This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 103 Dazzled: Am I the Chief Inspector?

Yan Hua was communicating with many students from the academy.

Xinyizhou City is similar to the provincial capital in the previous life. Many children from local families would come here to study and join various academies and palaces.

At this time, Yan Hua organized people to study the city wall together and made a bronze statue for publicity.

The sky was blue, and countless people were rebuilding the gate of the underworld on this land. Yan Hua looked confident:

"Everyone, the scale gate has been broken, and this gate of the underworld will rise from the ground and tell this history."

"Even if the court sends yamen runners to drive us away, we must hold on!"

"We are eradicating the stubborn cancer for the court, and through tourists one by one, we will thoroughly publicize the incident and even make it a big deal!"

"In this way, our "Xu Huan case" will get a fair trial!"

"This will even become a long-term city wall to warn future generations and reflect on the world. By building a [gate], we scholars can also leave our names in history!"

"After The teacher of Shishusheng will say that the question of "Mingmen Movement" is a must-take question. Dear students, please remember the profound significance it brings! "

"Mingmen Movement" is a movement in Xinyizhou after the Red Sun, mainly participated by young students, the general public, citizens, business people and other classes. It is a patriotic movement carried out in various forms such as demonstrations, petitions, strikes, building Linmen, and violent confrontations. It is an action of the simple Xinyi people to fight against the ugly inside story! "

"Please feel the passion of their ancient pioneers in it!"

Everyone was fascinated by it, and only one word came to their mind:

Blood boiling!

Dizziness can be said to perfectly arouse their expectations, satisfying the sense of justice of serving the country at this age, and satisfying their dreams of making a name for themselves and leaving a name in history.

If the Linmen Movement succeeds, Linmen will stay here forever. Everyone who passes by will think of these pioneers!

They frantically improve bricklaying and rebuild, and a strong sense of mission rises in their hearts!

Move bricks!

Move bricks!

Move bricks!

Build this Hades Gate, restore this mythical history of the surging Styx and the surging black water, and let more tourists know!

Yan Hua looked at the people moving bricks, and never felt such a hearty feeling of pretending!

Those mutated horror blacksmiths in the villa, after crossing over, they also tried to pretend, but they beat people, chasing and shouting "I let you pretend" "I let you pretend", and beat him so hard that he ran away.

He, a dignified crossover, was caught to sweep the floor, pick wild vegetables, and cut wood. It was so miserable.

He felt that the way he opened the crossover was a bit wrong, and it was not like this in the world.

Even if it was not Long Aotian, it was also a steady development and upgrading flow, right?

Now this is normal!

He turned out to be a court struggle flow, a farming flow!

Sure enough, the three months of crossing over were just to familiarize himself with the environment. Now that he has left that terrible place, this wonderful other world is a sea and sky!

"Who is looking for me?" Yan Hua soon heard someone calling him.

Not for a while.

Yan Hua was soon taken to a roadside tea stall, where a noble man sat on a chair, followed by two followers.

"Who are you?" Yan Hua felt that this was a big shot.

If it's true, I will die for it, seize the opportunity, and become famous.

"Sit down." Xin Yiyun pointed to the chair.

He looked at Yan Hua with excitement, and in an instant he thought of what he was going to do.


These scholars are too desperate.

Even when he went out, he saw someone leading the rebellion against him.

The action was incredibly fast.

The war had just ended, and the "Xu Huan case" that shocked the human race for hundreds of thousands of years of history was brought up, and people were brought to visit, with a great momentum of exhibition for future generations to watch, so that they could learn from history.

He, Xin Yiyun, was known as the most noble existence in the entire Xinyi Continent.

He was a truly mysterious and powerful king of a different surname, who split the land and became kings for generations!

Even the name of the continent was named after the spiritual root series of their Xinyi family, which became the continent flower pattern and was printed on the court dress here!

He is in charge of Xinyi, one of the nine states. It can almost be said that he is the emperor of this vast land!

Except for the stubborn civil servants on both sides who can only speak and give opinions, they are sent by the court. This state is almost autonomous!

The saint never cares about the trivial matters of their state.

Of course, they are even less likely to rebel.

Because it is not that they support the saint, he is the saint, but the saint chooses to protect their nine families, and they are the local emperors of the state.

It can be seen from now.

The King of Xinyi is completely autonomous in the local area. Without the protection of the saint, he is already busy.

At the beginning of the chaos in this land, he felt that the holy places, major sects, and tomb ancestors of various Xinyi states were not people inside and outside.

He has to contact the recruiting team to Beijing.

The cult took the lead in attacking the city, and he had to fight.

The tomb made a big fuss, he had to punish the ancestors, and he had to be blamed.

There are still scholars outside scolding him, he has to endure it, otherwise he can beat these scholars to death?

Violence cannot solve the problem.

Of course, it may be that he is not violent enough.

If he had the power of a saint, everything would be solved.

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In front of him, he still had to deal with this scholar, so that they would not continue to toss like this.

The vicissitudes and heaviness in his eyes quickly converged, and his eyes were replaced with a light color, full of appreciation:

"Your sincere and innocent heart, I have been watching you in the teahouse far away recently."

"You are too kind." Yanhua was very touched. He didn't expect that he had been secretly observed for so long. This person had been observing him in the restaurant.

"No, I haven't seen such an outstanding young man like you for a long time."

Xin Yiyun said with a gentle expression:

"During this period of time, you have called on everyone to defend justice without fear of power, and your eyes are full of the light of faith."

"Justice is the hope of the suffering and the fear of the criminals." Yanhua said uprightly.

Xin Yiyun said: "I am a special envoy from the court of the capital. I have come to investigate this case. I see that you are an upright person and have a sincere heart to investigate this matter."

He took out a token and gently slapped it on the table:

"The Fang family is in prison, and the position of the chief inspector of Linmen is vacant."

"Are you willing to take over temporarily and manage the reconstruction of Linmen. As an inspector, temporarily take over the vacant position of the Fang family, appease everyone, and save the people?"

Yanhua was stunned.

The scholars behind him were also stunned.

——We are about to die for our remonstrance, why did you surrender first?

I haven't even hit my head against the pillar yet!

It seems that this imperial envoy is very upright and a good man. Unlike those yamen runners who drove us away, he agrees with our lofty ideals!

Yanhua and the scholars around him were also excited.

"I feel your enthusiasm."

Xinyiyun solemnly handed the token to the other party and said in a friendly manner: "Although it is only a temporary replacement and the authority is not much, if you do well, it is not impossible to become a regular employee."

Yanhua was so moved for the first time in his life, "I will, I will call on the scholars to rebuild this place."

Xinyiyun patted his shoulder with a gentle face, turned around and left, leaving Yanhua dumbly standing there

Hula la.

After leaving the city gate, he rose into the sky again.

"Linmen has been solved. Although those scholars have made a lot of changes, it still only takes a cup of tea to solve it."

Xinyiyun left Linmen with a relaxed look.

With his rich experience in dealing with those scholars, the man just now looked fearless and was afraid that he would take the opportunity to die! How could he let him make the first move? He did not reveal his identity, but only said that he was an imperial envoy sent from above to investigate, and then quickly expressed his sincere agreement with him, and blocked his mouth. This was also a battle. It was just a confrontation without force. He won a big victory! He continued to inspect other areas. He rushed all the way to deal with the incident and thought: "Is there a breeding area over there in Qimen? Next, go over there and take a look." The two civil servants behind him saw this scene and followed behind him silently, as if they were used to it. Xin Yiyun has always been like this. He speaks to people in a human way. He speaks to people in a human way. This is the way to be an official, to find the fastest way to deal with things. He is a very smart person, flexible and changeable. Otherwise, how can he control the entire city and check and balance various forces and factions? Although his Xinyi family is a royal family with a different surname, everyone wants to catch their tongues and bite off a piece of their meat. It was obviously a very tricky parade, and even a gate of hell was created, but his solution was so simple.

It was impossible to really beat these scholars.

The more you go against them, the more rebellious they become and continue to parade.

They even banged their heads against the gate of the government office. When they got angry, they banged their heads once. Who can stand "banging their heads against the pillars to die" every day?

So, the solution must be right.

It is important to be different for different people.

They are not bad people in nature. They are young and passionate. They want to speak up for people and uphold justice. Just do as they wish.

They all believe that a scholar will die for his confidant. If you think highly of him, how can he not be moved? How can he not work hard?

Let you check the Linmen here, check the Fang family behind the Linmen, rebuild the ruins, and spend time and energy to avoid leading people to parade everywhere.

It is obviously such a simple matter.

But some pedantic officials make it complicated and have to go against these upright and strong scholars.

If the other party takes advantage of the opportunity to abuse their power for personal gain, then it will be even better.

The troublemakers you called for the parade are all of this character, do you still dare to continue the parade?

What is a means?

What is a means.

If you do it well, you will be free labor.

If you embezzle, you will be caught with a handle.

If you are incompetent, you will be kicked out directly.

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