This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 109: Ancient Secret Realm, Tomb of the Former Emperor

The rules of the capital?

The Sword Fairy was surprised.

But the members around her who came to the capital were used to it, as if they had known that there would be such rules.

She was an honest person, and asked when she didn't understand: "What's the situation here?"

Xinyizhou, the master craftsman, looked at her and smiled gently:

"This is the law. The capital is naturally not a place outside the law. It is the obligation of every citizen to abide by the law. Lawbreakers will pay the price with their lives."

The Sword Fairy was speechless and said angrily: "Why is this law so strange? The law is usually not allowed to kill, set fire, or steal."

"This is the capital, can the law be the same as that of mortal towns?" Xinyi Baishan was evasive and liked to tease the Sword Fairy.

Jian Xin next to her smiled, "You were not a demon king in your life, and you don't even know this."

The Sword Fairy was puzzled.

Could it be that even high-level cultivators know that this is a common thing?

Jian Xin glanced at the Sword Fairy and patiently explained: "The ghost has a murderous obsession. Do you know this? When monks enter the tomb and the Ghost Village, they must abide by some murderous rules." The Sword Fairy nodded. Zhang Huaping said that the essence of the ghost is a logical soul bubble. For example. This ghost likes to take a nap, so it is safe for you to enter the village at this time. There is also a rule: [It is safe at noon, provided that you do not disturb his lunch break. ] This ghost does not like people to make noise when reading. At this time, a little noise will kill people, so you must be careful. So there is a rule [You must be quiet when you hear the sound of turning pages]. After death, the obsession in life will be infinitely magnified. He did not like to make noise when reading when he was alive, and at most he would start a quarrel with you, the neighbor. But after death, if you make a sound when he is reading, he will directly kill you! But it is like using a magnifying glass. Any action that makes him dissatisfied in life will make the other party enter the rampage mode. Especially some honest people who seemed timid and cowardly when they were alive. They could only endure whatever happened and dared not fight back.

But after death, he may have the most rules. Once he is angry, he will go berserk. If he is not careful, he will go berserk and kill people. This is a reflection of his inner heart. Instead, he is very likely to become vicious.

People often say not to provoke honest people, and that makes sense.

It is not that honest people do not get angry, but they have not reached that threshold. Once they get angry, they are very scary and even go berserk!

It’s just that the honest people in this world may always be honest until death, and go berserk after death.

——I was submissive when I was alive, and I will hit hard after death!

Isn’t this a kind of don’t bully the poor young?

Therefore, it also formed the killing rules mentioned by most cultivators, which essentially avoids his daily behavior route and does not do things that make the other party dissatisfied.

Of course, this is the way for weak casual cultivators like Zhang Huaping to save their lives when they encounter strange villages at night and mistakenly enter strange mountains.

If the cultivator is stronger than the strange, there is no need to be afraid of any obsession, just attack directly.

When dizzy and crazy, just slap it away!

Jian Xin said: "Those who have traveled far know that some large ancient secret realms and dangerous places have such rules that need to be followed because the ghosts in them are very scary."

"The guys in the secret realm are more powerful than you living people?" The Fairy Doctor said in surprise.

"Of course."

Jian Xin showed a heavy look:

"History is very long and long. Some secret realms are too old. After the changes of the times, some things have become eternal."

"And those secret realms are where the earth veins are broken, just like the roots of a tree are broken. The saints control the earth veins, but they can't control them, and the red sun can't suck away the ghosts there."

"Of course, the greater probability is that the ghosts there are too strong, and the saints can't suck them away from a long distance!"

The Fairy Sword probably understood what it meant.

The saints opened the red sun and sucked back the earth veins, which is a super large range.

It belongs to a group attack, so the lethality to a single unit is naturally not strong.

Some powerful ghosts may be able to resist directly.

Jian Xin continued:

"The broken veins that are not under the jurisdiction of the saints are self-circulating, like deep pools, which are the ancient secret realms we call, each with its own operating rules."

The Sword Fairy was a little surprised: "So, you big guys have to abide by some rules when exploring these secret realms, so as not to offend the indescribable ancient gods in ancient times, the Old Ones?"

Jian Xin was stunned.

The Old Ones?

This statement is novel.

"Almost." Jian Xin said gently: "Essentially, they are just logical soul bubbles. From this principle, you can find most of the answers."

The Sword Fairy suddenly understood that high-level monks went to these places for adventures.

Now she has truly revealed a corner of high-level monks.

"This is the capital, and rules must be followed here too," the Sword Fairy suddenly said.

She was horrified. There are also some ancient horrors here?

The capital itself is a super large secret realm?

Jian Xin smiled gently: "This is not only the capital of today, but also the capital of the previous dynasty!"

The Sword Fairy was shocked and understood instantly.

This is the hub of the previous dynasty, the core of the world!

I don't know how many people died in the past, even the saints of the previous dynasty may have died here.

Because too many people died, perhaps some great terror was bred.

So, after they conquered the country, the capital was set here.

This is the emperor guarding the country's gate!

After the founding of the country, all evil spirits must be suppressed, and no evil spirits are allowed to be formed after the founding of the country!

"It is very safe here, much better than other secret realms. These rules are very simple, aren't they?"

Jian Xin was in a good mood, perhaps because his childhood playmate Xu Huan was rescued a few days ago, and he was in a very good mood, so he continued to popularize science:

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"The secret realms we are going to are really scary! The ecology there is self-contained, and it is similar to the tombs of the state capital. Mountains, rivers, palaces, armies, and sects are buried with the deceased. The currently known identity information shows that many of them are prehistoric imperial tombs and emperor tombs."

The sword fairy understood.

Even their founding heroes were buried with a big city, mountains, rivers, and rivers.

Those ancient nobles were naturally the same.

It may even be more luxurious and grand!

"The previous dynasty was different from ours. It was very chaotic. In just over 100,000 years at the end of the dynasty, more than 30 rulers were replaced, and the internal strife was very terrifying. Therefore, they had many imperial tombs, which were hidden very deeply. They used terrible formations to erase traces and conceal them."

"But we have also excavated a lot based on historical positioning and some historical records."

Jian Xin suddenly said:

"Some secret realms are very strange. For example, when we entered, the owner of the tomb liked a lively environment when he was alive. He even had to listen to the noise when he slept, otherwise he would suffer from insomnia. We had to keep the noise when we entered. If the noise was quiet, he would kill people immediately."

The Sword Fairy said: "Then what are you going to do when you go in?"

Jian Xin said: "Randomize, sneak into palaces, secret rooms, find ancient treasures, and even the owners of those tombs will continue to make treasures themselves."

The Sword Fairy showed a look of yearning and longing.

Show operation, show technology, show the guessing of people's hearts, analyze the information of the tomb owner, and make strategies.

Explore secret realms?

It is essentially tomb robbing.

If you have the ability, you can attack by force. If you don't have the ability, you can lie.

This also led to some low-level cultivators entering, and they may have obtained powerful treasures that high-level cultivators could not take down by force through wisdom and means, and soared into the sky.

This is too interesting!

Enter the tomb, disguise your identity, maid, male servant, and mix into the secret realm

Jian Xin said: "Do you know why one continent has to build a thousand cities?"

"If these cities are just for people to live in, why not live in the state capital? If they are expanded, humans can also live there. It is safest to keep warm together."

"These thousand official cities scattered everywhere actually serve as teleportation points."

"Evenly distributed in every corner of Xinyizhou, allowing the human race to quickly reach the secret realm in every corner of Xinyizhou."

A thousand official cities are actually footholds, increasing the court's dominance over the local area!


There is no spies in your area, and you don't know what happened.

This world can still be said to belong to your court?

A thousand local cities have far greater strategic significance than economic benefits.

In fact, the power gradient of the entire Xinyi Province is as follows:

[Low-level living area within the wall]: one thousand local cities.

[Average power]: Sanyuan, middle-grade spiritual root forces.

The weakest human settlement area, where there are Sanyuan monks, is more of a nail, rooted in that area.

[Intermediate living area within the wall]: private fortresses, small sect cities, small holy lands and immortal mountains.

[Average power]: Erxiang, upper-grade spiritual root forces.

They were also low-level monks who walked out of a thousand cities at the beginning.

The three major families in Pingchang City before, if a certain generation of Sanyuan realm Daquan breaks through further and a master of Erxiang realm appears, they can leave the city and build an independent city.

Unfortunately, it is difficult for most families to make a leap.

[Advanced living area within the wall]: ancient sects, holy lands, ancient families.

[Average power]: Yixin, heavenly spiritual root forces.

They live in deep mountains and old forests, and the human living wall area they built is not even much smaller than a vast continental city!

It's just that the quality of their walls can't be as high as that of Xinyizhou City.

There may be more than a dozen or even dozens of one-hearted ancestors in the past dynasties, scattered around the city walls.

[Top living area inside the wall]: Zhou City.

[Average combat power]: One-hearted, possible existence of Huawo Realm.

Even as powerful as the ruler of the world - the human race, there are only nine walls.

It is called the unbreakable wall.

Even in the previous surprise attack, the various ancient cults and magic forces did not do anything to hurt Zhou City.

Don't think that these cults and magic are weak.

Many of them have continued since the founding of the country, and even in the previous dynasty, they were the biggest worries of the court. They also tried to dominate the world during the turbulent times, but in the end they were suppressed by the saints.

After hearing the general division of the power levels in the world, the sword fairy sighed in her heart.

This is to get away from the tiny Sword Casting Villa, a small Pingchang City, and see the big map of the whole world!

City level division, ancient secret realm, killing rules

The lower-level cultivators cannot see this information, and this is the real Jiuzhou.

"Let's go, let's go into the city and go to the reception area."

Jian Xin is familiar with the route and walks in front of the city: "There is naturally a mansion of our Xinyi Palace here in the capital, which is just right for us to stay."

Jian Fairy nodded: "As long as we abide by the rules, we will be safe."

"It's natural." Jian Xin smiled and said, "Don't worry about safety."

As she came to the street, she became excited all of a sudden.

She seemed to have entered a dreamlike sea of ​​flowers.

The streets and houses of the entire city were wrapped in flowers.

Every flower was blooming enthusiastically and withering quickly, forming a colorful landscape line, full of endless vitality and vigor.

Flowers bloomed and withered, alternating rapidly.


The breeze blew, and the petals were like delicate silk, layered.

Every flower was showing the splendor and glory of life, as if every flower represented an extreme splendor.

"The capital is so beautiful."

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