This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 106: Sanhua Mine, Black Magic Copper

"Long live the old steward!"

"Long live the old steward!"

In the entire villa square, a group of people shouted in unison, their faces were extremely excited.

Amid the excited eyes of the crowd, Ning Zheng did not say anything official, knowing that they were all waiting anxiously.

Soon, Ning Zheng skillfully listed the following four rewards.

Reward 1, 100 new blacksmiths.

Reward 2, each area will be given a [Large Storage Ring] for public savings, which will be managed by the person in charge of the area.

And open the private purchase rights of [Small Storage Bag].

Reward 3, the opening of the Jiao Blood Human Race.

Reward 4, blacksmiths, sort and classify the spoils, and can choose their own rewards from the huge spoils. Each blacksmith is equivalent to a voucher of 500 magic coins!

As soon as the four rewards were announced.

Everyone was so excited that they discussed with each other.

Ning Zheng glanced at them and saw that it would take some time to discuss the results, so he planned to go to the mine to inspect and study the new mines now.

Look at the first mountain copper with three black flowers, what's the difference?

After Ning Zheng left, Jiu Cairong and others in the management were also discussing it enthusiastically.

Adding 100 new blacksmiths is basically a must.

The villa didn't develop before.

The simple blacksmith shop was a small room with no other facilities at all, and the number of people felt just right.

However, with the opening of a large number of facilities, the number of new forging furnaces increased, and the number of spiritual fields increased, the manpower was seriously insufficient, the productivity was insufficient, and many daily tasks were shelved!

The option of the first 100 blacksmiths was almost locked.

The remaining three options are to be studied.

"Space storage, it doesn't seem so necessary?" Aunt Xian couldn't help but say: "Anyway, the villa is quite big now! Once the warehouse is put, it's done!"

She was envious of option 4.

500 magic money, for her, who runs a clinic, is also a huge sum of money that can only be earned in a week.

"In fact, this storage option will make it much more convenient for us. For example, we need to transport ore to the villa on the mountain and the prison at the foot of the mountain every day. It will be convenient to have this thing!" Jiucai Rong said: "In addition, the local tyrants also want to buy some personal storage bags. One cubic meter costs 600 magic coins. This is a symbol of the local tyrants. But compared with other options, it feels that it can be temporarily postponed." The third one, Jiaoxue Human Race, is a missed reward that was not selected before. At that time, winter had just begun, and they were still considering whether to choose this cold-resistant new race to enter the winter. Even now, it is a very good option. The money boy eats soil, and the human race is mediocre. This is obviously a powerful race in the early stage! To be honest, two birth races are a bit too few for current players! And the last option is a simple and rough reward of 500 magic coins. This is quite generous! Mine cave. Just as they were happily analyzing, Ning Zheng had already arrived at the bottom of the mine cave. He did not take Xiaogao away. Instead, he went around and secretly sent Xiaogao to the city wall of Xinyizhou City. In that situation, he could take Xiaogao away.

Because she was not a bound spirit, but a living person, of course she could escape from prison.

Before, when it was normal, her muddled mind certainly could not get out of the city wall, because the city gate was guarded.

But at that time, the city wall was broken, and it was easy for him to take people away directly.

But why didn't Ning Zheng take Xiaogao away? Bring her back to the villa as a bodyguard?

Because Xiaogao's real body is the heart.

If he didn't take the heart and took this person away, it would be useless.

On the contrary.

It would make the court suspicious.

Xiaogao disappeared, and people might suspect that she did it!

Did this group of cults secretly rescue her, or have some conspiracy behind the scenes?

The other party controlled her heart, which was equivalent to deciding her life and death at any time. Seeing that she was missing, they might just kill her and execute her on the spot!

Taking her away would harm her instead.

There are probably quite a few ancient prisoners in the prison. If she is sent back, she will be hidden among the prisoners, and she will not be suspected.

Ning Zheng's spiritual roots and aura are obviously different from hers!

Moreover, staying in Xinyizhou City also has great strategic significance, which may not be worse than staying in the villa!

Need to know.

Xinyizhou City is the center of a continent.

Place a nuclear bomb there, and you can enter the driver's seat at any time and start the Gundam mecha in Xinyizhou City!

Not only can you make trouble in the state city at any time, but you can also sneak into any local city through the teleportation array!

The center of Qiancheng, nuclear bombs, point to hit wherever you want!

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Your own nuclear deterrence may not be weaker than a small holy land!

Of course, there is a very important premise.

"I have to find out the prison mechanism inside."

"See if you can secretly let Xiaogao leave through the teleportation array, and send him back quietly after the fight."

"The core point is that it cannot be detected."

"The ghost is bound and there is no way to take it away, but the living can be taken away. I just don't know their living supervision mechanism, whether it is strict or not."

Ning Zheng feels that there is a good chance.

After all, the heart is the core custody object of the prisoners in the state of mind.

These ancient prisoners are now brain-dug every day, muddleheaded, and the supervision should not be strict.

After figuring out Xiaogao's problem, Ning Zheng checked the ore vein and found something unusual.

He found black magic copper!

And it was still growing slowly.

"It feels like copper essence, nurturing essence?"

Ning Zheng pondered.

Xiaogao is a living person. Giving her a black three-flower will not make her resurrect like a ghost and become a ghost king.

Although she is not a ghost king, there should be huge benefits!

It's just that Xiaogao's brain is not good enough. She is still locked up. After getting the new power, she is still confused and unable to use it.

Ning Zheng doesn't know what has changed.

"We have to observe it again."

Ning Zheng pondered.

This black magic copper feels that this mine has indeed been upgraded!

Magic copper is a necessary material for basic magic tools.

But it is too basic and has a very low mana storage capacity. High-level magic tools do not use magic copper for energy storage.

They use a more advanced "high-energy battery" to store the mana of weapons. This kind of battery is basically precious natural treasures, and even the core of some demon kings.

Therefore, every time a high-level weapon is forged, even a magic weapon, it requires the cultivators to hunt frantically and go deep into various secret places.

Therefore, the casualty rate of high-level cultivators has always been very high. Which one of the alchemy materials and forging materials is not risky?

At present, if the villa can mine high-grade forging materials and more advanced "batteries", it would be a great thing.

As for not mining the mine?

Ning Zheng does not intend to do that.

Whether to pity this old god is another matter.

The main thing is that the supervision mechanism of the Supreme Prison in Xinyizhou is so perfect!

It is very difficult to escape from prison.

Even saving a bound earth spirit on the street of the city wall requires overcoming many difficulties.

If it were not for the attack of the cult, how could Ning Zheng single-handedly snatch the "key" of the city gate from the Fang family?

Even the dead are so difficult to save.

Not to mention the living prehistoric old god.

This is a living person!

It is not a defective trick. If a prehistoric overlord is released, how much harm will it do to the entire Xinyizhou?

If Ning Zheng is not wrong.

There should be special people watching the market flow, the shipment volume of each mine, whether it is forging magic tools, and whether it is selling magic copper.

If you don't dig and don't torture, you will probably be checked!

This mineral vein belongs to the public property of Xinyizhou.

It provides supply and demand for various cities. If it is not mined, there will be a big problem with market supply and demand.

If it is not mined, the reason may be investigated, whether it is a force from the old era, who wants to rescue people.

If it is an ordinary force, it may be able to withstand the investigation, but Ning Zheng has too many secrets here, and it will be a big deal if it is investigated.

Therefore, Ning Zheng plans to keep it as usual.

To know the specific situation of the black magic copper, we have to use these materials to make magic tools to know the results.

After studying the mine for a while, Ning Zheng returned to the square of the villa and found that Jiucai Rong and others had finished the discussion.

Everyone was so happy that their faces were flushed, and some even showed their traditional art:

Eating dirt!

A group of sand sculpture blacksmiths were sticking their butts out and chewing everywhere, celebrating happily.

"Sir, we choose a voucher of 500 French coins and invite 100 of our fellow villagers to work in the villa and shine for the owner!" Jiucai Rong said carefully: "And, you look at the 100 blacksmith quotas, can you give us an invitation letter and let us choose our own people?" Ning Zheng was silent for a moment. This was asking for too much. He wanted to take the invitation letter out to sell for money. It was a special reward for them before, and the regular options should not be like this. But he thought about it and realized that these blacksmiths have done well recently. "Fifty quotas, the rest are random." Ning Zheng responded. "Thank you, sir!" Jiucai Rong smiled happily. 83 latest address Read the latest chapters of this group of players is more cunning than cunning Please follow the Xiake Novel Network (

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