This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 96 Stepping out of the cage, today I know who I am!


The surging beams of light shot towards Ning Zheng, from all directions, there were more than ten of them, each of which was constantly decomposing the mountains, rivers, and towering buildings along the way, turning into golden streams of light and shooting towards Ning Zheng.

"As expected of the ancient sages, they are so exaggerated." Ning Zheng turned his head silently.

Boom! !

The radiance that burst out was like a golden sun, rising above the sea level, quickly evaporating a large amount of the Styx.

The Styx dried up, declined, disappeared, and turned into the purest and most dazzling light.

The huge joint attack was simply impossible to dodge.

Ning Zheng's face flashed a cold and fierce look.

He did not practice his steps or his magical powers, and immediately chose the most reasonable way: to withstand the attack.

One force defeats ten skills!

Taking advantage of their old age and physical weakness, their magic power has not been fully restored!

This is his only specialty to crush the opponent.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it, directly gathering the Styx on the ground in front of him, forming a huge black protective shield.


The blinding white light illuminated the entire world, and the energy tide seemed to swallow everything directly.

The great power of this moment vaporized the mountains under Ning Zheng's feet, and the majestic energy was endless.

Thunder, water, and fire, in an instant, perfectly cooperated, and one point of force produced ten points of effect.

It can be seen how well they cooperated when they fought side by side in the distant ancient times, and how terrible enemies they had fought against in the prehistoric dynasty.


The light disappeared.

Ning Zheng still stood in the same place, but the Styx had evaporated by 80%.

He panted slightly, with lingering fear: "If I hadn't killed more people, I'm afraid..."

He never underestimated the opponent's strength, but he still underestimated the opponent's strength.

The energy in his body was at least eight times more than that combined force, but it was almost completely evaporated.

This was because part of the city wall was guilty and attacked him, and most of the city walls were still accumulating power to help the inner ring battlefield.

If all attacked, Xiaogao would evaporate on the spot!

"But it's enough." Ning Zheng stood in the sky, and a huge semicircle of charred empty space had formed below him: "No matter how majestic the existence in the tomb was in the old years of the last era, and no matter how invincible the ancient years were, it is no longer their era." "They can't get out of the tomb, they can only watch from afar as I beat up the Fang family in front of their tombs, but they can't do anything." "In the new era, there is no ship that can carry them." "Unless they can wake up, live a second life, walk out of the tomb, and officially set foot on this land." Ning Zheng snorted coldly, "But as powerful as they were in life, they didn't have the obsession to complete it. How can they complete it after death?" "By the time they accumulate power next time, I have almost finished everything." He looked at the Fang family. At this time, the heads and elders of the Fang family were horrified. Even their backers couldn't suppress him. No, it's not that they can't suppress him! Instead, this person took advantage of the situation and entered the place when most of the living people's fighting power was restrained and most of the ancient sages launched a joint attack.

"Are you ready?"

Ning Zheng strode over: "Hand over the people, or kill them all and then hand over."

There were so many passers-by and strange people in the corridor, why didn't anyone pull out the earth veins and secretly take them away?

They were all scholars, and the quality of the tourists was high. They didn't steal people?

Of course it was impossible.

Because the strange here has special reinforcement.

There is a "prison key".

You have to take out the key to pull out the strange here.

Otherwise, if you pull it out by force, it will evaporate in the air, which is equivalent to death!

He will still grow in the same place after a while.

This is a prison, and Xu Huan cannot be taken away by force.

Xu Huan didn't know where to hide, but he was already a bound earth spirit here, and he could never escape without a key.

At this time

That voice sounded in his mind again:

"Why do you have to be so aggressive? How do you know that you didn't do something bad with good intentions?"

"How do you know that they are unhappy? How do you know that they are not satisfied with their current lives?"

Ning Zheng was silent for a moment, thinking about what the other party was going to say this time.

Is he saying that the pigs locked in the pigsty are happy?

If it is a pig with low IQ, it may be so, but how can people with high IQ be happy?

The voice was very cold, as if seeing the disdain on Ning Zheng's face: "It is precisely because of intelligence that they are happy to be locked up here."

"Xu Huan is just an outlier among them. He is suffering because he discovered the truth."

"Most of them don't know the truth themselves, don't know that there are ghosts around them, and think they are living hundreds of thousands of years ago. They grow and practice happily."

"They will enjoy their most prosperous years when they know nothing."

"Finally die at the most glorious moment of their civilization."

There is a smile in his voice, as if he is very satisfied with his work.

"We created a paradise for them, a pure land for them, so that they can maintain their arrogance and look down on us, the inferior mortals who are born without spiritual roots."

"And Xu Huan is the sinner among them. He secretly told others the truth, making them live in a desperate truth that they cannot escape."

He said coldly: "Xu Huan is the cruelest person in the world. He told others the desperate truth that cannot be changed. What else can he do except become more desperate?"

A high-level monk is not cultivated in seclusion.

A large exploration area is needed.

The Historical Corridor is such a huge area.

Streets, pedestrians, sects, mountains and rivers allow the "pigs" in it to practice, fight, and make friends.

Gain knowledge, talent, experience, and inheritance from prehistoric old humans.

They can thrive and even become masters of the Three Yuan Realm or even the Two Phase Realm, turning into mineral veins.

This is the best grazing area.

The "pigs" here can thrive.

Ning Zheng smiled: "What a prehistoric pure land, the essence is just to raise happy pigs and slaughter them."

The voice was low and cold:

"How can we prosper without increasing the mineral veins of Xinyizhou, and how can our continent prosper?"

"The sacrifices are just some ancient survivors. You can't use our new humans as breeding pigs, right?"

"This is the sin they owe us, the old humans, and they deserve it."

Ning Zheng smiled.

It's all perverse logic and diversion.

The prisoners who are constantly imprisoned are enough for Xinyizhou to use.

You privately created the mineral veins, but they are not for public use, and they are not registered. You hide them for your family's private use.

"No matter how gorgeous the flowers grown in the cemetery are, no matter how much they are decorated, they are just flowers of evil."

Ning Zheng said lightly: "Innocent people are born to suffer. Is this what you call fairness? The prison of the court is not for you to lock up children."

Ta pa!

He reached out and beat an elder of the Fang family to death, and released the blacksmith's mental attack to torture and interrogate him.

Since he knew the truth, he didn't torture them about other things, but directly tortured them where the key to manage this prison area was placed.

Asked them where the other living companions of Xu Huan were imprisoned.

The elders and monks of the Fang family had terrified and complicated expressions, trembling like quails.

This is a disaster!

If you don't hand over the people and the key to this area, this killer will not say a word, and the family will be destroyed today!

If they handed over the prison key, they would be violating the law of the inspector and neglecting their duties. In addition, the saints behind them wanted to kill them, and even their Fang family ancestor could not protect them!

They would die anyway, and the family would be exterminated no matter what they chose.

"Patriarch, what should we do?"

All the elders looked over.

"He won." The head of the Fang family was a steady old man, and finally sighed: "Handing over the key is better than exterminating the family now. If we escape now, we still have a chance to avoid the pursuit of the state capital."

As soon as these words fell, many Fang family monks burst into tears and sobbed.

They are going to flee from their hometown. I am afraid there is no place in the world that can accommodate them!

Even if they escape today, they will be in danger in the future.

Then, the head of the Fang family took out a token and bet on several of Xu Huan's brothers and sisters: "We are willing to surrender and hand over the secret order. Please let us live." Ning Zheng said lightly, "It would be great if it was done earlier. Hand over the things and I won't kill you." Even if they are demon cultivators, they must keep their credibility. Ning Zheng really wouldn't kill them, because keeping them would be handed over to the people who should deal with them. There is a perpetrator for every wrong. Ning Zheng took out the key and said to the ruins of the corridor behind him: "Where is Xu Huan?" "Senior, I'm here." After a while, a gentle and polite young man flew out and said politely. Sure enough, Xu Huan dared to come out only after he confirmed that he was really here to save him with the key. Ning Zheng didn't say much. He took the token and stretched out his hand to pull his embers out of the earth veins, turning them into free wandering embers, and then threw his brothers and sisters to him. "Go." Ning Zheng said lightly. "I will never forget your kindness."

Xu Huan bowed respectfully and looked at Ning Zheng deeply, as if he wanted to remember his appearance in his heart.

After that, he stopped being hypocritical. Time was urgent and he had to take people away.

This was his only chance to escape from this pigpen.

When he was alive, he could not escape at all.

After death, he escaped.

"How dare you! You dare to let him go!!" A loud shout of shock and anger suddenly came, no longer transmitted secretly, but resounded throughout the world, the entire city wall, and the restaurant.

Even these saints did not expect that someone would really do stupid things.

They even had hope that the other party would resist the attack and get the key, indicating that they had the ability to release people, just to extort more benefits.

After all, releasing him

would not benefit anyone!

In the restaurant, everyone was stunned.

"What happened?"

"You went to so much trouble just to save Xu Huan?"

"I can't understand."

"Some people in the court are hiding something."

"This attack on Xinyizhou City, the interception of the team entering Beijing, how come the situation is getting more and more confusing."

The terrifying public opinion broke out in various restaurants.

Everyone saw that this Wusheng Sect was not just slacking off, but was really attacking Xinyizhou City and fighting with those tomb beings!

At present

It seems to have won.

Xu Huan is the reason for their confrontation.

Hua La La!

Xu Huan flew out quickly, and the moment he stepped out of the city gate

"It's out, it's out, we're finally out, hahahaha!!" Xu Huan couldn't help laughing wildly, standing at the city gate and striding forward, with his fellow apprentices supporting each other behind him.

His laughter shook the entire city wall slightly, and he laughed without realizing that he had already burst into tears.


Xu Huan and a group of fellow brothers and sisters finally couldn't help but kneel on the ground, covered their faces with their hands and cried, choking with sobs:

"Thank you, thank you"

Boom! ! !

In the distance, among the countless mists, a pure black air wave rushed into the sky.

Inside the entire city wall, the spirits of all the cultivators were shocked.

"What is that?"

Everyone looked from a distance and saw countless black vortices of different sizes spreading on the man.

Xu Huan stood alone outside the city wall of Xinyizhou City, surrounded by an obscure and majestic aura, vaguely connected with the aura of the earth veins, as if some creature at the top of the food chain was born.

"Enlightenment in the cemetery, today I know who I am" In the restaurant, countless people looked up at the black air column, with uncontrollable shock on their faces.

Such a spirit is as boundless as the ocean, making people worship it.

"A strong obsession beyond death" Jiao Wuyu smiled, looking at his friends who discussed the Tao in the past, as if remembering something.

She originally just came to gamble, listening to Li Youzhu's information to test whether she could save people. If she succeeded, she would have one more awakened companion, but now the development of the situation is far beyond her expectations.


The blue sky seemed to be shrouded in black.

Everyone looked at that existence in shock, and most people seemed to witness history.

This is a scene they will never forget in their lives, witnessing the second life that only exists in legends.

Ning Zheng smiled and looked towards the direction of the city wall. Amid the voices of countless blacksmiths mumbling and shouting wildly for joy, three huge black lotuses grew in the sky there.

"Three flowers gather at the top of my head to know that I am me."

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