This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 115 Beijing Live Broadcast Room Starts: Buy him, buy him for me!


In the quiet room, Ning Zheng slowly opened his eyes.

He walked out of the house, looked at the snowflakes falling all over the sky, and looked towards the direction of his adoptive father's house not far away.

My adoptive father had always boasted about how good he was at being a robbery cultivator.

Now, I can finally see his heroic figure robbing everywhere.

He almost robbed his own people.

These wonderful experiences again and again gave Ning Zheng a thorough understanding.

The cultivation of the Three Yuan Realm is extremely dangerous and extremely luck-dependent!

The clouds along the way are dangerous, and you often encounter some ancient mirage figures and some robbery cultivators on the road.

The random areas you reach are even more dangerous.

If you are unlucky, someone will pull out your three flowers and eat them. You will probably be severely injured on the spot, your cultivation will regress, and your soul will stagnate!

No wonder this Three Yuan Realm can hold so many people.

It's outrageous

It's just like going to a level.

Ning Zheng's luck is good.

Otherwise, if the three flowers are pulled out, it is estimated that they will have to endure the trick of a cow chewing a peony, and experience the creepy feeling of being chewed by a monster in a bloody mouth.

However, Ning Zheng also guessed.

Those big sects and holy places may have some means to have their own safe areas in the nursery, so that the people of their sects can grow three flowers safely here and absorb the essence of the sun and the moon.

And those who have no family background?


For a wild person like Ning Zheng, you can only rely on luck to grow three flowers!

Sure enough, this world is a battle of backgrounds. You can practice better if you have a powerful force behind you.

After all, their elders survived by luck at the beginning, and naturally take care of their descendants.

And you have no elders, so you can only try to become a rich generation.

But Ning Zheng didn't care:

"Wait until you save up some, and then you can start trying to use the luck value."

"Theoretically, 100,000 can impact a small stage of the Three Yuan Realm, but how exactly does it impact? I don't know!"

"After all, this is not about impacting the meridians, it requires going back and forth again and again, digesting, going again, and then returning to digest."

"First save 20,000 luck points and try it out, and see how the progress is."

Ning Zheng even felt that saving luck points was one thing, and the current daily practice could not be wasted.

Because his daily luck value of 2350 is already quite good.

The possibility of encountering danger is very low.

It's better to practice the Three Flowers, do some "photosynthesis" every day, and the stronger the better.

However, the practice of the Three Yuan Realm should be slowed down in advance, and there are more important things to do these days:

"I will meet the emperor tomorrow, and I don't know what the process is. I have to go up the mountain to see how the preparations are."

Sword Casting Villa.

Blacksmith shop.

When Ning Zheng arrived, a group of people were already holding a short sword made of black magic copper and studying it.

It had just been quenched and was being polished.

Because of the scarcity of the material, only a small amount of black copper was forged.

Seeing Ning Zheng's arrival, Dao Jiujiu walked to Ning Zheng with excitement and introduced the function of black copper:

"This is definitely the best basic material for the ash weapon and the best material for storing ghosts."

"We compared it based on the records of various advanced materials in the books. It is comparable to high-level materials, and it is also unique. It belongs to the specialized material of the ash weapon."

It is almost the same as Ning Zheng thought.

There is also a difference between Shoushan copper.

Which one is more suitable for storing the ghost's spirit, the Shoushan copper of a living person or the Shoushan copper of the ghost king?

The answer is self-evident.

Although this is not the real ghost king, but a half-living person, it is undoubtedly the most suitable.

Ning Zheng doesn't know if there are such rare cases in the past history.

The ghost king gave Sanhua to a living person, and this living person was mined.

But even if there are, there are probably not many examples in the entire human history. It is rare for the ghost king to awaken!

Therefore, his black copper is likely to have a monopoly.

Of course.

This effect seems to be useful for these blacksmiths who forge with living people.

It is still unknown whether normal forging skills can be blessed.

"Do you think this black magic copper can make our villa look more profound?"

Ning Zheng couldn't help asking.

"I think it can!"

Dao Jiujiu answered excitedly:

"Like the navy, this can make our villa look more mysterious and profound, and others can't guess what this material is."

Dao Jiujiu has now faded from his immaturity and is a very qualified middle-grade blacksmith.

And in order to communicate with other divine craftsmen and not expose himself, he has done a lot of homework.

Although the Fang family has never produced a divine craftsman.

But the blacksmith inheritance given by Ning Zheng still has a lot of gossip.

What materials, formulas, craftsmanship, and where the materials were obtained from hunting the demon king for each divine weapon

The forging process of these divine weapons has broadened his horizons.

At least, he remembered a lot of professional terms.

He has no practical operation ability, but he should be qualified to pretend to be a riddle man with these terms and processes.

And it's not a torture meeting.

There are so many master craftsmen, no one will be idle and ask you questions!

Everyone is more communicating and discussing how to make the sun and the moon, just blend in with the crowd and keep calm.

Ning Zheng nodded, "Well, learn more terms, our villa will become famous and resound throughout the nine states, and become a master craftsman villa, it depends on you!"

"If this thing is done, you will be the chief master craftsman. In the future, we will become a holy place for countless blacksmiths to worship, all thanks to your contribution!"

Dao Jiujiu was flattered when he heard that the old steward valued him so much.

"I will work hard!" His heart was burning.

Order from the saint.

Blacksmiths cast the sun and the moon together!

Dao Jiujiu couldn't help but burst into tears when he thought that he would participate in an unprecedented huge event and be recorded in the entire history of Jiuzhou games.

In the future, this game will expand and be officially tested.

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Thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people will come to this villa and see him, Dao Jiujiu, the chief blacksmith, changing the course of history.

He was very excited when he thought that his "Statue of Liberty" stood in the villa and even in the square of the capital, and he was one of the master craftsmen who cast the sun and the moon.

Leave a name in history!

It's worth bragging about for a lifetime even in the game!

Ning Zheng looked at Dao Jiujiu who was inexplicably excited, and felt a little puzzled, but still patted his shoulder: "Work hard!"

Left the blacksmith shop.

Ning Zheng returned to the enchanter area after a long absence.

In the small square of the enchanter, a group of people were committing suicide and enchanting crazily.

It's a pity that the leader of the enchanter, Su Yu Niang, ran away.

At present, the fairy aunt is temporarily helping to manage: "Sir, we are working hard for the capital!"

Ning Zheng nodded and pretended to be deep: "Explain it in detail."

The fairy aunt said seriously:

"We are in the process of a wave of suicide."

"Nurture more twin spirits."

"What kind of spirits with personality and hobbies can be provided for the current saints to choose from."

"Even if the saints don't need it, we can also sell it to other cultivators in the capital to show our prestige."

"We will have reasonable communication on this point after we contact the sword fairy!"

For this event, they began to prepare a batch of spirits!

It's just that this spirit activity of drawing cards belongs to krypton guys.

Most people who got the 500 magic money voucher went to open the soul-leaving flower spiritual root, and they didn't have much spare money.

Although the price of spiritual roots has plummeted now, the middle-grade soul-leaving flower and blood-leaving flower only cost 600 magic money each.

But the cost of each card draw is 600 spiritual roots + 50 increased resurrection probability + 10x resurrection times.

Drawing a card is equivalent to more than 700 magic money, and there is only a 1 in 10 chance of getting a middle-grade spiritual root ember!

Moreover, you have to get two to cycle!

This cost is too high!

Of course, these more than 700 are not without a return.

Even if there is no ember, more than 700 is a middle-grade navy monster corpse.

After these are forged into middle-grade magic tools, each can be sold for thousands of magic money.

It's still profitable.

But the problem is that most of them don't have this amount of working capital!

Not to mention that their middle-grade magic tools are not yet capable of large-scale production.

The digestion speed of middle-grade materials is not enough.

Ning Zheng nodded immediately after hearing this, "So what are you going to do?"

"We don't plan to use middle-grade spiritual roots, but to make a low-end version of a magic weapon with mixed spiritual roots."

The Fairy Medicine said: "These spiritual roots are free, we only need the resurrection fee, plus 50 magic money!"

"This kind of weapon spirit, with the cycle of yin and yang, should be enough to make a low-level magic weapon."

Ning Zheng thought it made sense.

Magic weapon is just a title.

It means that it is accompanied by an extremely terrifying and powerful magical power, and there is no realm requirement.

For example, this magic weapon is made of dragon bones and comes with dragon magical powers.

You use a dragon in the second phase realm to make it, which is a magic weapon of the second phase realm.

And what if I steal a dragon egg that has just broken its shell and use a young dragon in the fifth body realm to make it?

That is a magic weapon of the fifth body realm!

Although no one is stupid enough to use such a low-level divine beast as material.

If you capture a divine beast cub, you would have found a way to get closer to it and keep it as a pet.

What's the point of using it to forge iron and make a magic weapon of the fifth body realm?

But now, the Yin-Yang weapons of mixed spiritual roots are sold to those saints and saints as low-end magic weapons.

"We call this the Youth Edition of Magic Weapons."

"Strike the high-end magic weapon market, change the times, and belong to the first magic weapon of young people!"

Auntie Xian said: "We are going to use this Yin-Yang mixed spiritual root to make a wave of Yin-Yang magic weapons of the four internal organs!"

"This just fits our level."

"And our magic weapons are all growable."

"Gui can become stronger. Although the spirit of the weapon of mixed spiritual roots is not as good as the middle-grade spiritual root, it is still a growth-type weapon worth cultivating."

"It's the difference between the growth of C cards and the growth of A cards."

Ning Zheng couldn't understand it.

When Aunt Xian said this, she called Shao Chai Kun who was far away: "We have designed the lines, come over and say the lines." Shao Chai Kun ran over quickly, his voice loud and friendly: "Dear friends in the Beijing live broadcast room! Friends of the Beijing auction, the magic weapon, the minimum value is tens of millions of magic money, there is no market, today our fans have benefits, and we have prepared ten magic weapons for everyone!" "Only 19.99 million magic money, take it home directly." Shao Chai Kun looked enthusiastic, "This is a wave of benefits, just to make a name for yourself, not to make money. I hope everyone will support our magic craftsman forces in the future and place more orders!" At this time, Aunt Xian ran over and said: "This price is wrong, we are here to promote, lower it again!"

Shao Chai Kun smiled bitterly: "Miss, 19.99 million magic money is already a break-even operation. We have shown our sincerity for the sake of fame. This is a magic weapon. If you do this, the old owner will be angry."

Xian Xiaoyi acted like a savage young lady who was ignorant of the world and said viciously: "It's not enough, lower the price again! Change the number for me!"

Shao Chai Kun gritted his teeth and rewrote the price: "15.88 million magic money!"

Xian Xiaoyi kicked him away and wrote directly: "9.98 million magic money, from the Xinyizhou Master Craftsman Ranking The god craftsman who was anonymous, led people to personally cast the magic weapon! The first magic weapon suitable for young cultivators! "

Shao Chai Kun was shocked: "No, this is absolutely not possible!"

"No? Then I will change the number!"

She fiercely crossed out a 9, "980,000 magic money! Only 980,000, losing money to gain reputation, take the magic weapon home! ! "

"The magic weapon worth at least tens of millions, not 1998, not 998, only 98, the infinitely growing magic weapon to take home!"

"Buy it! Buy it for me quickly!"

Ning Zheng was silent.

This devilish shouting, the passionate words, the emotions of the two people in the conversation, gave people a sense of losing reason to buy.

He had to admit that for a moment, he was moved.

Xian Xiaoyi said: "We still need to polish the lines carefully, and this is probably the process. "


Ning Zheng felt much more at ease after hearing this!

These blacksmiths can indeed turn decay into magic!

Our Forging Villa, which looks like a piece of crap, will probably make a name for itself in the capital this time.

Not to mention making other master craftsmen cry, at least we can make a fortune in the capital and make the villa famous.

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