This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 100 The excitement of Xinyi students!

Seeking death.

This was her real obsession before she died.

So she woke up and died.

Ning Zheng couldn't guess what she was thinking in her heart.

There are many ways for a person to seek death.

Ending the rest of his life because he was too tired.

Choosing to die because of guilt.

Or maybe.

She didn't have such gloomy and complicated thoughts.

She didn't regret her revenge back then.

She took revenge, but the favor was not returned. The only person in the world who was kind to him was his master.

He was killed by the person who had raised and cultivated him. This can be regarded as a clear distinction between gratitude and resentment, and he left this world upright.

Who knows?

The human heart is the most complicated and unpredictable.

Ning Zheng was just guessing everything, and there was no way to know the final result.


The wind whistled past, and the entire ruins seemed lonely and empty.

Ning Zheng looked down at the battlefield under his feet. The entire Linmen was broken and decayed, and countless silt covered the entire area.

After a moment of disappointment, his mood has returned to calm.

He has no time to hesitate and think, because this battlefield is not waiting for him.


The sound of continuous fighting came from the sky.

"It's time to go." Ning Zheng raised his head and felt the rain falling on his face. The dripping sound was very cool, but it made people feel inexplicably depressed and bitter in their hearts.

The battle in the distance was still going on, but it was the last moment.

The things promised to this headmaster have been completed successfully, and the storage ring that should be secretly robbed is also full.

This trip can be said to be quite successful.

In the distance, thunder rolled, and an amazing breath spread.

The "Colosseum" of the entire Xinyizhou City, the audience sitting on the walls of restaurants and teahouses, are all watching the final decisive battle in the middle.

And Ning Zheng's Styx archers have almost been exhausted. If they attack the city walls managed by others, the other party must be prepared and can no longer easily snowball.

If I don't leave now, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave.

Ning Zheng exhaled heavily, glanced at the various battle zones on the city wall, and then disappeared into the distance in a flash.

Just after Ning Zheng left.

The battle of the entire Xinyizhou City was completely over.

In the local battle, regardless of victory or defeat, the rebels must evacuate.

Winning or losing depends on how many people in their escort team were attacked, and how many divine craftsmen and divine alchemists were robbed.

These high-level professionals had been secretly hidden by various major sects and holy places and scattered all over the place. It was difficult to gather them at present. The high-level cult leaders could do a lot of things by catching them all in one go.

Every powerful professional will affect the future of a sect.

Just when Ning Zheng was fighting, many accidents were happening in the war in the inner ring next door.

There were internal responses in the teams of these secondary professional monks entering Beijing, and they suddenly took action, causing huge losses. Even the Xinyi King was ambushed and suffered a lot of injuries.

Now, there are less than half of the entire professional team entering Beijing, which is tragic and beyond expectations.

Of course, the major cults also suffered a great loss, and it was almost a lose-lose situation.

The most shocking thing was the incident of Xu Huan, which exposed some huge darkness in the court.

Xu Huan's obsession before his death was to escape from Zhoucheng. No matter how stupid everyone was, they guessed that he was a living person before.

Then they understood that some people used their private power to confine the mines, which dealt a heavy blow to the prestige of the court.

Everyone guessed that as this war spread, the court would inevitably arrest a group of people and put them in jail.

The Fang family, who was the first to bear the brunt, fell.

But this is just the beginning, and it is unknown how many people can be pulled out behind the scenes.

On the land that has become a ruin, the river water flows and fills in the cracks everywhere.

"There are more over there!"

"There are wounded buried under the buildings over here!"

"People over there, come and help."

The low- and middle-level law enforcement monks of various institutions and teams of the court formed a rescue team in an orderly manner and quickly moved through the middle.

The wood spirit root is responsible for saving people.

The earth spirit root overturned the house and built a temporary rescue station.

The water spirit roots were responsible for cleaning the ground and looking for people who might be affected.

Most of the city wall areas were intact.

Only the scale gate area was like a rotten wood pile gnawed by rats, with a lot of water.

Although they deliberately avoided it, the Fairy Doctor and Su Yu Niang still died on the spot.

However, Erya and Yu Jin Jiu Cairong were more resistant to the bubble embers and barely survived.

After the war, many scholars who were hiding in restaurants and teahouses and were protected by the formation came out.

Because of the popularization of education, as scholars, they basically have courtesy, righteousness, and integrity, and the per capita quality is not low. These scholars began to help rebuild some buildings.

"It's finally over."

Someone whispered on the street.

They looked at the mountains and scenery in the distance, and the inner ring had almost turned into charcoal land.

"But it's really over?"

Someone said.

Everyone's expression changed slightly. This may just be the vast prelude of an era.

Attacking a Kyushu-level city is a major event that has never happened since the founding of Xinyizhou City.

This essentially reflects that the court has gradually become corrupt and bloated as time goes by.

"Everyone, this is just the beginning!"

Someone suddenly stood up in the restaurant and slammed the table and shouted: "We have studied for many years. Now that the country is in crisis, how can we not serve our country and fight for a new future for the people?"

"We must spread the news about Xu Huan and ask Xinyizhou City for an explanation!"

"We have our own way of fighting!"

"For this giant called the court, we must remove the toxins, scrape the bones to heal the wounds, and catch the corrupt officials, so that we can regain vitality!"

Everyone was talking, and they were getting angrier and angrier.

When such a dirty thing was exposed, how could anyone with a conscience not be angry and angry?

Study hard in the cold window, and see me when the flowers bloom.

Who of them doesn't want to be immortal, travel between heaven and earth, and kill all injustices?

A group of young students from Xinyi Academy were discussing and adding details:

"We have passed by this wall many times. There may be a large number of living people inside, children of old humans, who are raised as pigs!"

"I saw a living person who claimed to be awakened beheaded in the vegetable market a few days ago. I was afraid at that time..."

"I am afraid that they first carried out a selection, picked out the old humans with medium-grade, high-grade, and heavenly spiritual roots, and raised them inside the wall, but what about the old humans with low-grade spiritual roots? Maybe they were killed directly!"

"I don't know how long it lasted, maybe it has been more than 100,000 years. Xu Huan was just surprised and realized the truth. He escaped by force, otherwise he might have been hiding."

The more they talked, the more frightened they became.

Many of them had broad knowledge and more channels.

Some people even walked in various historical corridors all year round, and they were senior tourists, finding out more details.

They sorted out the information and found in horror that the area near Linmen might be just one of the breeding areas, and there were also breeding areas on other distant walls.

The more the curtain is unveiled, the more horrifying it is.

At this moment, a young scholar with strange black circles on his eyes stood up and called out:

"Everyone, the sun and the moon are not shining, and the saint cannot supervise the world for the time being, so we are the eyes of the saint, supervising the world on his behalf and eliminating the corrupt termites!"

"With a little heat, we can emit a little light, just like fireflies, we can also emit a little light in the dark, without having to wait for the sun and the moon."

"At this moment, there is no sun and moon in the sky, we are willing to be the only light in the darkness!"

"Scattered, they are full of stars, gathered, they are a ball of fire!"

The eyes of the crowd gradually ignited brightly.

All the people present were high-spirited and passionate students.

Even though they were still young and their combat power had not reached the peak, they were at this young and vigorous age, so how could they not have a passionate feeling?

"May I ask your name?" A young man stood up and asked with a fist in the VIP seat on the second floor.

"A hero does not ask where he came from." The young scholar pushed the black-framed glasses stolen from the corpse of the fairy doctor on the tip of his nose, "You can make me dizzy!"

Dizzy looked around, his expression heavy, and continued to shout:

"Establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a life for the people, inherit the unique knowledge of the past saints, and open peace for all generations!"

"When the saint heals our eyes, if the sun comes out, we will naturally disappear with a sincere heart, not only without any injustice, but also praise the newly rising sun, because that round of scorching sun for hundreds of thousands of years illuminates mankind, including me."

The whole restaurant was silent!

Everyone was moved by this passion.

"Gentlemen, are you willing to shine with me?" The quiet scholar wearing black-framed glasses suddenly shouted: "Follow me!"

After a while, many scholars began to march spontaneously, shouting, calling on the masses, publicizing the harm of this matter everywhere, and demanding a strict investigation.

"This is going to set off a frenzy!"

An old shopkeeper said with trembling hands while sorting out the bills at the counter.

He walked through the crowd of people in the ruins, followed by a group of students, young people, passers-by, and common people from various schools in Xinyizhou City.

He gave a speech in front, waving flags and shouting:

"We scholars have our own way of fighting, and no one in the world dares to look down on the scholars of this prosperous era."

"When we were young and energetic, we were teenagers who had not yet grown up, but we encountered the most unfair things."

"But, what if we are not strong enough to fight?"

"Scholars should use their pens as swords and their lips as blades to kill on paper."

"Investigate strictly, investigate strictly!"

This voice began to resound through the sky.

On the street, countless monks who were rebuilding the ruins and pedestrians who came to help all looked up in surprise.

Hearing this, they were all filled with righteous indignation.

Scholars value their reputation the most. They have learned etiquette, righteousness, and honor since childhood and serve their country. Faced with such dirty and despicable things and disgusting shady dealings, they will naturally be criticized.

Countless scholars joined the frenzy. Students from various cities who came to study had never been as crazy as they were at this moment.

"Punish the Fang family severely!"

shouted with dizzy eyes.

Countless scholars also ignited their blood and shouted:

"Punish the Fang family severely!"

"Punish the Fang family severely!"

Small Fang family, let you rob the wine from our villa shop, now you know your mistake, I want to let you know that blacksmiths cannot be insulted! You can let us recognize your father, but if you rob a needle and thread from our villa, you will die!

People on the streets along the way, from the windows of teahouses, balconies of inns, and rooftops of restaurants, countless people looked out to watch this scene.

The number of people following them rose like a rocket.

In just one day, I don’t know how many restaurants and teahouses had storytellers talking about this earth-shaking battle, and vividly described the badness of it, the twisted and disgusting Fang family, and Xu Huan’s grief and suffering.

There were literati telling stories on the streets, students marching, and books being written and circulated. With this battle as the prototype, a brilliant literary revolution quickly broke out in the entire Xinyizhou City after the battle!

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