Fang Family.


A sharp arrow flew through the dark sky, rolling a black mist along the way, and landed on the face of an elder, kicking hard.

Most of the mountain collapsed.

The elder was stepped on by Xu Huan.

"What talent do you have? They are just a group of weaklings who rely on the power of the prison to do evil."

He stood up slowly.

Along with the chaotic fluctuations of the shadow, a terrible breath suddenly rose from Xu Huan.

He seemed to be immersed in the purest darkness.

For the first time in his life, the always gentle face showed a cruel and twisted evil smile: "Then, let's end the war with war."

One step out.

The terrifying pressure of the Gui King descended on the mountains.

The Fang family members who had just experienced the ravages of Ning Zheng's sea water and had just crawled out to survive looked up in horror.

It was an extremely terrifying thing, as if the king of the food chain had descended on this land.


A figure blocked the way.

"Xu Huan, we were friends back then, right?" Fang Xi, the heir of the Fang family of this generation, couldn't help but say, "We had no choice but to do all this." "Fang Xi?" Xu Huan licked his lips and showed a bloody blackened evil smile, "Yes, my friend who discussed the Dao with me back then, you are one of the culprits who dominated everything." Fang Xi's face suddenly changed. On the battlefield of a wall in the distance. Jian Xin slowly raised his head, and a complex expression flashed across his cold face: "Yes, I was not talking to a logical bubble in history back then, he was a real living person." "He is our living friend." "Unfortunately, all of us watched him die at that time." He was silent. The aura isolation of the formation was absolute, and it was impossible to distinguish between the living and the dead, so they naturally thought that he was a sage from the old times in ancient history. Inertial thinking made them create the tragedy a hundred years ago. Whether it was Jian Xin, the hostile Jiao Wuyu, or even Li Youzhu hiding in the dark, they all wanted to make up for everything that happened a hundred years ago. The Fang family, and the black hands behind them, they hope those people will pay the price

Ning Zheng glanced at Xu Huan who was killing the Fang family, and had no intention of stopping him.

"Fang Xi? Chief Inspector? You want to steal the wine from our store."

He smiled.

Xu Huan is a great perfection in the second phase realm, and now he has awakened again. He will not be defeated by those second phase realm Fang family cultivators.

On the contrary, the other party is easier to hunt down than Ning Zheng.

After all, Ning Zheng has already solved those who can be solved quickly by violence.

The rest are those cultivators who have disgusting means and are proficient in various escape methods and escaping techniques.

Too slippery.

After all, the strong in this world are very difficult to kill.

Let Xu Huan kill them, I guess he is the right person for the job.

Ning Zheng began to continue to control the torrent to plunder the entire Fang family's industry. Why bother chasing and killing?

Soon, Ning Zheng put on ten rings, or the kind with huge storage space, and reaped a lot.

"As for those people in the tomb, they still need to recharge their energy."

"Are they just looking at me like this?"

Ning Zheng was thoughtful, always feeling that things would not be that simple.

I provoked them, so they didn't fight back?



In the ruins, the meat-selling shop Yunlai.

A little girl sat on a chair, cleaning with a linen cloth.

No one knew that the owner of Linmen has always been the little girl who was responsible for doing odd jobs in the Yunlai couple's shop.

No one has ever been able to find her in hide-and-seek.

Her childhood experience has always made her vigilant and forbearing.

It was because of this habit that she did not reveal her true form after she finished the attack with all her strength, and escaped Ning Zheng's cleansing during the weak period.

"It's your turn to do it. We can't convince him."

A distant low voice came, "You created all this, and you should solve it."

"I understand." A sigh responded.

Li Wanqi was cleaning, looking at the huge and vast figure of Xu Huan outside the city wall in a trance, and suddenly remembered something a long time ago.

The real 280,000 years ago that belonged to her.

The square was crowded with people.

Parents held their children's hands to participate in the test of asking the immortals, and an old man with an immortal look was conducting the test in front of the stone tablet.

In the center stood a gray stone tablet with shining mysterious patterns.

A group of children were queuing.

After getting the result, some parents hugged their children and laughed, some parents hugged their children and cried, and some even beat and scolded their children, while her parents comforted themselves:

"Wan'er, it's okay. It doesn't matter if you don't have spiritual roots. I heard that there is a scholar in the next state who preaches everywhere and cultivates spiritual roots."

"You are born to be good at studying. You are simply a genius. You will definitely be able to grow spiritual roots."

"Wan'er, we have been discovered! We will be killed by those immortals!"

"I found a little beggar without a name on the street. I gave her a cake and named her Xiaogao. I gave her leftovers from the back door every day. Now let her die for you."

"Go quickly, they are coming."

The mother's voice gradually became blurred, and she pushed her out the back door, "From today on, you are the little beggar Xiaogao."

She will never forget the blazing fire, and the black smoke rolling in the store.

A family of three was burned to death in the store.

She cut her face, disguised as a beggar, and hid in the crowd.

"Alas, the couple who brought the store here are good people. Their daughter planted spiritual roots, but was burned alive as a demon."

"Isn't the shopkeeper in Changfeng Restaurant kind and generous? Later, he was not either."

"Shh, don't talk nonsense."

She hid and quietly participated in the sect test.

"Li Wanqi, middle-grade water spiritual roots!"

She lined up alone, and under the envious eyes of the crowd and the cold eyes of the old man, she put her hand on the gray stone tablet.

This area is ruled by a sect called Yuanchu Holy Land.

This is an extremely ancient and long-standing immortal sect, and the headmaster is a gentle and friendly woman.

My spiritual roots are mediocre, but my talent and ability are very strong. After continuous efforts, I became the new headmaster's disciple, with two senior brothers and one junior sister.

I once hated this world and Yuanchu Holy Land very much. As an insider, I led the new humans to sneak attack the mountain gate.

I will never forget that day when I laughed heartily, and that day the senior brothers and sisters were surprised and angry, and they angrily accused me of being ungrateful.

I embarked on a long journey for the new human race.

Following that man, I crossed the lush fields, overthrew the prosperous immortal gate, and flattened the ancient forbidden area.

I liberated countless mortals.

I brought them laughter and joy, but there was still no joy and change on my face, because my happiness had disappeared with the flames of that day.

It took more than 100,000 years, and we completely liberated the whole world.

I stopped on the land of Xinyizhou that I conquered, and I became one of the founding heroes of this dynasty.

We imprisoned war criminals from the previous dynasty.

I carved scars on Master's face and locked her up in this prison.

"Master, the beggar who died for me, her name is Xiaogao, you will call her this name in prison in the future."

I still can't understand that Master's sad and painful face at that time, but there was only no resentment, only endless pity.

Pity me.

No, I will enslave those who enslave me back.

But why? My heart is so empty? I obviously changed everything? Then, I will continue to enslave them as miners to atone for the sins of the human race in our era.

Until the distant future, I was still doing odd jobs in the Yunlai shop. That day, I suddenly saw a young man with a gentle face walk to the Yunlai shop and said to my "parents" and the shopkeeper of the "Changfeng Restaurant":

"You are fine, because I am here, our Yuanchu Holy Land will not punish you."

The Xu Huan standing in the sun came with a sword on his back:

"I will change this world so that the two races can live in harmony."

How ridiculous.

The sow that I kept in the animal pen didn't know what it was and said it wanted to save me.

But in this Linmen city that repeated my life trajectory, it was the first time someone saved me who was burned to death with my parents in the shop.


What's the point? He was not born in my era, and no one saved me at that time.

Time goes back to the present.

"So, why did I suddenly half-awaken when Xu Huan came to kill me?"

She sat in the shop in a daze, thinking hard:

"Why, why"

"What was my obsession in my life?"


She stood up suddenly, repeating everything:

"I saw him trying to kill me, why did I enter a half-awakening?"

"What is my obsession?"

She exuded a faint blue light all over her body. She was sitting on the ordinary shop stool, but she seemed to slowly stand up from the noble throne.

A violent water column rose into the air and turned into a rain curtain.

"Then let's see whose rain is more powerful."

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