This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 117: History of the Years, the Current Sage


Capital, Xinyi King's Mansion.

The Sword Fairy was quickly awakened from her warm bed - the scabbard.

She murmured in a daze: "Stop it, I don't have classes today."

Jian Xin sighed: "I'm going to see the Saint."

The Sword Fairy was still in a daze, and Jian Xin took the sword and went out.

Xinyi Baishan and other divine craftsmen, various professionals, and even teams from other continents, all dressed very neatly and solemnly, waiting solemnly.

For most high-level professional beings, it was the first time in their lives to see the Saint in person.

They grew up listening to the stories of this person, but they didn't expect that there would be a day when they could really see the Saint in person.

They were proud that they could dedicate their knowledge to this human tower in historical mythology, and they felt that they had no regrets in death.

No one spoke, they were all very nervous, and went to the palace.

Walked into the gate.

"Please follow me, everyone."

Led by a servant, they quickly passed through the corridors of the prosperous palace.

Although the palace was luxurious, the monks who met the emperor had extraordinary origins, so they naturally would not show shock.

The only one who was shocked was the sword fairy.

This wave of plots was too cool. She had learned a lot with the divine craftsmen these days. Now, this tile, isn't it the material of a divine weapon?

But in order to maintain her own style, she did not exclaim, but had a solemn expression on her face.

Although this sword did not have any expression to show to people.

Walked to the door of the palace.

"Come in."

A simple voice, everyone actually heard endless profoundness and vicissitudes, like the eternal sun and moon surrounded by stars.

Walked into the hall.

The surrounding walls were colorful murals.

One after another, the majestic ancient figures emerged and surged on the colorful walls of the palace, with endless desolation and heaviness.

On those murals, there were dozens of saints from past dynasties who ruled the previous dynasty, as well as saints from even more distant dynasties.

If the saints of today fall, their figures will also enter this mural.


It is the ancient capital of all dynasties.

The saints in the long history, who ruled and suppressed an era, are the most terrifying existences in this world after death.

It is no exaggeration to say that this wall that suppressed them is undoubtedly the most precious treasure in human history.

The sword fairy saw a shocking scene.

Further ahead of the wall, she saw some ancient races with obviously different body shapes, hunched over, and thick hair.

The appearance of the saints of the dynasty seemed to be the history of human evolution. The saints before that were no longer human.

But some dragons, unicorns, and various animals.

That was the desperate and barbaric tribal era of mankind. Humans lived in caves and were ruled by ancient beasts. It was the most ancient era of human oppression.

And this wall has a discontinuous history.

It seems that one-third of the figures are missing, and it is blank.

This extraordinary wall is only known by a few top beings in the world.

This palace suppresses the supreme heroes of the past, the epics in mythology, and they named it [Book of Years].

Records of human beings, with the conquest of the years, human beings have sat opposite those innate beasts, dragons, unicorns and other self-proclaimed ancient gods.

In the center surrounded by colorful historical paintings, there is a throne.

A thin figure, with a constant indifferent and desolate expression.

He was wearing a black dragon robe, full of oppression, majestic and solemn, with both hands on the dragon chair.

This is the palace, and also the imperial mausoleum of the past dynasties. The saint sitting on the throne is like a hero surrounded and killed by countless ancient saints on the wall.

The heavy breath makes everyone feel that the cold wind is suppressing the entire palace.

The current saints are suppressing those powerful and terrifying ancient demons.

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No one knows how powerful these saints are.

There will definitely be no one who wants to see their power with their own eyes.

"Meet the saint!"

"Meet the saint!"

They all looked up uncontrollably, at the mythical figure that shocked the world.

It was like a reef that had stood for hundreds of thousands of years in the mighty tide of history.

Even as time passed, heroes and heroes were born and died, and tombs were submerged in the tide of history, the reef also silently faced the torrent of history, as the highest barrier of mankind, carrying the burden for mankind to move forward.

"That is" the sword fairy raised her head, her voice unconsciously filled with reverence, looking at this greatest sage in human history, no one else.

Because he did what no sage in the past had ever done.

He opened up the era of acquired spiritual roots, and there was no prehistoric prosperity when mortals began to practice.

In the pious salute of the crowd, this saint slowly raised his hand and ordered lightly: "Time is urgent, you should discuss a plan first."

"Go down."

It was so simple to meet the emperor, without any extra words.


They were arranged to the side hall.

There was already a group of court doctors and court craftsmen waiting here.

"You are here."

The chief imperial physician smiled and said, "This is the first time in the history of mankind in this dynasty that such a large-scale centralized discussion has been held."

Everyone nodded solemnly.

There were countless elites in various professions, the peak existence of mankind in hundreds of thousands of years.

Almost all those who had not died and turned into ashes came, or communicated remotely through the communication token.

This moment can be said to be a historic moment for mankind.

Reshape the sun and the moon.

It is closely related to the rise and fall of the entire dynasty.

It even directly affects whether the chaotic times will begin and whether the dynasty will come to an end!

And today, they will begin to gather all the wisdom of mankind and open up a grand blueprint for the long-term continuation of mankind.

Everyone present, everything they do will be recorded in human history.

Because everyone present will work together to start from this day and take control of the reins of human civilization!

This will be a great project!

They are all a screw and a gear.

Will it break the endless night and usher in the golden dawn, or will it go to eternal darkness completely?

"History is in our hands, where will we lead it? Everyone knows the mission we are carrying."

Xinyi Baishan, as the chief craftsman of Xinyizhou, said with awe:

"We will continue the path opened up by our ancestors, create the long-lasting dream of our ancestors, and establish an ideal country."

"The Jiusui Dynasty has surpassed all historical dynasties and has continued for a long time, becoming the dawn and sword and shield of mankind, and a wall to protect the earth."

Everyone understood this, and they began to discuss enthusiastically, trying to come up with their own plans.

The murals on the palace shone like gold.

As long as they succeed, they will be the hope of everyone and will be remembered in history.

They all know how heavy the weight they are carrying is.

"You can communicate."

At this time, Jian Xin leaned against the door, looking at the beings who began to discuss frantically inside, and said lightly: "It is absolutely safe here, and the saints are supervising everything."

The sword fairy was happy.

Finally, I can contact those sand sculpture blacksmiths!

She has been holding it in for many days!

Finally, I can talk to the villa.


The Sword Fairy held the communication token and started the first communication.

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