Because a large number of scholars used the communication token, the news of the "Xu Huan case" spread at a very fast speed.

It quickly shocked the one thousand human cities in Xinyizhou, and the families in various places were greatly shocked.

Even some holy places and ancient great sects that were qualified to build cities independently also received information in the depths of the barren mountains.

Some cities of foreign tribes such as beasts and barbarians in the deep mountains, and the great monks in them were also alarmed.

This is a major event that shocked the world!

Especially the ancient sages who were involved in the foundation of the city wall and the founding of the country.

As we all know, that group of ancient sages are the lifeblood of the Jiusui Dynasty.

The nine city walls are even known as unbreakable walls that can protect Jiuzhou for thousands of years.

Before, when the team entering Beijing was attacked, no one thought that the city wall would be broken.

Facts have proved that it is still indestructible.

Now after the war, this city wall is only missing a small hole of the scale gate.

Is a gap of one in three thousand considered broken?

The unbreakable wall remains unbreakable, maintaining the myth and protecting the human city!

But now the wall is broken in people's hearts, and cracks have appeared.

I don't know how many people are keen to discuss this topic

The newly built Changfeng Restaurant.

A storyteller is using pen and ink to artificially "polish" the details of the battle, telling the tourists who came:

"That Styx leader is both good and evil, and comes from a new spiritual root developed by the Wusheng Religion"

"The real identity is the deputy leader of the Wusheng Religion!"

"This new type of magic skill is specially used to make people give birth to evil fetuses and absorb evil thoughts for cultivation!"

"It belongs to a kind of Yin spiritual root. Look at the countless mumblings, wailing, and screams on that person's body. They are all chaotic aggregates of the residual souls of evil people!"

Although the Wusheng Religion was severely cracked down by the court, it actually has a mixed reputation among the people and is not a very evil sect.

They don't harm people, they don't massacre villages and plunder, they just preach crazily, let the world worship the Mother of No Birth, deceive women to open three-leaf clover, and kill babies crazily to improve their qualifications.

Are those women stupid?

Many of them volunteered.

Because many families are afraid that the children they have nurtured with all their money will die suddenly after opening three-leaf clover.

The savings of working for a lifetime to support children's education are gone, and the children are gone too. This is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Any cult develops by targeting the needs of the lower-class people.

At this time. The storyteller stood on a high place, as if he had seen it with his own eyes:

"The Netherworld River of the afterlife judges good and evil."

"Hehe, we good people go in and live in peace, but if the bad guys go in..."

The old man paused deliberately, his tone was ups and downs, and suddenly it was low and powerful:

"The bad guys washed away a lot of sins in the river, and the evil black shadows and empty souls were all their seven desires!"

"The Fang family is so vicious. They used to be a family of officials who were rampant everywhere. They would kick passing dogs, making the local people dare not speak out."

He had an ups and downs in his tone and spoke fluently:

"Now that we have fallen in, we find that their filth and dirt actually account for 99% of a person's soul. So after washing away the sins, the whole person is left with an empty shell!"

When the storyteller talked about the key points, he was even more excited, choking from time to time, making the audience below listen in fascination.

"Is there such a magic skill in this world?"

Everyone was amazed.

Passersby were all paying attention to him breaking the cage and saving Xu Huan, but those who knew the real inside story felt cold in their hearts.

In the battle of Xinyizhou, relying on the huge city wall, he alone stole the limelight, and the city wall actually became his helper.

In the future, everyone will start to guard against their own city wall's rebellion.

And which family doesn't have a city wall?

Holy lands, large sects, and cities all have similar outer ring city walls, which are divided into areas one by one, forming a [回] character.

Now the city walls have become that person's helper.

Many powerful monks hiding in the dark sat and listened to the book, sighing in their hearts:

This Styx leader is really powerful, and he really can't be provoked!

Xinyizhou City.

The buildings in the inner ring are almost broken.

Xinyi Academy, Xinyi Palace, and even various large government institutions are almost all ancient buildings built after the founding of the country.

It has been repaired countless times over the past 100,000 years.

And now, all these ancient buildings are destroyed!

But it is only historical value after all.

The truly valuable things are in the storage bag, how could they be placed in the inventory of the building?

Rebuilding the building is not difficult.

The most difficult thing at the moment is that the "Xu Huan case" has resounded throughout Xinyizhou.

Countless scholars have demanded a fair trial from the court, and it has even spread to the capital, and it is said that it has reached the ears of the current emperor.

The Xinyi family is the royal family of Xinyizhou.

Xinyi Baishan, the contemporary strongest craftsman who promoted the sword fairy, is from the Xinyi family.

Now the second generation Xinyi King, named Xinyi Yun, has succeeded to the throne for tens of thousands of years and is in his prime.

At this moment.

This Xinyi King, who looks feminine and quiet, took a deep breath, sat in the hall, and looked at everyone.

"You really made a big thing behind my back."

"Let me think about it, let me think about it."

These people are all his elders.

The ancient sages and his generation gap are too big, and he often did not dare to manage them before, and could not manage them.

I thought these old predecessors would not break the taboo, but now I underestimate them!

Guile, preserve the logic of their lifetime.

They are all good in the general direction.

It is undeniable that some generals are greedy, love power, love money, love beauty, and hate the old humans.

After all, this does not conflict with the concept of fighting for humanity.

After death, they still love money, love beauty, and hate the old humans.

"What are you thinking about? It's just a small matter."

A cold voice came:

"In our era, I don't know how many people were killed and how many were enslaved! You, a little kid, were born after we founded the country."

"You have never seen the world and your hands are stained with blood, so you care about these things. It's just killing a few people and enslaving a few bastards. Why do you have to make such a big deal?"

"In the family compound, we watched you grow up. What good food and drink didn't we give you?"

Xin Yiyun took a deep breath and was silent for a full ten minutes.

Many generals and marshals in the tomb were thorns who rose from the grassroots!

" When they were still mortals, some were scholars, some were farmers, some were butchers, and some were shoemakers.

They fought, brawled, and abused prisoners in the army.

They kept the murderous nature of that era, and they were all killers, killing people in that era.


The times have changed now.

But most of them still think of the memory of death before and after the founding of the country.

Maintaining the logic of their lives, they are in the daily life of killing old humans.

——Founding the country with force and guarding the country with courtesy.

Don’t these saints understand these principles?

It’s not that they don’t understand.

It’s that they died in the past era, and their logic is solidified and can’t be turned around.

This is one of the historical diseases after the founding of the country!

The existence in the tomb maintains old ideas, which seems very pedantic in this era. They are also pointing fingers and are of high seniority, which makes him very uncomfortable.

Xin Yiyun’s expression changed several times before he finally spoke: "Who participated in this?"

"Why, do you want to punish us?" A hot-tempered strong man who was obviously a fire spirit root stood up suddenly.

A mature beauty in a white robe with a voluptuous figure beside him suddenly spoke.

"Be quiet, everyone. If you make a mistake, you will be punished. I have asked. There are thirteen people involved, and thirty-seven people know about it."

When she spoke, everyone around was silent.

The woman was the first generation Xinyi King. After saying this, she lowered her head to embroider again, with an elegant and casual posture, without raising her head:

"There are seven breeding grounds in total, and the Linmen site is one of them. But Xu Huan, a talent, appeared. It is handed over to Li Wanqi for responsibility."

"Of course, in fact, those thirty-seven people only knew about this when Xu Huan suddenly rose up a hundred years ago."

"There were thirty-seven of them, but they finally chose to help conceal Xu Huan's riot, and discussed countermeasures to cover up the scandal."

The woman in white robe kept telling the story.

Xinyi Yun was silent, tapping the table with her fingertips: "It's actually more than I thought."

The first generation Xinyi King could barely calm these people.

She was a god of war in the founding period, the leader of an army, a real strong man who split the land and became a king. The others present were all soldiers under her.


She had to fight and ignored everything else.

Even if she didn't die, she would not choose to manage this continent with her casual personality.

Some people are good at fighting and are gods of war, but they don't like to use their brains.

In this battle, she really just launched an attack from a distance.

Then she continued to retreat, embroidering in the city wall, drinking tea, enjoying herself, and ignoring the outside world.

"Catch a group, suppress a group, and kill a group. I can only try my best to appease those scholars." Xin Yiyun was silent and could only kill this group of ancient heroes to set the record straight.

"You actually want to kill us?"


She was so angry that she started to curse directly.

Xin Yiyun's expression was stiff, and her face became more and more ugly.

Killing them is just a reset, and the memory will return to the moment of death, and you will forget everything in these years.

This is also considered a heavy punishment.

In the end, it can only be punished like this.

No matter how many there are, he doesn't have enough power and prestige. If he provokes these city walls and completely targets himself, it will be a big deal.


Most of these founding heroes have a golden medal of immunity from death. Legally, they are just abusing and enslaving old humans.

And there are not many of them.

It is not a real felony such as treason and destroying the city.

Killing all the thirteen black hands is already the maximum sentence he can make under his consideration.

After that, he will push out other management families besides the Fang family, confiscate their homes and exterminate their clans to appease the hearts of the people of the world.

Xin Yiyun sighed, left the tomb area, and returned to the inner ring. He still has a lot of things to deal with.

Everyone thinks that he has the final say in Xinyizhou, and the entire continent is his one-man show.

In fact, he is subject to too many checks and balances.

Many times.

Not only do we have to consider the saints in these tombs, but we also have to consider the hidden sects and holy places in Xinyizhou.

He is the core point of balance of all forces.

The left and right followers beside him are a censor and a historian respectively.

The historian was writing down:

[King Xinyi, who argued with the ancient sage, was angrily accused of being unfilial, but he was upright and would rather bear the name of being unfilial than be accused of being unfilial]

Xinyiyun was silent for a moment. Couldn't he embellish it a little? Remove the part about being unfilial.

He was already in a bad mood, and the person who recorded history wouldn't say good things. He should find a storyteller in a teahouse to embellish the history a little.

The censor asked, "By the way, what should we do with Li Wanqi?"

"Wait until she resurrects." Xin Yiyun said coldly.

She has awakened and has great potential.

Naturally, she will not let go, as she is one of the founding heroes.

Although the awakening of Gui was forbidden before, the times are different now, and some retreats must be left.

If there is a Gui King belonging to the court, then some things will become much simpler.


Xin Yiyun pondered: "Who is that person? Why did Li Wanqi give her three flowers to the other party after awakening?"

After Gui awakens, it can only be removed and transferred to others at the moment when the three flowers have not been completely generated.

Li Wanqi's actions are too incredible.

Give it to an enemy.

She must know the other party.

Then, who is the other party?

Most likely, it is an ancient existence.

But as a long-lived existence, Li Wanqi's life trajectory is too long, and almost all the ancient great monks in the world know him. Where to start?

"When she resurrects, even if she doesn't remember, we can find the target group from her words."

He pondered silently.

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