Ning Zheng's spirit and energy left his body, and he absorbed a large amount of special soul power and returned. He was saturated and could sit in meditation to digest it.

He returned to the room and sat cross-legged, starting his first practice in the Three Flower Realm, and pondered in his heart:

"Seeds? The head does look like a seed."

"Sprinkle seeds deep in the ground, and the seeds break the shell, break free from the head cage, and grow flowers?"

This description reminded Ning Zheng of the process of planting flowers in a flowerpot.

Planting flowers is also a layer of gravel and a layer of nutrient soil in the flowerpot, which are stacked layer by layer, watered every day, and waited for the seeds to break out of the ground.

What's in front of me?

The gravel layer, the cloud layer, and the thunder layer are watered every day when it rains, waiting for the seeds to break out of the ground and grow on the flowerbed on the surface.

This is inexplicably similar!

Now, aren't his "seeds" breaking the ground and growing flowers?

According to this logic, aren't there seeds all over our land waiting to break the shell.

Human race, dragon race, snake race

There are all kinds of colorful and strange seeds buried in the ground.

There are so many seeds here.

"Are those phantoms from the ancient times? What happened?"

"This scene is so outrageous!!"

I thought that the five limbs and four organs, and the ninth grade of the physical body were enough to understand this world.

But this world, the three flowers cultivators are the official entry, and it is really the beginning of the mysterious prelude.

Sanyuan, the soul is the beginning, belonging to the realm of the real strong in the world!

The sky!

Ning Zheng stood in the house at the foot of the villa, slowly looked up, the mysterious nursery, in the sky.

He had been puzzled before.

The stars above his head, the court ministers, flew so high, where did they go?

Why did Jian Xin, with his big eyes and huge body, fall from the sky?

It should be in that nursery, patrolling the world and supervising the entire land.

The second phase realm, forming the Dharma phase, will become a human form in that nursery.

The three yuan realm, flowers grow, and in that nursery, they will become flowers.

So, what is the essence of that nursery?

Ning Zheng didn't know.

But he felt that perhaps the legendary capital city was not on the land of Kyushu!

Originally, he thought that the capital city would be at the junction of Kyushu, in the center.

But now, he admitted that he was narrow-minded and a country bumpkin had no insights.

With the great power and strength of these high-level cultivators, is it difficult to build a sky city in the sky?

The stars must find a place to settle down!

It is estimated that the supreme city belonging to the human race was built in a certain ancient mysterious area of ​​that nursery!

After all.

Not only the stars, but also the sun and the moon are there, and the saints must be there.

The capital city is also the supreme capital. The spiritual energy and soul power of that nursery are much more abundant than imagined!

It can be said that the land is spiritual and the people are outstanding. In such a region with rich spiritual energy, if the genius who grows and cultivates there is a genius, the accumulated foundation is unimaginable!

In such a spiritual place, if the capital city is not built here, where is it built?

Ning Zheng practiced for the first time, and he had practiced all night without realizing it, and it was already dawn outside.

After sorting out his thoughts, he didn't think much.

Continue to practice.

Refining the essence of heaven and earth stored in the "vase"!

After all, what I have experienced is the process experienced by other Sanyuan Realm cultivators.

They all practiced in the same way, so there is no need for me to be too surprised.

Adapt, explore, and discover.

This is his policy.

In other words, those Sanyuan Realm guises who maintain the logic of their lives are also practicing in seclusion. Every day, the three flowers enter the nursery to store the "vase" energy.

Godfather, Routian Yujie, Li Youzhu.

These people are not hiding in the paper house motionless, they may also become a flower and sway in the flower garden.

The case has been solved.

No wonder they are not bored at all.

No wonder Godfather is fishing all day long, it turns out that he also goes out.

"That place is an interesting place."

Ning Zheng pondered: "Random growth, the mysterious areas are definitely a huge treasure!"

He began to think about how he should explore and dig this land.


In the words of the players: new map!

So, can my prison Dharma image also grow three flowers and fly to the sky?

After all, embers can do it, and it is not impossible to aggregate embers of my own.

I didn't feel a pull before, it should be that aggregated embers are not real embers, and the fusion is not like a "real person".

"If we continue to improve it, there may be a chance to launch missiles into the sky."

"Let the blacksmiths continue to develop nuclear fusion, hit the sky, and open a new map."

"Before, those guys dared to reach out to me, because my body was not good at bending the bow and shooting arrows, and I didn't dare to entangle with them. After all, my origin is mysterious, it's better to leave first and run away quickly."

"Wait until I let the embers come out, they will know what fear is."

Ning Zheng thought.

Do you think I am a small Sanyuan realm who has just broken through, so you dare to bully me?

Ask the Fang family next door what happened.

Now in the eyes of the tourists in Linmen, they are being madly abused and despised, and are destined to be infamous for thousands of years.

Ning Zheng is not kidding.

If my own embers can also go and chop into the sky, it will definitely be a huge qualitative change for me.

Not only exploration, but also help the villa fight at a certain period of time.

After all, he couldn't possibly go up there and shoot the arrow himself, right?

If he showed up himself, it would be easy for something to go wrong.

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Anyway, Sanyuan Realm is an unexpected realm

Early morning.

"Everyone, a new day has arrived, go sort the goods!"

Jiu Cairong opened the door of the housekeeper's room and happily put a sign at the entrance of the villa.

The long-awaited update announcement has come again.

[Official announcement: This "Sword Forging Competition" will usher in a major update without going offline. The 0.7 version update log is as follows. ]

[Map developer mode will be opened soon: Linmen City Planning Design, this will be the first NPC Ghost City Tomb we designed! ]

[The sword fairy went to Beijing to meet the emperor, and the Beijing plot was opened. What kind of sparks will be created? ]

[This major update also optimizes the following matters. ]

[1. Add a new mine girl: Xiaogao, and provide a corresponding growth technology tree. Please cultivate her growth. Please explore the specific content by yourself. ]

[2. Fixed a small number of bugs. ]

[3. Optimized several known issues. ]

[4. Added a new mine mineral: black copper. ]

[5. Add new female prisoners. ]

[6. Open a new blind box extraction system. The old man has everything from bellybands, shoes, treasures, elixirs, and rings. What are you waiting for? ]

[7. Add a new building: the business building, which adds thousands of commodity types to meet the needs of most blacksmiths. You are not afraid of not having enough things, but you are afraid of not having money in your pocket. ]

[8. The "Beijing City Discussion" event will be added soon, and you will sit and discuss with many master craftsmen. Please look forward to it. ]

[9. New 100 blacksmith quotas. ]

[10. A new hidden fairy world view - Beijing, please explore it actively. ]

The blacksmiths are happily studying and discussing in front of the billboard.

Beijing, at first glance, is super cool, it must be super prosperous and super interesting. "Fuck!"

"Come and take a photo with the update log."

"I thought there was no more gameplay in the small villa management game, but who knew there would be more and more work!"

"Tai Ku La!~"

The blacksmiths gathered around the update announcement to check.

This time, it was full of sincerity, and the update content was so much that they could hardly read it all.

A group of people played around in front of the update column for a few minutes, then ran to the huge villa square to re-sort and started the daily brick-moving task.

They were quite fast, organized and disciplined, and the whole mountain had become much smaller.

And a bunch of brick-moving workers were sent to build a warehouse for storage.

The brick-moving was done at noon.

The old manager went up the mountain and opened the gate of the villa.

Within a minute, 100 new blacksmiths quickly appeared at the gate of the villa, wearing shabby clothes and slowly opening their eyes.

"Wow! I'm finally here!"

"This air, this water, so real, it's too exaggerated."

Even though the new blacksmith had been prepared in his heart, he was still shocked.

This is too real.

It was freer than watching the scene. If you don't experience it yourself, you will never feel the shock!


A group of people started to discuss it, and a few of them stuck their butts out to show that they were eating dirt.

Someone took the lead, and a group of people began to dig the soil excitedly, showing 18 classic ways to eat dirt, such as picking flowers, sitting cross-legged, standing upside down, arching bridges, and hanging upside down.

It was obviously the agreed-upon time to eat dirt in the game.

After a while, everyone clapped their hands, stood up, and looked at each other.

"There are no fools this time?"

"Waste my expression."

"Damn, I acted so realistically."

"Are you stupid? I've been fooled several times, how could anyone still take the bait?"

The blacksmiths who couldn't catch any fish were not interested and soon entered the villa.

They looked at the sorting blacksmiths in the square and ran in excitedly, ready to participate.

"Stop it." Jiucai Rong clapped his hands, "All new blacksmiths come here, you can't participate there." "Let me tell you about the onboarding process. First, you will receive a set of free clothes. Good quality clothes need to be loaned out. The house is also free, but I suggest you take out a loan to live in the dormitory." "Because the weather is cold now, the free old dormitory has no heating. It would be a big loss if you freeze to death." Jiucai Rong skillfully introduced the onboarding procedures. The main point is that you need to take out a loan first when you join the company. On the first day of working in the company, you will owe the boss a large sum of money! Then give a few old blacksmiths tasks and take them to collect clothes from a hundred new blacksmiths and go to the dormitory. Then after completing the procedures, they don't plan to let their new blacksmiths come here to mix in the sorting work. They have to start from the grassroots level and help move bricks and build warehouses first. "Who is the sixth body of Ye Ye Kuang Xiu?" Jiucai Rong suddenly shouted. "Here, I'm here." A blacksmith with the ID "Ye Kuang Xiu" raised his hand high. "Why do you call yourself this name?"

Jiu Cairong looked puzzled, "Are you not going to use your crazy and cool name anymore?"

Ye Kuangxiu said, "Do you think I'm stupid? In front of NPCs, you call me Ye Ye Kuangxiu's sixth body. Won't the NPCs think I'm a pervert?"

"Where is my status as a senior blacksmith? I'm a god-craftsman who forges the sun and the moon with my back to all living beings! How can I have such a sexy name?"

Jiu Cairong felt that this man came prepared, "I see that you have a good overall view. How about arranging a job for you to sell blind boxes of resources?"

Ye Kuangxiu nodded immediately after hearing this:

"I will do it well, classify the resources, and then divide the corresponding blind box pool, mark the number, and let people come to redeem the prize."

Sure enough, brushing up reputation outside is effective, and capable people will stand out.

This blind box thing is a test of management ability.

Some people seem to be very boastful, but in fact their operational ability is worrying, so they can only talk about it on paper.

He wants to show himself.

"Don't worry." Ye Kuangxiu said: "I am an old player in the guild!"

Jiu Cairong nodded, patted the shoulder of the evaluation boss of the famous forum and said:

"We have to cheat money openly, such as loans, and cheat clearly, and we are willing, but don't do those messy problems that damage reputation. We can't operate this lottery in secret."

"No problem." Ye Kuangxiu still nodded.

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