This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 116 Two-phase Tomb, Super Treasure Bowl!

Ning Zheng suddenly felt that she might be a little self-deprecating.

Her villa was not that bad, and it still had some personal characteristics.

Black magic copper.

Ember weapon spirit.

They were all things that others could not imitate. Once they appeared, they should shock other divine craftsmen.

"Work hard and open three flowers."

Ning Zheng encouraged Aunt Xian.

Aunt Xian nodded:

"Poor blacksmiths open mixed spiritual roots and make weapon spirits of low-end magic tools."

"We rich blacksmiths open low-grade and medium-grade spiritual roots. Everyone has a bright future!"


As the two chatted, enchanters in the distance quickly fell to the ground.

Occasionally, embers stood up:

"Hahaha, I changed my job to swords, spears, swords and halberds!"

"Second transfer, second transfer!"

"I succeeded!"

These future weapon spirit babies, they did not think they were dead.

It's just that they haven't appeared in pairs yet, one yin and one yang, they are single.

In Aunt Xian's words, this is called "character card fragments".

It takes two "character fragments" to synthesize a yin and yang ember.

A single "character fragment" can join the ember adventure team and go to the villa to collect.

They think this mode is very conscientious!

Look at the character fragments of various mobile games next door, how can two fragments be used to get it?

Not to mention that a single fragment can be very useful and earn resources for yourself.


According to their analysis.

"Character card fragments" are divided into two synthesis modes.

One is Yin-Yang synthesis fragments.

The other is Five Elements synthesis fragments.

Because it takes five fragments, it is obviously more difficult to use the latter.

Ning Zheng was amazed by what he heard, and at the same time thought in his heart, is their card drawing game really that outrageous.

Ning Zheng felt that it was outrageous that he got one-tenth of embers, and he had to combine two into one.

But they actually thought it was very conscientious

Xinyizhou City.

It's not just the villa that is making the final sprint.

A shop is also trying to help.

Not to mention the dizziness, recently with the help of the villa blacksmiths from a distance, as if with divine help, the new Mingmen was planned.

The history told here, in addition to the original ancient history of the natives hating the new humans.

There is also a new script, a copy of Xu Huan being enslaved and eventually rescued.

One bronze statue after another performed to attract tourists who came to watch history.

At this time.

There is a bookstore.

"Sister Xinyi, what realm are you in?" Su Yu Niang asked curiously.

"Well, Sanyuan?"

She used the pseudonym Xinyi and gave an answer after thinking about it.

After all, it is a small place, Sanyuan is considered powerful.

But Zhoucheng is a gathering of strong people from an entire continent.

The four internal organs in their teens and twenties are normal, and there are many Sanyuan in the hundred years old.

If I say that I am a young man with this temperament, I guess the other party will not believe it.

Sanyuan is just right.

As the first generation Xinyi King, she originally came here to help supervise according to the boy in the family.

She originally came here to play, and heard that the scholars here are very good at playing and organized a new parade.

I came here by chance and found this shop really interesting.

Especially the fairy doctor, Su Yu Niang, who is very good at talking and has some new and messy opinions.

"Sanyuan Realm, can you tell us about the [Nursery]?" Su Yu Niang looked expectant.

"Why are you asking this?" This Xinyi sister was stunned.

"I just want to know." Su Yu Niang said.

Since she went offline yesterday and got the news of Sanyuan Realm, she was shocked.

There is such a terrible world view.

We are all seeds on the ground, waiting to break the shell, grow tender buds, stretch out flower stems, and grow flowers in the nursery!

This world view is so vast that it makes people feel magnificent and weird.

This history is full of secrets for anyone with a discerning eye.

It feels like there are many various ancient myths in prehistoric times, and a heavy feeling of condensation of eternity comes to the face.

The truth of the world may be thousands of times crazier than the darkest fantasy.

So Su Yu Niang asked about this.

These days, Xinyi has become his good sister who often comes here to chat.

It is this good sister who likes to tease Xiaogao just like herself.

Xiaogao likes me very much, but instinctively hates the other party.

Su Yu Niang also guessed that it might be someone above, or even someone from the Xinyi family.

However, there are so many people in the Xinyi family, so she didn't think this person was special.

After all, he is too idle.

Any high-level cultivator or management would not be so idle.

"Well, nursery? How to say it."

Xinyi looked at the other party's admiring eyes and sorted out her thoughts, "It's a very dangerous place. I have to go there recently."

But it's not the body that goes there, it's the Dharma image that descends.

Go and see if the old friend is dead. If he is dead, you have to seal the city quickly.

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In the Sanyuan realm, the three flowers are very fragile and cannot wander around casually. You can only go to the [Flower Garden] road.

So many Sanyuan realm cultivators only rob on the road.

But in the Erxiang realm, the Dharma image has already been generated. It is not as fragile as flowers. It can move freely between heaven and earth and descend.

But the combat power of the Dharma image is actually very weak!

Just like the three flowers, after being strangled, the Dharma image needs to recover for a period of time before it can be cut out again.

But this is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

The advantage is that it can descend quickly, and after the loss, it can recover, explore some secret realms, and bully the weak.

For example, before.

Jian Xin descended directly to the Dharma phase and chased Jiao Wuyu.

Because Jiao Wuyu had just resurrected at that time, he was only in the Three Yuan Realm.

The Dharma phase monitors the world, and it is enough to use the high to attack the low, and chase the weak.

The disadvantage is: when facing the same opponent, releasing the Dharma phase is equivalent to seeking death.

It is like showing your three flowers and waiting for others to pull them out, which will hurt yourself.

Therefore, Jian Xin went to meet the Sword Fairy, and he had to go there in his real body, instead of releasing the Dharma phase from a distance.

It is natural that the main body is stronger than the spirit body.

Of course, the two-phase level ghosts have Dharma phases, and they can release the Dharma phase to go out.

It’s just that the dead are weaker, and the Dharma phase is weaker, and the combat effectiveness is continuously weakened. The Dharma phase is only comparable to the general Three Yuan Realm Great Perfection.

But even so.

This kind of ghost can barely escape the scope of the earth-binding spirit, can move, and is enough to go out and attack some weak people!

Dharma phases are not suitable for fighting at the same level. This is also the reason why those city walls did not release Dharma phases, but only regularly carried out air strikes, which is more efficient.

At the same time.

The ghosts at the second phase level also maintain the logic of their life. Most powerful people will not attack ordinary people's cities, so they are almost never seen.

Where did the ghosts in the second phase go?

Like the godfather and the ancestor, they maintained the logic of their life and went to explore the ancient secrets and went to the [nursery] to practice!

But the godfathers are at most a broken flower, with a missing soul of spirit, and three flowers usually have only one petal. Flowers with two petals grow in the [nursery] and have to be pulled out.

Ghosts are weeds and will affect the nutrients of normal three flowers.

Therefore, there is such a rule in the capital: [Flowers with less than three petals must be pulled out]

Because they are all ghosts' three flowers!

This is a rule set to protect the cultivation environment of normal monks. After all, if you farm, you always have to weed, right?

There is a very interesting point.

In the secret realms of Xinyizhou, if you see a Dharma image ready to join hands with you to go to the dungeon, you will never know whether the person going to the dungeon with you is a human or a ghost!

After all, the high-level ghosts have a very restrained aura and cannot be easily detected without taking action.

Who doesn’t love the ancestors of the second phase realm who regularly go to the secret realm dungeons of various states to help you kill monsters and make money?


Starting from the second phase realm level, the status of these tomb ancestors in the family has risen rapidly!

It can be said that it is a continuous permanent resource output and export to make money for the family.

Each of these is the foundation of the family!

It is equivalent to the ember adventure team in the idle text page game.

After listening to it, Su Yu Niang roughly understood the meaning: "So that's it, it's so interesting."

It turns out that it's not just us who have ember adventures.

They have them too!

Su Yu Niang was shocked.

"Not bad."

Xinyi smiled, "The secret realms on the ground are actually okay, but the nursery area in the sky is very chaotic. You may even see the ancient royal family."

"Royal family?" Su Yu Niang was stunned.

"Yes." Xinyi said, "They are in the imperial mausoleum on the ground, which is a secret realm of a world of danger. Naturally, they maintain the logic of their life and go to the [nursery] in the sky regularly."

"So, we occasionally see some very scary pictures, ancient costumes, terrifying and powerful beings, walking in the flower garden."

"Therefore, the [nursery] is extremely dangerous in the wild. No one dares to go there in person. They only send Dharma images, and they can be resurrected after death."

"People like Jian Xin dare not take off in person. They are all teleported directly to the gate of the capital through the teleportation array. Only the capital can keep their real bodies safe."

Su Yu Niang was a little shocked.

Nursery, only the capital is the only safe area!

No one knows what kind of ghost things are in the wild, and only the Dharma images dare to go out.


There is a huge gap between the tombs of the Three Yuan Realm and the tombs of the Two Phase Realm!

Can the ghosts in the Two Phase Tomb escape?

Doesn't it mean that the dungeon bosses in charge of the secret realm can visit each other, you come to my tomb secret realm, I come to your tomb secret realm.


I keep the exploration logic of my life and steal things from your secret realm!

You keep the exploration logic of your life and steal things from my secret realm!

It's too fun.

What a pity!

The three ancestors of our villa are not in the Two Phase Realm, so they can only turn into flowers and intercept other flowers.

If you become an ancestor of the Two Phase Realm, you will probably make a fortune!

Su Yu Niang was curious: "You are going there recently, are you going to Beijing?"

"Yes, sensitive little girl, I am going to Beijing, there are so many annoying things."

Xinyi smiled, "I really don't want to care about what's happening outside, just chatting with you and embroidering, that's fine."

Su Yu Niang acted coquettishly and hugged her arm: "Just tell me about other interesting things."

Xinyi said: "There is nothing to say, I only know these basic common sense."

She pinched Su Yu Niang's nose, "Besides, sister is only in the Three Yuan Realm, she doesn't know much."

"Then why doesn't sister go out to play?" Su Yu Niang was curious, "Always come to our shop to play."

Xinyi smiled, "When people live, they must learn to be independent, free, and live their own lives."

"When I was young, I had many close friends. When I was old, I had to endure the pain of separation and death every day. Every farewell was heartbreaking."

"If I had enemies everywhere when I was young, and I saw them die of old age in my old age, miserable and unrecognizable, I would have gained several portions of happiness every day."

When she said this, she silently hugged the struggling Xiaogao next to her and ravaged him fiercely:

"Now I am very happy."

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