This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 111 The development direction of the villa

"If you want it, you'd better hurry up."

"Low-level female ghosts of the Wusheng Cult are more popular."

Shi Youxing said with a smile: "What are the requirements for maids? 1. Low cultivation, not easy to get into trouble when crazy, 2. Beautiful appearance, 3. Tasteful and good personality."

"These Wusheng Cult members just meet the requirements. They look like demon cultivators, but they are essentially cowardly. The only bad thing they have done is to cultivate demon babies."

Ning Zheng's face darkened: "You don't need to tell me your sales pitch. How is the cultivation?"

"They are basically mortals, or just entering the Five Body Realm." Shi Youxing said: "The lower the maid's cultivation, the better, and they are the most popular. As for the high-level ones, they have to be kept in solitary confinement, and we can't take them."

Ning Zheng felt a little regretful.

The high-quality ones are actually the best.

What a pity!

But Ning Zheng also knew that those who can be sold are basically the lowest of the lowest.

As long as it is a small leader who knows some secrets of the Wusheng Cult, they will not be sold to the outside world, let alone the high-level ones who know the secrets.

"I want them all." Ning Zheng said, "I'll give you a higher commission, and you'll do a better job. In the future, notify me first of such things." Shi Youxing said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm a professional." Ning Zheng discussed it again and decided on 1,000 female ghosts, and all the numbers offered would be purchased. This number is so neat, there must be a fraction. But the people in the government like to round it up, so there is no need for him to take risks for the remaining part. This is already a very large number. Because the probability of the birth of ghosts is originally low, this is because many believers died. I heard that a medium-sized city in the deep mountains and several castle strongholds in small places were destroyed. However, this should be just the beginning, and there will be more to come. Shi Youxing has money to make, and his efficiency is quite fast. He said that he can negotiate in the afternoon and send it over through the teleportation array. Ning Zheng was also very happy with this efficiency, and the foundation of the missile was strengthened again. Afternoon. Teleportation array. Shi Youyou brought a black jar as a handover. There are a thousand low-level ghosts in it. This jar is called a soul-summoning jar, a low-level magic weapon. Some people use it to summon ghosts for battle, and more often it is used to store low-level ghosts for transportation.

Ning Zheng found it convenient.

Thinking carefully, it seems that there are also goods that she robbed, and there are too many things to remember.

These good things must be used.

At present, the villa is still being sorted.

"Sir, do you think I can enter the villa?" Shi Youyou looked forward to it, wanting to enter the villa again and have a pleasant exchange with the little blacksmiths. It was really interesting to scare them away last time.

Ning Zheng thought about it. These people are still helping her do hard work. How can they have time to accompany her intrigue? She refused: "They are very busy. Let's talk about it when you send the ghosts next time."

"Okay then." Shi Youyou looked disappointed.

Ning Zheng sent the other party away, and did not enter the Sword Casting Villa. Instead, he directly sent this batch of prisoners to the prison at the foot of the mountain and handed them over to the prison head Yu Jin Su Yu Niang.

After hearing the whole story, Su Yu Niang was overjoyed and said to the 1,000 new inmates:

"You are saved!"

"Here is the secret base of the Wusheng Sect!"

"Do you know who became famous in Xinyizhou? Who made our Wusheng Sect famous?"

"Our deputy leader is here!"

"You come here, just like going home, the sisters speak well! Everyone is talented, it's rich and easy here, dancing every night to relax, and the food at the bonfire party is good"

Su Yu Niang's speech, coupled with the persuasion of the existing female prisoners, instantly everyone flashed admiring eyes.

"Deputy leader!"

"Deputy leader!"

They shouted.

Ning Zheng looked silent: ""

The Wusheng Sect is too miserable!

They were framed and blamed, most of the people died, and now they are bought back, and our demon-suppressing tower is fattened.

Our demon-suppressing tower has become stronger, and we can go out to fight for a better reputation for the Wusheng Sect. The court continues to encircle and suppress them in anger, and we continue to buy here, adding new prisoners, and strengthening the demon-suppressing tower again, and we can also fight for a better reputation.

This cycle is excellent! !

In the long run, the number of Wusheng Sect followers will increase, and may exceed the total number of Wusheng followers!

When we meet in the future, there will be a good show:


Am I fake?

I have more followers than you!


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Spiritual roots are wrong?

I have more followers than you!

The whole prison is full of people.

Ning Zheng looked at the thousands of people laughing and talking happily, and slowly turned around and left. An idea came to his mind:

"Don't say the deputy leader, by then, the leader of Wusheng Sect can compete!"

At night, seven o'clock.

Ning Zheng completed a hard and fulfilling day of work, and finally took a temporary break.

He went home and silently calculated the income of the past few days.

1000 female prisoners = 1500 daily output of luck points.

This enhanced prison cornucopia, the output of my own luck points, directly soared to 6000 points per day.

In order to be on the safe side, Ning Zheng still added points to her luck points every day to ensure good luck every day, and today's luck points became 2350 points.

350 points came from the blessing of the ancestors.

2000 points were taken out of my savings.

If the daily luck is not increased, I feel nervous. The luckier I am, the more I have to be wary of failure.

Now he carefully calculated that the villa's mineral veins, huge resources, and the luck value of the Linmen station have all skyrocketed, which can be said to be a comprehensive enhancement.

Fortune is sought in danger, this is really the truth.

He attacked with the means of a state of mind, which is naturally equivalent to getting the resources of a state of mind.

Perhaps for a state of mind, the harvest of this battle is average, but for a small cultivator like himself, it is a big profit.

The blacksmiths' hands are cramped!

Now they are busy all day and happily get off work at seven o'clock.

The whole forum is filled with joy, and countless people are discussing various things, because there are too many hot spots recently, and all professions are busy.

One of the popular posts is still very popular.

It belongs to an old reviewer who has made a name for himself.

"Nightly Crazy Cultivation Sixth Body: This is my last review before I enter the game! 》

"Ahahaha, sorry, everyone, I just received a private message from the forum. There are 50 blacksmith invitations available for purchase. I got a family sponsorship from a rich man for an invitation. I will soon become a blacksmith!"

"I have been diligent in posting, and God really rewards hard work!"

Under the post, there are all kinds of sour comments and messages, such as "Eating spears", "damn show-offs", and sour comments.

"Okay, let's talk business. There are three major developments at present."

"1. Black copper. Several blacksmiths have been forced out of the sorting team and returned to the blacksmith shop to study the properties of new minerals.

As we guessed, Xiaogao is the mother of the mine. If Xiaogao is fattened up, the quality of the mine will grow!"

"2. Beijing. I just got the news from Su Yu Niang, a shop owner. I heard that the sword fairy has entered Beijing! As expected, the fishing plan is a lose-lose situation. It is useless to stay here after the end. Enter Beijing.

The next main task we are looking forward to is coming! Saint business order! Blacksmiths in the villa, go! Forge the sun and the moon, and hang high in the nine states!"

"3. Dazzled Inspector, this is the most outrageous! Linmen Butler, urban infrastructure, this is left to those farming bosses to plan, how Reasonable planning of buildings, finding some tricks, and increasing tourism. "Of course, the ultimate goal of these buildings is to please the tomb owner, but who is the tomb owner? What are his preferences? If you don't understand, it's very difficult." "If you don't take the opportunity to please the tomb owner, it is estimated that it will become an idle position after the construction is completed, and the task will be very difficult." The sixth body of the crazy cultivation of the night: "Finally, I personally think that going to Beijing to meet the emperor is a business order!" "But Xinyizhou is our foundation, and the villa is our core. Developing the scale gate of the continent city may be the external interface of our power." "If I am not wrong, the future plot is: the world is gradually in chaos, and the chaotic times are coming. The scale gate may be the best choice for us to make connections!" Ning Zheng looked at this analysis and felt that it made sense. The saint's business is indeed very urgent! If it is completed, it can help us open up the high-end market. Even the saints have placed orders with us. This must be a beginning. There must be orders from saints, saints, and other major sects. But no matter how good the weapon list is, it is of no practical help with the location of our villa. It's like opening an "online store" on the Internet is very powerful, but what's the use of having more customers?

I live in a slum in reality, surrounded by robbers. My wealth will only make me more insecure.

We are still very weak in reality!

The real identity is not a real hidden family of divine craftsmen, but a middle-grade family outside the city.

So, we still have to lay a solid foundation for our villa.

Xinyizhou is where I am.

If I can take root in Linmen, I will become a local big family in Xinyizhou City, integrate into the circle of friends in Xinyizhou City, and get real-time information from the upper level, which will make the villa much safer.

The development of Linmen is a good channel.

Cultivating immortals is about human relationships.

I have gained huge benefits from the Shi family in the magic cultivation circle. It can be seen that if I integrate into the higher circle of cultivators, the inner circle of Xinyizhou City, I will have a lot of connections and resources.

Many times, those high-end forces casually reveal a little information, which is life-saving for the lower-level forces.

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