This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 104 Huge profits, mountains of resources!

Chief Inspector, looks good.

Actually, it is the city management who maintains order, and the authority is not high in nature.

It is equivalent to the living steward of the tomb, and most of the time it is a sinecure.

Because the whole city is automatically operated.

No need for living people to interfere. If someone commits a crime or kills someone in the street, there will be strange yamen runners and strange officials to arrest people, investigate and handle it.

This is also a part of tourists' experience!

The ghosts here are locked up and cannot be taken away at all. They will be resurrected after being killed, without any problems.

Equipped with living patrols, it just increases a tolerance rate.

As for the Fang family before?

The inspector is just one of their positions.

If the owner of the tomb hadn't asked them to secretly raise the mineral veins and do favoritism here, it would be impossible to make so much money.


Others can't see life and death. As the master of this city, he can't cover his eyes with the formation, so he naturally sees that the dizzy person is dead.

Let the other party take over for a while, take root here and can't run away.

Unless you open it with the key, you will be fixed here forever.

"This formation has done a great job. Even those scholars can't think of it. They are following dead people, right? Or are they rooted in my place? I might as well promote him and make him the leader of the troublemakers."

Xin Yiyun smiled slightly.

Rooted in the city wall, he is already his man. He might as well give this eye-dazzler a push, slowly coordinate those scholars, and gather all the troublemakers together.

To sum up, his move to promote the eye-dazzler can be said to be a very amazing and perfect way to break the deadlock!

He knows better than anyone.

These scholars are the best free labor.

They are much more diligent and countless times more efficient than those officials who are careless.

Just look at what they have done with the "Underworld Gate" now. They have come up with new tricks to gather people to make trouble.

It's better to use this innovation to work.

This is also a way of knowing people and using them well, isn't it?

"At the same time, I found an interesting point."

Xin Yiyun suddenly showed a trace of interest, "He was full of energy and lobbying in the crowd, as if he was about to enter the semi-awakening fluctuation."

The historian next to him did not change his expression: "To be in the limelight and famous is the lifelong wish of most people. It belongs to the most common type of obsession, but that person actually has some signs?"

You have to know.

The awakening of a ghost is not as simple as simply completing the obsession.

The first point is obsession.

There must be a strong obsession that transcends life and death. That obsession penetrates the body and is extremely strong.

Most ghosts are confused before they die and are confused after they die. They have not experienced anything.

Only those who have experienced all kinds of hardships before they die and sharpen their obsessions again and again, as if they have sharpened a sword for their whole life, can they leave their bodies after they die!

But there are very few people who have such a strong obsession before they die.

The second point is aptitude.

Comprehension and talent are the most important.

For a living person to bloom three white flowers, aptitude is required. Most scholars will die after studying hard for ten years.

For a dead person to open the black three flowers, he naturally needs qualifications.

If you were a mediocre person in your life, you couldn't even open the three flowers, and you couldn't even become a low-level cultivator. No matter how strong your obsession is after death, you won't meet the standard if your hard qualifications are not enough.

Third, luck.

Your logic in your life is almost fixed.

It is basically impossible to complete your obsession in your life by yourself.

You need luck and coincidence to complete your obsession in your life, and form a strong mental impact to make people enter semi-awakening.

But this is not enough, you need a bigger impact to awaken.

Twice in a row, it is difficult.

The historian frowned and said, "That person was weak and green-faced when he was alive. He was young and had little experience. His obsession must not be strong when he was alive. This is not enough obsession."

"Second, aptitude. The aptitude of this person in his life is still unknown."

"Third, luck. His obsession is to be famous all over the world. You give him a push. It's an experiment. This is enough to meet a noble person."

"But I still don't think he can take that step."

This sentence is still very pertinent.

Xin Yiyun should not expect it according to reason.

But he always feels that the obsession of that person is a little different.

In fact, the intuition of this Xinyi King is extremely sharp.

Yan Hua, even this group of blacksmiths, they are completely different from ordinary local ghosts.

The ghost needs to awaken, and essentially know that I am me.

Know who I am now, breaking the logical flaw: it turns out that I am dead.

And Yan Hua?

How can I say that I know that he is dead when another Yan Hua is alive and well, right in front of me! ?

His flawed cognition of this logical bubble was very clear from the beginning.

His awakening ideas were completely opposite to those of the ghosts here:

——I am still alive!

When he broke through his cognition and saw the appearance of the "original body" standing in front of him with a vague face, and knew who he was, he could awaken.

As for, the obsession before death was not strong enough?

Perhaps, a little bit of luck is needed!

If he can really enter semi-awakening, Ning Zheng doesn't mind spending some money to let him have a lucky impact.

Ning Zheng is actually very curious.

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What kind of outrageous situation will appear after the blacksmith's ghost awakens and meets the living body.

Because the ghosts in this world only appear after the living die.

It is unprecedented that the ghost king and the living exist at the same time.

The two blacksmiths looked at each other, and no one could predict what kind of wonderful reaction would happen!

There was a shop.

Several people were cleaning up the shop.

The speed of rebuilding the collapsed shop was unexpectedly fast.

Just this morning, they saw the big boss of the Civil Construction Department with their own eyes, and the construction came to them.

Clap your hands.

Rows of shops stood up instantly.

After the earth spirit root went through the process, the fierce man with the wood spirit root also came over, and pressed directly on the ground, and all kinds of wooden decorations and door rails appeared directly.

Although there were still a few details missing in the layout, it was just a rough house, lacking fine decoration.

But their shop could do it by itself!

This surprised the resurrected medical fairy, Su Yu Niang.

Through their barrage perspective, many people saw this scene.



"I said, in those immortal worlds, how come the cultivators don't have civil engineering majors? That's how it should be!"

"That's right, there are people who make a living in this industry."

"This is called professional cleaning!"

"I said, why are the shops on both sides so neat and tidy, it turns out that they are all like this."

"This is the immortal world with details."

A group of people were swiping in the barrage.

Ning Zheng was in the house under the villa, and took a look at the various posts they were swiping.

Just after the truce, they made a prompt decision and took the time to let Yanhua start to deal with the Fang family non-stop. I couldn't help but sigh that they were really energetic.

Really vengeful!

They said: The Fang family's ant nest should be burned down.

Yanhua was in full swing, marching with a group of scholars.

They also want to build a gate of hell for their owner?

A city gate to privatize [Sword Casting Villa]?


Only blacksmiths with wild imaginations can have such bold ideas!

The beating of the abacus beads was heard by the whole villa!

I wonder how the dizziness is now?

Was he driven away by the yamen runners?

Now, the battle has just ended, Ning Zheng returned with a full load, and the forum was instantly blown up!

Everyone was discussing the "Xiao Gao" incident.

Various reviews, reviews, and in-depth analysis.

They also sorted out the identity of the tomb owner from Xiao Gao's words.

This is already a relatively perfect ending.

But there are still people scolding Ning Zheng for sending knives, and Ning Zheng has received a lot of knife emojis on the forum.

If it were in the past, Ning Zheng would definitely sneak a peek at the screen and read their analysis.

But now, who has time to care about this?

He looked at the ten storage rings on the table.

The harvest seems very simple!

But don't look at the small number, they are all super-large caravan cargo storage rings.

At that time, at least hundreds of storage bags were left on the spot, and the contents were poured into the large storage rings.

Anyway, it filled up several seemingly bottomless large storage rings!

Those small storage bags cannot be put into each other's storage. There are too many and it is not convenient to take them away. Ning Zheng, who is used to being poor, secretly buried them in a pit during the battle in accordance with the principle of not wasting.

Hundreds of storage bags alone are a huge windfall!

How could they be left there?

A small storage bag of one cubic meter is also priced at six hundred magic coins, although it may be cheaper if it is second-hand.

Although it is not easy to sell, it is also a good thing to hurry back, dig out the storage bag, and sell it to the blacksmiths.

The blacksmiths have long said that they want an inventory.

It seems that Ning Zheng can add a new option to this time's two-choice.

He no longer thinks about it, and directly checks the storage rings one by one, enjoying the joy of opening a blind box.

There is not a single floor tile in the storage ring.

The blacksmiths who pluck feathers from the passing geese only take the right ones this time, and take whatever looks valuable.

The first storage ring was almost full of bulk goods, wine, rice, elixirs, spells, and other things, piled up like a mountain in the true sense!


All resources!

Ning Zheng was happier and happier.

Just the supplies looted from the large shops alone, Ning Zheng could feed a large local family, not to mention a whole villa!

It can even feed a monk army, and it is almost catching up with the ranks of military supplies.

Ning Zheng was surprised and looked strange:

"This storage ring is so exaggerated, if all the things are poured out, the whole villa will not be submerged, right?"

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