This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 102 King Xinyi's Shock

On the barren land.

Jiao Wuyu, Xu Huan and others kept on going and finally stopped in a mountain.

Xu Huan was followed by several brothers and sisters, some of whom were alive and some were dead.

"Congratulations." Jiao Wuyu smiled and said, "You are free."

Xu Huan smiled bitterly and shook his head slowly.

His previous wish was to escape from the cage.

But after escaping, he suddenly didn't know where to go.

This era was too strange for him.

He was like an ancient person who traveled through time 280,000 years ago.

"Do you know who that extremely mysterious existence is?" Jiao Wuyu asked.

"I don't know either."

Xu Huan said, "But now it seems that it may not be for us."

"Oh?" Jiao Wuyu was shocked.

"From the whole incident, the final beneficiary is not only me, but also him. The other party got a black three-flower."

Xu Huan said: "That person's goal may have been for that tomb owner from the beginning. I was just a bait to lure her out."

"The other party lured the tomb owner out, and I don't know what method he used to help her awaken, and then at the moment when the three flowers bloomed, I don't know what method he used to make her transfer the three flowers."

Jiao Wuyu nodded.

This is definitely an exquisite chain of strategies.

"That person should be an existence in ancient times." Jiao Wuyu sighed, "It is suspected that he is proficient in calculations from the Wusheng Sect."

"Indeed." Xu Huan smiled.

Jiao Wuyu nodded.

But Jiao Wuyu still has something to say.

She had seen that scene before.

When she went to the ruins of Jiaojiazhai to save Li Youzhu, she met such a group of people.

It was also the one who killed the split shadow archer, and that group of cultists.

He also waved his knife to commit suicide while shouting wildly.

What "Vacuum Hometown", "Great Ancient God", "Eternal Old Saint"

In short, it's very scary!

I think those cultists are worshipping the other party!

Zhujian Villa may have become a secret base of the other party.

Even Li Youzhu is among them. I am afraid he has become a member of this mysterious cult?

She thought to herself:

"Li Youzhu not only asked me to save Xu Huan, but also found an extra helper and asked this cult ancestor to help save people?"

Multiple calculations are very much like Li Youzhu's style.

Moreover, Li Youzhu likes to make trouble and make friends.

When Xu Huan awakened, he also found that Xu Huan had problems and hinted wildly.

Otherwise, Xu Huan would not notice the abnormality, and there would be no follow-up.

From another perspective, Li Youzhu's crazy trouble-making is to ruin his family.

This kind of person has too many tricks, and it is normal for him to provoke a cult now.

Who knows what cards he has behind him?

I just don't know if there will be danger after joining that cult.

Jiao Wuyu sighed and said, "Where are you going next?"

"I want to save people, my master." Xu Huan thought about it, this is the only target he can find.

"Is she still in Xinyizhou Prison?" Jiao Wuyu asked.

"Yeah." Xu Huan nodded.

"That's troublesome."

Jiao Wuyu said lightly: "To save you ghosts, you need a key, and to save Yixinjing, you need to find her heart before you can save her."

The core of Yixinjing is the heart.

Their heads can regenerate, their five limbs can regenerate, and they can grow back no matter how they are dismembered.

This level of existence is extremely terrifying.

The Fatong Mine is not important at all.

There is no need for them to save the head, let alone other limbs.

As long as they find that heart, all parts can be regenerated on the spot.

At that time.

The Fatong Mine will also become a dead mine, no longer recovering and growing.

Jiao Wuyu said: "For this level of existence, the heart is the key to open the prison."

Xu Huan certainly understood: "Master's heart is probably in the hands of King Xinyi, or even in the distant capital."

There are two locations.

But no one can tell which one it is.

After all, that is the old god of the old dynasty, and he is still alive.

Those who can survive to this day are basically very powerful beings, so they are naturally strictly guarded and are not allowed to escape.

Moreover, since the founding of the country, there has never been an escape, and no one can get their heart back.

"Are you going to die?" Jiao Wuyu said.

"No." Xu Huan said: "I plan to go to the city of the old humans to see if I can seek help."

The remnants of the old dynasty will certainly not be easily wiped out.

In that era, many ancient holy places and great religions lasted much longer than the current Jiusui Dynasty.

It can even be traced back to the previous dynasty of the previous dynasty.

Although they were defeated by the saints, they were not stupid, leaving their living forces to hide.

The court also turned a blind eye.

After all, there are many foreign races besides the human race, dragons, unicorns, sea races, and sub-humans.

They only regard "old humans" as one of the foreign races. As long as you don't make trouble, the court doesn't bother to pay attention to you.

Jiao Wuyu thought for a moment:

"I think someone will help you there. The headmaster of Yuanchu Holy Land is said to be very famous in prehistoric times. If you go there, you may even run into your master's prehistoric friends."

"Then I'll go back to the sea tribe first." Jiao Wuyu said: "I was planning to go home to take a look, but unfortunately I was lured by those rebels to participate in this attack."

"Then contact me if you have anything." Xu Huan said.

The two said goodbye and went their separate ways.

Three days later.


On top of the ruins, most of the streets have been rebuilt. Monks come and go, chanting spells, planting trees and building houses. The roadside has been covered with green grass and flowers again, and the floor tiles are paved one by one.

The teleportation array of Xinyizhou Qiancheng has been extremely popular in the past few days.

Not everyone dares to take advantage of the war to hide in the restaurant on the city wall to watch this century-long battle.

Most people hide far away, just to protect themselves.

Only after the war is over, a large number of tourists come to visit this "historical corridor" here.

The vegetable market of Linmen is even more prosperous. People spontaneously record history and set up a bronze statue in the middle.

In the square, a bronze statue of an indifferent swordsman was wiping the blade, and a bronze statue of an angry prisoner was kneeling and roaring:

"We are not your livestock! We are not the mines you raised."

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"Old humans are also people."

The bronze statue of the old human burst into tears and roared shrilly,

"I! We are also living humans!!"

And below are several bronze statues of the masses who are indifferent and mocking.

These lifelike statues keep talking, recreating the "history" of the time.

"Everyone, we are now seeing a piece of history from the performance of the bronze statues!"

"This is a piece of history from three days ago."

"Now, the historical corridor we are in is the Gate of Hell!"

A graceful scholar holding a folding fan spontaneously acted as a tour guide and introduced it for free.

Someone whispered: "Isn't this the Linmen Gate?"

"No, this is the Mingmen Gate. The owner of the tomb here is the leader of the Minghe Sect, the Xu Huan."

"The three thousand city walls of Xinyizhou are known as the Xinyi History Book. The history of the city walls in front of us records the "Xu Huan Case." The scholar pointed to the hero monument in front of him.

Yujin Jiucairong looked at this scene: "It's against the will of heaven."

"Our owner of the manor" he hid in the crowd, his expression was dull, "Too cool! A living person opened a door, this is to record the history of the owner's tomb."

Even Jiucairong was stunned.

These scholars are so disgusting.

They made a bunch of bronze statues to restore the scene at that time, and introduced history to the guests. In fact, they took the opportunity to talk about the dark side of the court.

Killing people with a pen, disgusting people with a mouth, and messing with people without spitting dirty words, this is simply killing people and destroying their hearts.

It's okay for you to parade in the streets, and it's normal to shout a few words.

We have it in our world, but this thing in front of us really doesn't exist. It's really something that can only be played in the world of immortal heroes.

The Gate of Hell.

It's written on this historical wall, what a shame!

A scholar vividly tells the history of Xinyizhou City to tourists from various cities,

"Welcome to our Gate of Hell."

"I will tell you this history. A great hero who saw injustice on the road revealed the dark and ugly truth, not for utilitarianism."

"That battle was earth-shattering, and the city walls collapsed. The evil and vicious Fang family trembled in fear under the shadow of that person."

"The sky was full of torrential rain, and the earth was surging with the River of Hell, that person said at the time."

"That's the sky crying."

"I am His tears, the rain that walks in this world."

"Cry all the injustices of the people."

The excited speech dyed the whole square into a boiling.

Scale Gate.

No, the Gate of Hell

has become the most prosperous and lively area among the three thousand corridors, changing the most deserted era before.

Who is this mysterious existence?

What does it look like? From what distant era?

He created the Styx overnight, washed away sins, and sent people to the afterlife. He looked like a knight who saw injustice.

Xin Yiyun followed two officials quietly and came to the Linmen. He originally wanted to investigate the situation on the battlefield and find the possible tricks and hidden information left by the mysterious man.

But now

He looked at the historian next to him and was shocked: "Mingmen, what is this?"

Where did my huge Linmen go? How did it become like this? He heard that the people are very emotional now, marching everywhere, appealing to the people, and giving speeches, but he didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.


Who came up with this exaggerated way of protesting? It's too outrageous!

The historian next to him nodded seriously, "As a historian, I think this way of recording history is very desirable. Nailing it on the wall of historical shame allows future generations to come in and reflect from time to time."

"This Xinyi Historical Wall should not be all three thousand historical monuments, recording only glory, but also a wall of our past mistakes, for future generations to visit this period of history!"

The historian's words made Xinyiyun silent.

We should not record happiness but not sorrow.

The wall of mistakes?

It seems to make sense and is in line with the words of the historian who records history. History should be true.

But he still feels something is wrong.

The historian, the censor, is affiliated with the central government of the court, a department directly under the jurisdiction of the saint, and is not under his local management.

The main character is upright and incorruptible, often held by the most stubborn and upright scholar.

"What do you think?" Xinyiyun looked at the censor next to him. "I think that the Dark Gate is inappropriate." The censor replied: "However, the public is very excited at the moment. The entire Linmen Gate is now full of people marching. If we, the court, stop them, it will inevitably arouse public anger and people will think that we are protecting criminals."

"These scholars are the least afraid of death."

"We drove them away, but they died directly, fighting with their lives, and would rather die with a good reputation."

Xin Yiyun felt that the professional level of the censors was still very good.

This world is a prosperous age for scholars, but some scholars are really not afraid of death.

They regard reputation as more important than life.

In order to become famous, they even deliberately bump into some evil cultivators and demon cultivators, pointing at their noses and scolding them.

"Then how do you think this matter should be handled?" Xin Yiyun said.

"I suggest that we make some compromises with them. After all, the fault lies with the court, and they are just seeking justice."

The other party said: "As for the content of the compromise, I think that, for example, this Mingmen is ridiculous, it is better to change it to Mingmen, so that they can restrain a little bit."

Xin Yiyun fell into silence.

But can this king only change the name?

He looked heavy, and felt more and more:

This King Xinyi is a coward!

There were no such problems before, but now that the saint is no longer suppressing the world, all kinds of troubles from the founding period have completely erupted.

He thoroughly felt some drawbacks.

But they can't handle it at all.

For example, the flourishing age of scholars led to prosperity, but they would also protest at any time, just like what happened in front of him. He had been working hard to manage, but as long as there was a little problem, these scholars would change all kinds of tricks to make him crazy!

The essence of politics lies in compromise, but they don't understand.

Failure to compromise will cause greater disasters and more people will live in poverty.

There are many places to weigh, for example, he has to make a certain degree of compromise with the existence of those tombs.

This is a defect, can it be changed?

No, if you get the benefits of the tombs, you must bear the side effects.

Even if the Jiusui Dynasty has tried its best to create a perfect system, there are still various drawbacks.

There is no perfect law in this world.

And the truly perfect law is a person, a saint!

The strength of one person, the personal bravery and suppression, can eliminate all the big and small legal drawbacks of the entire court.

But now

Xin Yiyun is silent. This is a world of personal bravery. When one person falls, the accumulated drawbacks will completely explode, and the court will become a loose sand, fighting each other, which may lead to the fall of a dynasty.

"Call that kid over, I'll talk to him." He pointed to the dazzling eyes above.

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