This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 105 The villa becomes rich overnight and soars to the sky!

Ning Zheng felt that he had never been so happy and so relieved in his life.

After all, he was a small monk who had never seen the world and was used to being poor.

A while ago, he was still a miner in the mine. Even a month ago, he was just running a small local villa, running around and not being able to show his face!

But now?

He couldn't imagine that this was true.

These supplies seemed to fill up the villa!

These countless resources, aren't they more than what the godfather of the demon cultivator earned by robbing caravans everywhere?

It is estimated that even if the godfather worked hard for ten lifetimes and robbed caravans conscientiously, he would never be able to earn so many resources!

We are the orthodox descendants of the robbery cultivator.

What about blacksmithing, doing business? Recognizing fathers? Tomb robbing?

Those are all side jobs!

Countless treasures, elixirs, robes, spells, spirits and flesh

This kind of joy of opening boxes and harvesting only felt so good that the top of the head felt numb.

He experienced the joy of counting money all over the room, and felt that this life had reached the peak of his life.

At this moment, he even had a nouveau riche idea: he wanted to set up a throne on that luxurious resource mountain and enjoy the feeling of being the king sitting on the resource mountain.

Everyone despises nouveau riche, and everyone longs to become a nouveau riche!

At this moment, Ning Zheng felt that recruiting this group of cute little blacksmiths to develop his own villa, move bricks, and wash the floor was definitely the most correct thing he had done in his life.

They are so good at making money.

All kinds of showy operations, so good at showing off.

He continued to flip back.

Starting from the third storage ring, it was the storage bags of those monks who were watching, basically some family children and young heroes.

It was a mess of all kinds of daily necessities.

Clothes, shoes, bellybands, and some people hid a few skeletons, as well as storybooks, pornographic books, and even diaries and some exercises and magical powers.

Originally, it contained personal belongings, but now it was mixed together, just like a garbage dump.

"Too many."

"It looks like the quality is not high, but it is not necessarily. Some of the treasures, skills, and spiritual roots are included, so it is also a profit."

"But these things are too messy. I am afraid that my villa will become a scrap yard."

He thought to himself: "Wait a minute, take them directly to the villa for the blacksmiths to count and classify them. Free labor should not be wasted."

This happiness and joy must be shared.

After a rough glance, Ning Zheng's eyes finally fixed on the storage ring looted by the Fang family, focusing on several second-phase elders.

In the storage ring, there are three second-phase level magic tools, bells, swords, and boots.

It's just a pity that the degree of damage is high.

The color is dull, the spirit of the tool is also broken, and only a shape embryo is left. At most, it is strong and can be used as an iron rod to hit people. There is no need to think about the magic power of the magic tool.

"It's a waste."

Ning Zheng sighed in his heart.

This is also Ning Zheng's disadvantage. He could only shoot arrows, but he was too strong to fly bricks. He could not control his strength and broke the spoils.

However, what surprised Ning Zheng was that:

In the storage bags of these elders in the second phase, he found a large number of intact three-element realm instruments, various elixirs, materials, skills, and spiritual roots

Three-element realm corresponds to the top-grade instruments.

The young blacksmiths who had just been promoted in the villa could not forge them yet.

The style was also very new, and there was no master. It was estimated that these two-element realm elders kept them for their talented descendants in the three-element realm.

Maybe these people were the elders of the power transmission, the elders of the elixir peak, the elders of the instrument peak, and the elders of the spiritual farmer

He thought about it and simply poured it out in one breath and placed it on the ground in a mess. He couldn't understand the elixir,

boots, robes, felt hats

There were as many as thirty pieces!

The light was colorful, as if a rainbow was lit up in the room, magnificent.

This is the color of wealth!

It's so beautiful.

"Now I can use it."

Originally, Ning Zheng, who had broken through the Sanyuan realm, wanted to buy a few high-quality magic tools.

After all, although it is said that the white-letter version is the most cost-effective to concentrate the luck to improve the realm.

Otherwise, he is now at most a four-organ realm with many spells, and his combat power is just so-so, how can it be as good as a blank Sanyuan realm?

But magic tools do not need luck points, so it is not bad to spend some magic money to increase basic combat power.

Sanyuan realm, among a thousand local cities, is already considered the top combat power.

Two-phase realm?

Basically, they all go out to build cities.

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Has the ability to independently demarcate residential areas in the wilderness.

Private holy places, large sects, and large families, the two-phase realm is the core combat power of this kind of independent city in the deep mountains.

And he is in his twenties in the Sanyuan realm, which can be said to be extremely rare.

He does not know the foundation of the big family!

However, Shi Youxing, a local middle-grade magic cultivation family, is over eighty years old and has perfected the four-organ realm.

There is a great hope to impact the Sanyuan realm.

But if you really want to break through, it is estimated that you will have to be about a hundred years old to succeed in the most favorable situation.

The previous Gui Pu, who broke through the Sanyuan realm before the age of a hundred, was rated as one of the top 100 Tianjiao in Xinyizhou.

Of course, Gui Pu himself is not from a big family.

That was a trick, relying on the death sucking of the Yin-Yang Rice Flower Sword and the magic way to break through.

A hundred years old, Sanyuan realm, is obviously a dividing line between the major Tianjiao forces.

But think about it.

The younger the person who breaks through the Sanyuan, the stronger the essence, energy, spirit, and potential!

The older you get, the more your spirit and energy wither, and the harder it is to break through. Even if you break through the Sanyuan realm with great effort, you don't have the capital to break through the next more difficult realm.

Ning Zheng searched for a while and took out a black longbow, made of unknown animal bones, very beautiful and exquisite, he liked it at just one look.

After playing with the longbow for a few times, he smiled with satisfaction.

The enchantment is a magical power that increases attack speed, which is very suitable for his spiritual roots.

However, the magical powers of bows and arrows are basically attack speed and power, which is not surprising.

He studied several robes, boots, and mana amplification, but they had no practical effect on Ning Zheng.

At present, he is a clone to chop people, and the main body does not intend to go in person, so there is no point in wearing it.

He weighed other valuable things, a few exquisite bottles, probably precious elixirs used in the Sanyuan realm and the Erxiang realm, and some very precious divine gold and other forging materials.

Ning Zheng recognized these forging materials because he had seen them when the Zhang family forged divine weapons before.

He weighed the weight and showed a satisfied look: "It's a lot!"

The Zhang family gave three million magic money before, but the materials of the Rice Flower Sword were forged at their own expense. They spent more than 10 million materials and went bankrupt!

Now, just these dozen high-level forging materials are estimated to cost more than 10 million magic money!

It's simply exaggerated.

It is estimated that these elders collected them in the storage bag and planned to ask the god craftsman to help forge them. Unfortunately, Ning Zheng got a bargain.

The most exaggerated thing is:

Ning Zheng also saw an unfamiliar metal material, which exuded a dark golden light and was estimated to be more valuable.

It is estimated to be one of the core materials for forging divine weapons.

"Thanks to the original adoptive father Fang family of the Demon Cultivation Villa."

Ning Zheng sighed, looking satisfied.

He put away some precious things and prepared to take the remaining storage rings to the mountain for them to sort.

He didn't intend to be stingy.

All the materials that could be used were used to develop the villa.

Even the three-element realm weapons and the broken two-phase realm weapons were planned to be left for the blacksmiths to study.

There are even a few private forging inheritances, which are probably the family forging experience that is not passed on to others, and can greatly improve the strength of the blacksmith! Ning Zheng was delighted and walked to the villa silently. As soon as he entered the gate, he saw a group of people still chatting excitedly. After all, the mine cave cinema had just ended, so they naturally gathered in groups of three or two to discuss the plot of the "movie". "Hehehe, I saw that at the end, Jiao Wuyu and Xu Huan went in the same direction." "It's going to be cuckolded." "Scary! Cuckold Villa is about to start showing off its power." "It's commonplace, I'm emotionally stable, don't disturb me!" "What cuckold? Li Youzhu is not dead, she is a widow." "Makes sense." Everyone continued to reason and discuss. Su Yu Niang used her mature ability to deal with people: "Then Jiao Wuyu is my adoptive mother, so won't I have a new father soon? Xu Huan's adoptive father, maybe you can train Ning Jiao Jiao some other day, and call him dad twice first." Ning Zheng ignored it and strode into the villa. As soon as he came in, the blacksmiths in the whole villa were shouting "The old steward is here, Qingtian has it!". Looking at this situation, the old steward has so many storage rings in his hands, obviously the spoils of war are back!

This time the copy is too cool.

And, it is estimated that this time it will be a two-choice reward.

Ning Zheng glanced at them and said: "This time, the owner of the villa is more satisfied with you than expected, so the reward is doubled."

"You can choose two from the following four rewards."

As soon as these words fell, the blacksmiths in the whole Zhujian Villa exploded. The planning benefits are more generous each time, and they are not stingy.

This time it is actually a four-choice two!

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