan's obsession during his lifetime be peace in the world?" This is a great ambition. Therefore, Xu Huan at that time could not have awakened. But he had awakened that year, why?

This is obviously impossible!

When everyone talked about this, they were stuck again.

After all, they had too little information now, and they basically made inferences through some small details.

"Is it possible that Xu Huan's awakening obsession was not peace at all?" Someone suddenly said.

"That makes sense. Awakening will not lie." Another person reacted.

Dao Jiujiu frowned, "Let's reverse the reasoning first. The Fang family dare not let Xu Huan go, because once Xu Huan is released, Xu Huan will awaken. Then, conversely, Xu Huan's real obsession is to escape from the Fang family or escape from this prison?"

This reverse result instantly awakened everyone.


A trick, the obsession before death is impossible to change!

Why is the obsession sometimes about peace in the world, and sometimes about escaping from the corridor?

"Only living people can change their obsessions."

Aunt Xian got goosebumps all over her body, "Do you think there is a possibility that Xu Huan a hundred years ago was actually a living person!"

"The Fang family, taking advantage of the prison inspection, kept the descendants of the old humans in captivity, secretly raised young old human children in prison, let them practice and grow, and wait for them to grow up and then mine!"

"They are cultivating mineral veins privately!"

Everyone was sweating and reasoning according to this idea.

Xu Huan was born in a false world. He thought he was a prehistoric human and lived in the prehistoric era in this corridor.

His dream at that time was indeed a peaceful world.

This is true.

But one day, he found that everything around him was fake.

He woke up!

This is not a strange "awakening", but a living person found himself living in a world of a historical exhibition hall.

His worldview collapsed.

So, he wanted to escape from this city a hundred years ago, but was killed.

His obsession before his death was: escape from this city.

Everyone looked at each other.

It's right!

This reasoning has no logical problems, and all the details are right.

Why did the Fang family grit their teeth?

Because what they did was too vicious!

Taking advantage of the prison, a large-scale formation that can't distinguish between the living and the dead, exploiting loopholes, secretly raising "mining slaves" like pigs, fattening them up and killing them!

This prison is not for them to imprison innocent children. Only those who have committed heinous crimes will be subjected to such torture, dismembered and brain-dug out, and subjected to such torture that is comparable to hell! What about them? Throwing children into prison, raising them as animals, dismembering them for mining, and subjecting them to eternal punishment? This is too miserable! People should not be raised to dig out their brains and mine from birth! Therefore, they dare not let Xu Huan go, because letting him go will expose their secret breeding of mining slaves. Because once Xu Huan lets him leave the city, he will awaken. And a ghost king is targeting their Fang family, and the Fang family must be exterminated! Everyone felt short of breath when discussing this! They have very few clues, or even basically no clues. The main clue is that the Fang family will never let Xu Huan go, and they use this to infer. Just a group of people talking and complementing each other to analyze the terrible truth? They reorganized the whole process and there was no logical problem. Suddenly, Jiucai Rong said, "Didn't my other self, Yujin Jiucai Rong, record the execution of an awakened prisoner during the Linmen City Expedition?"

Everyone was stunned, and then reacted and took out the note.

This recorded what Jiucai Rong saw in the vegetable market.

It is said that he was executing Xu Huan's accomplice, an awakened ghost.

A butcher slowly stood up, took out the sign, and raised the butcher knife: "Do you have anything else to say?" The scholar roared: "You all live in lies! This world has been a scam since the beginning! We are not wrong, we are not wrong." "We are not the livestock you keep in captivity! We are not the mines you raise." He roared, veins popping out all over his body, as if he wanted to use all his life's strength to wake up the whole world: "Old humans are also people." He cried bitterly and roared shrilly, as if he wanted to shout out all his anger and fear in this way, "I! We are also living humans!!" The people below laughed loudly, looking at this cunning man who was dealt with. "You don't even know that you are dead." "It's ridiculous. You died before history, hundreds of thousands of years ago, but you still don't know it." "You are just a suicide note that you left for hundreds of thousands of years." Everyone looked at each other, their bodies were cold, as if they fell into an ice cave, their heartbeats were as violent as drums, and the screams of fear surrounded their hearts. In the eyes of passersby, there is nothing wrong with what the prisoner said.

This ghost cannot recognize that he is dead, has logical cognition defects, and forcibly believes that he is a living person.

But now, what I hear is the cry of a real living person.

They are pigs from birth, kept in animal pens, and they are born to live in the destined purgatory on earth.

These "awakened" pigs are beheaded in the vegetable market and ask for help from passersby, but passersby think that "awakening" should be killed, and watch him being executed indifferently.

"They were living people at that time." Aunt Xian murmured.

The Fang family

Killing people openly!

They are teasing all the travelers!

They treat the living people of the old times as ancient ghosts and behead them in front of everyone.

At this moment, the blacksmiths only felt creepy, and they didn't expect the truth behind it to be so cold.

Someone suddenly remembered a sentence that people on Earth often say.

Sometimes in this world, human hearts are more terrible than ghosts.

Because they will turn living people into ghosts.

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