This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 114: My Godfather's Little Secret

The speed of sorting is getting faster and faster as they become more proficient.

With the cramps in their hands from the crazy shifts, two hundred people can sort thousands of pieces in an hour.

In the afternoon, a ring was sorted and transported to various warehouses, and then Ning Zheng threw a small mountain on the square, and went to the blacksmith shop amid the exclamations of the crowd.

As soon as he entered the door, a wave of hot air hit him in the face.

"Old steward, you are here." Dao Jiujiu hurried forward.

Ning Zheng looked around.

The blacksmiths were all weak and had no spirit.

Perhaps seeing the surprise in the old steward's eyes, Dao Jiujiu explained: "We were all pulled back to study black copper, and they actually wanted to participate in the sorting work."

Ning Zheng was silent for a while.

Is the sorting work so popular?

They feel that they are treated unfairly and feel uncomfortable?

Ning Zheng still can't understand this mentality.

He thinks that blacksmithing is a high-level profession, much more advanced and easier than sorting garbage dumps and being a garbage man.

"I will pay attention to this matter!"

Ning Zheng didn't understand but respected, and said seriously: "I hope you can quickly develop the craftsmanship of the blacksmith shop, research black copper, and even prepare for the upcoming orders from Beijing!"

"After all, we will have to rest in Beijing for three days before we start to meet the emperor. Now there are only two days left."

"Time is tight! I hope you will make the final sprint in these two days! Don't let us lose face in front of the saint!"

He said in the tone of issuing tasks:

"After the second ring is sorted, the sorting will be temporarily stopped. I will leave a few rings and sort them when all blacksmiths are free."

"If the black copper task is completed well enough, I will let you get 500 extra vouchers and choose goods from them."

As soon as these words fell, all the blacksmiths became excited and swept away the gloom on their faces.

This is the task release!

It's still a high-level hidden task with 500 magic coins per person.

And in their eyes, these 500 vouchers are better than giving money directly.

Pick things in the garbage dump, give people a kind of Taobao fun, rely on their own vision and level, be the emperor of Europe, and open a golden finger!

There is a hazy beauty.

Outside the door, the others who were peeking on the threshold were envious.

Their blacksmith shop actually has a hidden task

Their sorting work is not so good!

Damn it!

The blacksmith shop is indeed a core pillar industry.

If we had known earlier, we would have joined the blacksmith shop and become a small blacksmith.

In the envious eyes of a group of people outside, the blacksmiths were even more happy and happy.

They enjoyed the envious eyes and shouted:

"Thank you, old steward!"

"We will definitely try our best!"

"Please feel free to come!"

The blacksmiths were full of motivation at once.

Ning Zheng nodded, feeling that he had mastered the management experience.

Only 500 magic coins per person, a task, let them do their best to meet the emperor!

It is estimated that the saints will be stunned when they see this scene: I am worth 500 magic coins?

But the blacksmiths really only care about the money in front of them.

Because in their eyes, no matter what magic weapon or sharp weapon they forge, they will not be paid in full.

For example, only a little bit of the 3 million magic money came to them.

They are used to it.

Because the game economy cannot collapse.

So no matter how advanced the magic weapon is, they treat it as an ordinary advanced task.

Giving 500 magic money is a super profitable task in their eyes.

Ning Zheng couldn't help but sigh, it's really useful!

Look at the god craftsmen outside, you ask them to forge magic weapons, and only give them 500 magic money to try?

Here, give 500 magic money, and they will use their lives to make magic weapons for you until you are satisfied!

This service attitude is so good that it is unbelievable.

Ning Zheng left the blacksmith shop and looked at the flames of the forging furnaces behind him:

"What can be done has been done. I hope that in the last two days, sharpening the gun before the battle will have some effect!"

Left the blacksmith shop.

Ning Zheng took a look at the spiritual farmer area.

The spiritual farmers here are even busier than the blacksmith shop, frantically cultivating spiritual roots, and studying the various spoils of spiritual roots that Ning Zheng just earned.

Busy feet never touch the ground.

Ning Zheng looked at it for a few seconds and then stopped. She called Jiucai Rong and hinted at the new map after the three flowers. Jiucai Rong was shocked when he heard it: "The capital city is in the sky. Can we enter the capital city by ourselves? Can't we interact with the sword fairy?" He was excited all of a sudden. Isn't this the opening branch of the new map? "Sir, please rest assured, we will definitely make the mountain villa prison missile like a real ghost, and can open three flowers!" Jiucai Rong said very seriously. Ning Zheng pointed out the news and went down the mountain. The next day. The 100 new blacksmiths gradually adapted to the work, moving bricks, building warehouses, eating delicious food at bonfires at night, and interacting with the new prisoners down the mountain, happy like a child. "The planning is too good!" "A thousand new female prisoners, are they prepared for us?" "Hurry up and let the ember Su Yu Niang below to make a roster of characters, I'm going to start choosing concubines!" Those old blacksmiths claimed items worth 500 magic coins per person during the sorting process. A small number of people took them randomly.

Most people took the medium-quality spiritual plant liquid and went to the spiritual farming area to add some money to get a soul-leaving flower.

The villa has directly entered the era of the explosion of middle-grade spiritual roots.

Hundreds of middle-grade spiritual roots, this is a jaw-dropping scene in any family.

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Because only qualified core disciples are qualified to open middle-grade spiritual roots.

Ordinary family members have low-grade spiritual roots and are not qualified to practice family-inherited skills.

In front of us, hundreds of people are simply nouveau riche.

But the villa is so rich, rich, and willful.

In addition, is the soul separation flower they opened wasted?

You can still forge iron after death, which is already a large wave of middle-grade materials that can be expected!

Spiritual roots are permanent for others, but consumables for them.

"Sure enough, our choice is right."

"I said that even if the option of the Jiaoxue people is opened, it will definitely not be as fast as we make money now."

"That's it, 500 cash, basic plus some money, all the old blacksmiths directly enter the era of middle-grade spiritual roots! After completing the original accumulation, we directly enter the wealth-making mode!"

"Now there is more money to move bricks every day."

"Miscellaneous spiritual roots? Low-grade spiritual roots? Dogs don't open them now!"

They are full of smiles.

Because of too many orders, the spiritual farming area was completely overwhelmed.

There was also a lot of work in the blacksmith shop, researching black magic copper and new medium-grade magic tools. It can be said that he was very busy.

Ning Zheng ignored them.

He began to focus on the practice of Sanhua and explore that mysterious area.

He knew why there were no soul-growing pills in those storage rings.

Because it is difficult to grow the soul by external force, and the soul power obtained by external force is not pure enough, there will be side effects.

Serious people will not take soul-growing pills.

The orthodox practice method seems to rely on turning into flowers to suck the essence of heaven and earth and the essence of plants and trees.

Some of those pills are soul healing pills, and some are pills that increase conversion efficiency.

Originally, Ning Zheng took two or three days to digest the saturated soul power he absorbed once.

But with this pill that increases conversion efficiency, he only took two or three hours to absorb it, and he can go to the nursery again to absorb the essence of heaven and earth and the essence of plants and trees!

This undoubtedly greatly accelerated the speed of practice.

And after going there several times, Ning Zheng found it very dangerous.

Finally, he knew how to use the soul healing pill!

Because your three flowers were pulled out, you have to heal and ease immediately, otherwise it will damage the foundation!

It will also lose a lot of cultivation. Being pulled out once is equivalent to working for a long time in vain.

Moreover, Ning Zheng's experiences these times were also very terrifying!

The second time he went, he came to a city wall, overlooking the people coming and going below, the bustling and prosperous, and got a lot of information.

It really is the capital!

As a flower, he also saw a group of people discussing the teams from various states entering the capital, and various world-famous masters.

Ning Zheng felt a lot of pressure after listening to it!

Although among these masters, there are probably some garbage in name only.

But even the weakest god-level profession is very fierce, and we are the real fakes mixed in the crowd.

The third time he went, it was bad.

He actually came to a mysterious wilderness outside the city wall.

A group of black beasts, like cows and horses, exuding a strong breath, were chewing the flowers and grass on the ground, which frightened Ning Zheng.

But getting away was not a matter of one day or one night, but a slow withdrawal.

Ning Zheng watched as several flowers were chewed and torn fiercely, faintly wailing in pain.

This made him feel that his head was also opened, and he felt the same way!

Fortunately, after the beasts were full, they ran to the river to drink water and did not come to chew Ning Zheng, allowing him to silently absorb the essence of heaven and earth and leave after saturation.

And the fourth time was the most bizarre and dangerous.

He actually grew in a flowerpot in front of the windowsill, and a little girl was practicing calligraphy in the window.

The girl's dress was not in the style of this era, as if it was very old, and it felt like she had come to an extremely mysterious and terrifying ancient forbidden area.

The whole house gave him an unusual sense of terror and great pressure.

She saw a dog with her own eyes, trembling in the arms of this little girl.

There is a shape, if Ning Zheng is not wrong.

This may be a dog demon king at the level of the second phase realm, who separated his own Dharma image and was caught by this mysterious little girl.

I don’t know if this dog demon was caught after exploring this secret realm and being exposed.

Or he separated his Dharma image and just randomly entered this area, and was caught.

Fortunately, Ning Zheng is inconspicuous, and there are dogs to attract attention.

He silently absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon in front of the windowsill, withered quietly, and left.


When Ning Zheng came, there was basically no risk in passing through the clouds. When he returned several times in a row, all kinds of people attacked him!

In addition to some huge mysterious existences in ancient times, covering the sky and the sun, like celestial phenomena, there are also some contemporary robbery cultivators.

These robbery cultivators are specially intercepted here, wanting to get something for nothing, squatting on the way back to plunder your achievements!

Ning Zheng has seen several returning cultivators, who were plundered of their three flowers, took out special bottle-shaped magic tools, gourd magic tools, and sucked your flower stems fiercely, sucking away the energy of your vase body stored below.

It’s very scary!

These cultivators who practiced magic looked scary.

They frightened a decent and kind cultivator like Ning Zheng.

The methods of these demon cultivators are terrifying at first glance. No wonder normal cultivators hate robbery cultivators so much. The resources they have worked hard to cultivate are taken away by those people, and even killed.

Perhaps, this is also the feeling of other people facing the little blacksmith. Only when standing on the opposite side can you feel the horror of the little blacksmiths when they laugh!

It is probably because the return journey is in the same area.

Ning Zheng vaguely saw the figure of his adoptive father among the robbery cultivators!

Ning Zheng was shocked immediately.

You thought he was fishing honestly in the paper house, fishing for river monsters, who knew that his business was so busy!

Even after death, he maintained his logic in life, blooming three flowers, working busy in the flower garden, and being a robbery cultivator everywhere on the road, intercepting cultivators.

For the Xuelihua family, he was so diligent.

His adoptive father is really, I cry to death!

But don't rob me

It's my own people.

Ning Zheng ran fast and didn't get entangled with these people.

The godfather caught a slow-footed monk who had just broken through the Three Yuan Realm and laughed loudly behind him.

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