This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 108 The Sword Fairy officially arrives in Beijing!

After a long while, the blacksmiths finally accepted this amazing news.

In their opinion, this is also a reward for the success of the dungeon!

It is estimated that they have completed the task very well this time. Various rewards have been thrown one after another, making them dizzy and unable to react.

"Chief of City Management!"


"Wow! Managing a city remotely?"

"Even if it is a data text adventure, it is cool!"

They discussed it more happily.

Ning Zheng was also surprised. Didn't Yanhua go to brag about the owner of the manor, set up the tombstone of Linmen, and build a shrine for him, a living person?

How did it suddenly become like this?

Ning Zheng listened carefully to the experience and found it incredible.

The inspector does not have any work on weekdays. It is an idle position.

After all.

The ghosts of various professions in the city operate in their own circles.

But now, all the ghosts in Linmen are dead, and it will take some time before they are resurrected.

So Yanhua, the living steward of the city, is busy instead!

Su Yu Niang, who owns a shop opposite, is very excited:

"I am very busy now, planning the plots. Have you ever played this kind of game, simulating city management?"

"It's similar to this now!"

"Build the plots in advance, waiting for the NPC residents to be resurrected one by one."

"For example, I will place the [Changfeng Restaurant] here, and when the time comes, the shopkeeper inside will be resurrected!"

"The positions of the outer disciples of the holy land in those restaurants will be placed in the toilets, and when they are resurrected, they will collect toilet tickets from guests."

"Restaurant plots, inn plots, living areas, government plots"

"This is the planning area."

"When the ghost is resurrected, "" Now the housekeeper in the family tomb, responsible for planning, holding the NPC list, building, and preparing to rebuild this city. The real housekeeper is not impossible. "" Keke, although we don't know how the owner of this tomb will be disposed of, after all, it is the kind of thing, "everyone feels interesting. The plot of this game is too compact. The new plot will appear so soon, the scales city management! This is obviously a great plot. Make the owner, of course, if you do it well, you will change your job after you finish it. Ning Zheng was shocked when she heard about this, but she still planned to go to Xinyizhou City.

After all, the rewards here have been distributed almost, and she is too lazy to keep an eye on such trivial matters as sorting. Naturally, there will be audience perspectives to help supervise all aspects of the Scale Gate.

When Ning Zheng came here through the teleportation array, she found that it was very lively here, and it had vaguely become one of the most popular 3,000 city gates.

There was a lot of traffic.

People came and went.

Originally, due to historical reasons here, the natives were hostile, and there had never been so many living people.

Now it is not only under construction, but also requires a large number of manpower. It is probably because of the travelers from various cities who came here because of the battle.

However, it is estimated that after a while, things will calm down, and the Scale Gate will return to being deserted.

When Ning Zheng was crossing the street, she happened to see something dazzled.

He was wearing an official uniform with beautiful and delicate magnolia flowers embroidered on it, and a hair crown on his head. He was discussing something with several scholars, pointing and talking, as if planning the reconstruction of the street.

And beside him, Yu Jin Jiu Cai Rong was also helping.

Ning Zheng stood in the distance and watched for a while, then walked to a nearby restaurant and sat down silently.

"This battle is rare in a lifetime."

"Yes, I saw it clearly at that time."

"Your Excellency is so timid that you dare not come here. We are all living in peace in the city wall."

He listened to the voices around him and gradually understood the situation after the war, the casualties ratio of the evil cult and the righteous.

And, through the discussion of the people here, he also got a message:

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Xinyizhou City is preparing to send troops to attack several Wushengjiao strongholds, and has already gathered troops to set off.

After all, after being attacked, the court did not respond again. Where is the majesty?

Counterattack is inevitable.

And the Wushengjiao, which jumped the most, was selected as the target of attack.

Ning Zheng looked strange when he heard it: "They counterattacked Wushengjiao?"

Xinyizhou City is worthy of being the capital of a continent. The attack has quickly returned to calm.

The unbreakable wall is still worthy of its name.

As long as the wall is not broken, the enemy's attack will not hurt the foundation. The "city wall cannon" will attack at regular intervals. Who can stop it?

It is said that these cults prepared for a long time and took out the powerful magic weapons at the bottom of the box. They broke more than a dozen pieces before they blocked two waves of siege attacks on the city wall.

Yes, they only blocked two waves.

The third wave of artillery did not come, so they ran away because they could not bear it at all.

At that time, the battle actually lasted only more than two hours.

Now the people of Xinyizhou City are just like nothing happened, continuing to chat and brag in the restaurant, which is due to their strong confidence in the city.

But soon, he was attracted by another piece of news.

The team of Sword Fairy and others going to Beijing opened the teleportation array of the palace in Zhoucheng this morning and set off directly!

It is said that they will rest for three days, dress up, learn etiquette, and meet the emperor directly!

"Is the Sword Fairy in Beijing now?" Ning Zheng took a deep breath and looked at the sky outside the window of the restaurant: "She never stops."

Meet the emperor, Beijing!

He felt that he had to prepare well.

The first big customer of our villa is probably the saint of the present.

Moreover, the people who took the order together were famous craftsmen and masters from all over the world.

He was like a kitten mixed in a group of tigers, and he had to pretend to be very calm, very knowledgeable, and a tiger with fangs and claws, so as not to find out that he was a fake.

He fished in the muddy waters, made a few suggestions, and pretended to be very powerful.

But it was actually very difficult to operate!

"I feel a little stressed." In the restaurant, Ning Zheng pondered, drank a glass of wine, and looked worried.

He is not as heartless as the blacksmiths.

A flash of white light passed by.

The Sword Fairy accompanied Jian Xin to the gate of a vast city wall.

Surrounded by various high-level professionals in the team entering Beijing.

There were even seven or eight special treasures like the Sword Fairy, black jars and ancient bells of unknown age and meaning.

Some of these things were unearthed from ancient times, and some were heirlooms from some ancient survivors in the mountains. I don't know what super-ancient era or period, even these high-level professionals can't easily understand.

The Sword Fairy is just one of them.

"Finally arrived in Beijing."


Many people smiled and looked longing.

Even among these secondary professional great monks of a continent, many of them have never been to the capital. After all, those who can reach the high level are basically very focused, in other words: stay at home.

And the capital is extremely far away for most monks.

The energy level of the great monks is extremely high, and ordinary teleportation arrays cannot withstand it, so they can only reach it through the teleportation array of the continent city.

If they don’t use the teleportation array, they need to cross mountains and ridges.

But that is something that only combat monks can do. For these non-combat professionals, crossing mountains and ridges is looking for death.

"This is the capital!"

Like other non-professional monks, the sword fairy looked at this city with excitement, "I want to make a name for myself and show my style!"

At this time, they were in front of a city gate.

On the huge black city gate stone tablet of 100 meters, there were ancient and simple words, as if the eternal years were standing in front of them, welcoming the travelers of the past era.

[Welcome to the capital, respected visitors, for your personal safety, please abide by the following rules of the capital. ]

[1. Please do not tell the color of the lantern, and do not talk about life and death with anything in the city. ]

[2. If you see a life in the city that is not in the right clothes for the times, or in strange clothes, please ignore it, but do not talk to them, let alone accept their invitation to go out of the city. You don't want to know where you will follow them after you leave the city. ]

[3. Whether inside or outside the city, the whole land is full of colorful flowers and full of vitality, but please remember that all normal flowers have three petals. Please protect normal flowers. Flowers with less than three petals should be picked immediately. Flowers with more than three petals should be kept away immediately, and relevant personnel should be notified to take measures immediately. ]

[4. Special abnormal situations may occur in the city. No matter how strange they are, please ignore them and stay away quietly. ]

[5. Under the condition of abiding by the rules, it is absolutely safe inside the city wall. ]

The Sword Fairy's face changed slightly, and she stood at the gate of the city wall.

She felt a creepy feeling for some reason. There are still a lot of cars and people inside, and countless monks are walking around. It is very prosperous, and it is a huge and prosperous city.

But I originally thought that this place is similar to the Zhoucheng of Jiuzhou, or even larger and more prosperous. Who knows that the structure here seems to be completely different, and the rules make people feel uneasy.

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