This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 99: Brilliant Death (Fourth Update)

The whole sky was instantly illuminated.

A clear ocean of water rose into the air.

It was as if countless ice-blue liquid streams formed a deep blue vortex in the sky.

She pointed with her hand.


The rain curtain poured down.

The water curtains of both sides were washing each other, as if the black sea water and the blue sea water were colliding with each other.


It was as if the earth was shaking, as if the rain was colliding.

The entire Linmen was reduced to ruins, and circles of terrifying ripples continued to ripple.

Ning Zheng turned her head: "Sure enough, he came."

What Ning Zheng didn't expect was that it was the owner of Linmen.

The other party hid really deep.

Xu Huan was still attacking the Fang family, but the battle at the level of the state of mind in front of him was not something Xu Huan could complete.

Ning Zheng inexplicably felt that this little cake's body seemed to be trembling for the mysterious woman in front of him, and there was a sense of familiarity that he had known for a long time.

Did they know each other in ancient times?

Ning Zheng guessed in his heart.


The tide turned into a black moon in an instant, quickly blocking in front of him.

But the countless seawater behind him had quietly turned into sharp arrows, piercing Ning Zheng's back.

A seawater also wrapped around his back. He knew that his skills were not good enough, so he naturally used force to break the trick and directly surrounded himself with his whole body. It was laborious, but effective.


Everyone looked at the sky. The two figures were all crazy. The scene in the myth, the slightly weaker monks, saw a few times and felt dizzy and had a splitting headache.

Several fights and collisions.

"Very strong, but only to this extent?" Ning Zheng stood in the sky.

"Don't deify us too much in the storybook, and don't underestimate us too much." She said lightly: "In our era, there was no skill to practice and no law to rely on. Even if we had earth-shaking talents, we were limited by the wild era." "We are all exploring various skills of low-grade and medium-grade spiritual roots. Who can cultivate heavenly spiritual roots? High-grade spiritual roots are rare, and the higher the spiritual roots, the harder it is to develop skills." "We gritted our teeth, supported each other, discussed together, and barely completed the entire journey with difficulty." "Without our sacrifice and development, there would be no peace in the future." Ning Zheng certainly knew. The reason why saints are great is that they opened up the era in the wild era. They are pioneers who feel the stones and saints who walk through the darkness with torches. "In the past, we had middle-grade spiritual roots, and the children who inherited us later had high-grade spiritual roots, and the children's children had heavenly spiritual roots."

She said lightly: "The continuation of civilization lies in inheritance, and the weakness of spiritual roots does not mean the weakness of people. Water nourishes all things, just using cleverness to break strength."

"No, it's right to use strength to break cleverness!" Ning Zheng whispered, and a new rain of arrows rushed in.

The sky shook violently, and countless raindrops flew.

The two sides kept colliding fiercely, and the opponent used cleverness to break strength, and tried to avoid Ning Zheng's attack. The poison invaded, and the arrows almost didn't fall on her.


The two sides continued to fight, and gradually both sides were injured.

Ning Zheng began to have wounds and bleeding, while the opponent's body was horrible.

The cultivators in this world are basically very strong in vitality, and it is normal to be beheaded or blown up.

But the tide that Ning Zheng harvested in the distance is still returning power, restoring mana and injuries.

As he said, using force to break cleverness, a fair fight!

The opponent is a bound spirit, and the biggest flaw is that he can't run. Now that he has shown up and is being targeted, he can't hide anymore and can only be consumed by Ning Zheng.

If she can run, the range is farther, Ning Zheng really can't do anything to her.

What a pity.

The dead have limitations after all.

Constantly colliding, fighting, and hitting, going all out in the sky again and again, the strength of both sides is rapidly declining, without any reservation, trying to quickly resolve the battle.


Ning Zheng's chest suddenly collapsed and fell into the endless black river of Hades.

"Master" Li Wanqi also flew backwards. She lay on the ground and suddenly laughed. Looking at the sky in the ruins, she smiled with relief: "It's you"

"The last blow!" Li Wanqi suddenly flew up, and the two sides collided fiercely.


Her whole body was pierced fiercely, but she didn't choose to attack Ning Zheng on the opposite side.

She was actively seeking death. Looking at the gap in her abdomen, the whole person gradually turned into blood and mist, and suddenly smiled.

This battle reminded her of the battle with her master.

She captured her master and won the game, but no one knew that she could not win that battle.

The last moment was just like today. It was her master who knew that the situation was over and stopped struggling. He quietly let her move, and she pierced her master's chest without mercy.

At that time, she had no idea what her obsession was and what she was avoiding. Today, she finally understood what her obsession was before she died.

"Kill me."

She murmured in a low voice.

When Xu Huan wanted to kill her, she entered a semi-awakening.

Because her obsession was to kill me.

After the revenge ended, she didn't want to live anymore. She was like a walking corpse. She was too tired and wanted to end her life.

"Yes, I finally know what I want." At this moment, Li Wanqi's heart was clear, and there was no more obscurity in her heart. A huge force burst out from her, and she was completely awakened.

Knowing myself is me.

The spirit is as boundless as the ocean, making people worship it, as if some creature at the top of the food chain has been born.

The saints in the distance, the powerful people in the court of Xinyizhou City, and even the King of Xinyi all looked here suddenly, showing excitement, "This is it!!"

How could she awaken?

What is her obsession?

But no matter what, her awakening will add a great power to the court in the chaotic world that is about to break out.

Even if this person has all kinds of faults, he is still a hero who opened up an era for mankind during his lifetime.

Her merits outweigh her faults.

Even the mysterious Wushengjiao in front of her will not be her opponent.

He can bully the embers after death, but he can never beat an ancient existence in its heyday, who was at the peak of his life.

Just when everyone showed ecstasy.

Li Wanqi did not make any new moves. Her eyes were clear. After she was completely awakened, she knew why she lived and why she died. The whole person was extremely clear and the world was extremely transparent.

"Alas." She sighed, as if she had traveled through thousands of years, just quietly looking at the person in front of her, and suddenly turned her head back to look at the scale gate. That was the tomb she built for herself when she was alive, the city she lived in, and the home of her childhood. The land that haunted her and made her escape, she suddenly remembered that summer when the master took them on an outing. The bright sunshine that year shone on their faces, and everyone talked about the ideals and beliefs of resolving the struggle for the human race. "I want to create a truly peaceful world." "Child, you will succeed." The master said at last. Maybe it was not that there was no other Xu Huan who saved her back then, but because she was blinded by hatred, she abandoned the salvation of the master. Sometimes she occasionally thought that if she had chosen another path at that time, let herself go, and was not trapped in a life full of revenge, it might be completely different. Unfortunately, there is no if, life cannot give you a chance to turn back and choose other forks. "Those who deserve to be killed, those who deserve to die, are all dead, and I deserve to die too." She suddenly pulled out her black three flowers that had not yet fully awakened, and a large number of roots pulled out from her head and slammed into Xiaogao's head.

She finally recognized what obsession was and who she was. She was no longer confused, and her heart and actions were as clear as a mirror.

Ning Zheng stood there in a daze, and suddenly the intermittent voice of the Yuanchu headmaster came into her mind:

"It's okay, kid, everything is over." When she came to her senses, the Yuanchu headmaster's hand unconsciously embraced the other party, as if it was the subconscious deep in her body.

Li Wanqi's body fell rapidly from the sky, her smile was faintly brilliant, full of relief, and the tears of joy in the corners of her eyes turned into crystal beads from the air and sprinkled on the clouds.


I wanted to die a long time ago

What I longed for in my life was a brilliant death

At this moment, the obsession was over.


The body fell to the ground, smashing a deep pit.

A breeze blew by, and this ancient sage who founded the country turned into smoke and disappeared.

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