This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 112 Sanhua Nursery, the terror from ancient times!

Ning Zheng was not unclear about the future development plans of the villa in the evaluation.

It was these people's free analysis that made Ning Zheng feel more cost-effective.


Ning Zheng himself was also a country bumpkin who had never seen the world. His knowledge level was basically the same as these blacksmiths who had no knowledge.

He really couldn't give a higher level of insight than the players.

After reading the discussion in the forum for a while, the blacksmith, spiritual farmer, alchemist, and hairpin lady were all discussing very carefully. I think their fully automated management of the villa is on the right track.

As the villa has more and more professional divisions, he can't pay attention to all of them. It is best to appoint a person in charge and delegate power.

The power is to earn resources for oneself, and one's core goal is to practice.


Ning Zheng began to study his own cultivation.

He had not practiced seriously after just breaking through the Sanyuan realm.


Jingyuan realm, Qiyuan realm, Shenyuan realm.

Each realm has a huge gap.

After all.

The further you go, the fewer realms there are, and the more terrifying the gap between realms!

In Pingchang City, only those with masters in the Divine Origin Realm can be called first-tier families.

For example, the three major families in Pingchang City before, such as the Xuelihua Family and the Shi Family in the magic cultivation circle.

And Jingyuan and Qiyuan belong to the third-tier and second-tier families in the city respectively.

"So, you have to enter the Divine Origin Realm to be comparable to the three ancestors in the tomb."

Ning Zheng pondered.

The Xuelihua Family has three people in the Divine Origin Realm, and there were more ancestors before escaping from Xinyizhou City. I am afraid that the middle-grade family is also top-notch.

It is even infinitely close to the upper grade, and there is only one genius who breaks through the second phase realm to break the class.

It's a pity that Li Youzhu loves to make trouble and ruined everything.

This is a negative example of a tomb ancestor who kills the living in the family.

He also cheated his relatives and friends who have been married for generations-the Shi family. People don’t know that they have been cheated. They think they are brothers in distress and are still supporting each other.

Do you have a clear conscience?

Ning Zheng quickly calculated:

"100,000 luck points are worth one small realm."

"Now I have 6,000 luck points a day, 100,000 luck points in 17 days, and I can break through a small realm of Sanyuan. This speed is not bad!"

But now that I have luck, how can I improve my soul realm with luck?

Before, my physical body was of the ninth level, and I was very "lucky" to blindly break through the five limbs and four internal organs without damage.

Now that I want to improve my soul, I can't rush around. How should I use this good luck?


He closed his eyes slightly and entered into meditation.

The five external circulations and the four internal organs circulation.

The double circulation of blood and qi rushed in the body, like a rushing river, flowing faster and faster, promoting the blooming of the three flowers on the top of the head.

At this moment, it seemed as if the double blood and flesh circulation body was a vase, giving birth to flowers.


In an instant, the brilliance was overflowing and the flowers bloomed.

Ning Zheng felt that three flowers above his head had broken out of their shells, sprouting buds and roots, growing and growing, breaking through the clouds above his head.


He seemed to have entered a perspective of a soul leaving his body, and suddenly crashed into the sky.

The mountains, villas, and prisons below became smaller and smaller.

Gradually, he saw the city of Pyeongchang next door, and the huge city walls came into view, but they were also shrinking rapidly.

Ning Zheng gradually entered the sky, and the whole person became lighter and lighter, like a gust of wind, a cloud.

Am I a Dharma image entering the stars?

Ning Zheng couldn't help thinking, he was indeed like those huge Dharma images, entering the sky and turning into stars.

However, he was now in the Sanyuan realm, not the Dharma image rising into the sky, but the three flowers rising into the sky.


He passed through the gray clouds, rolling and floating in the sky, and the surroundings were like the heavy tones in an oil painting.


"Hahahaha, I'm free from the cage, and I'm free to swim in the world!"

On the cloud, a hearty and heroic laughter sounded in my ears, as if floating in the wind.

It seems that there are people like Ning Zheng who are flying in the clouds.

Break free from the cage?

Could it be now?

It's just the right time!

Without listening to the voice, Ning Zheng felt that it was an extremely heroic strong man. Just as he was about to turn his head and shout, "Daoyou!"

He suddenly flew higher and higher, away from the man standing on the cloud.

Ning Zheng continued to fly upwards.

He felt like a seedling breaking through layers of rock, squeezing out the dark soil, sand, silt, breaking through the surface, and was about to see the clear and broad sky.

Thunder and lightning gradually flashed around, and he entered the thunder layer, and the surroundings were full of thunder and lightning.

Above the golden thunderclouds and overlapping dark clouds, there suddenly appeared a quiet poet, head down, feet up, holding an umbrella upside down in the misty sky, drifting with the flow, singing melodiously:

"Rain is a river hanging upside down in the sky, and an umbrella is a boat rowing upside down in the sky."

"I step on the sky upside down, and I am also down to earth!"




Watching this scene, these words emerged from Ning Zheng.

This cloud, gathered some indescribable existence, singing and whispering

He saw someone in the cloud layer laughing heartily, humming the ancient ballad:

"I opened the skylight in my head, touched the starry sky, felt the sun and the moon, and read the truth left to me by this world."

Ning Zheng continued to rise, and rushed upward fiercely, as if he had broken through some membrane.


A burst of thunder.

Suddenly, everything went dark in front of him!

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Ning Zheng came back to his senses, and the surroundings were calm.

After he passed through the clouds, he turned out to be a mysterious flower garden, surrounded by light, as if he was in a fairy tale world, surrounded by bright colors.

In front of him was a sea of ​​flowers, and he turned into a flower among the vast sea, unable to speak or make a sound.

He was in the corner of a thatched house, which was very ordinary, but now it seemed unusually huge.

I went deep into the sky, passed through the clouds, and turned into a flower?

Whose house is this?

Where am I now?

He couldn't help thinking.

He soon regained his calm without coming to a conclusion.

He felt that this place was filled with a heavy special aura, pure, sweet, and comfortable.

He turned into a flower, and could inhale and exhale the spiritual energy of this place, absorb the essence of heaven and earth, the essence of plants and trees, and increase his soul strength.

——Is this how to practice in the Three Yuan Realm?

Ning Zheng thought in his heart, and his eyes were opened.

"Go into the clouds, enter the flower garden, become a flower, and inhale and exhale spiritual energy?"

"Practicing these three flowers is quite interesting!"

He practiced slowly like this, inhaling and exhaling heaven and earth, enjoying the good years.

He turned into one of the countless flowers, enjoying the breeze between heaven and earth in this flower nursery, inhaling and exhaling spiritual energy.

Silently feel the leisurely, vast and free world.


Suddenly the door of the house opened, and a piece of flowers in the corner of the wall was blown by the wind, and Ning Zheng also felt dizzy.

A little boy jumped out.

"Mom, mom, there is a big team on the street."

"Well, I heard that there is a team entering the city and they will give out wedding candies. Let's go get them."

"The candies are delicious."

Ning Zheng also vaguely heard the sound of gongs and drums, as if they were sending off something, and the pedestrians around rushed there one after another, as if they were joining in the fun.

Faintly, Ning Zheng seemed to hear the voice of the sword fairy screaming in the middle of the crowd: "The capital is so lively, so lively!"

Ning Zheng:?

Has she been tortured by the sand sculpture blacksmith for too long and is in a trance?

"Mom, look, there is a flower here with two leaves."

"The crooked flowers must be pulled out as soon as possible, otherwise they will go bad."


A huge child's hand came over.

The chubby hand reached out to pick the flower next to Ning Zheng. The flower was very special among the flowers, with only two petals.

The flowers instantly let out a sharp scream that seemed to be heard only by their own kind: "No, no, no!!!"

Ning Zheng felt as if a cold light was shining on his back, as if someone had plucked out his head, which was very frightening.

The little boy showed a gentle and cute smile and looked at the flower that Ning Zheng had transformed into next to him: "Three complete flowers, you must grow up well."

Ning Zheng couldn't make a sound or speak, as if he had completely turned into a plant and couldn't do anything.

The little boy and his mother left happily: "It's so lively now."

"Yes." The mother's voice said: "Mom is serving dishes in the restaurant, and she has also seen many new faces recently, and has earned a lot of tips. I will study hard for you in the future and become a powerful immortal."

The parade in the distance went away, and the sound gradually subsided. Ning Zheng continued to practice and absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

He suddenly felt a little frightened.

Are the flowers around me the same as me?

After several hours, when his energy was saturated, he felt that he had to leave.

His body was like a vase, with three flowers doing photosynthesis, absorbing sunlight and filling the empty vase step by step. After that, he should go back to digest the energy and digest the energy in the vase before he can come again.

"Blood and flesh are vases, and three flowers contain spirit."

He chose to leave silently and fall again. At the moment he fell, the flowers in the corner withered.


Ning Zheng fell into the sky, slid down again, and fell to the ground.

Following the soft and slender roots of his three flowers, he fell from the sky and returned to his head.

Ning Zheng felt that this was an extremely wonderful adventure.

"Wandering in the sky, the beautiful flower gardens that I don't know what it is, it's really an interesting dream experience."

The three-flower monk, it turns out that this is how to practice.

As he fell into the clouds, he encountered some strange sounds and terrifying scenes in the sky along the way.

The dark clouds piled up in the air.

It seemed that there were a lot of malicious beings, intercepting him, and seemed to be greedy for his vase full of flowers.

Some unknown monsters and images emerged one after another.

Even further away, some unknown ancient behemoths also slowly emerged with twisted figures.

"It's blooming, it's blooming, the seeds have finally broken their shells, and tender, slender, juicy flowers have grown in the garden!"

It was a vast figure of unknown age, and it felt full of malice without even looking at it, as if a huge figure was looking at the soil, looking at the broken seeds in the soil, showing a childlike joy:

"This nursery, such a dangerous growth environment, still broke through the gravel layer, the cloud layer, the thunder layer, grew out of the ground, saw the sky, and sprouted! The seeds have sprouted! What a beautiful tricolor flower!"

He suddenly stretched out his hand and was about to grab Ning Zheng's flower!


Ning Zheng dodged it sharply.

The huge and majestic figure floating in the clouds showed regret and full of malice.

Ning Zheng also glanced at him slowly while falling:

What the hell? There is already a way to die, let the blacksmith deal with him in the future.


Continue to go down along the clouds.

Surprisingly, I encountered another shadowy giant floating in the sea of ​​clouds.

It was a person smiling, twisting his body with joy like swaying kelp, the slender figure was extremely weird, and he said in a weird tone:

"I planted a few seeds in the ground in prehistoric times, and today I harvested a garden full of flowers and fruits~"


Ning Zheng returned, and the three flowers entered his body.

"So many ghost things."

He opened his eyes and was surrounded by a quiet and peaceful room.

He stood up and pushed open the window, and the snow fell from the window sill with a hiss.

Outside is a snowy courtyard, an ancient well quietly sits in the courtyard, and there are three snowmen made by Su Yu Niang and Ning Jiao Jiao, wrapped in red scarves, with small stones as eyes.

Everything is normal, as if it was just a dream.

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